Highlight Oculus Rift games on Humble Store JS - Highlights games that supports the Oculus Rift on the Humble Store, so that you don't have to hover over the 'platforms' icon to know which games have a VR mode
Humble Bundle - Steam Links Adder JS - Adds steam links to Humble Bundle games (https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/26273-steam-store-game-owned-checker COMPATIBLE!) - Updated to work with lock icons, and to check shortened variants of names
IsThereAnyDeal.com Collection Importer JS - Adds buttons to various sites to export your game lists to ITAD
Bundle Helper JS - Add tools for many bundle sites.
Humble Enhancer JS - Enhances Humble Bundle pages with additional info
The Redeemer JS - Pops up the Steam product activation dialog when copying keys from bundle/reseller sites. Supports various bundle organizers and legitimate key resellers.
Currency Converter JS - try to take over the world!
hb redeem JS - 激活hb key
Steam Bundle Sites Extension JS - A steam bundle sites' tool kits.
hb redeem(语音版) JS - 激活hb key
HB 查看是否限區 JS - hb download info
Steam Game Marker (Humble Bundle) JS - Adds steam links and wishlist/owned/unowned icons to Humble Bundle games. Please login Steam's official website in your broswer first. Based on https://greasyfork.org/scripts/27373-humble-bundle-steam-links-adder and https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/26273-steam-store-game-owned-checker
Get HB Keys JS - Create a table of keys that you can copy and paste or do what ever with.
Humblebundle Steam library checker JS - Will check your steam library and color game title and add a steam link to tell you if you already own this game.
HB Partner 链接自动提示及清除 JS - 发现网页中存在疑似 HB Partner 链接时自动弹窗提示,点击不在白名单中的 Partner 链接进入 HB 后自动清除网址尾巴并删除相关 cookie,更多请详见说明。
Backloggery interop JS - Backloggery integration with game library websites
Humble librarian JS - Quick management of owned HumbleBundle stuff
Bundle Key Lister JS - Show a list of the steam keys
Humble Choice Get Key JS - HB月包选择游戏(只选不刮),刮开游戏,刮开dlc
HumbleBundle Exporter JS - An easy way to export the games and the keys owned on HumbleBundle (Json format)
Humble Bundle Current Country Spy CN JS - Show current Humble Bundle country in navbar use Chinese.
Humble Bundle Current Country Spy JS - Show current Humble Bundle country in navbar.
Bundle Helper JS - Highlights games you already own on Steam, on other sites. Modified from https://greasyfork.org/scripts/16105-bundle-helper/
Humble Bundle Keys Backup JS - Displays a text area with game titles and keys so you can copy them out easily.
Fix HumbleBundle Blog "Buy Now" Link JS - 12/31/2020, 2:08:32 PM
HumbleBundle show "choose where your money goes" sliders JS - A quick fix for Humble hiding the sliders to choose where your money goes
humble-bundle-extra JS - User script for humble bundle. Adds steam store links to all games and marks already owned games
Fix HB layout JS - "Fix" HB's new layout
HB_Screenshots JS - 一键生成密钥截图
HB商店显示已购买选项 JS - try to take over the world!
Bundle Helper JS - Highlights games you already own on Steam, on other sites. Modified from https://greasyfork.org/scripts/16105-bundle-helper/
Humble Bundle Auto Redeem JS - HB download 页面刮key
HumbleBundle download all ebook as zip JS - Download all books with supplement as a single zip file.
HumbleBundle - Unredeemed Game List Compiler JS - Compiles a list of the unredeemed games
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