Fastest Youtube Downloader! (Video or MP3) JS - The fastest and best quality video and music (mp3) YouTube download plug-in from Onur YASAR!
YouTube™ Multi Downloader v9.2 🌐🚀💯 - YT1s.com (NO ADS & NEW LAYOUT FOR YT! 🚫🤩) JS - This script adds a download button, a faster way to download audio and video from YouTube with guaranteed quality. This site is very simple, fast and effective to download! Best of all!
Youtube Download MP4,3GP,MP3,AVI, 1080,720,480,360 JS - Download music, video of youtube in the best qualities and without annoying programs.
Youtube Downloader , download video up to 8K and Audio in mp3, flac and more in HQ, up to 320 kbps ! JS - The Best Youtube Downloader by Piel Mallet, fast and easy to use. No need to install any annoying softwares. Download video : mp4, m4v, mov, flv, avi, mpg, wmv, HD, 1080P, 2K, 4k & 8K and Audio : mp3, aac, ogg, m4a, wma, flac, wav, HQ, 320 kbps, 256 kbps, 192 kbps, 128 kbps, 96 kbps, 64 kbps !
Youtube total Download JS - Download music, video of youtube in the best qualities and without annoying programs.
Best Youtube MP3 Converter, convert any online video into MP3 JS - Add a button to convert youtube to MP3 directly. Convert the video into mp3 with the best quality. The bitrate will be calculated precisely, which ranges from 128kbps to 320kbps depending on original file. Allows you to convert any online video into MP3 audio file. Support most oneline video sites like YouTube, Vemo, Viki, Dramafever, TED and 5000 more.
ViewTube_GM JS - Watch videos from video sharing websites without Flash Player.
YouTube Premium Features (All-in-One) JS - Add YouTube Premium-like features: ad-blocking, background play, HD/4K default quality, downloader, dark mode, and Premium logo.
Luke's VidDownloader JS - Allows you to download videos from reddit and youtube easily!
3D Youtube Downloader Helper JS - One click to send YouTube video url to 3D YouTube Downloader.
Youtube Mobile Looper JS - Add a simple loop/unloop button to the navbar for Youtube Mobile. Made in about 15 minutes as a teaching tutorial.
video_background JS - use video as page background
Gaston's - Video/Image Downloader JS - Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/TikTok Video/Audio Downloader (frequently updated)
Youtube WideScreen (New Design Polymer) [USw] v.57 CSS - For a Wide Screen and the YouTube New Design
pixelmatorTutorialDownloader JS - download pixcelmator pro tutorial resouces and youtube videos to local disk
音视频增强脚本:无极调速|倍速快学|快乐刷剧|视频下载|画面截图等「适用大部分网站」 JS - 视频增强脚本,支持所有H5音视频网站,例如:B站、抖音、腾讯视频、优酷、爱奇艺、西瓜视频、油管(YouTube)、微博视频、知乎视频、搜狐视频、网易公开课、百度网盘、阿里云盘、ted、instagram、twitter等。全程快捷键控制,支持:倍速播放/加速播放、视频画面截图、画中画、网页全屏、调节亮度、饱和度、对比度、自定义配置功能增强等功能,为你提供愉悦的在线视频播放体验。还有视频广告快进、在线教程/教育视频倍速快学、视频文件下载等能力
YouTube Similar Comments Hider JS - Ensure originality in YouTube's comment section by hiding all sorts of repeated comments, copy-paste comments, repeated quotes from the video and saturated memes.
Flickr WideScreen - BigONE v.319 (USw) CSS - Flickr using at its maximum a WideScreen
CosmosisT's TinyChat Script (CTS V1.8.65) JS - Modified TinyChat - Best Scripts; prepare to be amazed.
4chan \ IB Simple Web Media Player JS - Simple Web Media Player for 4chan and other imageboards.
Kongregate One JS - Kongregate One - One script to rule them all. Everything here.
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