Slither.io skin rotator JS - Skin rotator for slither.io
Dont Use AdBlock - Killer JS - Removes the "Dont use Ad Blocker" Messages on some sites
Epstyle JS - Meet new EnderPhaseX
Wanikani Self-Study Quiz JS - Quiz yourself on Wanikani items
Frague JS - Agar.io Hile Extra Zoom
移除Google的搜索结果重定向,包括其图片搜索 JS - Remove all link redirection on Google Search Results,and Google image Search!
Youtube to MP3 using Peggo JS - Adds a Peggo Download button next to the subscribe button, thanks to Peggo for their download service (http://peggo.co/).
RU AdList JS Fixes JS - try to take over the world!
WaniKani Katakana Madness JS - Transforms everything related to on'yomi into katakana
Google Image Direct Link Patch JS - Readd Google Image search result entry's image bottom panel as bottom-right image size information and link it to the direct image resource.
Aliexpress URL Cleaner JS - Removes unnecessary parameters from Aliexpress URLs
一帆视频去广告 JS - 一帆视频(曾用名 "iF 视频"、"多瑙")去广告
AliExpress Ultra Efficient JS - Sort Price from Low to High, Put Items in View list All Automatically
Instagram-native-player JS - This little script replaces Instagram's player with the native one built in browser
Remove Youtube Ads(Works) JS - Removes all ads including video ads
Set User-agent JS - Schimba imaginea cu nr de telefon in publi24 cu nr de telefon
Strip UTM Tracking JS - Remove "utm_" parameters from the query string, used by Google Analytics.
eBay - Display Totals with Shipping Redux JS - Computes and displays the total price with shipping added.
Gladiatus Auto Dungeon click JS - gladiatus auto dungeon
TheWest Tool Importer JS - WikiTheWest Tool
Macros agario JS - Macros y ventajas de splits, etc. Requiere tener activado las opciones "Dark theme" y "Show Mass".
Macro for Agarios JS - Agario mods
有道划词翻译 JS - 极简
javbest.net排版脚本 JS - javbest.net网站重新排版,浏览图片、搜索相关内容更方便,你懂的
Direct links out JS - Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
Wanikani Anki Mode JS - Anki mode for Wanikani
Google Translator Tooltip Expanded Fork JS - Translates the selected text into a tooltip automatically. Fork from https://greasyfork.org/scripts/5727/
SkipAntennaSite JS - アンテナサイトがうざい
Reddit Secure Delete - Only Comments More Than 7 Days Old JS - Securely delete your reddit posts. Now with the ability to only securely delete comments more than 7 days old. Originally by https://greasyfork.org/en/users/5868-mrazavi
Virtonomica: персонал новый дизайн JS - Отображение максимальной технологии, максимального числа/квалификации сотрудников, которые держит топ.
mega dl button fix JS - switches the download buttons and colors the inline button red
Disable SPF Youtube JS - Disables red bar aka SPF on youtube. This userscript is needed to work properly other userscripts on youtube site. This script must be first to be executed, example before Youtube+ or other good userscripts.
Com'back JS - Ajoute un choix pour le type (écrit, audio, vidéo...) de message envoyé.
gpu acceleration of the flash player JS - This script is based on the method of incorporating a certain value of the "gpu" attribute "wmode" flash object. Includes gpu acceleration of the flash player. Solves problems with lags of the flash player when watching videos and streams. Works on all websites that use flash technology.
Quip JS - Fix formatting and hide the conversation sidebar on Quip pages
Quizlet micromatch bot JS - Win micromatch in < 100 seconds!
The West Fortbattle Tool JS - Fort battle tools for The West!
RobuxChanger by ModderOP JS - Script by ModderOP
FILE EXTENSION - FREE AGAR.IO BOTS ! JS - Provides you new features to Agar.io & free bots !
Letterboxd Mouseover Film Info JS - Adds director, star rating, synopsis and cast list of a film to mouseover tooltip on film search results.
Disable YouTube 60 FPS (Force 30 FPS) JS - Tells YouTube that your browser only supports videos at 30FPS or less, which switches all 60FPS videos to 30FPS and allows old computers to watch high-resolution videos without stutter!
tiebaSortById JS - 百度贴吧按发帖时间(帖子ID)排序
Amazon: Sort by Review Count Rank JS - Adds an option to sort search results by number of reviews
Anti-Anti Adblock JS - 防止 Adblock 被偵測
[YouTube.com] youtube-dl-php - Download Button JS - For use with: https://github.com/PXgamer/youtube-dl-php
Свои часы на vk.com и блокировка рекламы JS - Добавляем часы в меню и блокируем рекламу
RobuxChanger by anil JS - Script by ModderOP
bilibili vip remover JS - remove the 'become-vip' link, repalce red names to original, and replace emoji to pure text
Boton Descarga MP3 con Inicio y Final para videos de Youtube JS - Al cargar un video de Youtube se agrega un Boton para descargar el MP3 de manera directa haciendo uso del servicio (http://youtubeinmp3.com/api/). Ademas puedes indicar el Inicio y Final del audio para evitar partes del video no deseadas como dialogos o intros.
Macros Teclas Pro Agar.io JS - Macros Teclas Agar.io
自动屏蔽三无用户点赞超过50%的回答 JS - 自动屏蔽知乎三无用户点赞数>=50%的回答
Fur Affinity Gallery Keys JS - Allows viewers to move between pictures in a gallery using the arrow keys.
Capture current page JS - Screen capture for current full page with Ctrl+F10, also be used to change text into image which inside the INPUT/TEXTAREA element.
Karachan Easy Use JS - Karachan easy use
Big Instagram Images JS - Makes Instagram preview images full-sized
YouTube Playlist Close JS - Allow quick closing of playlists
ScrapTF Raffle Killer JS - try to take over the crapTF Raffles and get b4nned!
Vertical Stream Magic JS - Adjust Twitch streams for a vertical orientated monitor.
Agar.io custom skins JS - Custom Skins for Agar.io
CS.RIN.RU Enhanced JS - Enhance your experience at CS.RIN.RU - Steam Underground Community.
Comment Replacer JS - try to take over the world!
PTH stats since last JS - Displays the changes in stats on PTH and PTP
KissAnime/Cartoon Downloader JS - Download videos from the sites KissAnime.com, KissAsian.com and KissCartoon.com
trello Card to Excel JS - trello Card to Excel suppert custom fields
libgen.me - Open book in new tab JS - Allow Ctrl+click | Cmd+click | Middle click to open book links in a new tab.
Agar.io custom skins JS - Custom Skins for Agar.io
ANTI-BOT-ULTIME JS - try to take over the world!
Google translation replace character JS - press F5
网易云音乐直接下载 JS - 在单曲页面显示歌词、翻译、封面、MV、歌曲下载链接并以高音质试听。同时支持歌单、专辑等页面直接下载单曲、封面、歌词(压缩包)。如遇到错误,请阅读附加信息后进行反馈。
Batch Register Steam Keys JS - Allows you to redeem your Steam product keys with just one click
Fastest Youtube Downloader! (Video or MP3) JS - The fastest and best quality video and music (mp3) YouTube download plug-in from Onur YASAR!
Bypass Google Sorry (reCAPTCHA) JS - Redirect Google reCAPTCHA to new search
BaiduPanDownloadHelper modify by ted423 reup by Tungtata JS - 批量导出百度盘的下载链接
Dailymotion disable autoplay JS - Disables autoplay and auto next vid on dailymotion
Gazelle_Projectathon JS - try to take over the world!
Web Comic Translator JS - 一部のWebコミックに人力で訳を追加(MP:ch3,page=0318)
Youtube Deleted/Private video unliker/remover JS - removes videos named [Private video] or [Deleted video] if they have no timestamp from playlists you edit, including your Liked videos list.
My Match Analyzer JS - My Match Analyzer For TM
Google Apps JS - Add some Google Apps to your Browser
Google always in com JS - Redirects Google from local TLD to ".com" top level domain (ncr, no country redirect, gws_rd)
Neopets - Old Shop Bar JS - Changes shops links to old Shop Bar
微博原图 JS - 访问新浪微博图片的URL时会自动跳转到原图
Amazon Video - subtitle downloader JS - Allows you to download subtitles from Amazon Video
Translate JS - 划词翻译调用“金山词霸、有道词典(有道翻译)、Google Translate(谷歌翻译)、沪江小D、搜狗翻译、必应词典(必应翻译)、Microsoft Translator(必应在线翻译)、DeepL翻译、海词词典、百度翻译、Oxford Learner's Dictionaries、Oxford Dictionaries、Merriam-Webster、PDF 划词翻译、Google Search、Bing Search(必应搜索)、百度搜索、Wikipedia Search(维基百科搜索)”网页翻译
MyEbay Watcher JS - Show new views and observer in my ebay selling overview
支付宝金额修改(自慰版) JS - try to take over the world!
Bypass paywalls for scientific documents JS - Bypass paywalls for scientific documents by downloading them from sci-hub instead of paying something like 50 bucks for each paper. This script adds download buttons on Google Scholar, Scopus and Web Of Science, which lead to sci-hub.tw. In this way you can get free access to scientific papers even if you (or your university) can't afford their prices.
掘金复制内容版权去除 JS - 去除掘金复制内容时,自带的版权信息
WME Junction Angle Info JS - Show the angle between two selected (and connected) segments
Fake Kahn Academy Hack JS - Fake kahn hack ; jt3ch.net
百度百科添加维基镜像 JS - 在百度百科中添加跳转到维基百科镜像和互动百科的按钮。
Duolingo Speedy Timed Practice JS - Duolingo - Speedier Timed Practice
save WEB page to PDF JS - save HTML to PDF
研修破解 JS - 关闭教师研修提示暂停 适用于teacheredu.cn登录入口的教师研修或视频页面为study.yanxiu.jsyxsq.com/proj/studentwork/的研修
ptt_R18_click JS - auto_click_R18_button PTT自動成人
HIT Forker JS - Monitors mturk.com for HITs
Remove social sharing/following icons JS - Remove soical sharing icons and must not be the same as name
Pixiv Display All Images JS - Display all original images automatically: no need to click the medium image.
Tinder for Desktop. Automates profile browsing! JS - When using Tinder on desktop there is need to manually open each new candidates profiles and browse their photos. This script automates it! Just enjoy swaping with just left and right arrows :)
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