Open In Steam JS - Adds a link to open Steam content in the desktop client.
No-careers. JS - Hide careers button on SO
Wikipedia rearrange other languages JS - Rearranges the "other languages" section of Wikipedia
MeFi Navigator - fixed JS - Navigate users' comments in Metafilter threads. Fixed version of matthewr script.
pomf_restore JS - Redirect a.pomf.se links to their closest (timewise) wayback machine result
Kiss Cartoon/Anime Adblock Fixer JS - Kiss Cartoon/Anime doesn't like adblock, so we fix that and make them like it!
(Broken) CSGO Lounge Better JS - (Broken - Hope to update soon) Some CS:GO Lounge Tweaks
5u5u课时助手 JS - 驾校理论课挂课时,在需要验证的时候弹出桌面通知
IRCSort JS - Sort IRCCloud channel lists
HF Poll Counter JS - Counts polls properly when they are public (or mod of the section)
Parallax Forum JS - This puts the new discussion button and some user options in the menu bar to save space.
InstantOpen for BS.to JS - Opens BS.to Episode-Links directly
WME Yandex Layer JS - Добавление слоя с Yandex картами
selection length | 选中计字数 JS - 鼠标拖选显示选中字数
trello-width JS - 270 -> 500px board width style for trello.com
remove the posts which make you sick JS - 移除讨厌鬼的帖子
AdHelper JS - AdHelper clicks on advertisements automatically in the background so you can support reddit
HP BlackSkin JS - Changes some of the icons / colors of HP
HF selectCode() JS - Select what is inside the [code] tag.
Cancel inline tag editor with [esc] JS - Adds an ability to cancel the inline tag editor with [esc]
Bangumi Tookit JS - Bangumi Tookit 没有L!
reddit legacy search feature JS - Add the ?feature=legacy_search flag to reddit searches
imgur animated upvote/downvote fireworks JS - adds an animation to upvote/downvote
Damai Enable Ticket JS - Enable disabled tickets in Damai.cn
Better Amazon.de JS - Amazon with integrated Amapsys price-charts.
Flickr - TopPager JS - Inserts a pager at the top of pages which only show a pager at the bottom of the page.
Flickr - Widescreen JS - Adjusts the appearance of photostream pages depending on the browser's window size.
Forvo download (July 2015) JS - Download audio from forvo.com, on search results page, adds a download link, on individual word page, replaces the "download" icon.
De-derp Slicer Stats JS - The stats page has the "HOME | ABOUT | FAQ | SUPPORT | TERMS | PRIVACY" bar right smack dab in the middle of it. This userscript removes it.
dirtrally stage stats JS - leaderboard stage times and rankings for weekly/monthly events
T411 Shoutbox - Bouton Répondre JS - Ajoute un bouton répondre dans la shoutbox de T411
reddit r/pathofexile ggg filter JS - Allows you to filter comments by ggg employees on r/pathofexile
Toggl-Button TeamWork JS - Toggle button for TeamWork
Toggl-Button Gitlab JS - Toggle button for Gitlab
Toggl-Button Redmine JS - Toggle button for Redmine
Resize Video To Window Size JS - Resize the video player for various sites to the window size.
TJournal.ru Comments Rating Hightlight JS - Comments Rating Hightlighter
Redirect Old Oblivion / Skyrim Nexus Mods and Tesnexus Links JS - Redirects old oblivion nexus links to the proper place
FamilySearch Chrome Prerender (FF3) JS - makes it faster to go through lots of images on the browser
vk music downloader JS - Очень простой скрипт, добавляющий ссылки для скачивания к аудиозаписям на vk.com. Если ссылки не появились автоматически, используйте горячую клавишу F9.
Nexus Clash Remove Spellgem Colour from Inventory JS - Remove Spellgem Colour from Inventory
dota2lounge auto-clicker JS - Click "bet" without fucking your mouse.
YouScrobbler JS - Scrobbles the currently watching YouTube video to last.fm.
PAPAZ addic7ed JS - Switches/Filters Addic7ed to show only English subtitles
MTurk DaddyHunt Moderation JS - Use keys 1-6 to rate an image from clean to broken.
LA Times, Paywall Removal JS - Disables paywall and renables scrolling
PnW Create Trade Offer Auto Fill JS - Auto fill create trade offer form
AmeliorationTchatActionAuto JS - Ameliore l'utilisation des balises /me combinée aux couleurs. Adaptation du script de Gideon pour la version de l'interface précédente. Fourni avec un exemple d'action RP auto.
BvS_KageTools (Alt version) JS - Compute RP point earnings for villagers, among other things
The Latest Version of Google JS - Enable Google New Style in China
Direct Google - Rix JS - Removes Google redirects and exposes "Cached" links.
Copy Magnets JS - Copy magnet links to clipboard
MTurk Add PANDA link to capsule JS - Adds an auto-accept link to the HIT info capsule, next to "View a HIT in this group"
IMDb actor rating JS - IMDb actor rating.
YouTube Thumbnails - Full Video Thumbnails for YouTube JS - Shows complete video thumbnails for YouTube videos. You can click a thumbnail image to jump to that point in the video.
HUKD Toolkit JS - Toolkit für mydealz.de
Auto-Add A Comment When Closing JS - Automatically adds a comment with details of the close reason, so that the OP can see why their question may be being downvoted, and improve it, before it is closed (disabled for Duplicate, Off-topic > Migrate, and Off-topic > Other)
Hide badges I've already attained JS - Adds a checkbox to the Badges page to optionally hide badges you've already attained, from the list
Review Queue Hider JS - Hide and show individual queues from the Review page
Reddit/Voat Image Hover Zoom JS - Enlarge Hovered Images script
IMDb Face Cake - Get a better look at actor images! JS - Make people's faces larger when you hover over their names on IMDb movie and show pages
CS:GO Lounge Destroyer JS - Spam the fuck out of the CS:GL queue system, because it's absolute crap
Reddit Stylesheet JS - applies a stylesheets to reddit without having gold
IITC-UI-display-none JS - IITCのUI消すよ
微博图片全显示 JS - 同屏显示多图微博的全部大图。
Don't Close the tab JS - for torrentsmd tracker
MyDealz Enhancer JS - Verbessert Funktionen von MyDealz, oder stellt sie wieder her
JD overseas price JS - Show the price of overseas.jd.com in jd.com
[.01 Nova]Categorize a product. JS - Hotkeys
TopAndDownButtonsEverywhere JS - Top and Down buttons everywhere (no Jquery) 在一切页面上根据情况自动添加一个/两个按钮:页面最上方、页面最下方,鼠标悬停的时候,缓缓翻页移动
iks:virtonomica Заметки JS - Перенос заметок на верх или вниз страницы. Используйте тег [br] для для переноса на новую строку.
Kadokado Magic Data Extractor JS - Extract players data from a particular Kadokado clan (players scores, records, stars and levels for all games) to an Excel compliant file format (CSV) to make statistics.
CNKI Search Page Fix JS - 修复知网搜索页面不显示标题的问题
Agar.io Mouse JS - Agar.io mouse control: Left mouse splits, Right mouse feeds
agar-mass-ejector JS - A faster, continuous mass ejector for agar.
Reddit Overwrite Extended JS - This script is a modification of Reddit Overwrite with an extended exit message expressing dissatisfaction with reddit management and announcing a migration to Voat. It will overwrite your Reddit comment history. To use it, go to Reddit, log in, click on your username, then click on the comments tab, then click on the new OVERWRITE button. If you want to modify the message that is left over your comments, it is on line 88.
Pixiv hover zoom JS - hover zoom for Pixiv
FlightRising GUI Improvements JS - Improves the interface for Flight Rising.
[.01 Whisper LLC] Mark Inappropriate Short Text JS - Hotkeys, hide instructions. autosubmit
IMDb Gallery Expander JS - Expand the images on imdb gallery pages without having to visit each individual image page.
Thunder Link Sonar JS - popup one hidden thunder link,Like this page (迅雷链接探测): www.skycn.com/soft/4639.html http://www.xdowns.com/soft/softdown.asp?softid=58240
Top userbar JS - enter something useful
KongNewGameLink JS - Adds a Kong Newest Games link easy find
Ghost Trappers display loot name JS - A simple, minimalistic script that show loot name to the icon on contract and companion page. This enable to use browser serach function to search
Ghost Trappers Display Companion Name JS - A simple, minimalistic script that adds Companion Name to the Ghost Trappers companion page.
WaniKani script to disable timeout JS - Automatically click the info button upon wrong review answer.
RT_CN CSSer JS - 中文推特昨日热榜 / 7天收藏榜 美化脚本
twitter conversation opener JS - expands conversations?
AwfulPeople JS - Tagging users on the Something Awful forums
Yahoo Mail Attachment List in Print View JS - Extract attachment list from the message and add it to the end of the print view (2015-07-12)
Mangaupdates - Custom releases page JS - Splits releases page into to areas. One for Novels and one for Mangas. Also adds menu bar that allows to hide novels,mangas and oneshots.
DC_time_updated JS - Display DC's date on top of the screen, or on your deck!
Facebook Poke Bot JS - fucking people
Product Recommendation Relevance JS - Assigns keyboard shortcuts to answer each question, and hides instruction box
jawz ErrorBeGone JS - Go away error
osu! Nickname JS - Add a Nickname under name to help recognizing someone
SSC Polskie Znaki Drogowe JS - Wyświetla znak drogowy, o którym mowa w treści wiadomości na forum.
[.05 K Ehinger]Image naming JS - Auto-opens survey link in new window
Delete Selected Friends with Single Click JS - This script is select multiple friends on Facebook and Unfriend them with single click
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