LinkoMnija v2.2.2 icons (SSL) JS - ikonos SSL LM'o versijai
Imperia Online Extensions JS - try to take over the world!
Imperia Online Tribune Chat JS - Addes a nice little chat to help you better communicate with your mates.
Imperia Online Espionage Extensions JS - try to take over the world!
Imperia Online Espionage Extensions Firefox JS - try to take over the world!
Клубничка не пались! JS - Сворачивает клубничные посты на pikabu.ru
Elite JS - Very fast macro to enhance gameplay!
Virtonomica: Напоминалка FactorNew JS - Отображение за ход, где надо сменить спецухи; сколько осталось до окончания платных услуг.
WME URComments Malaysian List JS - This script is for custom comments in Malaysia with 3 major languages
ThemeForest full preview JS - This script will change the list pages from being less useful Icons into the bigger Preview Image. Along with a few keyboard shortcuts to further speed up browsing. (Based on a userscript by Stuart O'Brien)
Bahn.de Reiseauskunft Suchergebnisse wiederherstellen JS - Verhindert den Verfall der Sucherergebnisse bzw. den Fehler: Leider konnten Ihre Suchergebnisse zwischenzeitlich nicht mehr gespeichert werden. Wir bitten Sie daher, eine neue Anfrage zu starten.
HF View Last Post on 'Your Posts' JS - Add a View Last Post link to the 'Your Posts' page.
Mixlr Download Showreel JS - Add links to download Showreel broadcasts on Mixlr.
全局鍵盤功能 JS - try to take over the world!
RYM Release Pages - track time align left JS - left aligns total track time in RYM release pages in glorious 60 fps
SG2O JS - Add the old functionality of sg+ to Steamgifts (v2).
Steam Game Guides Navigation Tweak JS - Converts onclick javascript into a big nasty <a> element. Not HTML4 valid, but browsers understand it fine.
RYM Blackstar JS - Pay tribute to David Bowie with this userscript.
默认雅黑字体 JS - 修改默认字体为 微软雅黑(Microsoft YaHei)
dark-one-fix JS - Adding background color for sites that miss that attribute (see screenshots)
TW Battle Stars JS - Who was the best fighter?
Avabur Dark Mode JS - Alternative color scheme for Relics of Avabur
Wanikani Egg Timer JS - Adds a timer during reviews and displays the final time afterward
JSON generator templates JS - Save JSON Generator templates in the browser local storage for later use
Skin Preview JS - HKG Skin Preview for Agarplus
Steam Check System Requirements Button JS - Adds a "check system requirements" button to the store page of a Steam app, which will see if a computer meets an app's system requirements
Niconico Live Auto Enter JS - 開場したら自動で入場します
哈哈删除广告 haha.mx JS - 哈哈删除广告,保留今日查看笑话个数和,哈友排行榜
Virtonomica: фильтр по индикаторам JS - Дополнительный фильтр на страницах подразделений
Virtonomica: пагинация JS - Увеличивает количество элементов на страницу до 800/1600/3200
Yandex Extra Buttons JS - Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Yandex search page
Hack Forum Auto PM Retry JS - Automatically sends a PM after the cooldown timer reaches 0.
TVBOXNOW JS - enter something useful
SomeImage tweaks JS - Adds fully formatted output containers and some other tweaks
imgbox tweaker JS - Adds custom formatted links and other minor tweaks.
Instant Chimichanga FTW JS - Make Deadpool's dreams come true.
Onens.Clean.Player JS - Thanks to OpenGG, Harv.c, KaFan15536900
Baidu Pan WAP Hack JS - Prevent redirect
De-sidebar with Nightmode JS - Nightmode for Reddit.com only
De-sidebar JS - Deletes sidebar
WaniKani Review Order (Radical > Kanji > Vocab) + (Ascending SRS Level) JS - Sorts WaniKani reviews by type and SRS level
WaniKani Review Order (Radical > Kanji > Vocab) + (Descending SRS Level) JS - Sorts WaniKani reviews by type and SRS level
StopBanner_Mobinuke JS - Stop text banner on Mobinuke
Citysatoshi and Cannonsatoshi Alerter JS - Show fuels and foods in tabs and show a popup when your fuels is below 50% and 25%
WaniKani Item Annotator JS - Annotates radical, kanji and vocab pages with SRS colours. Original script by jeshuamorrissey.
bangumi tracking improvement JS - tracking more than 50 subjects on bangumi index page
HWM - Resourses as images Style Mod JS - Заменяет текстовое описание ресурсов на изображения
Salary Style Mod JS - Показывает зарплату на предприятии с учетом и отображением коэффициента ГР
sanereddit JS - Sanereddit will remove tons of bloat, allowing reddit to be used in a sane manner.
StackOverflow Hide Jerky JS - Hide jerky usernames and avatars on StackOverflow
知乎 ReFine JS - 知乎阅读版式优化
DsModDownloader JS - DS/DST mods directly downloader for tieba & steam
Original Yify Embetterment JS - Add content ratings to Yify listings and replace torrent urls with magnet links, add hover popup with actors and synopsis.
Wanikani Random Font II JS - The script changes the font for questions in Wanikani reviews into randomly selected from list, allowing you to practice various typefaces and forms of the kanji. Based on Wanikani Random Font script by Mempo. Before using, edit the list or install fonts specified there!
BiliPixelDrawer JS - BiliPixelDrawer Client(Script)
Google Calendar - Resize Navigation Sidebar JS - Makes the G-Cal navigation sidebar re-sizable and hideable. Adds a column border and drag-button that can be dragged with the mouse, and a show/hide toggle button.
Watch to Playlist JS - aghh, youtube's interface!
youtube Extend Button JS - Adds a Button to YouTube
Ghost Trappers Whiskey Changer JS - Change Magic Potions into Pre-FB changes Whiskeys
Convert HTML select to Select2 JS - It's often hard to select data from combobox where it has huge data. This script will make easy to use comboxbox(select tag)
Scroll To Top JS - When user scrolled down of page then it will make easy to get back to top of the page.
Re-Mcbbs JS - the old
YouTube - whitelist channels in uBlock Origin JS - To whitelist YouTube channels in uBlock Origin
天翼云盘直接下载 JS - 天翼云盘去除其登录弹框,点击即下载,不支持文件夹~
chatous Text chat button JS - add a button to start a new text chat on chatous
BOT Omegle learn to talk JS - bot learn how to talk in omegle text chat
闲聊么PC版Style JS - 闲聊么PC版界面太小了,聊天不不爽。快用这个脚本把界面放大
osc-news JS - 在新窗口打开ocs的新闻内容
在当前页面加载链接网页 JS - 在当前页面加载链接网页,左滑后退
oneClickRemoveWeiboPost JS - 在新浪微博(weibo.com)的个人页面添加一个[删除]按钮,点击直接删除此条微博
auto copy JS - auto copy selected text - Note: Please remember after you select your text you ---> one click your selected text for copy <----
豆瓣失败图片加载器 JS - 替换豆瓣加载失败的图片
WME Counties Utah Census 2014 (herrchin fork) JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Utah Groups" layer
WME Counties Nebraska Census 2014 (herrchin fork) JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Nebraska Groups" layer
WME Counties Iowa Census 2014 (herrchin fork) JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Iowa Groups" layer
KissAnime Auto Captcha JS - Auto solve KissAnime Captcha
Background Tab Stopper JS - Speed up browser (chrome) by stopping background tabs from completely loading
Ghost Trappers Friends Crawler JS - Makes getting more friends super easy.
zhihusb JS - try to take over the world!
Answer to... JS - Shows the comment for which this comment is an answer
WaniKani SRS Level Progress JS - Review schedule explorer for WaniKani
知乎去除内置广告 JS - try to take over the world!
Facebook recent JS - This just sets the Facebook F icon to display the newsfeed in Recents order, rather than the default Top order. Saves clicking the ... menu each time.
Spiegel Online: Adblock Wall entfernen JS - Entfernt die nervige Anti-Adblock-Meldung von SPON.
Twitch: Full Theater JS - Hides/Resizes elements preventing video from displaying in the full window while using Theater Mode
sourcevideo on watchcartoononline JS - redirect to the actual video
Warbase Filters (compatibility version) JS - Filter things out of the war base
Google Inbox Unpinner JS - Constantly presses any un-pin buttons on the Google Inbox interface
WME Counties Virginia Census 2014 (subs5 fork) JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Virginia Groups" layer
中色科技视频快进 JS - 可快速看完中色Oa内的视频 可学习并答题(模拟试卷提交后可以学习),考试页面--右键--此框架--新建框架打开
双击显示密码脚本 JS - 双击显示密码
google_plus_image_address_finder JS - try to find out the download url of a google plus image
Ghost Trappers Wiki Links JS - Adds wiki links to Ghost Trappers
Rizzoma Extended JS - Розширення додає поле для пошуку по сторінці на сервісі rizzoma.com
Uqer / JoinQuant Xueqiu Link JS - 为优矿 / 聚宽的结果中的 secID / code 添加到雪球的链接
Mcbbs-Light JS - the new
WME Invalidated Camera Mass Eraser JS - Allow delete visible, unvalidated and in your managed area all speed camera in 1 click!
Agar.io ad killer JS - get rid of those stupid ads (i will still be adding to this script! not the final version!)
Oculus Rift Experiences Filter JS - Filters out non-free games
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