Lootlinks and lootlabs bypass JS - This userscript bypasses Lootlinks and Lootlabs links quickly and efficiently, saving you time and energy.
VSCO Gallery DL JS - Bulk DL or Single DL on img click
简书优化 JS - 支持手机端和PC端、屏蔽广告、优化浏览体验、重定向链接、全文居中、自动展开全文、允许复制文字、劫持唤醒/跳转App、自定义屏蔽元素等
ShellFarm V2 - Utilities for Shell Shockers. JS - Some useful mods for Shell Shockers, including infinite history, FOV, Custom SFX, skyboxes and more. Bindable too.
Bot panel (teste3)(x)kick JS - Bot Panel for gartic.io
Namu Hot Now JS - 이게 왜 실검?
贴吧帖子点击看大图 JS - 贴吧帖子点击看大图,不用再跳转到臃肿的新页面。
智慧教育平台视频跳过 JS - 跳过国家中小学智慧教育平台的视频
Blooket UI adder (it actually sucks beta sucks dot download for free bobux) JS - it doesnt remove it it just sets it to 120 since its does an error if its over that
Moonstone Client for bloxd.io JS - this is cool
Better Youtube Shorts JS - Provide more control functions for YouTube Shorts, including automatic/manual redirection to corresponding video pages, volume control, playback speed control, progress bar, auto scrolling, shortcut keys, and more.
❤【超星学习通挂机助手】注意安装脚本后直接打开学习章节学习界面脚本会自动工作视频-章节测试|自动挂机|防清进度|不占资源 JS - ▶▶▶◀◀◀【💻可最小化💻】🆒提高学习效率🍆每日功能测试,在发现问题前就解决问题,防清进度,无不良记录
Pre 2024 Youtube UI JS - Revert to old Youtube UI
网盘文件批量重命名 JS - 网盘文件批量重命名插件,支持百度网盘、阿里云盘、夸克网盘、PikPak云盘。
CatWar UwU JS - Визуальное обновление CatWar'а, и не только...
ColaManga 瀏覽增強 JS - 隱藏廣告內容,提昇瀏覽體驗。自訂背景顏色,圖片大小調整。當圖片載入失敗時,自動重新載入圖片。提供熱鍵功能:[← 上一頁]、[下一頁 →]、[↑ 自動上滾動]、[↓ 自動下滾動]。當用戶滾動到頁面底部時,自動跳轉到下一頁。
Infinite Craft auto maker -bugged JS - Very fast automatic item explorer for infinite craft with a specific item
大麦抢票 JS - 学习分享
Fortnite Aimbot JS - Automatically aim at enemies in Fortnite.
Auto Read JS - 自动刷linuxdo文章
Animated Theme for Roblox JS - animated theme for ur roblox website, enable roblox dark theme to make it work: Settings > Theme > Dark
🔥超星学习通小助手-章节、作业、考试覆盖98%|后台自动挂机|闯关课程|自动答题|阅读时长|公式题、图片题|1:1时长|不清进度|云端题库实时更新 JS - 🔥新版学习模式,避免页面切换烦恼,亿级题库支撑,搜索无答案自动后台检索,可视化配置界面,参数DIY⭐️【复习模式】可补次数补时长,⭐️【闯关课程】支持闯关模式课程全自动学习
Reddit++ JS - A lot of enhancements for new design of reddit.com like unwrapped feed buttons, bigger fonts, view images without redirect and many more...
自动浏览linux.do,autoBrowse-linux.do JS - 自动浏览linux.do的帖子和话题,智能滚动和加载检测
🥇使用教程:直接打开章节会自动学习·超星/学习通网课小助手|修复视频播放|自动跳转任务点| JS - 🏆使用教程:直接打开章节会自动学习 🥇
图书文献助手🔥图书馆联盟🔥豆瓣🔥一键查询 JS - 全国图书参考咨询联盟,图书互助,文献互助,电子书资源,pdf电子书代找,电子书下载,电子书互助,电子书分享,豆瓣读书助手,文献互助小帮手,豆瓣资源下载大师,超星数字图书馆,龙岩网络图书馆,读书小助手,读秀,互助者联盟,油猴插件脚本,图书To搜索[红太狼的平底锅],这个版本更加简单整洁,支持当当网,孔夫子,豆瓣,一键图书互助,支持读秀SSID码查询,EE书库:https://eesk.top
HDKylin 一键认领 JS - 用户专用脚本
duohacker JS - there's cheats for Duolingo? what
Reddit Age Bypass JS - Bypass the "open in app prompt" for nsfw posts
Stats Xente Script JS - Stats Xente script for inject own data on Managerzone site
阻止跳转APP for 哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili JS - 自动点开视频页、隐藏打开APP按钮、阻止跳转APP、恢复点击事件
pixuniverse picture overlay JS - Add your picture as overlay to pixmap.fun
获取歌曲链接油猴脚本 JS - 获取歌曲链接
Dsync Client [Sploop.io] JS - The most advanced hack for sploop.io
学术论文期刊免费下载工具-知网免费下载 JS - 支持的网站:知网|万方|维普|皮书|中华医学会|博看图书。知网的硕博论文以及期刊免费下载、万方数据知识平台的文章免费下载、维普期刊的所有期刊免费下载、皮数数据库的期刊和报告免费下载、中华医学会的期刊论文免费下载、博看图书的图书和期刊免费全本下载。如果遇到问题请在反馈中登记,看到后会及时的回复的。
Twitter remove content warning JS - Remove twitter content warning
百度文库下载|免VIP下载|原格式|免费下载 JS - 百度文库原格式下载,永久免费安装后,点击百度文库文档页面右下方的蓝色按钮,即可跳转至下载页面免费下载,持续更新
onlyfaucet.com JS - auto claim faucet
4/21/2024 Latest Google Snake Mod Loader (Standard) JS - Allows you to run multiple different google snake mods. This is just here because the latest posted version here on Greasy Fork is outdated and doesn't work. By the way, here is the latest fbx page mods link: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/493133-4-21-2024-latest-google-snake-mod-loader-fbx
Vidload JS - Download vk video
Paste Essays (Acellus) JS - Pastes essays for you
SmashKarts ESP/Charms JS - SmashKarts ESP lets you see players even when they're behind walls or objects. Though, it might not work on every single map. Changes the color of the players.
MWITools JS - Tools for MilkyWayIdle. Shows total action time. Shows market prices. Shows action number quick inputs. Shows how many actions are needed to reach certain skill level. Shows skill exp percentages. Shows total networth. Shows combat summary. Shows combat maps index. Shows item level on item icons. Shows how many ability books are needed to reach certain level. Shows market equipment filters.
Maximize Video(improve) JS - Maximize all video players.Support Piture-in-picture.
WebRTC禁用脚本 JS - 尝试禁止WebRTC泄露真实ip
115+ JS - 为115网盘添加一些功能
抖音免登录以及查看评论 JS - 关闭抖音登录面板及相关视频卡片登录引导
米家中枢极客版助手 JS - 登录极客版页面后,自动开启助手插件,显示设备、变量与自动化的关系,方便查找设备或变量用在了哪些自动化中。点击自动化规则名称即可跳转到自动化页面并高亮所对应的设备或变量卡片。支持快捷键折叠/展开,关闭,适应画布布局,设备高亮,日志高亮,自动适应画布、设置自动化列表布局样式等功能。
WaniKani Media Context Sentences JS - Formerly named "Wanikani Anime Sentences 2". Adds example sentences from anime, dramas, games, literature, and news for vocabulary from immersionkit.com.
𝑺𝑷𝑰𝑫𝑬𝑹 𝑩𝑶𝑻 𝑽1 JS - Bot Panel for gartic.io
Youtube Copying Selected Subtitles - Immersive Translation JS - When Youtube using Immersive Translation copies the subtitles to the clipboard, supporting before translation, after translation, or select all Youtube,New Feature:Recording traslate.
filterblade汉化脚本 JS - 原作者是国际服公会GodParadise众筹合作出品的用于过滤器编辑网站filterblade.xyz的网页汉化脚本。
Технические Специалисты JS - Скрипт для технических специалистов
Enable Right Click and Copy Link/Button Text on Drag JS - Enable right-click context menu on sites that disable it, copy the text of a link or button to the clipboard when dragged slightly, and remove added source links from copied text
X/Twitter Clean menu and sidebar (Supports multiple language) JS - hidden Menu,Grok,Premium subscription,Verified Orgs,other,Explore,Notifications,Messages,Bookmarks and Customizable Settings
YggTorrent Plus JS - Connexion automatique, boutons de téléchargement dans les résultats de recherche, prévisualisation des images de torrent, et bien d'autres améliorations.
💰 轻松省钱!超简洁好用的购物优惠券小助手,自动显示淘宝(taobao.com)、天猫(tmall.com)、聚划算、京东(jd.com)等平台优惠券与历史价格,支持手机扫码下单!最新技术实现。🛍️ JS - 🚀 最新简洁好用的购物优惠券小助手!自动显示淘宝(taobao.com)、天猫(tmall.com)、天猫超市、天猫国际(tmall.hk)、聚划算、京东(jd.com)、京东国际(jd.hk)、京东图书、京东电子书、京东工业品、京东大药房(yiyaojd.com)等平台的隐藏优惠券与历史价格。支持手机扫码下单,方便快捷。告别虚假降价,以最优惠的价格,快乐购物,心情美满!🎉 持续维护中,让您省时省力,享受购物的乐趣!
自动复制选中文本和解除复制限制 JS - 在任意网站选中任意文本时自动复制, 并提供设置选项以启用/禁用解除网站的复制限制和自动复制功能, 以及显示/隐藏按钮
Twitter kaizen JS - Enjoy Twitter Comfortably
Spotify Web - Download Cover JS - Adds a button to download the full size cover art from Spotify Web Player
Script Finder Recherche de script GreasyFork JS - Script Finder Rechercher sur n’importe quel site Web qui s’applique à ce site Web Script de GreasyFork。
以图搜图增强版 JS - 以图搜图增强版,可以使用本地文件、粘贴链接、点击网页图片方式来搜图。支持谷歌Lens、TinEye、Yandex、Bing、搜狗、百度、trace、SauceNAO、IQDB、3DIQDB、ascii2d搜索引擎。
Sploop.io VPN and DNS! JS - VPN and DNS (good)
WHOWHERE V2 JS - WhoWhere V2 created by ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴀʟɪᴋᴏᴏ && for GARTIC IO
SpicyChat.AI Utilities JS - Unlock queue & a maybe working model changer.
Cryzen.io Mod Menu JS - Adds a simple mod menu to Cryzen.io for cheats and enhancements.
Wallhack JS - Join https://discord.gg/E3z883VjKB for unreleased hacks and client hacks
KRUNKER.IO AIMBOT, XRAY, SPINBOT, WIREFRAME, AND MORE BY who? JS - NOTKrunker's Mod Menu Aimbot targets nearest VISIBLE player. Adjust Smoothing for precision. Use Xray to see through walls, wireframe for players & world, and more
Songsterr Plus Patcher JS - Trick Songsterr to unlock plus features.
🥇【华医网助手】huayiwang_完全免费_无人值守_自动播放|另有代挂_全自动_安全可靠_过人脸_全网最低价 JS - huayiwang, 华医网,自动播放,自动静音,屏蔽答题,调整视频质量为最低,当前视频播放结束自动进入下一个视频,播放结束清理无用定时器
test_ece_crawl JS - download sketchfab models
ICEbot v4 websocket JS - Bot Panel for gartic.io
YouTube Auto HD JS - 自动选择YouTube视频的最高画质
c.ai Truth Revealer JS - Reveal the truth about c.ai by mocking the new promotion, premium subscription, and making the button even more annoying and shiny with new text "Pay us for nothing!".
抖音免登录,去除登录相关组件,无水印下载视频 JS - 抖音屏蔽登录弹窗等
Strawpage Image Uploader JS - Upload and manipulate images on Strawpage
SOOP(숲) 하이라이트 댓글 버튼 추가 스크립트 (by 도연) JS - SOOP(숲) 게시물 댓글에서 '하이라이트 댓글'로 공유할 수 있는 버튼을 추가합니다. (Made by 도연)
星耀云、飞猫云、kufile、rosefile、expfile、城通网盘【破解优化】 JS - 快速下载 精简页面
FCQ网课通助手[全网题库][通用智能适配答题][刷课] JS - 支持【寒假教师研修】【国家智慧教育公共服务平台】【国家中小学智慧教育平台】【超星学习通】【智慧树】【职教云系列】【雨课堂】【考试星】【168网校】【u校园】【大学MOOC】【云班课】【优慕课】【继续教育类】【绎通云课堂】【九江系列】【柠檬文才】【亿学宝云】【优课学堂】【小鹅通】【安徽继续教育】 【上海开放大学】 【华侨大学自考网络助学平台】【良师在线】【和学在线】【人卫慕课】【国家开放大学】【山财培训网(继续教育)】【浙江省高等学校在线开放课程共享平台】【国地质大学远程与继续教育学院】【重庆大学网络教育学院】【浙江省高等教育自学考试网络助学平台】【湖南高等学历继续教育】【优学院】【学起系列】【青书学堂】【学堂在线】【英华学堂】【广开网络教学平台】等平台的测验考试,内置题库,如有疑问或无法使用加群:399697149 咨询
BanZhu JS - 第一版主网,去除广告和大小字体
Bypass Paywalls JS - A way to bypass paywalls for popular news sites.
Processon-SVG2PNG辅助器 JS - svg转png
Roblox 2011 JS - for use with https://userstyles.world/style/13722/roblox-2011-classic-updated-61224
Slash's Modmenu (4.0.1) JS - A sleek and modern C.AI modmenu
pikpak助手plus JS - pikpak网盘助手的增强版,搭配代理可实现直连下载,支持推送文件夹到aria2中!
Youtube HLS Enabler JS - Play the hls manifest from the ios player response. Based on https://github.com/zerodytrash/Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass
自动刷新脚本 JS - 自动刷新页面并允许用户自定义每个网站的刷新时间,支持快捷键开启/关闭,并显示设置页面,支持清除设置
TMVN Match Compare FOR R6 JS - Trophymanager: compare power of two clubs on: Age, ASI, Bank Price, Wage, RERECb, Routine and RatingR6 (include sharing routine base on position in match)
YouTube Shorts To Normal Video JS - Instantly redirect YouTube Shorts videos to normal video view, allowing you to save, download, choose quality, etc.
Snake.io Modern Cheat GUI JS - Modern cheat GUI for Snake.io with 16 functional cheats, visible to others in the game
Cryzen.io King JS - Free ad-rewards, player ESP, anti recoil
知识星球样式优化(自用) JS - 修改知识星球样式(自用)
Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all JS - 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
IADO Mod (Edited Chimken-Mod) JS - Turning chimken mod into the best moomoo hack slowly but surely.
RoJoin JS - (WORKING AS OF 11/21/24) Allows you to join to any player in a Roblox game.
淘补贴 JS - 获取淘宝隐藏补贴,打开淘宝客户端浏览商品,复制商品链接到浏览器打开即可领取补贴购买商品
noredinkhack JS - Clicks a button with ID 'nri-quiz-submit-button' every 500ms for 5 seconds. If not found, clicks 'try-similar-problem' instead.
Video and Image Quality Fixer for All Sites JS - Force highest quality playback for videos and images on all sites.
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