GeoFS Ad Remover JS - Simple script to remove ads in GeoFS
Better Resolution Terrain JS - Gets higher resolution images and blocks ads
ATCAddon for GEOFS JS - try to take over the world!
Experimental Flight Interface JS - Improve your plane with the interface that offers experimental features.
GeoFSMax-破解GeoFS,免费解锁GeoFS高清地景,极限优化GeoFS建筑,替换地图使用Google Earth(geo-fs) JS - 全网第一个GeoFS(www.geo-fs.com)破解脚本,永久免费使用GeoFS付费高清地景,帮你节省近80元/年订阅费。告别GeoFS的纸盒子建筑,体验Google Earth的超细节建筑。
GeoFS免费HD,新版本(3.9)可用 JS - GeoFS HD 破解,新版本(3.9)可用。
GeoFS GPWS Alerts JS - GPWS and other alerts for GeoFS
GeoFS AI (GPT) ATC JS - AI ATC for GeoFS using free PuterJS GPT API
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