lowcygier.pl - Ciemny Styl CSS - Ciemny styl na Łowcy Gier i bazarze, ukrywanie niechcianych elementów na stronie, ukrywanie reklam, zmiana szerokości strony
IMDb WideScreen Compact + GM Tweaks v.53 CSS - For a large screen: Reorganize the Movie page to watch all the principals Infos without scrolling.
今日热榜优化 CSS - 今日热榜优化,宽度减少,去除广告等。
Dark NotABug CSS - Dark theme for notabug.org
simplify weibo.cn HTML5 (CSS) CSS - simplify weibo html5 m.weibo.cn . weibo weibo.cn m.weibo.cn. same https://greasyfork.org/scripts/39878
Habitica Time Machine CSS - Rumors have been spreading about a large, ancient, powerful mystic hourglass that can transport you nearly anywhere... Where will you go if you use it? (A user style for Habitica that allows users to "go back" to events that may not be currently happening in order to experience some aspects of them again.)
JandanTucaoFloat CSS - A new userstyle
MsDocToc CSS - Sticky Microsoft Docs TOC
youtube player simplify CSS - youtube player simplify.
YouTube - Hide Controls Until Hover CSS - Automatically hides the top and bottom bar when paused. Makes it easier to read text on the top/bottom that is normally hidden by the controls.
Instagram 2014 CSS - Makes Instagram (WEB) look like it did in 2014
I don't wanna welcome new deviants. CSS - Maybe you just aren't a social butterfly.
Linki GNU/Linux CSS - Podgląd linków przed najechaniem z pomocą CSS
bilibili 屏蔽b站系统通知 CSS - 叮!你获得了新的限时任务啦!呕——呕——
Take Tumblr Back to the Rightside Up CSS - No upside down ad on Tumblr for Stranger Things, please. (Hides only the Stranger Things ads not currently hidden by New XKit or XKit Rewritten.)
自定义代码字体 (自用) CSS - 自定义代码字体
Clean Blue 9anime Theme CSS - Changes 9anime to have a much cleaner theme that’s nicer on the eyes. Also changes the color theme to be blue rather than purple.
Google for tiny windows CSS - Shrinks google to be more usable on small windows
Dark Theme for Dreadcast CSS - Dreadcast sans violence pour les yeux.
Astral Codex Ten Background Colour Fix CSS - Removes light blue background colour from Astral Codex Ten.
nautiljon-forum-index-pages-align-right CSS - Dans le forum, aligne à droite l'index des pages situé sous le sujet pour plus de lisibilité.
GMAIL Highlight Unread mail v.2.1 CSS - Gmail unread email with more darker background
niconico show full nicoru count CSS - ニコるのカウントを略さず表示します
youtube redux plus CSS - makes youtube redux accurate to old youtube
Mousehunt - Dark UI Theme - Camp CSS - Customizable recolor for the camp page and outer page UI. Default palette is a dark mode. Intended for use with Stylus extension.
掘金小册阅读暗黑模式 CSS - 掘金小册没有暗黑模式🥀,长时间阅读有点伤眼睛,于是自己做了一个✌️。
komplett.no - Mega Chat (Desktop Edition) CSS - Utvider størrelsen på Komplett sin chat fordi den er så liten originalt. Kan være det blir for stort på laptop
Reddit Inline Ad Removal CSS - Finds all CSS classes that contain "promotedlink" and hides them.
bilibili 选集样式 CSS - 搭配 https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/447638 使用,优化 bilibili 选集时间显示
Youtube Disable SHORTS CSS - Simply hides all Shorts from Youtube
Coolors.co Pallette Generator ad blocker CSS - Hides annoying ads shown on the coolors.co palette generator.
ModernRFCs CSS - A new interface for reading RFCs in modern times.
Compact Yahoo! Finance CSS - Compact Yahoo! Finance CSS (Japan)
Dark Git Book CSS - Dark Git book
UKVCAS Free Slots HIghlighter CSS - f***ing UKVCAS
Bigger echo360 CSS - A new userstyle
Invidious (All Instances) Player And Tabs v.3 CSS - Invidious (yewtu.be) player with Tabs for Description / Comments / Videos Related
Archive Of Our Own - Scrolling Tag List CSS - Shortens the list of tags on /works lists and allows scrolling to see the overflow.
Google Photos without slide transition CSS - Disable the sliding transition between photos and videos in Google Photos
全局苹方 CSS - 一款使用苹果品牌字体替换网页原有字体的用户样式表,为你呈现更统一美观的页面风格。
BBVA - Dark mode CSS - By default these pages have too much white.
Less Obtrusive YouTube End Cards CSS - Make YouTube end cards less obtrusive.
YouTube - Show Full View Count and Date (unless hovering) CSS - Brings back the full view count and date to the description box.
YouTube - Square Corners for Thumbnails and Avatars CSS - Makes YouTube thumbnail image corners square again
RemoveContentWarning CSS - Simple style that removes content warning on Twitter photos/videos in tweets
全局霞鹜文楷 CSS - 一款使用霞鹜文楷字体替换网页原有字体的用户样式表,为你呈现更统一美观的页面风格。
YouTube - Search Results Cleaner CSS - Hides most of the random, unrelated videos which YouTube injects into search results, but still allows you to access them. This script gathers videos from categories like "People also watched" and "For you" and collapses them into thin boxes on-screen so they won't distract from actual search results. Hover the mouse over these boxes to show their contents.
Mastodon custom CSS - Mastodon customizer; change colors, fonts, and more.
IMDb - Dark and Gray Simple (USw) v.19 CSS - Dark and Gray Simply...
True Black Ars Technica CSS - Better blacken the Ars Technica dark theme.
知乎手机阅读2 CSS - 知乎手机阅读22
IMDb Compact (Only New Names Pages) v.11 CSS - Reorganize the new Name page of IMdb:Take advantage for a Wide Screen (More infos in a glance...)
skribbl.io original font CSS - Restores the original font, from before November 2022.
[Sneedex Mark] AB Highlights 2 Stylesheet CSS - Requires AB Highlights 2 script and base styling.
[Sneedex Mark] Personal AB Highlights 2 Stylesheet CSS - Requires AB Highlights 2 script and base styling.
0.2 border CSS - 给所有元素添加边框
old discord font CSS - use the old discord font
哔哩哔哩番剧播放器3.x cc字幕描边&背景透明 CSS - 哔哩哔哩番剧播放器3.x不允许设置cc字幕样式,本脚本将其背景设置为透明并加上描边
kvraudio off-white forum CSS - Changes most white background on the KvRaudio forum to light grey.
no more view counts CSS - A new userstyle
【聊天室CSS优化】 CSS - 为聊天室客户端加入一些CSS优化。当前包括:输入框高度限制。
【聊天室反引用刷屏(用户样式版)】 CSS - 在hackchat聊天室、十字街聊天室、XChat(圈聊)聊天室增大引用块宽度,防止markdown生成的blockquote标签大量堆叠后产生刷屏现象。存在副作用,会一定程度上破坏引用块的外观。
【tanchat文本自动换行优化(用户样式版)】 CSS - 为tanchat客户端加入hack.chat有但是一些衍生客户端没有的overflow-wrap CSS,以使难以分词的西文消息正确自动换行
Greasy Fork - Fix for problem with [datetime] and Waterfox Classic [Standalone] v.1 CSS - ▶ CSS Fix for problem with [datetime] / Waterfox Classic (only need for WATERFOX CLASSIC)
Deviantart V7 (pre eclipse) theme beta CSS - Makes deviantart.com look less terrible
Datatables CSS CDN with Images CSS - Datatables CSS CDN with Images(reupload)
YouTube Live Borderless CSS - Make YouTube Live Borderless
YouTube Chat Bubbles CSS - Make YouTube Chat Bubbles
YouTube Chat Tints CSS - Make YouTube Chat Tints
YT chat版面 CSS - 聊天室排版修改YouTube Live Chat layout modify
YouTube Buttons for Chat Filter CSS - Turn drop down buttons to normal buttons
[watch] sports bay CSS - A new userstyle
[mod] Dark Comfort for Stylus CSS - `Dark UI theme for Stylus browser extension (Stylish alternative)`
RYMNotificationHider CSS - Hides various notifications displayed on Rate Your Music pages.
bilibili播放界面卡片ui CSS - 初学css,简单修改了一些样式,主要是修改为卡片式UI
GitHub - Don't wrap code lines CSS - Don't wrap code lines
Early 2012 roblox blog CSS - makes roblox blog pretty
Confluence: Simple Floating ToC CSS - Makes widget from macro "Table of Contents" float on the right hand side of content.
Better StackOverflow CSS - adds outline to code blocks, ad block, no cookie modal, various fixes.
Youtube Subtitle Caption Stylish CSS - This is to replace the subtitle / caption style using in Youtube
Discord made to look like steam CSS - Steam looks pretty cool, so discord now can look like it. Mostly modeled after "current" VGUI screens (old friends, old library). Radial status and settings modal come prepackaged
仰晨-B站样式改造计划 CSS - 按自己想法改造b- 始于2022/10/19 13:31:30
Small Apple.com CSS - Shrinks apple home page to be readable for normal people
Darkarr (for Sonarr v3) CSS - Dark theme for Radarr version 3.
Polygon Dark Theme CSS - Makes Polygon less aids for the eyes
真白萌:更好的用戶介面 CSS - 透過調整真白萌的用戶介面來改善使用體驗。
ESJ Zone:更好的用戶介面 CSS - 透過調整 ESJ Zone 的用戶介面來改善使用體驗。
Bitbucket: fix breadcrumbs selection CSS - Fix for a bug in CSS of Bitbucket Server.
Bitbucket: header color CSS - Allows changing the header color of Bitbucket to any color!
Confluence: better monospace CSS - Adds a border and a background to monospace text, making it easier to read.
Jira: better inline code formatting CSS - Adds a border and a background to monospace text, making it easier to read.
网页无图模式 no pic CSS - 网页无图模式
FK CSDN CSS - 对CSDN的文章布局优化
Better Bing AI CSS - A new userstyle
Coursera layout optimization CSS - Move the transcript under the video to the right of the video.
清爽贴吧 CSS - 去多余元素 + 主贴页面加宽 + 吧头像调整
discord 消息标红 CSS - 新消息标红
The New York Times Paywall Bypass CSS - Removes paywalls when trying to view content on The New York Times
Clean Douyu CSS - cleaner Douyu
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