Fuck Autoplay JS - Epicmafia profile videos no longer autoplay
Disable Snow JS - Disables Snow on Epicmafia - Bah-Humbug
Try without snowflakes JS - Epicmafia fucking snowflakes
EM deathsound JS - Adds button to profiles to listen to deathsound
Remove Gender JS - Adds a 'None' option to gender, select it and select 'change profile' to null out gender.
Cheat JS - Like pb&j on a rainy day
Report Helper Modified by Whitepimp007 JS - Helps with reports
EM Game Saver JS - Save EM Games to disk and then load them even after the site deletes them.
SHWARTZ99 JS - 's emjack v1.9.2.8
Recreate Setup on epicmafia.com JS - Add a recreate button to the epicmafia.com setup pages
Reworks Oracle for Epicmafia as script JS - Reworks Oracle for Epicmafia as script. Originally created by lailai. Add rehost button, autorefresh ability and game search ability.
DESTINY JS - 's emjack v1.7.10
DESTINY JS - 's emjack v1.7.10
DESTINY JS - 's emjack v1.7.10
DESTINY JS - 's emjack v1.7.10
emlenny JS - emjack, lenny version
Filter Evader JS - ;)
Fetus Deletus JS - Adds a little bit of Mon- er I mean adds a confirmation whenever smashing that trash can button.
Open Sesame JS - Puts the open, closed, and in progress buttons on the report page itself
hide comments / search / side JS - try to take over the world!
emjack JS - some crap you may find useful
Decensor Epicmafia JS - Removes censoring from Epicmafia games, in other words: Irrumabo vos, cuculi
Auto pass turn for Epicmafia's dice wars JS - Auto pass turn for Epicmafia's dice wars epicmaifa.com
Remove black background JS - Remove black background on the epicmafia.com
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