The West - Item Set Manager JS - Manage your sets like a boss!
The West - Fancy Market JS - Market Utilities [Best bids and total value sold]
Lab GPX Download JS - Adds a Download Button to Geocaching Lab Pages to easily downlad the gpx files
ebaytotalprice-userscript JS - Add the total eBay auction price including postage in the auction listing
WME URComments Israeli Hebrew List JS - This script is for Hebrew comments to be used with my other script URComments
MyAnimeList (MAL) History Cleaner JS - Helps delete episode and chapter history on myanimelist.net
Neopets - Neoboard Enhancements JS - Adds some useful icons to the neoboards
Neopets - Add Shop Till JS - Adds amount of np in shop till to top of page
Neopets - Turn Off Shop Code JS - Removes user code from shops.
Youtube Unblocker JS - Automatically forwards country-blocked YouTube videos to clipzag.com and unblocks the video.
ABPVN AdsBlock JS - Script block ads, remove wating of ABPVN
Roblox Signature JS - Auto-inserts signature in posts and private messages.
Joe's Membean Autoanswer JS - Joe's Membean Hack
楼主你玩贴吧开心吗? JS - 一个让楼主玩贴吧格外开心的工具 OwO
AQW Wiki Link Preview JS - Adds image previews for links on the official AQW Wiki
Agar.io++ JS - ItsVoid
C&C: Tiberium Alliances - xTr1m's Base Overlay JS - Provides an overlay over the base of the gain/cost relationship of building upgrades by holding the Control key
Shockr - Tiberium Alliances Tools JS - Tools to work with Tiberium alliances http://c.ac.nz/
AO3 anti-kudos JS - Lets you leave anti-kudos on terrible fic.
Tieba Tail Plus JS - 百度贴吧自动回复内容/小尾巴脚本 *快捷回复:Shift+Enter
AgarioMods Script JS - Multiplayer Script For Agar.io
4chan post sort JS - Sorts 4chan posts in a thread by number of replies to a post
Trakt Average Season Rating JS - Trakt.tv average season rating counter.
迅雷地址转真实地址 JS - 把迅雷专用链接,旋风专用链接,快车专用链接转为原始链接
Download Video as MP4 [video.sibnet.ru+myvi.ru] JS - Скачать видео с myvi.ru, video.sibnet.ru одним кликом, правильные названия видео при скачивании
Microsoft Edge Ad Blocker JS - This is blocker for Edge ads on Microsoft websites. DISCLAIMER! Author isn't affiliated with Google, Apple and other Microsoft haters. Suсk it! We all love Microsoft, but sometimes their pushes are a bit annoying
MoreCAPTCHA JS - Speeds up solving Google reCAPTCHA challenges by shortening transition effects and providing continuous selection ability.
bilibiliDanmaku JS - 在哔哩哔哩视频标题下方增加弹幕查看和下载
Script by DD ! JS - Moj Skrypt :)
酷绘-VIP会员视频免费看 JS - 各大视频网站VIP会员视频免费看,支持各大视频网站,操作更加便捷
AO3: Comment Formatting Options JS - Adds interface to comments to easily insert formatting options in HTML
Google Drive Video Player for CyTube JS - Play Google Drive videos on CyTube
Tumblr Images to HD Redirector JS - Automatically promotes Tumblr image links to raw HD versions
Nyaa SI Extreme JS - This script sorts searches by seeders, it also shows the description and images if those are included. Also it grays out unseeded torrents.
Drive2 Auto Liker JS - Жму "Нравится" всем подряд.
Tumblr HD Video Download Buttons JS - Automatically redirect Tumblr video links to raw HD versions, and display a download button below videos
超简易解除网页限制 JS - 解除网页的复制 、拖动 、选中 、右键 、粘贴等限制。没有多余的代码,仅28行,尽量做到不占资源.
SauceNao Reverse Image Search JS - Adds a "Search on SauceNao" option to the context menu
ANTI-BOT-ULTIME JS - try to take over the world!
Google translation replace character JS - press F5
Свои часы на vk.com и блокировка рекламы JS - Добавляем часы в меню и блокируем рекламу
bilibili vip remover JS - remove the 'become-vip' link, repalce red names to original, and replace emoji to pure text
Boton Descarga MP3 con Inicio y Final para videos de Youtube JS - Al cargar un video de Youtube se agrega un Boton para descargar el MP3 de manera directa haciendo uso del servicio (http://youtubeinmp3.com/api/). Ademas puedes indicar el Inicio y Final del audio para evitar partes del video no deseadas como dialogos o intros.
Macros Teclas Pro Agar.io JS - Macros Teclas Agar.io
自动屏蔽三无用户点赞超过50%的回答 JS - 自动屏蔽知乎三无用户点赞数>=50%的回答
Fur Affinity Gallery Keys JS - Allows viewers to move between pictures in a gallery using the arrow keys.
Capture current page JS - Screen capture for current full page with Ctrl+F10, also be used to change text into image which inside the INPUT/TEXTAREA element.
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Search Filter JS - This script hides search results that you already have on your list
Trakt Watchlist Downloader JS - Trakt.tv torrent site(s) added to the Watch Now modal. This is a fix of https://greasyfork.org/scripts/17991
【论坛必备】论坛帖子按发帖时间排序 JS - 论坛自动按发帖时间排序,支持 discuz 和 phpwind
persian-ad-remover JS - Removes ads from some persian download sites.
[MTurk Worker] No HIT Reloader JS - Reloads pages automatically if no HIT is loaded for provided Group Ids
去除知乎跳转 JS - 去除知乎重定向,不再跳转
Inject2Download JS - Simple media download script
Behemoth Anti-AdBlocker Canceller JS - This userscript is used to cancel the anti-AdBlock mechanism in m.gamer.com.tw
Slither.io mod JS - Mods a few things
Slither.io skin rotator JS - Skin rotator for slither.io
Strip UTM Tracking JS - Remove "utm_" parameters from the query string, used by Google Analytics.
eBay - Display Totals with Shipping Redux JS - Computes and displays the total price with shipping added.
Gladiatus Auto Dungeon click JS - gladiatus auto dungeon
Macros agario JS - Macros y ventajas de splits, etc. Requiere tener activado las opciones "Dark theme" y "Show Mass".
Cookie Clicker Auto-Clicker JS - Cookie Clicker Auto click
115批量文件迅雷下载(暂不支持文件夹类型下载) JS - 迅雷党的福音来啦~\(≧▽≦)/~,免VIP,免115浏览器,对了还能在线播放(使用前务必阅读“使用步骤”)
Upwork external links JS - Skip "You are now leaving Upwork" page with external links
Whatsapp Web Privacy Mode JS - Tools to hide contact names and pictures of Whatsapp Web.
Download images from vsco.co JS - Adds download buttons for the full-resolution images to thumbnails all over vsco.co
NetFlix Auto Account selection JS - Automatically select your Netflix account (enter your netflix account name below)
Adblock JS - adblock alis.io
51JOB前程无忧找工作助手 JS - 提供简单的屏蔽功能,去除烦人的培训机构!在职位介绍页面添加一键天眼查功能
Reddit Secure Delete - Only Comments More Than 7 Days Old JS - Securely delete your reddit posts. Now with the ability to only securely delete comments more than 7 days old. Originally by https://greasyfork.org/en/users/5868-mrazavi
Virtonomica: персонал новый дизайн JS - Отображение максимальной технологии, максимального числа/квалификации сотрудников, которые держит топ.
mega dl button fix JS - switches the download buttons and colors the inline button red
Disable SPF Youtube JS - Disables red bar aka SPF on youtube. This userscript is needed to work properly other userscripts on youtube site. This script must be first to be executed, example before Youtube+ or other good userscripts.
Com'back JS - Ajoute un choix pour le type (écrit, audio, vidéo...) de message envoyé.
Flickr Img src JS - Removes the stupid div in from of the image
Linkify Plus Plus JS - Based on Linkify Plus. Turn plain text URLs into links.
Open links in current tab JS - Open links in current tab regardless of _target or site's preferences. Ctrl-click: background tab, Ctrl-Shift-click: foreground tab, Shift-click: new window
eBay - Hilight Items With Bids JS - Hilights items that have bids with a red border and yellow background.
YouTube Hide "Recommended for you" from related videos JS - Hides videos marked as "Recommended for you" from the related videos on YouTube video pages.
Letterboxd Extra Profile Stats JS - Adds average number of films watched per month and per week to profile pages
Translator JS - Press (F2) to Translate.
Eza's Pixiv Fixiv JS - Loads all manga pages at once in a simplified vertical layout
MicroScatter Cheater Script JS - Press C on micromatch to win
RARBG Advanced Filters JS - Additional quality of life filters: - Show or hide category icons; - Show or hide torrent thumbnails; - Show or hide movie and tv filters (Removes torrents with KORSUB and 720p); - Show or hide porn; - search for movies and tv shows by genre - Filter based on minimum IMDB rating;
Vimeo Download Button JS - Adds a download button to the HTML5 Vimeo Player (embeded or not)
从豆瓣电影直接跳转茶杯狐搜索资源 JS - 茶杯狐是一个影视资源聚合搜索引擎。安装脚本后豆瓣电影标题旁会显示茶杯狐的logo,点击就可以搜索影视资源了。
Instagram ID Viewer JS - View ID of user instagram
rapidgator.netでURLに付いてるファイル名を取り除く JS - 文字化けしたファイル名が付いているとダウンロードできないので余計なURLを取り除く
Imgclick.net JS - Automatically skips to the image
微博视频下载助手 JS - 下载微博视频
Enhanced Steam Community Mod JS - Add some extra functions to Steam Community
Video Speed Buttons JS - Add speed buttons to any HTML5 <video> element. Comes with a loader for YouTube and Vimeo
京东单价助手 JS - 京东(jd.com)单价助手,增加了商品列表显示单价(每公斤/升价格)功能,帮助你在京东(jingdong)找到最划算的商品
AbemaTV Screen Comment Scroller JS - AbemaTV のコメントをニコニコ風にスクロールさせます。
Letterboxd Search Bars JS - Adds a search bar to torrent- and other websites on Letterboxd
辅助下载www.ifblue.net(若蓝格)杂志 JS - 打开一本杂志页面,点击“下载地址”,本脚本会自动获取百度网盘提取码,并自动输入,打开下载页面。
youku-html5 JS - original-youku-html5-player
TW Classic Translation JS - Translates the content of the TW Classic version into German.
soTab - Search Engine Switcher JS - Add links to each other in search engines. Including multiple search modes.
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