动漫花园Magnet修改 JS - 修改Magnet磁力链接为百度云离线可以识别的形式
漫游BT Magnet修改 JS - 修改Magnet磁力链接为百度云离线可以识别的形式
WME Counties Washington Census 2014 JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Washington Groups" layer
WME Counties Virginia Census 2014 JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Virginia Groups" layer
WME Counties Wisconsin Census 2014 JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Wisconsin Groups" layer
WME Counties Wyoming Census 2014 JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Wyoming Groups" layer
Github Contribution Activity Removal JS - Removes the Github Contribution activity statistics for those who may not wish to see it. This is useful for people who may feel down for not contributing anything to a codebase for some time.
Kab Lampung Tengah JS - Polygon Kecamatan di Kab Lampung Tengah
京东自营自动勾选 JS - 在京东搜索商品时自动勾选京东自营
F365 External Links in new window JS - Target _blank
WME Counties Alaska_5m Census 2014 JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Alaska_5m Groups" layer
WME Counties Texas_5m Census 2014 JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Texas_5m Groups" layer
WME Counties District_of_Columbia Census 2014 JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "District_of_Columbia Groups" layer
root.cz - skryti reklamy na foru JS - Skryti reklamy na foru. Pozor, nejde o blokovani - obsah se nacte, ale nezobrazi se.
InoReader - Fix Open Article in Background Tab JS - Fixes InoReader's keyboard shortcut to open articles in background tabs in Firefox
FMU Add routine to transfer list JS - en
LimeLight++ JS - LimeLightGaming.net extension
CMS Extension JS - This script simplifies content migration.
T411 - Moderne theme (Standard Edition) - mirror JS - Un T411 épuré, moderne, avec une barre d’accès latérale, un menu remanié, pour une navigation plus ergonomique et agréable.
My Reality JS - Rage Against the Dying of the Light
Player Value To League Page S48 fix JS - Add player value info to GLB league pages.
Kab Mesuji JS - Polygon Kecamatan di Kab Mesuji.kml
GisMeteo_face_mod JS - Модификация вида сайта GisMeteo.
Fallen London AdvTimers JS - Adds quality of life timers for actions and cards
iCheckMovies Enhanced JS - Adds new features to enhance the iCheckMovies user experience
Tieba Coder JS - 在贴吧发表格式美观、语法高亮的代码片段
DMZJ漫画转为手机版链接 JS - DMZJ漫画转为手机版链接,并尝试恢复屏蔽的漫画。
HN highlight fresh comments JS - Highlights fresh comments on Hacker News.
HN better domain names JS - Displays the full domain name of each item on Hacker News.
TipidPColor JS - Change the color of navigation bar, alert box, and many more
HF Live Player on HackForums JS - Adds a web player instance of HF Live on your browser <br>http://i.imgur.com/s7DJX3R.png
Distraction-free Tinychat JS - Eliminates everything from a Tinychat page except the chatroom
BWForum_is_showmsg_link_not_deleted JS - Rename deleted bloodwars links
Tapuz Forum View Fix JS - Remove clutter and sluggishness from tapuz forums
Ogame Alt Statistic JS - Ogame Alternative Statistic
Zhihu Answer Sort JS - 按照赞同数,从大到小排列答案
T411 - Direct download JS - Provide a direct download link to torrent in the search results
TVShow Time - T411 search button JS - Provide a "Search in T411" button in the "To watch" page
Reddit: Append " - Reddit" to Title JS - Appends " - Reddit" to the end of the title of any page on reddit.
Title for cloud.feedly.com JS - Append "feedly" to page <title> for feedly.com
Youtube Link Fix for addons/scripts JS - [Works in FF and Chrome!] changes youtube links to refresh whole page, so other scripts will work.
SIDs JS - Covert SID to HEX in Kingofsat.fr
Pikabu Haruhiism JS - thx to http://pikabu.ru/story/pechenki_po_suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuuutsu_3559752#comments
TaimaMacroListMove JS - Moves the macro bar to overlay the chat window on taima.tv
SGWG Population JS - Rozmisteni populace
Date Fix for Google.ca JS - Reformat dd/mm/yyyy to yyyy-mm-dd
Neg a fucker JS - Neg a fucker r
WME Ohio Training Raid 2015-8-16 Overlay JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Ohio Training Raid 2015-8-16 Groups" layer
WME Counties West_Virginia Census 2014 JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "West_Virginia Groups" layer
LibraryThing Work Editions Grid JS - Changes the editions display on the work pages to a sortable grid.
EFP: Controllo Automatico Storie Seguite JS - Controllo automatico e segnalazione di nuovi capitoli aggiunti alle storie seguite
github-npm-deps JS - Link dependencies from package.json to respective GitHub homepages
Huiji.Snippets.Coppermind JS - code snippets for huiji wiki editors
Uncheck Include McAfee on Adobe downloads JS - Disable Adobe's default inclusion of optional McAfee software in downloads.
Wyłącz adblocka na wyborczej JS - Blokuje zabezpieczenie przed adblockiem. Kto gówno czyta, ten gówno wie.
RYM - Charts - Highlight rated albums JS - Highlights albums on RYM
IMDb - List Helper JS - Makes creating IMDb lists more efficient and convenient
IMDb details page links JS - Adds some links to IMDb details page
Goodreads - Sort lists by rating or votes JS - Sort lists
C&C: TA POIs Analyser JS - Display alliance's POIs scores and next tier requirements.
Enhanced dindebat.dk JS - A few small enhancements for dindebat.dk
Skyforge Wikia - Bubble help on skill (Abilities and Talents) JS - Add a bubble help when you mouseover a skill name (Abilities and Talents)
Elite Ad-Block container JS - Removes the ad block container for elite members
agar-mini-map JS - This script will show a mini map and your location on agar.io
Stream filter JS - SM live games name filter
WaniKani Review Item Delay JS - skip the current item and move it to the end of the queue
Reddit Infinite Scrolling JS - Adds infinite scrolling to subreddits and to comments.
osu! profile HL JS - highlights all plays that player got in last 14days
LibraryThing links to WorldCat on combination/separation pages JS - Adds direct links to WorldCat searches for the editions shown in the combine/separate pages
BitFn's Better Deckbox Script JS - A better Deckbox.org experience.
Hack Forums - Multi Quote JS - Adds a multiquote button to the post management buttons.
HWM_map_patrol JS - HWM_map_patrol (2021.11.18)
Ren's custom header JS - Adds various shortcuts
Hack Forums - Profile Citation JS - Cite Profiles while on Mobile Devices using this UserScript.
Hack Forums - Profile Citation JS - Cite Profiles while on Mobile Devices using this UserScript.
HF Scripts - PM From Post JS - This will let you PM users from posts. -updated by xadamxk
MunzeeMapV2 JS - my Munzee filter map script
MyMunzeeBadges JS - Profile Badge Layout
mtg laziness intensifies (poll hider) JS - enter something useful
hwm_Silentios_Mod JS - Add progress bar for Combat, Faction and Guilds levels. (2021.11.18) Dual_Language
Saner Environment Canada Weather JS - Make the weather forecast appear above the fold on small screens.
SM - Convert automatically balance to usd JS - Balance -> USD.
GkPlugins Helper JS - This userscript assists all sites use plugins of GkPlugins in fetching data links. Mainly used as an alternative to the Java option currently provided.
HWM All Class Change JS - Смена фракции и класса с домашней страницы (версия от 2021.11.18)
doubanFM2search JS - doubanFM searching in other music website
Hack Forums - Unclutter JS - Removes statistics nobody gives a fuck about to make the postbit slimmer
Hack Forums - Fixed Quick Reply JS - Fixes the quick reply formula to the bottom of the viewport to make it easier to browse the thread while composing a reply.
Auto Deny-All Group Leadership Userscript JS - enter something useful
WME BeenHere JS - This lets you drop orange boxes around the map to help visualize where you have been editing
微博图片原图地址批量复制 JS - 点击一条微博下方的“复制”按钮后,就可粘贴到贴吧或者迅雷批量下载,支持相册图片和搜索页面
百度网盘分享(版本1) JS - 百度网盘批量分享, 每个勾勾都生成一个分享链接, 可以自定义访问密码
Todoist Plus JS - Todoist.com adding right fixed panel for tasks multiselect
HWM GO Helper JS - Помощник ГО (версия от 2021.11.18)
hwm_GN_exp JS - Помощник ГН. (2021.11.18)
Clanheart Shoutbox Nuker JS - Removes the shoutbox. Go to http://www.clanheart.com/settings and look for the "Hide shoutbox option".
Wikipedia what redirects here JS - Instead of just the "what links here" link, also include the one to the external tool that shows just redirects
Download original size pictures from Last.fm JS - Adds a "Download" link to get the current original picture from Last.fm. Script by alin1.
MTurk A9 Category Validation-Windows JS - Assists with Category Validation HITs--modified from @tubedogg's script to be friendly with Windows
A9 JS - Category Validation / Logo Validation / Bounding Box
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