Twitter(X)ᴾˡᵘˢ+++ ; Youtubeᴾˡᵘˢ+++,etc. JS - Ce script apportera des améliorations à certains sites Web. 🔥Twitter(X) : Ajout de l'affichage du formatage de l'heure, de l'affichage d'images HD, du téléchargement d'images et de vidéos, etc. 🔥Youtube : Ajout du téléchargement de vidéos, de la suppression des publicités, etc. 🔥Tiktok : Fournit un téléchargement de vidéos HD sans filigrane, etc. Pour plus de fonctionnalités, veuillez consulter la description~
[Premium] ChatGPT Jailbreak JS - Become from ChatGPT a answer from every question.
Youtube 双语字幕版 JS - YouTube双语字幕,任何语言翻译成中文或用户选择的目标语言。支持YouTube翻译和谷歌翻译,自动切换。支持移动端和桌面端,适配Via浏览器。
Times Tables Rock Stars Hack JS - An overpowered ttrs cheat.
FanPass Btn JS - Adds button to redirect OnlyFans,Fansly,Candfans to Coomer with enhancement
치지직 1080p 해상도 고정 + 광고 차단 팝업 제거 JS - 해상도를 자동으로 1080으로 변환하고, 광고 차단 팝업을 제거합니다.
super fast load JS - Enhance your browsing with Super Fast Load! Stop YouTube autoplay, add download buttons, and block ads, pop-ups, and trackers. Speed up slow connections, save data, and preload links for quick access. Hide cookie banners, disable location tracking, and block unnecessary scripts. Optimize for VPN/Tor, lazy load images and videos, and boost download speeds. Improve website loading by optimizing media elements and reducing ad buffering. Experience faster, safer browsing today!
超星学习通泛雅刷视频软件,打开即用,后台刷课————全网最牛逼的后台挂视频脚本,🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂没有之一,你用了不吃亏不上当,快来快来看一看 JS - 超星学习通视频后台挂机,手机可用❤️❤️❤️请看下方使用说明❤️❤️❤️
文武直链助手-百度网盘在线解析网页直链获取助手 JS - 不限制速度的百度网盘SVIP解析直链网页获取助手,支持 Gopeed(一键解析)、IDM、NDM 等多线程极速下载工具
Survev-KrityHack JS - Aimbot, xray, tracer, better zoom, smoke/obstacle opacity, autoloot, player names...
DeepSeek 对话导出器 | DeepSeek Conversation Exporter Plus JS - 优雅导出 DeepSeek 对话记录,支持 JSON 和 Markdown 格式。Elegantly export DeepSeek conversation records, supporting JSON and Markdown formats.
Chess.com Bot/Cheat - Stockfish API Debug 3 - Ad Removed - FIXED - COMPLETE SCRIPT JS - Chess.com Bot/Cheat using Stockfish Online API. Ad Removed. - FIXED loadEx and UI update errors - DEBUGGING VERSION 3 - IMPROVED MOVE HANDLING - COMPLETE SCRIPT
Fortnite Adaptive Aimbot v42.1 JS - Adaptive Aimbot with customizable crosshair, sliders, and buttons for better control. ESP included.
Youtube Download ALL VIDEO JS - Download music, video of youtube in the best qualities and without annoying programs.
Gota.io Features by Donut + Linesplit JS - Linesplit up, down, left and right • Diagonal linesplit with just one key • Hotkeys to show/hide skins, names, mass, food, chat, minimap, score panel, party panel and leaderboard • Auto respawn in Team Scrimmage • Leave a scrimmage match before it ends • You can change the keys as you wish
VIP会员视频解析 JS - 解析并自动跳转各大视频网站会员视频(傻瓜版)
百度网盘助手 JS - 显示百度网盘文件的直接链接,突破大文件需要使用电脑管家的限制
Fuck百度云 JS - 就他妈不装百度云管家
4chan X JS - 4chan X is a script that adds various features to anonymous imageboards.
AdsBypasser JS - Bypass Ads
WME Junction Angle Info JS - Show the angle between two selected (and connected) segments
RSS+ : Show Site All RSS JS - Show All RSS Of The Site (If Any)
EME Logger JS - Inject EME interface and log its function calls.
Google Translate Auto Languages JS - Auto switch Chinese/English
京东抢购超强 JS - 京东抢购超强直接下单
磁力链接百度网盘补完 JS - 磁力链接、百度网盘补完
哔哩哔哩(B站|Bilibili)收藏夹Fix JS - 修复 哔哩哔哩(www.bilibili.com) 失效的收藏。(可查看av号、简介、标题、封面)
超星/学习通自动抢答 JS - 超星/学习通自动抢答!
Video Quality Fixer for X (Twitter) JS - Force highest quality playback for X (Twitter) videos.
chinahrt继续教育;chinahrt全自动刷课;解除系统限制; JS - 【❤全自动刷课❤】功能可自由配置,只需将视频添加到播放列表,后续刷课由系统自动完成;使用教程:https://yikuaibaiban.github.io/chinahrt-autoplay-docs/
MooMoo.io, Agar.io, Surviv.io, Slither.io, Diep.io, Global Name Manager [Krunker Coming Soon] JS - Auto-fill nicknames into .io games! Supports Starve.io, MooMoo.io, Diep.io, Agar.io, Slither.io, Diep.io, Deeeep.io, Evowars.io, Zombs.io, Paper.io, and Skribbl.io
IMDb Scout Mod JS - Auto search for movie/series on torrent, usenet, ddl, subtitles, streaming, predb and other sites. Adds links to IMDb pages from hundreds various sites. Adds movies/series to Radarr/Sonarr. Adds external ratings from Metacritic, Rotten Tomatoes, Letterboxd, Douban, Allocine, MyAnimeList, AniList. Media Server indicators for Plex, Jellyfin, Emby. Dark theme/style for Reference View. Adds/Removes to/from Trakt's watchlist. Removes ads.
GitHub Internationalization JS - Translate GitHub.com
115优化大师 JS - 优化115网盘使用体验:一键离线下载、批量离线、调用Dplayer或Potplayer播放视频、文件快捷下载、批量下载、磁力转换种子等。
知网批量下载PDF+丨CNKI Multi PDF Download JS - 用于知网批量下载PDF,保存下载信息到txt
Simple Krunker ESP JS - ESP in 8 lines of code
Youtube自动选择中文翻译字幕 JS - Youtube自动点击中文翻译字幕
redirect 外链跳转 JS - 自动跳转(重定向)到目标链接,免去点击步骤。适配了简书、知乎、微博、QQ邮箱、QQPC、QQNT、印象笔记、贴吧、CSDN、YouTube、微信、企业微信、微信开放社区、开发者知识库、豆瓣、个人图书馆、Pixiv、搜狗、Google、站长之家、OSCHINA、掘金、腾讯文档、pc6下载站、爱发电、Gitee、天眼查、爱企查、企查查、优设网、51CTO、力扣、花瓣网、飞书、Epic、Steam、语雀、牛客网、哔哩哔哩、少数派、5ch、金山文档、石墨文档、urlshare、酷安、网盘分享、腾讯云开发者社区、腾讯兔小巢、云栖社区、NodeSeek、亿企查
网盘智能识别助手 JS - 智能识别选中文字中的🔗网盘链接和🔑提取码,识别成功打开网盘链接并自动填写提取码,省去手动复制提取码在输入的烦恼。支持识别 ✅百度网盘 ✅阿里云盘 ✅腾讯微云 ✅蓝奏云 ✅天翼云盘 ✅移动云盘 ✅迅雷云盘 ✅123云盘 ✅360云盘 ✅115网盘 ✅奶牛快传 ✅城通网盘 ✅夸克网盘 ✅FlowUs息流 ✅Chrome 扩展商店 ✅Edge 扩展商店 ✅Firefox 扩展商店 ✅Windows 应用商店。
"Free" Roblox Items JS - Trick your friends into thinking you can get anything for free!
Tabview Youtube JS - Make comments and lists into tabs for YouTube Videos
Twitter Click'n'Save JS - Add buttons to download images and videos in Twitter, also does some other enhancements.
超星学习通网课助手(多接口)(装这一个就够了) JS - 自动挂机看尔雅MOOC,支持视频、音频、文档、图书自动完成,章节测验自动答题提交,支持自动切换任务点、挂机阅读时长、自动登录等,解除各类功能限制,开放自定义参数
OneDrive 文件下载直链 JS - 获得 OneDrive 文件下载直链的 TamperMonkey 插件
[Pokeclicker] Enhanced Auto Clicker JS - Clicks through battles, with adjustable speed, and provides various insightful statistics. Also includes an automatic gym battler and automatic dungeon explorer with multiple pathfinding modes.
GitHub 中文化插件 JS - 中文化 GitHub 界面的部分菜单及内容。原作者为楼教主(http://www.52cik.com/)。
SteamDB_CN JS - SteamDB汉化插件
TimerHooker English Version JS - Control page timer speed | Speed up to skip page timing ads | Video fast forward (slow play) | Skip ads | Support almost all web pages.
PT站点魔力计算器 JS - 在使用NexusPHP架构的PT站点显示每个种子的A值和每GB的A值。
全能视频下载器 JS - 黑科技!使用MediaSouce的视频下载技术!
moPsEk - CSGO MTSL 2 MOD MENU JS - moPsEk for CSGO MTSL Version 2
MEGA.nz Ultimately Import JS - Bypass import limit on Mega Web client & remove warning about the space usage
pikpak助手 JS - pikpak网盘助手,绕过ip限制,支持aria2下载!
Monkeytype Speeder JS - Allows to type really FAST!!! Press "Slash key" to toggle auto-typing bot, customize your typing speed, works in any mode and language.
work.ink bypasser JS - Automatically does work.ink steps.
百度网盘破解SVIP&&倍速播放&&文稿字幕 JS - 百度网盘视频完全破解SVIP。电脑用户使用新版火狐或安插件设置UserAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:110.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0。iPad用户(我iOS15.7):安装Focus浏览器,安装插件,登录即为Svip。
CSDN-Optimize-Beautify-Simplify JS - 剥茧化绸,使 CSDN 重现柔曼如丝的新颜; 优化美化CSDN体验-个性化-免登录复制-沉浸式阅读-去广告等
Pikpak地区限制绕过 JS - 简单脚本,绕过Pikpak地区限制
paper2hack JS - Modding utility/menu for paper.io
Barre de Recherche Supplémentaire + Deep Web JS - Offre l'accès aux liens du dark web même dans les navigateurs traditionnels et ajoute plusieurs options de moteurs de recherche alternatives à Google. Press CTRL+SPACE pour voir.
[Working] loot-link.com bypasser (includes all lootlabs.gg link variations) JS - bypasses loot-link.com quickly and efficiently, saving you time and energy.
XHS-Downloader JS - 提取小红书作品/用户链接,下载小红书无水印图文/视频作品文件
小红书优化 JS - 屏蔽登录弹窗、屏蔽广告、优化评论浏览、优化图片浏览、允许复制、禁止唤醒App、禁止唤醒弹窗、修复正确跳转等
!!!! Project kindvers unpatched fps boost !!!! JS - works best with stick hammer has autopush, auto trap, auto insta, autoheal, can get katana gun VISUALS not real (still deals 35 dmg but looks like katana) to get this go with sword and DO NOT PICK KATANA or you will not be able to get gun, select the gun then you will get katana visuals :D thats all
Reddit NSFW Unblur JS - Unblur nsfw in Shreddit
Pre 2024 Youtube UI JS - Revert to old Youtube UI
蓝奏云自动点击下载,直接下载apk文件,记住分享密码自动填写 JS - 自动点击下载,下载蓝奏云apk文件,记住蓝奏云分享密码自动填写
通用ai插图脚本8 JS - 使用sd、novelai3、comfyui 配合ai在酒馆生成插图 以及酒馆正则管理 投喂咖啡:https://afdian.com/a/cqgnyy
Arceus X Official Bypass JS - An bypasser that bypasses the "spdmteam.com" checkpoints for a key system. It checks the link, goes to an API from arceus, and then check the loot link title. If it's the right title, it will go to another API link completing the checkpoint. It will take around 2-5 seconds to do. (depending on your wifi)
学术论文期刊免费下载工具-知网免费下载 JS - 支持的网站:知网|万方|维普|皮书|中华医学会|博看图书。知网的硕博论文以及期刊免费下载、万方数据知识平台的文章免费下载、维普期刊的所有期刊免费下载、皮数数据库的期刊和报告免费下载、中华医学会的期刊论文免费下载、博看图书的图书和期刊免费全本下载。如果遇到问题请在反馈中登记,看到后会及时的回复的。
Gplex - Old Google Frontend JS - 2011-2019 Google frontend (public beta release)
GeoGuessr XP FARM - The Best Cheat Out There! [Ultimate Bundle] JS - Introducing Exodus: One of the greatest geoguessr scripts out there able to farm xp very fast to precise location pinpointing + a lot more like seriously.. this script will amaze you!
Twitter remove content warning JS - Remove twitter content warning
知网下载助手 JS - 知网学术下载解析工具,免登录即可下载,完全免费使用。
百度文库下载|免VIP下载|原格式|免费下载 JS - 百度文库原格式下载,永久免费安装后,点击百度文库文档页面右下方的蓝色按钮,即可跳转至下载页面免费下载,持续更新
IXL Hack JS - this prob wont work dont get angry if it doesnt. if your good at coding lmk what i can do to fix this script.
【移动端】bilibili优化 JS - 阻止跳转App、App端推荐视频流、解锁视频画质(番剧解锁需配合其它插件)、美化显示、去广告等
Gartic Phone Draw Bot JS - Auto drawing bot!
EvoWorld.io MEGAHACK JS - Cheat for evoworld/flyordie with 25+ hacks and emoji hack mod for evoworld! The largest cheat with good and understandable code. Please support this project, I did all this ALONE! It's still a beta version.
SLIVE - 참여 통계 리캡 JS - 참여 통계에 스트리머 별 총 시간을 표시합니다
[影视工具]VIP电影解析,短视频解析,搜索引擎,豆瓣/时光快搜 JS - VIP电影解析:优酷,腾讯,爱奇异,乐视,PPTV,1905,芒果,风行,b站,搜狐;短视频解析:youtube,B站,西瓜,抖音,快手,小红书,微博,A站;
StarTube Beta JS - More layouts and customization options for V3
Tabview YouTube Totara JS - To make tabs for Info, Comments, Videos and Playlist
ICEbot v5 JS - Bot Panel for gartic.io
Diep.io+ (new Logo) JS - Auto Respawn, Anti Aim, Base Warning, Bullet Distance, Leader Arrow Color, Watch enemies Level, copy party link, Team Switcher, Triflank, Freeze Mouse, Tank Aim Lines
adblock helper JS - simple "adblock detected" remover
Gartic Mod Menu JS - drawing assistant, answer assistant and many more features
Gplinks Bypass JS - Bypassing gplinks.co
Tinder Unblur JS - Unblur Tinder fast match teasers
virus sync gay xd shared by wat :D JS - bad me edited a bit to make it a little betetter
1v1.LOL Aimbot, ESP & Wireframe View Ads Removed By Germanized JS - Let's you see players behind walls. Comes with a wireframe view mode and an aimbot too. Press M, N and T to toggle them.
Bypass delta JS - Bypass Delta
AGARIO Vanilla (@ya6h_) JS - 2015/2016
Github Enhancement - High Speed Download JS - High-speed download of Git Clone/SSH, Release, Raw, Code(ZIP) and other files (Based on public welfare), project list file quick download (☁)
Slither.io auto play bot 2025 JS - auto play bot for slither.io
Optimized Krunker.IO Aimbot & ESP JS - High-performance aimbot and ESP for Krunker this auto locks on and tracks through walls
Nexus No Wait ++ JS - Download from Nexusmods.com without wait and redirect (Manual/Vortex/MO2/NMM), Tweaked with extra features.
YouTube同声传译:字幕文本转语音TTS(适用于沉浸式翻译) JS - 将YouTube上的沉浸式翻译双语字幕转换为语音播放,支持更改音色和调整语音速度,支持多语言
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