Bilibili-Gate JS - Bilibili 自定义首页
Netflix UHD JS - Play Netflix UHD content on any screen resolution
MyFigureCollection: 图片下载器 JS - 下载原始图片,相册下拉自动加载
Kahoot! QOL JS - Improves the Quality of Life on Kahoot!
EdPuzzle+ JS - You can skip forward or skip directly to the questions
NitroType Auto Reload JS - Automatically reloads the page at the end of each race.
手机百度贴吧自动展开楼层 JS - 有时候用手机的浏览器打开百度贴吧,只想看一眼就走,并不想打开APP,这个脚本用于帮助用户自动展开楼层。注意:只支持手机浏览器,测试环境为Iceraven+Tampermonkey
Emby-PotPlayer本地播放的最佳方式 JS - emby web调用potplayer播放本地的视频,纯本地播放,不走网络流媒体
Geoguessr GeoStats Script JS - Keeps track of various stats and displays it on an interactive map on your profile (Duels and Classic)
Auto Faucet TRX USDT DGB FEY DOGE JS - Auto Claim
AE86 JS - 0 shame anti, op insta, autp replace..etc!
Sploop.io All Skins Unlocked JS - Unlocks ALL skins in the game! Select any skins you want!
Edmentum Show Sample Answers JS - Always shows sample answer buttons when they exist, regardless of whether the question has been submitted
Freebitco.in Auto Roll, Auto WoF (work with tiers Turnstile resolver) 11/2024 JS - Please use my Referal-Link https://freebitco.in/?r=1748546, if you find the script useful and want to donate, please use bc1qwdsgre7gzy4z63ujsev9mfkv68f33jykdzeypj
Territorial.io bot JS - Trying to create a bot for the game territorial.io
Shellshock.io Remove Adblocker messages & respawn timer JS - Remove the Adblock popup, as well as the respawn timer to avoid the extra wait in shell shockers
Nitrotype Bot JS - nitro type hack
ZOMBS.io HACK 2022 | Custom Welcome Message,Chat Blocker MAX,Base AutoBuilder | Resurgence Bundle X JS - Best Scripts Ever! By DarkResurgence
Pixelplace PPClient Unbanned JS - pixelplace bot. Click on anywhere of canvas to bot an image.
HyReadEPUBV2 JS - 适配新版
升学 E 网通 (EWT360) 试卷选择题自动完成 + 试题答案获取 JS - 此脚本在 EWT 试题中获取试题答案并自动完成选择题。
Bonk.io IP Logger JS - See people's IP addresses in bonk.io
YouTube.com Video download helper JS - Adds a button to open a Video download website.
Mining and Crafting XP Calculator JS - lol
Bonk Commands JS - Adds lots of commands to bonk.io. Type /? or /help in bonk chat to get started.
Bilibili评论成分识别&屏蔽 JS - 标注成分&自动屏蔽
⚡️ 掘金 |csdn |知乎 | 独家UI排版 更方便您的阅读📖 去广告🪧 免登录复制 一键复制 去剪贴板劫持 持续更新 外链跳转 宽屏展示 不定期帮忙下载资源 JS - ⚡️ 掘金 |csdn | 知乎 独家UI排版 更方便您的阅读📖 去广告🪧 免登录复制 一键复制 劫持剪贴板 持续更新 |💫全新布局|🫥去掉一些花里胡哨的组件,阅读更加清晰|🐯基本实现显示部分由用户自己定制|🌈直接一键复制 不在需要登录|✨展开所有折叠代码,简化操作|支持移动端PC端通通优化|入口支持拖拽放置
ScienceDirect Download JS - Avoid jumping to online pdf,and directly download ScienceDirect literature to local,Support custom file names.
Black Russia Скрипт для КФ. JS - Для рассмотрения жалоб.
B站番剧/电影/电视剧/纪录片/综艺索引页面已看标记 JS - 获取看过列表,标记已经看过的番剧/电影/电视剧/纪录片/综艺,在索引页增加不透明度方便区别未看过。
Bilibili Comment User Location JS - 哔哩哔哩网页版评论区显示用户 IP 归属地
Musescore Downloader JS - download pdf or print any sheets!
Mega mod | Katana + Musket | AUTOHEAL | Anti-Insta | starter resources and more!! JS - This mod is not bad, its just ok. To know the controls, look in the description! Enjoy :>
YouTube - Non-Rounded Design JS - This script disables YouTube's new rounded corners (reverts back to the previous layout from 2021.)
Win Every Nitro Type Race You play. JS - Sing Developments has created this script for you to use for personal use. This script should help you to win every Nitro Type race you play. Make sure to go to the link below to use this correctly. Enjoy! https://singdevelopmentsblog.wordpress.com/2022/11/01/win-every-nitro-type-race-you-play/
rekonise.com bypass JS - bypasses annoying time taking rekonise links.
Freeship JS - Unlock all Fireship PRO courses/lessons.
ZyBooks Auto Clicker JS - Automatically click through participation activities on Zybooks
AUTO-OPEN hCaptcha + reCaptcha JS - Auto clicks the recaptcha and hcaptcha - NOT SOLVING
网页访问加速器 JS - 基于谷歌quicklink的网页访问加速器,加快网页打开速度,提升浏览体验
wormate.io zoom hack - zoom on mousewheel JS - zoom
Tinder Deblur JS - Simple script using the official Tinder API to get clean photos of the users who liked you
俺的手机视频脚本 JS - 全屏横屏、快进快退、长按倍速,对各种视频网站的兼容性很强。仅适用于狐猴、kiwi等chromium内核的浏览器。使用前请先关闭同类横屏或手势脚本,以避免冲突。
The Internet gets better: No Cookies 🍪 JS - First version: gets rid of cookies 🍪🍪🍪 Let me know wich website it doesn't work on
Скрипт для Кураторов Форума JS - Скрипт для Кураторв Форума
powerline.io speed turn JS - Replaces inline JS on powerline.io
跟踪链接净化 JS - 净化所有网站上的跟踪链接和事件
国家智慧教育公共服务平台|职业教育|高等教育|教师能力提升中心|寒暑假教师研修专题|自动答题播放|自动挂机 JS - 选择课程点进去,全自动操作,只需要选择你要学习的课程即可,会自动播放,自动答题,答题会自动选择第一个,答题对不对不知道(没做题库),反正只会选择第一个。
YouTube - Shorts remover JS - Remove all short videos from your homepage, subscription feed, search and watch page on YouTube.
dndbeyond-json-exporter JS - Export your character sheets into JSON.
VIP影视解析播放(弹幕追剧) JS - 【无需跳转播放】【支持PC和移动端】支持爱奇艺、优酷、腾讯视频、芒果TV等全网VIP视频热门剧解析播放。支持弹幕追剧,无需跳转播放视频。支持抖音、快手等视频下载,音乐下载,知乎增强等。【更新日志】版本号V1.8 1.优化移动端图标大小2.由于手机端定制接口限制,推荐您将手机浏览器UA标识更改为“PC”使用
MooMoo.io gold bots JS - creates bots moving to you
MooMoo.io Auto-heal JS - Simple just Auto-heal
自动识别填充网页验证码 JS - 自动识别填写大部分网站的数英验证码
AB Links Solver JS - Solves AbLink images
Copy hash for YGG JS - Copy easly the hash from a torrent on YGG in one click and more...
魔学院自动播放脚本 JS - 魔学院视频自动播放(适配Microsoft Edge浏览器)
小说朗读 JS - 小说阅读,朗读
IXL JS - It adds confetti to the ixl awards screen!
Scribd bypass JS - Script disables blur on text & add full document
ChatGPT and Gemini width JS - increase chat gpt and gemini conversation box width
哔哩哔哩屏蔽增强器 JS - 对B站视频或评论进行屏蔽,支持关键词模糊正则等,支持时长播放弹幕过滤等,如视频、评论、动态、直播间的评论等,详情可看下面支持的屏蔽类型
小鹅通 通用m3u8获取 JS - 获取某鹅通m3u8内容 重新拼装真实ts地址和解密真实密钥 发送给扩展
Show date normally on Twitter JS - Like this, 70/12/31(Th) 23:59:59.
DiscordTextReact JS - Discord client-side userscript that allows users to comment messages with reactions/emojis (eg you input nice in the text box and it will react with 🇳 🇮 🇨 🇪 to the message)
Auto Refresh ChatGPT session JS - Auto refresh chatGPT session
(改)B站成分检测器 JS - 《也许同类型中最好用?》系列 - B站评论区自动标注成分,支持动态和关注识别以及手动输入 UID 识别,默认标注包括 抽奖、原神、崩坏3、崩坏星穹铁道、绝区零、明日方舟、碧蓝航线、蔚蓝档案、鸣潮、战双帕弥什、尘白禁区、少女前线、少女前线2、NIKKE胜利女神、VTuber、王者荣耀、和平精英、三国杀、Minecraft、迷你世界、初生科技、火柴人、Roblox、火影忍者、暗区突围、香肠派对、穿越火线、地下城与勇士、绝地求生、英雄联盟、魔兽世界、CSGO、第五人格、蛋仔派对、GLITCH、彩虹六号:围攻、无畏契约、战争雷霆、Fate/Grand Order、女神异闻录: 夜幕魅影、MyGO/AveMujica、GBC、孤独摇滚、小马宝莉、孙笑川、电棍otto、这辈子有了、学生、互助、仙家军、伪成分。
【减负社区】【超星学习通小助手】【完全免费】视频-章节测试|自动挂机|防清进度|不占资源 JS - ▶▶▶上次更新:2024.12.12◀◀◀【💻可最小化💻】🆒支持超星视频、文档、答题、自定义正确率、掉线自动登录🤘取消视频文件加载,多开也不占用网速,放心追剧🍊自定义答题正确率,提高学习效率🍆每日功能测试,在发现问题前就解决问题,防清进度,无不良记录
Tostes mods JS - Custom profile pics & help with every single lesson 😋
Paywall redirect to Archive.today JS - Redirect spiegel.de faz.net zeit.de zerohedge.com Süddeutsche Zeitung SZPlus tagesspiegel paywall pages to archive.today
Egg Finder JS - Makes finding eggs a little bit easier...
Heasley's Egg Navigator JS - Traverse every page in Torn in search for eggs
Remove Reddit Login Requirement JS - Remove the on-screen modal that forces you to log in for certain posts.
【万能视频自动刷课时播放加速答题考试脚本】各类专业技术人员,教师,会计,医学继续教育公需课专业课····· JS - 任意浏览器视频倍速播放,按键调速|此脚本智能加速|如需代刷请联系V:daixuegongxu欢迎个人或代理前来咨询|
补资源-evolve JS - 补满资源-新增按钮在设置页导入导出部分
chatgpt-page-translate-button JS - 🍓 let ChatGPT translate the web page you are reading in one click
🔥🔥🔥【免梯子+免翻墙+免科学上网工具/国内直连】HTML5视频播放器YouTube油管增强脚本/全网VIP视频破解去广告免费看+短视频无水印下载+音乐下载+知乎增强 JS - 📜HTML5视频播放器增强脚本,支持所有H5视频网站,🎉例如:B站、抖音、腾讯视频、优酷、爱奇艺、西瓜视频、YouTube/油管、微博视频、知乎视频、搜狐视频、网易公开课、百度网盘、阿里云盘、TED、Instagram/ins/IG、Twitter等。全程快捷键控制,支持:倍速播放/加速播放、视频画面截图、画中画、网页全屏、调节亮度、饱和度、对比度、自定义配置功能增强等功能,为你提供愉悦的在线视频播放体验。还有视频广告快进、在线教程/教育视频倍速快学、视频文件下载能力等,集合优酷、爱奇艺、腾讯、B站/bilibili、芒果等全网VIP视频/PC+移动端免费破解去广告,网易云音乐、QQ音乐、酷狗、酷我、虾米、蜻蜓FM、荔枝FM、喜马拉雅等网站音乐和有声书音频免客户端下载,全网VIP视频免费破解去广告、音乐直接下载、知乎增强、百度网盘直接下载、短视频无水印下载等多功能工具箱,功能可独立开关
ChatGPT is GPT4 by default(PLUS only available) JS - ChatGPT switch The default is GPT4
Khan Respostas JS - Respostas
Canvas ChatGPT JS - Adds ChatGPT into Instructure Canvas
Grundo's Cafe Book Helper JS - Show unread books on your pet's book page
Theresmore Helper 继续解锁助手 JS - Theresmore 继续解锁便利性插件 ①资源计时器(显示预期时间) ②优化信息显示(选择敌人时显示奖励和攻防) ③军队快捷键(兵种独立编队/撤除按钮) ④手动资源点击器(第一时代自动点击食物/木材/石头) 反馈BUG加群607245788
影视网页标题清理 JS - 从疑似影视网页的标题中提取片名与集数重新显示
ffandown JS - ffandown m3u8视频嗅探插件
Quizlet Login Bypass 2024 JS - Unblur text, Remove ads, Clean UI
Scrolller.com Adblocker JS - Blocks Ads and the Premium, Adblock & Bandwidth Popup on Scrolller.com
Player-List Mod (Draggable) | Shell Shockers | flyg0n LiTe JS - Adds a draggable player list to the shell shockers game UI. Shows paused players and players hp.
Spotify ad skipper JS - Detects and skips ads on spotify
좆같은유튜브새끼들이상한건왜바꾸고지랄이야 JS - Clicks on Latest sort on YouTube channels
Microsoft(Bing) Rewards Script JS - 自动获得微软(Microsoft Rewards)/必应奖励(Bing Rewards)。通过设置搜索次数,🤖自动搜索获取积分。支持获得✔电脑搜索🏆、✔移动端搜索🏅、✔Microsoft Edge 奖励✌三种奖励
Grundo's Cafe Remember Training Selection JS - Auto remembers and chooses the user's last selection on the training page on grundos.cafe.
国家中小学智慧教育平台教材PDF电子课本链接与下载工具 JS - 教材列表页与预览页添加了PDF按钮,免登录查看或下载电子课本与课外书籍,可批量下载,支持新课标教材
问卷星脚本 JS - 使用教程:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV19c411w7qK;一个可以代刷问卷的网站:sugarblack.top;有疑问请加qq群咨询:774326264 || 427847187 || 850281779;不要因为安装量少就不安装啊!我是23年5月新出的脚本,而且还在不断更新中!(2023.8.27)作者很自信这是GF网站上最好用的脚本之一
广东省教师继续教育公需课(2024) JS - 广东省2024年专用
Gartic.io Drawing Bot JS - A bot to paint from images in gartic.io
YouTube Fixed Video Quality JS - Remember video quality without any additional user interface.
💯 懒人专用系列 ——— 简洁安全的增强购物省钱助手 JS - ⭕自动显示淘宝、天猫、天猫超市、天猫国际、京东、京东国际的隐藏优惠券。⭕淘宝添加勾选仅显示淘宝商品不显示天猫商品等购物增强功能。❌拒绝任何干扰。❌拒绝强制跳转。⭕持续更新。
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