Discord - Open chat in popup JS - Adds a "open in popup" button to channels.
SmashingMagazine JS - Hide readed article
Dźwięki na mirkoczat.pl JS - Dodaje dźwięki na mirkoczat.pl
Dźwięki na mirkoczat.pl - RAS Edition JS - Dodaje dźwięki na mirkoczat.pl
FacebookAntiSpoiler JS - Blacken post if contains #Spoiler tag.
AED JS - G - Double Split -|- T - Triple Split -|- P - 16 Split -|- Q/E - Feed
AED Private JS - G - Double Split -|- T - 16 Split -|- E - Feed
kukuku link to green JS - kukuku串内网址激活
Upwork: Infinite Scroll, Applicants Count JS - Infinite scroll for job feed. Scroll up and scroll donw buttons. Reveal real number of applicants for a job.
Sandal Clan :v JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
Steam Workshop collection into last_mods statement JS - Displays a last_mods statement on Steam Workshop collection pages for easy synchronization of mod lists for multiplayer and stuff
jQuery Element Logger para chrome v.54+ JS - Añade la funcionalidad de Log al navegador Chrome, desparacida a partir de la version 54
Enstyler JS - MyDealz Enstyler enhanced features
Youtube Speed Control With + and - JS - Increases the playback speed when the + key on the numpad is pressed, and decreases when the - key is pressed
RedditRestore JS - Restores edits and deletes on Reddit
广城选修德尚智慧课堂视频可拖动脚本 JS - 德尚智慧课堂观看视频可以拖动跳过,快速解决选修问题,请别拖太快以免不算课时。
TmBox リピートの無効化 JS - TmBoxのリピート機能を無効化する
TmBox 自動再生無効化 JS - TmBoxの自動再生を無効にする
Фильтры для ficbook.net JS - Позоляет убрать раздражающих авторов и прозведения. Фильтровать мелочь и фики с низком количеством лайков. Всё настраивается.
Wanikani Kana Review JS - Changes kanji->kana on 'meaning' reviews
Boursorama - Téléchargement en masse JS - Télécharge en masse les documents du coffre fort
Basic Macro JS - Regular Split = E Macro Feed = Q
Primewire Host BOX JS - Creates a hovering Box which includes the providers or hosts of your choice wherever they appear on a page listing, allowing you to quickly locate and click your favorite host to start watching.
Connections Redirect JS - Redirects to Connections home page automatically
Multiline tabs for netvibes again, inspired by nv_poweruser script JS - Bring back the multiline tabs for Netvibes
Protopage Ad Zapper JS - Remove Ads from free Protopage
baidu search result handler JS - 脚本的目的是使百度搜索结果页更人性化,更方便
Get lost gif emojis! JS - Remove gif emojis from slack
Réponses prédéfinies lors de la création d'un MP JS - Script permettant de faire fonctionner les réponses prédéfinies d'un membre lors de la création d'une conversation.
Pokemon Comet God Hack 0.1 JS - Beware, for you may get banned.
atake2minutos2 JS - enter something useful
Embedded YouTube Title Mouseover JS - Expand truncated titles in embedded YouTube videos on mouseover
zimuzu.tv 免 Flash 复制(改) JS - 免 Flash 在 zimuzu.tv 上进行批量复制(去掉了多行文本框)
linkedIn learning video download JS - Allows to download learning videos you see on LinkedIn. Must be logged in.
Remember BGG image size JS - "Remember" size setting when browsing images on BoardGameGeek
Steam Community - Group Members Blocker JS - Adds an option to block all members of a steam community group.
WME GLR State Scripts JS - Consolidation of state scripts (validator/counties/cities) for GLR states
SteamGifts - Group Info Hover JS - https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/7TeLS/script-request-groups-hover-identifier
RealityGamingBar 7585 JS - By Maxence
platinum JS - try to take over the world!
Identi.li JS - Muestra los links de identi.li
Agarplus.io/Gota JS - Gota.io script
Zooby's Custom Macros JS - This is a script made by Zooby Agario YT for all his subscribers to use.
Fur Affinity Gallery Keys JS - Allows viewers to move between pictures in a gallery using the arrow keys.
Fur Affinity Test UI Homepage JS - Original concept art by Mailylion. Replaces the landing page with a new theme.
京东试用 JS - try to take over the world!
自动签到 JS - 自用各种签到
Ascunderea butonului de notificări pe TMD JS - Script pentru ascunderea butonului de notificări
Cdiscount 40% noel filter JS - try to take over the world!
Last.fm Interference Inhibitor JS - Crudely removes anti-adblock modal from Last.fm's radio waves.
SeedHelper for T411 JS - Permet de trier les torrent pertients pour le ratio
Haproxy Statistics Report JS - 修改Haproxy状态页中的流量信息
hibiki_allow_select JS - 響 - Hibiki Radio Station - で文字選択を可能とさせる。
2016江西教师挂机 JS - 2016年江西省中小学幼儿园教师信息技术应用能力提升工程项目挂机脚本
斗鱼双开直播(两个直播同屏) JS - 同时观看两个直播,观赏电竞更爽快!Watch TWO douyu live in ONE Screen,HAVE FUN ! RUA RUA RUA!
京东会员签到 JS - try to take over the world!
Version2 fix JS - Fikser et par små detaljer ved V2's nye design
Gab.ai Connection Status JS - Gray out notification area when disconnected from updates and try to reconnect.
WaniKani Links JS - Adds links to info pages during reviews. Jisho and WaniKani. Click the review item for a popup.
Adobe Typekit Fonts for Shuu JS - Javascript Fontloader
Spoiler Clicker JS - Clicks spoiler buttons automatically on reddit
Wanikani Review Info Page Link JS - Add a link to the info page of an item
Add Futbin button on Futhead Player page JS - Show Futbin Link and Price on FutHead Player page
ExP Old.Ogarul.io JS - Edited by Vega.
iTunes ジャケットいただきまう JS - ジャケットの下に1200x1200のリンクを追加する。
Réponses prédéfinies sur le profil JS - Réponses prédéfinies sur le profil - RG
Réponses prédéfinies sur le profil JS - Réponses prédéfinies sur le profil - RG
Réponses prédéfinies sur le profil JS - Réponses prédéfinies sur le profil - RG
ESPN NBA Old-style Box Scores JS - Change box score links on ESPN's NBA site to redirect to the old style box scores that show more information.
Réponses prédéfinies sur le profil JS - Réponses prédéfinies sur le profil - RG
Réponses prédéfinies sur le profil JS - Réponses prédéfinies sur le profil - RG
Réponses prédéfinies sur le profil JS - Réponses prédéfinies sur le profil - RG
WWT - Shoutbox Smileys JS - Adds customizable smileys to WWT shoutbox
gaia online fix guild navbar JS - makes the navbar look better
ib-happyforme-name JS - 大虫换名
Koszowiec JS - gisopdjfgopsd
extencion ❥ƤƇƦ◈❥ JS - hacer la tricks mejor y dividirse mas rapido
FA No Custom Thumbnails JS - Changes all thumbnails for the default sized submission
Réponses prédéfinies sur le profil JS - Réponses prédéfinies sur le profil - RG
Réponses prédéfinies sur le profil JS - Réponses prédéfinies sur le profil - H&M
Réponses prédéfinies sur le profil JS - Réponses prédéfinies sur le profil - RG
HSX Port Monkey JS - Port tuneup with sidebar trade panel, trend arrows, tagging, options, etc.
greasyfork-theme JS - Greasyfork new style
Lessons touchpad swipe navigation JS - Navigate your lessons with swipe gesture ("wheel" event)
HSX Chimp JS - Floating trade panel for all HSX pages - F2 toggles hide/show
HSX ROTO Expunger JS - Filter out annoying posts and users, on HSX forums
Balise [membre] JS - Balise [membre] qui est remplacée par le pseudonyme de l'auteur à la soumission d'une réponse.
HSX Nosy JS - Reports day's gain/loss of other players; hover profile link, or click ?
splunk> debug, bump & restart helper JS - Adds shortcuts to splunk for: bump version, restart, debug/refesh and redirects you back after chosen action has completed.
PSNprofiles.net enhancements JS - On guide pages: adds a button to hide earend trophies, their description and links and uses a new style for earned trophies, On all pages: adds update button, On game pages: persist search string
SGTools Giveaways Helper (Custom by Barokai) JS - Makes your life easier!
The Amazon Review Tabulator - TART JS - Lists all of your reviews with vote and comment tallies, with updates highlighted
强制使用等线字体 JS - 我就是喜欢等线!【解决显示方框问题】
强制使用微软雅黑 JS - 我就是喜欢微软雅黑!【解决显示方框问题】
festify.us vote script JS - Unlimited votes on festify.us songs!
ZenzaBlogPartsButton JS - ニコニコ動画のブログパーツにZenzaWatch起動用ボタンを追加
One Piece JS - This script automatically redirects to the English dubbed versions of episodes on watchopnow.com. (One piece anime streaming site).
去除360搜索的广告 JS - 去除360搜索页面的广告
Overwatch for worker.mturk JS - A userscript for watching requesters on the mturk platform.
Publiez un script que vous avez écrit (ou Apprenez à scripter)