Cloud to Butt JS - Replaces all the occurrences of "The cloud" with "My Butt".
Show Password Pro. JS - Double click to switch password field: YELLOW (pop up tooltip with password); BULE (mouse over to show password); NORMAL (hide password);
新标签打开链接 JS - 链接强制在新建标签中打开 Open a URL in background new tab
ЧАС-коррект JS - Исправление наиболее частотных ошибок на просматриваемых страницах
youdaodict JS - Translate any text selected into a tooltip
Disable artificial selections JS - Tries to prevent script-initiated selection tweaks.
Dinesh's Intercepting Ajax JS - An example Greasemonkey script that intercepts every ajax call.
Dinesh's Hello World JS - A basic example of Greasemonkey that causes an alert at each page load.
Background changer JS - changes background on the web
字体样式美化 JS - 使得字体更加好看^_^
gofullscreen JS - fix missing button for full screen mode at html5 videos
cats webcomic tool JS - initial scrolling and a hotkey
URL Stripper JS - Takes offsite links that stick the original URL into an onsite link with extra parameters and changes the href to that original URL.
Convert units to Celcius JS - attempts to convert all Farenheit temperature measurments to Celcius. Not infallable, but decent for cooking measurements
covconv JS - いまアッシュヒョークいるんだけどっいけそうならいこうっ!
Backspace Means Backspace JS - Prevents Back action on Backspace key
Chrome - No Google Translate Popup JS - Remove the original text popup when using Chrome's built in translation feature
Quick debug JS - Quick inject scripts/style to current page.
lazyScroller JS - Keep your hand free from scroll button.
Amazon Tag Remove (All) JS - Elimina la variable tag de los vínculos hacia Amazon
jsKillAD JS - 查杀页面浮动广告
Next Previous Image Key Navigation JS - Quick scroll to next/previous image on a page with f/r buttons
Decloak links and open directly JS - Open redirected/cloaked links directly
Auto scroll keys [adopted] JS - Read articles hands-free! Pres Ctrl-Down or Opt-Down to start slowly scrolling the page. Press again to adjust speed. Escape or Space to stop.
Delicious Link Tooltop JS - Shows Delicious info for the target page in a tooltip when you hover over a link.
FastJSLogger JS - Intercepts console.log calls to display log messages in a div floating on the page. Tries to be a replacement for normal browser Error Consoles (which can be a little slow to open).
FaviconizeTheWeb JS - Adds a favicon for the website next to every external link on the page. Clearly shows when you will be leaving the current site, and where you will be going! (Unfortunately making links longer than expected can result in unwanted overflow on various websites. For example, Google header bar!)
Hibernate Idle Tabs JS - If a tab is unused for a long time, it switches to a light holding page until the tab is focused again. This helps the browser to recover memory, and can speed up the re-opening of large sessions.
Make Bookmarklets from Javascript URLs JS - When it sees a link to a userscript or general Javascript URL, adds a Bookmarklet besides it, which you can drag to your toolbar to load the script when you next need it (running outside Greasemonkey of course).
More Keybinds JS - Adds some extra keystrokes to Firefox.
Next Image/Previous Image [adopted] JS - Quick scroll to next/previous image on a page with n/p buttons
Related Links Pager JS - Navigate sideways! When you click a link, related links on the current page are carried with you. They can be accessed from a pager on the target page, so you won't have to go back in your browser.
Table of Contents Everywhere JS - On pages which do not have a Table of Contents, but should do, create one! (I actually use this as a bookmarklet, so I can load it onto the current page only when I want it.)
URLs Need Titles JS - When you paste a URL to a friend, it is useful if it contains the title of the page. This script adds these missing titles for common websites using # part of URL. In other words, it turns non-semantic URLs into semantic URLs!
presidentA JS - conserta a grafia para "presidenta"
DiasPlus JS - Userscript that adds tweaks to diaspora*.
Auto-focus on first textbox JS - Auto-focuses on the first/main textbox of a site
Focus true JS - Trick JavaScript into thinking the document is focused
FlipText JS - Click button to flip text
PassViewer JS - onMouseOver event that shows typed password in forms
FartScroll JS - Fart as you scroll, no need to blame it on the dog anymore!
Embedded Youtube Video Full HD and No Annotations JS - Auto selects the highest resolution on all Youtube Videos AND embedded youtube videos on ALL webpages!
Kindleren Redirector JS - Kindle人旧域名自动重定向到新域名Kandouren.com;Redirect Kindleren.com to it new site: Kandouren.com
My Fancy New Userscript JS - enter something useful
OmNomNomify JS - Brighten up your web browsing with the Cookie Monster!
Disable audio/video autoplay JS - Ensures that HTML5 audio and video elements do not autoplay, based on http://diveintohtml5.info/examples/disable_video_autoplay.user.js
Hover Preview JS - Pops up a floating div when you hover over a link, containing the target page!
AutoPagerize_Console JS - Expansion Autopagerize operation. / AutoPagerizeの操作系を拡張します。
Frankie's Custom HF Header JS - Adds various forums to the HF heading.
Spirit's Custom HF Header JS - Adds various forums to the HF heading.
Kohi's Custom HF Header JS - Adds various forums to the HF heading.
Inline Audio Player JS - Add to every link to an audio file (.mp3 .wav .ogg .m4a .mp4) on page a tiny button for play music with inline player. Use Html5 <audio> tag.
RU Max4_ABP_Fix CSS JS - Дополнение, исправляющее работу Adblock Plus для отдельных сайтов. Возвращаем функционал Ad-Охотника в Maxthon4 и Maxthon5. Спасибо lainverse за идею.
IPA JS - text to ipa
nshark JS - Turns all images on page to Left Shark
vvCiteWeb JS - Заполняет вики-шаблон Cite web для текущей страницы.
Simple Form Saver JS - Provides a small red button at the top left, click it to save or to fill in forms on the web. Auto-fill, click replay and pasting raw info into forms also featured.
Show Popup Download Link from Embeded Video File Hosting JS - Support: acefile.net, aisfile.com, tusfiles.net, other file hosting with embed video /embed-xxxxyy-size.html
IMDB Rating JS - Display imdb rating when hovering on an imdb link
add IMDb rating & votes next to all IMDb Movie/Series Links (Working 2024 on new view) JS - Adds movie ratings and number of voters to any imdb link on any webpage. Modified version of http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/96884 And from [StackOverflow community (especially Brock Adams)]
Sanskrit Tools - Toolbar JS - Sanskrit Language Tools - Quick access to Sanskrit dictionary, thesarus, news and other tools, on Firefox and Chrome browsers.
Coppersmina JS - Enhances Coppermine galleries with direct links, color coded border and other tricks. See source code for more info.
Moritz Sudhof JS - Moritz Sudhof categorization script for Mturk
zapEmbedsRefer JS - replace all embeds for href option display
zapIframesProp JS - zap all iframes Properties
defPrefs JS - improvement of style; enhancement font style browser - css text-shadow;
USO to USMO JS - Redirect Userscripts.org to Userscripts-MIRROR.org
YouTube to YTPak JS - Changes all the YouTube links on a page to YTPak links
Disable Big Bird Instructions JS - disable instructions by default
PureLink JS - Removes any redirect links and use the destination url.
Collapse Disqus Thread JS - This script collapses disqus thread
Partial Sergey Instructions Hider JS - for sergey's relevant batch
Toggle Passwords JS - Places an eye-icon at the right side of every password field. Clicking this icon toggles the display of all passwords between •••• and text.(submitting a form will allways revert the fields to type=password, to make sure no auto-completion information is stored for these fields by your browser.)
Taste of The World Auto-Collapse Instructions /hotel hits JS - collapase instructions on the hotel hits for TOTW
Popup Video JS - Popup online video out of the webpage
MTurk: Google Search Ranking JS - Click on the circle task number indicators on the left to start working
Pass Phrase Encoder JS - Make your password indestructible
SFW JS - an anti-procrastination user script;拖延症矫正脚本
Autocomplete On JS - Searches for autocomplete attributes in the page and sets the value to on.
Hide Chris Hart Instructions JS - disable instructions by default
Autoforum (Forum Expander) JS - Автоматический разворот форума, для показа первых постов в списке раздач rutracker и ... т.д.
Drag to Resize Image JS - Click and Drag to resize images. Ctrl+Click to disable resizing. Right Click to restore image to original size. Based on code in Reddit Enhancement Suite.
Disable page close confirmation JS - Disable page close confirmation (onBeforeUnload)
stopGoogleRedirection JS - 禁止google的搜索结果重定向,加快访问速度,防止撞墙(support (opera,firefox(GreaseMonkey),chrome) Latest Stable,IE9+)
Version Testing JS - Could be any script that is still being tested.
AutoPagerize JS - loading next page and inserting into current page.
[TS] Linx Amender JS - Generic tracking/redirection/open-in-new-tab removal; Amend page title; URL redirector; and more power functionality. Has rules for Pixiv, deviantArt, twitter, youtube, blogger, Batota etc.
Open links in current tab JS - Open links in current tab regardless of _target or site's preferences. Ctrl-click: background tab, Ctrl-Shift-click: foreground tab, Shift-click: new window
SSL Accelerator JS - Speculatively performs SSL/TLS handshakes for hovered links to speed up browsing.
Auto Focus Username Field JS - Attempts to locate the username input box and change focus to it, will briefly change the background color of the field green when it activates.
Translator JS - Press (F2) to Translate.
Source Viewer JS - View the HTML source code of any online web page. (use the Tampermonkey Command Menu)
Remover JS - With this Script you can edit every Website.
Discuz隐藏贴自动回复+刷新 JS - http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/source/137984.user.js
XHR without barriers -- test JS - Scripting is fun
KrustyHack Hightlight Nofollow JS - simply highlight nofollow links on a page
KrustyHack jQuery Hightlight Nofollow JS - simply highlight nofollow links on a page with jQuery
BTDigg_Chart_Adder JS - adds BTDigg popularity chart for Bit-torrent magnet-links
WaniKanify JS - Firefox version of chedkid's excellent Chrome app
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