Favoris by DI ve (Dive)
Google网页翻译 JS - 不跳转Google翻译页面的整页翻译
Popup Blocker Script(备份) JS - The most efficient user script for blocking popups of all types. Designed to fight the sneakiest popups including the ones on adult and streaming websites.
质感字体&&页面平滑滚动 JS - 让每个页面的字体变得有质感 页面滚动更平滑 字体换为萍方字体并添加字体阴影
调整网页亮度 JS - 调整网页亮度,护眼
Adbook-小说页面过滤、去广告、js脚本、css样式、window污染、html右键限制、脚本下载中断、删标签、仿Adblock JS - 为喜爱看小说的朋友奉上,更加精细的页面操作
改变网页背景为淡灰色 JS - 只改变网页中背景的白色和接近白色的为淡灰色。
Google select text translator JS - Translate any selected text into the language you wants with google translator
bangumi new wiki helper JS - assist to create new subject
网页护眼壁纸 JS - 为网页增加一个好看、护眼的壁纸
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