Greasy Fork is available in English.

My Function library

enter something useful

Ce script ne devrait pas être installé directement. C'est une librairie créée pour d'autres scripts. Elle doit être inclus avec la commande // @require

 * Created by Magnus Fohlström on 2016-09-24 at 22:56
 * with file name
 * in project TampermonkeyUserscripts.
"use strict";
//// ==UserScript==
// @name            My Function library
// @namespace       http://use.i.E.your.homepage/
// @version         0.52
// @description     enter something useful
// @grant           GM_getValue
// @grant           GM_setValue
// @grant           GM_deleteValue
// @grant           GM_listValues
// @grant           GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @run-at          document-start

// @created         2015-04-06
// @released        2014-00-00
// @updated         2014-00-00
// @history         @version 0.25 - first version: public@released - 2015-04-12
// @history         @version 0.30 - Second version: public@released - 2015-12-10
// @history         @version 0.35 - Second version: public@released - 2016-03-04
// @history         @version 0.45 - Second version: public@released - 2016-09-24
// @history         @version 0.45 - third version: public@released - 2017-01-10
// @history         @version 0.51 - third version: public@released - 2017-08-17
// @history         @version 0.52 - third version: public@released - 2017-09-23

// @compatible      Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey
// @license         GNU GPL v3 (
// @copyright       2014+, Magnus Fohlström
// ==/UserScript==
/*global $, jQuery*/
/*jshint -W014, -W030, -W082*/
// -W014, laxbreak, Bad line breaking before '+'
// -W030, Expected assignment or function call instead saw an expression
// -W082, a function declaration inside a block statement

 $("li").not(function() {
 // returns true for those elements with at least one span as child element
 return $(this).children('span').length > 0
 }).each(function() { /* ...  })
//noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction,JSUnresolvedVariable,BadExpressionStatementJS,JSPotentiallyInvalidConstructorUsage, JSPrimitiveTypeWrapperUsage
//noinspection BadExpressionStatementJS,JSUnresolvedVariable,JSDeprecatedSymbols

function setGM(window2) {
    window2 = window2 || window;
    console.log('setGM' );
    var localStorage = localStorage;
    window2.GM_getValue      = function( key, def ){
		return localStorage[key] || def;
	window2.GM_setValue      = function( key, value ){
		localStorage[key] = value;
	window2.GM_deleteValue   = function( key ){
        delete localStorage[ key ];
	window2.GM_listValues    = function( ){
		return Object.keys( localStorage );
	window2.GM_lister        = function( remove, item ){
		var keys = GM_listValues(), i = 0, val;
		for ( i; i <= keys.length; i++ ) {
			val = keys[i];
			//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
            val !== undefined && (
				console.log( 'GM_ListItem: ' + val + ':', GM_getValue( val ) ),
				( ( item !== undefined && val.inElem( item ) ) || item === undefined )
				&& Boolean.parse( remove ) && GM_deleteValue( val ) );

console.log('isFunction( GM_getValue() )', $.isFunction( window.GM_getValue ) );

!!$.isFunction( window.GM_getValue ) || setGM();


	var eventMatchers = {
		'HTMLEvents': /^(?:load|unload|abort|error|select|change|submit|reset|focus|blur|resize|scroll)$/,
		'MouseEvents': /^(?:click|mouse(?:down|up|over|move|enter|out))$/
		//'MouseEvents': /^(?:click|dblclick|hover|contextmenu|mouse(?:down|up|over|move|enter|leave|out))$/

	var defaultOptions = {
		pointerX: 0,
		pointerY: 0,
		button: 0,
		ctrlKey: false,
		altKey: false,
		shiftKey: false,
		metaKey: false,
		bubbles: true,
		cancelable: true

	jQuery.fn.simulate = function(eventName) {
		var element = this[0];
		var options = $.extend(true, defaultOptions, arguments[2] || { });
		var oEvent, eventType = null;

		for (var name in eventMatchers) {
			if (eventMatchers[name].test(eventName)) { eventType = name; break; }

		if (!eventType)
			throw new SyntaxError('Only HTMLEvents and MouseEvents interfaces are supported');
		 //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
        if (document.createEvent) {
            //noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
			oEvent = document.createEvent(eventType);
			if (eventType == 'HTMLEvents') {
				oEvent.initEvent(eventName, options.bubbles, options.cancelable);
			else {
                //noinspection JSDeprecatedSymbols,noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
                oEvent.initMouseEvent(eventName, options.bubbles, options.cancelable, document.defaultView,
					options.button, options.pointerX, options.pointerY, options.pointerX, options.pointerY,
					options.ctrlKey, options.altKey, options.shiftKey, options.metaKey, options.button, element);
		else {
			options.clientX = options.pointerX;
			options.clientY = options.pointerY;
            //noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
            oEvent = $.extend(document.createEventObject(), options);
            element.fireEvent('on' + eventName, oEvent);
		return element;

/*window.onerror = function (errorMsg, url, lineNumber, column, errorObj) {
	console.debug('Error: ' + errorMsg + '\nScript: ' + url + '\nLine: ' + lineNumber
		+ '\nColumn: ' + column + '\nStackTrace: ' +  errorObj);
 *  @namespace waitUntilExists_Intervals
$.fn.waitUntilExists = function (handler, shouldRunHandlerOnce, isChild){
	var found	= 'found',
		$this	= $(this.selector),
		$elements	= $this.not(function () { return $(this).data(found); }).each(handler).data(found, true);
	if( !isChild ) {
        (window.waitUntilExists_Intervals = window.waitUntilExists_Intervals || {})[this.selector] =
			window.setInterval(function () {
					handler, shouldRunHandlerOnce, true);
			}, 500);
	else if (shouldRunHandlerOnce && $elements.length){
	return $this;

$.extend( $.easing,{
	easeOutBounceSmall 	: function(x, t, b, c, d) {
		var ts=(t/=d)*t;
		var tc=ts*t;
		return b+c*(-16.195*tc*ts + 49.935*ts*ts + -53.785*tc + 21.795*ts + -0.75*t);
	easeOutSmoothBounce : function(x, t, b, c, d) {
		var ts=(t/=d)*t;
		var tc=ts*t;
		return b+c*(-19.4293*tc*ts + 53.3838*ts*ts + -49.8485*tc + 15.8081*ts + 1.08586*t);
	easeInOutCubic		: function(x, t, b, c, d) {
		if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t + b;
		return c/2*((t-=2)*t*t + 2) + b;
$.extend( $.fn, {
	// Name of our method & one argument (the parent selector)
	 * Suppress all rules containing "unused" in this
	 * class
	 * @SuppressWarnings("unused")
	//noinspection JSUnusedProperty
    isNode              : function ( node ) {
        var e = this[0] || $('<undefined/>'),
            node_name = e.nodeName;
        return node_name !== undefined && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === node.toLowerCase();

$.extend( $.fn, {
	// Name of our method & one argument (the parent selector)
	 * Suppress all rules containing "unused" in this
	 * class
	 * @SuppressWarnings("unused")
	//noinspection JSUnusedProperty
	within: function( pSelector ) {
		// Returns a subset of items using jQuery.filter
		return this.filter(function(){
			// Return truthy/falsey based on presence in parent
			return $(this).closest( pSelector ).length;
		/* Example
		 $("li").within(".x").css("background", "red");

		 This selects all list items on the document, and then filters to only
		 those that have .x as an ancestor. Because this uses jQuery internally,
		 you could pass in a more complicated selector:

		 $("li").within(".x, .y").css("background", "red");

	exists              : function () {
		return !!this.length;
	Exists              : function ( callback ) {
		var self = this;
		var wrapper = (function(){
			function notExists(){}
			//noinspection JSPotentiallyInvalidConstructorUsage
			notExists.prototype.ExistsNot = function( fallback ){
				!self.length &&; };
			//noinspection JSPotentiallyInvalidConstructorUsage
			return new notExists;
		self.length &&;
		return wrapper;

		/*  And now i can write code like this -
		 alert ("it exists");
		 alert ("it doesn't exist");
	ifExists            : function ( fn ) {
		this.length && fn( this );
		return this.length && this;
		 $("#element").ifExists( function( $this ){
	iff            		: function ( bool, fn ) {
		( bool && this.length || !bool && !this.length) && fn( this );
        return ( bool && this.length || !bool && !this.length ) && this;
		 $("#element").if( true, function( $this ){);
		 $("#element").if( false, function( $this ){);
	ifs            		: function ( fnTrue, fnFalse ) {
		fn( this.length ? fnTrue : fnFalse );
		 $("#element").ifs( function( $this ){}, function( $this ){});

	hasId               : function ( id ) {
		return id === this.attr('id');
	hasClasses          : function ( classes, any ) {
		classes = classes.split( classes.inElem(',') ? ',' : ' ' );
		var check = 0, i = 0;
		for ( i; i < classes.length; i++ ) {
			this.hasClass( classes[ i ] ) && check++;
			if ( any !== undefined && check !== 0 ) return true;
		return check === classes.length;
	hasClassLongerThan  : function ( length, addClass ) {
        var str = $( this ).addClass('å').attr('class'),
			classes = str.split( ' ' ),
			check = 0, i = 0;

        for ( i; i < classes.length; i++ ) {
            check = classes[ i ].length >= length ? check++ : check;
            classes[ i ].length >= length && $( this ).addClass( addClass );
            $( this ).removeClass('å');
        return check;
    hasIdLongerThan     : function ( length, addClass ) {
        var str = $( this ).hasAttr('id') ? $( this ).attr('id') : ' ', check = 0;
            check = str.length >= length ? check++ : check;

        str.length >= length && $( this ).addClass( addClass );

        return check;
	hasAttrLength       : function ( attar, length, addClass ) {
        var str = $( this ).attr( attar ),
            attribs = str.attr( attar, $( this ).attr( attar ) + '  ' ).split( ' ' ),
            check = 0, i = 0;

        for ( i; i < attribs.length; i++ ) {
            check = attribs[ i ].length >= length ? check++ : check;
            //attribs[ i ].length >= length
			check && $( this ).addClass( addClass );
        return check;
	hasSiblings			: function ( find ) {
		return !!$(this).siblings( find ).length;
	hasChildren			: function () {
        return $(this).children().length !== 0;
	hasNoChildren       : function ( selection ) {
		return $( this ).filter( function(){
			return $( this ).children( selection ).length === 0;
	/*        hasParent       : function( parentSelection ){
	 return parentSelection.inElem('#')
	 ? this.parent().hasId( parentSelection.split('#').shift() )
	 : this.parent().hasClass( parentSelection.split('.').shift() );
	hasAncestor         : function ( Ancestor ) {
		return this.filter(function() {
			return !!$( this ).closest( Ancestor ).length;
	hasParent           : function ( selection ) {
		return !!$( this ).parent( selection ).length;
	hasParents          : function ( selection ) {
		return !!$( this ).parents( selection ).length;
	hasQuery            : function ( query ) {
        return document.querySelector(query).length;
	hasAttr             : function ( name, val ) {
		var thisAttr = $( this ).attr( name );
		thisAttr =
			val !== undefined
				? thisAttr === val
				: thisAttr;
		return ( typeof thisAttr !== "undefined" && thisAttr !== false && thisAttr !== null );

		//return val !== undefined
		//    ? attrName === val
		//    : typeof( attrName ) !== 'undefined';  //$( this )[0].hasAttribute( name );
	getThisAttr			: function ( destinationObj ) {
        var that = this,
			allAttributes = ($(that) && $(that).length > 0) ? $(that).prop("attributes") : null;

        allAttributes && $(destinationObj) && $(destinationObj).length == 1 &&
            $.each(allAttributes, function() {
       == "class" ? $(destinationObj).addClass(this.value) : destinationObj.attr(, this.value);

        return  destinationObj !== undefined && $(destinationObj).length == 1 ? $(destinationObj) : allAttributes;
    getAttrFrom			: function ( sourceObj ) {
        var that = this,
            allAttributes = ($(sourceObj) && $(sourceObj).length > 0) ? $(sourceObj).prop("attributes") : null;

        allAttributes && $(that) && $(that).length == 1 &&
			$.each(allAttributes, function() { == "class" ? $(that).addClass(this.value) : that.attr(, this.value);

        return that;
	isTag               : function ( tag ) {
		var e = this[0] || $('<undefined/>'),
            nodename = e.nodeName;
        return nodename !== undefined && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === tag.toLowerCase();
	isNode              : function ( node ) {
		var e = this[0] || $('<undefined/>'),
		nodename = e.nodeName;
		return nodename !== undefined && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === node.toLowerCase();

    swapClass           : function ( replace, newClass) {
        this.className.replace(replace, newClass);
    toggleClasses       : function ( add, remove, if_none) {
        var $this = $(this.selector);
        if_none !== undefined && !$this.hasClass(add) && !$this.hasClass(remove) && $this.addClass(if_none);
	searchAttr          : function ( search, type, chkLen ) { //bool name value length or 1 2 3 4
		var Attributes = this[0].attributes;

		if ( arguments.length === 0 ) {
			var obj = {};
			$.each( Attributes, function() {
                this.specified && ( obj[ ] = this.value );
			return obj;
		} else if( search != undefined ) {
			var name = '', val = '';
			$.each( Attributes, function() {
                if( this.specified && type == 'length' ) {
					if( > chkLen ) {
						name =;
						c.i('Attributes', Attributes);
						return false;
				else {
                    if( this.specified && search ) ) {
                                        name =;
                                        val = this.value;
                                        return false;
			return ( type == 'bool' || type == 1 ) ? name.length :
				( type == 'name' || type == 2 ) ? name :
					( type == 'value' || type == 3 ) ? val :
					( type == 'length' || type == 4 ) && name;
	findClass           : function ( Class ) {
		return this.find('.' + Class);
	findNextSibling     : function ( thisSelector, bool ) {
		bool = bool || true;
		return bool ? this.eq(0).nextAll( thisSelector ).eq(0) : this.nextAll( thisSelector ).eq(0) ;
	findPrevSibling     : function ( thisSelector, bool ) {
		bool = bool || true;
		return bool ? this.eq(0).prevAll( thisSelector ).eq(0) : this.prevAll( thisSelector ).eq(0) ;
    nthChildClass		: function(expr) {
        return this.filter(':nth-child('+ expr +')');

	href                : function ( newURL ) {
		return arguments.length === 0 ? this.attr('href') : this.attr('href', newURL);
	src                 : function ( newSRC ) {
		return arguments.length === 0 ? this.attr('src') : this.attr('src', newSRC);
    refreshElement      : function ( speed, parentBoolean ) {
        var $elem = parentBoolean ? this.parent() : this, data = $elem.html();
        $elem.hide( speed / 2 ).empty().html( data ).fadeIn( speed );
    replaceElementOld   : function ( newTagName, addAttr ) {

        function stringifyAttr( attrs ){
            var attrString = '', newAttr = addAttr || '';
            $.each( attrs, function( index ){
                attrString += ' ' + attrs[ index ].name + '="' + attrs[ index ].value + '"';
            return newAttr.length ? attrString + ' ' + newAttr : attrString;

        $( this ).each(function(){
            var attributes = stringifyAttr( this.attributes ),
                StartTag = '<' + newTagName + attributes +'>',
                EndTag = '</' + newTagName + '>';
            $( this ).replaceWith( StartTag + $( this ).html() + EndTag );
    replaceElement      : function ( newNodeName, htmlElement ) {

        newNodeName = $('<'+ newNodeName +'/>');
        htmlElement = htmlElement !== undefined ? htmlElement : $('<span/>',{ 'data-tmp':'TemparyAttribute'});

        function newElem_addAttr( attrs, newAttr, newElem ){
            $.each( attrs, function( index ){
                newElem.attr( attrs[ index ].name, attrs[ index ].value ); });
            $.each( newAttr, function( index ){
                newElem.attr( newAttr[ index ].name, newAttr[ index ].value ); });
            return newElem;

        $( this ).each(function(){
            $( this ).replaceWith( newElem_addAttr(
                this.attributes, htmlElement[0].attributes, newNodeName ).html( $( this ).html() ).removeAttr('data-tmp') );

        return this;
	equals              : function ( compareTo ) {
		if (!compareTo || this.length != compareTo.length)
			return false;

		for (var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) {
			if (this[i] !== compareTo[i])
				return false;
		return true;

    cleaner			: function () {
        $( this ).contents().filter(function () {
            return this.nodeType !== 1 && this.nodeType !== 3 && this.nodeType !== 10;
        return this;

    defragText			: function (){
        this.nodeType === 3 && this.normalize();
        return this;
	removeText			: function () {
		$( this ).contents().filter(function () {
			 return this.nodeType === 3;
		return this;
	selectText			: function(){

        var range,
            obj = this[0],
            type = {
            // Convenience
            is = function(type, o){
                return typeof o === type;

        if( is(type.obj, obj.ownerDocument)
            && is(type.obj, obj.ownerDocument.defaultView)
            && is(type.func, obj.ownerDocument.defaultView.getSelection) ){

            selection = obj.ownerDocument.defaultView.getSelection();

            if( is(type.func, selection.setBaseAndExtent) ){
                // Chrome, Safari - nice and easy
                selection.setBaseAndExtent(obj, 0, obj, $(obj).contents().size());
            else if( is(type.func, obj.ownerDocument.createRange) ){

                range = obj.ownerDocument.createRange();

                if( is(type.func, range.selectNodeContents)
                    && is(type.func, selection.removeAllRanges)
                    && is(type.func, selection.addRange)){
                    // Mozilla
        else if( is(type.obj, document.body) && is(type.obj, document.body.createTextRange) ){

            range = document.body.createTextRange();

            if( is(type.obj, range.moveToElementText) && is(type.obj, ){
                // IE most likely

        // Chainable
        return this;
	selectThisText : function(){
		var doc = document
			, element = this[0]
			, range, selection
		if (doc.body.createTextRange) {
			range = document.body.createTextRange();
		} else if (window.getSelection) {
			selection = window.getSelection();
			range = document.createRange();
        return this;
	justText            : function ( newText, prepend ) {
		var $children = null,
			placement = prepend === undefined ? 'prepend':'append';
		if ( newText ) {
			$children = $( this )
			$( this )
				.text( newText )
				[ placement ]( $children );
			return $(this);
		else {
			return $.trim( $( this )
	justThisText		: function () {
		var array = [];
			this.nodeType == 3 && array.push( this.textContent || this.innerText || '' ); });
    	return array;
    toComment			: function ( textNode ) {
        textNode = textNode || false;
        var $this = $( this ),
            comment = function( elem ){
                return document.createComment( !textNode ? elem.get(0).outerHTML : elem );

        textNode !== undefined && textNode
            ? $this.contents().filter(function(){ return this.nodeType === 3; })
                .each(function(){ $( this ).replaceWith( comment( this.nodeValue ) ); })
            : $this.replaceWith( comment( $this ) );
    uncomment           : function ( recurse ) {
        <!-- hidden --> // this will reveal, whats inside. In this case it will bi the word hidden
        recurse = recurse || false;
        $( this ).contents().each(function(){
            this.nodeType === 8 && $( this ).replaceWith( this.nodeValue ); });

        recurse && $( this ).hasChildren()
        	&& $( this ).find('> *').not('iframe').uncomment( recurse );

        $( this ).contents().each(function() {
            if ( recurse && this.hasChildNodes() ) {
                $( this ).uncomment(recurse);
            } else {
                if ( this.nodeType == 8 ) {
                                // Need to "evaluate" the HTML content,
                                // otherwise simple text won't replace
                    var e = $('<span>' + this.nodeValue + '</span>');
                                $( this ).replaceWith( e.contents() );
        // $('#uncomment').uncomment( true );

	getComment          : function ( getValue ) {
		var COMMENT_NODE = this.contents().filter(function(){
            return this.nodeType == Node.COMMENT_NODE;
		return getValue
			? COMMENT_NODE.each(function(){
                return $( this ).nodeValue.str2html(); })
	getURL              : function ( url, how ) {
        //$.get('defaultComp/foot.html', function(dataContent) {$('#foot').replaceWith(dataContent); });
		how = how || 'html';
		var that = this;
		$.get( url, function(dataContent) {
			$(that)[ how ](dataContent);
		return this;

	scrollTuneAdv       : function ( opt  ){
		// $("body").scrollTune({ pps: 1700, pageY: config.pageY, easing:'easeOutSmoothBounce', hsc: true }).promise()
		//          .done( function() { setTimeout(function(){ toggleClassState( config, 'fullPlayer', type ); },100); })

		var position,
			defaults 		= {
				tune:		0,
				speed:		0,
				pps:        false, // pixel per second
				ppsM:		1000,
				pageYmini:	0,
				pageY:      false, //{ pps: 300, pageY: event.pageY }
				hsc:		false, // height speed compensation
				animate:	false,
				// require or jQueryUI - if other than ' swing or linear '
				easing:     "easeInOutCubic", // easeInOutCubic  easeInOutQuad  easeInOutElastic
				delay:		0,
				varStore:	'',
				name:		false,
				start:   	false,
				startTime: 	0,
				step:   	false,
				stepTime: 	0,
				complete:   false,
				completeTime: 0,
				done:   	false,
				doneTime: 	0,
				goTo:		$('body')
			heightSpeedComp	= function(){
                return opt.hsc ? 1 + ( ( $(document).height() / opt.pageY ) / 1.4 ) : 1 ;
			varStore = function( action, step ){
				(console.log(action,step), !== false
					? opt.varAltStore !== false
						? ( console.log('Store'), opt.varAltStore[][ action ](step) )
						: ( console.log('Store false'),[ action ](step) )
					: opt.pageYmini < opt.pageY || opt.varStore === config
						? ( console.log('config'), opt.varStore[ action ](step) )
						: ( console.log('config false'), opt.varStore(step) ));
		opt = $.extend( {}, defaults, opt );
		position = ( $( this ).offset().top + opt.tune ) + 'px';

		opt.pps !== false || opt.animate !== false || ( typeof opt.speed === 'string' ? opt.speed.length !== 0 : opt.speed !== 0 )
			? (
			opt.speed = opt.pps !== false ? parseInt( ( opt.pageY / opt.pps * heightSpeedComp() ) * opt.ppsM ) : opt.speed,
				opt.goTo.delay( opt.delay ).animate(
					{ scrollTop	: position },
					{ duration	: opt.speed, easing: opt.easing,
						start		: function(){
							opt.start && setTimeout(function(){
							}, opt.startTime );
						step		: function(i){
							opt.step && setTimeout(function(){
							}, opt.stepTime );
						complete	: function(){
							opt.complete && setTimeout(function(){
							}, opt.completeTime );
						done		: function(){
							opt.done && setTimeout(function(){
							}, opt.doneTime );
			: opt.goTo.scrollTop( position );

		return this; // for chaining...

	scrollTuneNew       : function ( opt ){
		var defaultOptions = {
				tune:		0,
				speed:		512,
				animate:	true,
				easing:     'swing',
				goTo:		$('html, body')
			element  = $( this ),
			options  = $.extend({}, defaultOptions, $.fn.scrollTuneNew.changeDefaults, opt ),
			position = ( element.offset().top + options.tune ) + 'px';

			? options.goTo.animate({ scrollTop: position }, options.speed, options.easing )
			: options.goTo.scrollTop( position );

		return element; // for chaining...
	simulateMouseEvent  : function ( MouseEvents ){
		var $this = this[0], evt,
			mEvent = MouseEvents || 'click';
		//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable, noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
            //noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
			? ( evt = document.MouseEvents('MouseEvents'),
				//evt.initCustomEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, detail)
				//evt.initCustomEvent("MyEventType", true, true, "Any Object Here");
				evt.initEvent(mEvent, true, false),
				$this.dispatchEvent(evt) )

			: //noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
				? $this.fireEvent('onclick')
				: typeof node['on' + mEvent] == 'function' && $this['on' + mEvent]();
	simulateMouse       : function ( typeOfEvent ){
		var $this = this[0],
			evt     = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"),
			mEvent  = typeOfEvent || 'click';
		//noinspection JSDeprecatedSymbols
        evt.initMouseEvent( mEvent, true, true, $this.ownerDocument.defaultView,
			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
        $this !== undefined && $this.dispatchEvent(evt);
		return this;
    simulateMouseAdv    : function ( typeOfEvent, options ){

        var target   =  this[0],
            event    =  document.createEvent("MouseEvents"),
            defaults =  {
                mButton     : 'left',
                type        : typeOfEvent || 'click',
                canBubble   : true,
                cancelable  : true,
                view        : target.ownerDocument.defaultView, //window, //
                detail      : 1,
                screenX     : 0, //The coordinates within the entire page
                screenY     : 0,
                clientX     : 0, //The coordinates within the viewport
                clientY     : 0,
                ctrlKey     : false,
                altKey      : false,
                shiftKey    : false,
                metaKey     : false, //I *think* 'meta' is 'Cmd/Apple' on Mac, and 'Windows key' on Win. Not sure, though!
                button      : 0, //0 = left, 1 = middle, 2 = right
                relatedTarget  : null
            opts     =  $.extend({}, defaults, $.fn.simulateMouseAdv.changeDefaults, options ),
            oButton  = {
                left:0, middle:1, right:2

        console.log('oButton', opts.mButton );
        opts.button  =  oButton[ opts.mButton ];

        //Pass in the options
        //noinspection JSDeprecatedSymbols

        //Fire the event

	hasEvent            : function ( event ) {
        var eventHandlerType;
        $( this ).on( event, clickEventHandler ).triggerHandler( event );
        function clickEventHandler( e ) {
            eventHandlerType = e.type;
        return eventHandlerType === event;
	qUnWrap             : function (){
		$( this ).find(':first-child').unwrap();
	designMode          : function ( state, contenteditable ) {
		state = ( state === true || state === 1 || state === 'on' ) ? 'on' :
				( state === false || state === 0 || state === 'off' ) && 'off';
		contenteditable = contenteditable || 'off';
		contenteditable !== 'off'
			? contenteditable === 'document'
				? document.designMode = state
				: contenteditable
					? this.attr('contenteditable', true)
					: this.removeAttr('contenteditable')
			: this.contentWindow.document.designMode = state;

	getThisComputedStyle : function ( style ) {
        return  window.getComputedStyle( $(this), null ).getPropertyValue( style );
    thisCompStyle       : function ( cssStyle ) {
        return cssStyle !== undefined ? this.getComputedStyle().getPropertyValue( cssStyle ) : this.getComputedStyle();
    getStyle       		: function( propertyKey ) {
        var cssPropAll = window.getComputedStyle(this, null);
        return propertyKey === undefined ? cssPropAll : cssPropAll.getPropertyValue( propertyKey );

//$.fn.scrollTune.changeDefault = {};

	confirm: function (title, message, yesText, noText, yesCallback) {
		//dialog needs jQueryUI
		 "CONFIRM", //title
		 "Delete " + filename + "?", //message
		 "Delete", //button text
		 deleteOk //"yes" callback
		$("<div></div>").dialog( {
			buttons: [{
				text: yesText,
				click: function() {
					$( this ).remove();
					text: noText,
					click: function() {
						$( this ).remove();
			close: function (event, ui) { $(this).remove(); },
			resizable: false,
			title: title,
			modal: true
$.extend( $.expr[":"], {

$.extend( $.expr[":"], {
	ldata: function(el, idx, selector) {
		var attr = selector[3].split(", ");
		return el.dataset[attr[0]] === attr[1];
	value: function(el, idx, selector) {
		return el.value === selector[selector.length - 1];
	isEmptyTrimmed: function(el){
		return !$.trim($(el).html());
    lengthBetween: function(elem, i, match) {
        var params = match[3].split(",");  //split our parameter string by commas
        var elemLen = $(elem).val().length;   //cache current element length
        return ((elemLen >= params[0] - 0) && (elemLen <= params[1] - 0));  //perform our check
	data: $.expr.createPseudo
		? $.expr.createPseudo(function( dataName ) {
		return function( elem ) {
			return !!$.data( elem, dataName );
		// support: jQuery <1.8
		: function( elem, i, match ) {
		return !!$.data( elem, match[ 3 ] );
$.extend( $.expr[":"], {
    'nth-class': function(elem, index, match) {
        return $(elem).is(':nth-child('+ match[3] +')');
    'nth-last-class': function(elem, index, match) {
        return $(elem).is(':nth-last-child('+ match[3] +')');
    'nth-class-of-type': function(elem, index, match) {
        return $(elem).is(':nth-of-type('+ match[3] +')');
    'nth-last-class-of-type': function(elem, index, match) {
        return $(elem).is(':nth-last-of-type('+ match[3] +')');
    'only-class-of-type': function(elem, index, match) {
        return $(elem).is(':first-of-type');
    'first-class-of-type': function(elem, index, match) {
        return $(elem).is(':first-of-type');
    'last-class-of-type': function(elem, index, match) {
        return $(elem).is(':last-of-type');
    'first-class': function(elem, index, match) {
        return $(elem).is(':first-child');
    'last-class': function(elem, index, match) {
        return $(elem).is(':last-child');
    'has': function(elem, index, match) {
        return $(elem).has( match[3] );
    'nth-class-leftOver' : function(elem, index, match, array){
        var elemLen = $(elem).length,
            div = index % match[3],
            indexLT = ( ( $(elem).length % match[3] === 0 ) * match[3] ) + 1;

        var N= document.getElementsByTagName('*');
        c.i('indexOf',, $(elem).parent()));

        c.i('elem.eq', $(elem).eq( ));
        c.i('elem', $(elem));
        c.i('elemLen', elemLen);
        c.i('index', index);
        c.i('div', div);
        c.i('indexLT', indexLT);
        return $(elem).is(':lt(' + indexLT + ')');
        //return $(elem).lt( ( ( $(elem).length % match[3] === 0 ) * match[3] ) + 1 );
    external: function(element,index,match) {
        if(!element.href) {return false;}
        return element.hostname && match[3] !== undefined || false
            ? element.hostname !== window.location.hostname
            	&& match[3] ) === match[3] )
            : element.hostname !== window.location.hostname;
    inView: function(element) {
        var st = (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop),
            ot = $(element).offset().top,
            wh = (window.innerHeight && window.innerHeight < $(window).height()) ? window.innerHeight : $(window).height();
        return ot > st && ($(element).height() + ot) < (st + wh);
    width: function(element,index,match) {
        // Usage: $('div:width(>200)'); // Select all DIVs that have a width greater than 200px
        // Alternative usage: ('div:width(>200):width(<300)');
        if(!match[3]||!(/^(<|>)d+$/).test(match[3])) {return false;}
        return match[3].substr(0,1) === '>' ?
            $(element).width() > match[3].substr(1) : $(element).width() < match[3].substr(1);
    containsNC: function(elem, i, match, array) {
        return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || "").toLowerCase().indexOf((match[3] || "").toLowerCase()) >= 0;
    containsExact: function( element, index, details, collection ){
        return $(element).text() === details[3];


jQuery.expr[":"].Contains = $.expr.createPseudo(function(selector) {
    return function( elem ) {
        return jQuery(elem).text().toUpperCase().indexOf(selector.toUpperCase()) >= 0;
jQuery.expr[':']['new-nth-class'] = function(elem, index, match) {
    return $(elem).is(':nth-child('+ match[3] +')');
jQuery.expr[':']['new-nth-class'] = $.expr.createPseudo( function( matchSelection ) {
    return function( elem ) {
        return $(elem).is(':nth-child('+ matchSelection +')');

$.isInArray = function( item, array ) {
	return !!~$.inArray(item, array);
$.allVar = function( array, value, all, atLeast ) {
	var count = 0,
		arrLength = array.length,
		isBool = typeof value === 'boolean';

	$.each( array, function( i, e ){
		value === ( isBool ? !!e : e ) && count++;

	return all ? count === arrLength : count >= atLeast;
 Object.defineProperty(HTMLMediaElement.prototype, 'playing', {
 //$( selector ).get(0).playing;
 get: function(){
 return !!( this.currentTime > 0 && !this.paused && !this.ended && this.readyState > 2 );
/*   Object.prototype.hasAttribute   = function( attrName, val ){
 var thisAttr =
 ? val !== undefined
 ? this.attr( attrName ) === val
 : this.attr( attrName )
 : this.getAttribute( attrName );
 return ( typeof thisAttr !== "undefined" && thisAttr !== false && thisAttr !== null );
Array.prototype.findArrayObj    = function( findKey, exactValue ){
	return $.grep( this, function( obj ){
		return obj[ findKey ] === exactValue;
	//This prototype doesn't modify the array,
	// it gets the element that contains key with correct value and
	// the returns that element
Array.prototype.removeArrayObj  = function( findKey, exactValue ){
	//my own example test:
	//This prototype doesn't modify the array, needs to be overwritten or put into new var array
	return $.grep( this, function( obj ) {
		return obj[ findKey ] !== exactValue;
Array.prototype.addKeyToArrayObj = function( findKey, exactValue, newKey, newValue ){
	return $.grep( this, function( obj ){
		return obj[ findKey ] === exactValue ? obj[ newKey ] = newValue : obj[ findKey ] !== exactValue;
	// This prototype doesn't modify the array,
	// it gets the element that contains key with correct value and
	// adds a new key with its value to that element

Array.prototype.filterArrayObj  = function( doWhat, findKey, exactValue, newKey, newValue ){
	return  doWhat === 'remove'
		? this.filter(function( obj ) {
		return obj[ findKey ] !== exactValue;
		: doWhat === 'addKey'
		? this.filter(function( obj ){
		return obj[ findKey ] === exactValue
			?  obj[ newKey ]  = newValue
			:  obj[ findKey ] !== exactValue;
		: doWhat === 'find'
	&& this.filter(function( obj ){
		return obj[ findKey ] === exactValue;
Array.prototype.grepArrayObj    = function( doWhat, idKey, uniqueValue, theKey, theValue ){
	doWhat = doWhat === 'updateKey' ? 'addKey' : doWhat;
	return doWhat === 'remove'
		? $.grep( this, function( obj ){
				return obj[ idKey ] !== uniqueValue;
		:  doWhat === 'addKey'
			? $.grep( this, function( obj ){
				return obj[ idKey ] === uniqueValue
					? (
						obj[ theKey ] = theValue,
						obj[ idKey ] === uniqueValue
					: obj[ idKey ] !== uniqueValue;
		:  doWhat === 'find'
			? $.grep( this, function( obj ){
				return obj[ idKey ] === uniqueValue;
		:  doWhat === 'deleteKey'
			&& $.grep( this, function( obj ){
				return obj[ idKey ] === uniqueValue
					? (
						delete obj[ theKey ],
						obj[ idKey ] === uniqueValue
					: obj[ idKey ] !== uniqueValue;
/*Array.prototype.sortObjArray    = function( key, reverse ){
	this.sort(function(a, b){
		return ( reverse || false ) ? b[key] - a[key] : a[key] - b[key];

//noinspection JSPrimitiveTypeWrapperUsage
Boolean.parse                   = function(val) {
    var falsely = /^(?:f(?:alse)?|no?|0+)$/i;
    return !falsely.test(val) && !!val;
Boolean.prototype.isFalse 		= function( ){
    return this.toString() == "false";
Boolean.prototype.isTrue 		= function( ){
    return this.toString() == "true";
Boolean.prototype.ifs 			= function ( fnTrue, fnFalse ){
    fn( this ? fnTrue : fnFalse );
     $("#element").ifs( function( $this ){}, function( $this ){});
Boolean.prototype.ifBool 		= function ( Boolean, fn ){
    ( this == ( typeof Boolean === 'string' ) ?  parseBoolean( Boolean ) : Boolean ) && fn();

 Object.prototype.isObjectType   = function( type, showType ){ //"[object Number]"
 var objectString = this );
 return  showType === 'show' ? objectString :
 showType === 'exact' ? objectString === type :
 showType === 'search' && objectString.toLowerCase().inElem( type.toLowerCase() );

Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, "_defineBool", {
    get : function() {
        var falsely = /^(?:f(?:alse)?|no?|off?|n?|failure?|sudumoo?|0+)$/i,
            truely = /^(?:t(?:rue)?|yes?|on?|y?|success?|yabbdoo?|1+)$/i,
            stateBool = !!this;

        return ( truely.test( this ) ===  stateBool ) ? true : ( falsely.test( this ) ===  stateBool ) ? false : !isNaN(parseFloat( this )) && isFinite( this ) ? true : null;
Object.prototype.obj2Str        = function( obj ){
    var objArr = $.makeArray( obj );
    return objArr[0].outerHTML;
String.prototype.splitEvery     = function( splitter, every ){
	var array = this.split( splitter ), returnString = '';
	$.each( array, function( index, elem ){
		returnString += elem + ( index < array.length - 1 || index % every === 0 ) ? '' : splitter;
	return returnString;
String.prototype.advSplit       = function( chr, nbr ){
	var str = this.split(chr),
		strLen = str.length,
		chrLen = chr.length,
		returnStr = ['',''],
		newArr = [];

	$.each( str, function( index ){
		returnStr[ index < nbr ? 0 : 1 ] += str[ index ] + chr;

	$.each( returnStr, function( index ){
		returnStr[ index ] = returnStr[ index ].slice(0, - chrLen);
		returnStr[ index ].length > 0 && newArr.push( returnStr[ index]  );

	return newArr;
String.prototype.advSplitJoin   = function( chr, nbr, ips ){

	var str = this.split(chr),
		strLen = str.length,
		ipsLen = ips.length,
		returnStr = '',

	$.each( str, function( index ) {
		var add = index < strLen - 1
			? chr
			: '';
		returnStr += index + 1 === nbr
			? str[index] + ips
			: str[index] + add;

	returnStrLen = returnStr.length;
	returnStr.slice( returnStrLen - ipsLen ) === ips
	&& ( returnStr = returnStr.slice( 0, returnStrLen - ipsLen ) );

	return returnStr;
String.prototype.extract        = function( start, end, inside, newWay ){
	var str = this,
		myArray = [ true, 1, 'yes', 'inside' ],
		startCharIndex = str.indexOf( start ),
		endCharIndex = str.indexOf( end );

	newWay = newWay !== undefined ? $.inArray( newWay, myArray ) !== -1 : false;
	inside = inside !== undefined ? $.inArray( inside, myArray ) !== -1 : false;

	function simpler() {
		return inside
			? str.split( start ).pop().split( end ).shift()
			: start + str.split( start ).pop().split( end ).shift() + end;
	function older() {
		return inside //old buggy way, some old scripts may depends on it
			? str.replace( start, '').replace( end, '')
			: str.substr( startCharIndex, endCharIndex );
	return newWay ? simpler() : older();
String.prototype.extractNew     = function( start, end, inside ){
	var str = this;
	return inside !== undefined && inside
		? str.split( start ).pop().split( end ).shift()
		: inside
			|| start + str.split( start ).pop().split( end ).shift() + end;

String.prototype.charTrim       = function( char ){
	// alert("".charTrim('.'));
	var first_pos = 0,
		last_pos = this.length- 1, i ;
	//find first non needle char position
	for( i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ){
		if( this.charAt( i ) !== char ){
			first_pos = ( i == 0 ? 0 : i );
	//find last non needle char position
	for( i = this.length - 1; i > 0; i-- ){
		if( this.charAt( i ) !== char ){
			last_pos = ( i == this.length ? this.length: i + 1 );
	return this.substring( first_pos, last_pos );
String.prototype.reduceWhiteSpace = function(){
	return this.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
String.prototype.formatString   = function(){

	var inputStr = this.toString().reduceWhiteSpace()
			.split('!').join(' !').split('!;').join("!important;")
			.split(/\s+/g).join(' ')
			.split('; ').join(';')

			.split('( ').join('(')
			.split(' )').join(')')

			.split(' :').join(':')

			.split(')*(').join(') * (')
		returnStr = '\t', pop;

	$.each( inputStr.split('\n'), function ( i, elem ) { '{' ) === -1 && ': ' ) === -1
		&& ( ':' ) > 1
			? ( pop = elem.split(': ').join(':').split( ':' ).pop(), elem = elem.split( pop ).shift() + ' ' + pop )
			:':') === 1 && ( elem = elem.split(': ').join(':').split( ':' ).join( ': ' ) ) );
		//    : '{' ) === 1 && ( ': ' ) !== -1 || ' :' ) !== -1 || ' : ' ) !== -1 )
		//        && ( elem = elem.split( ': ' ).join( ' :' ).split( ' :' ).join( ':' ).split( ' : ' ).join( ': ' ) );

		returnStr += elem + '\n\t';
	returnStr = returnStr.split('>').join(' > ').split('  >  ').join(' > ').split( ': //' ).join( '://' ).split( ':url' ).join( ': url' );
	return returnStr.slice( 0, returnStr.lastIndexOf('}') ) + '}';

 * Parses mixed type values into booleans. This is the same function as filter_var in PHP using boolean validation
 * //@return {Boolean|Null}
String.prototype.parseBooleanStyle = function( onNull ){
    onNull = onNull || false;
    var bool, $this = this.toString().toLowerCase();
    switch( $this ){
        case 'true':
        case '1':
        case 'on':
        case 'y':
        case 'yes':
            bool = true;
        case 'false':
        case '0':
        case 'off':
        case 'n':
        case 'no':
            bool = false;
            bool = typeof bool === 'boolean' ? bool : null;
    return onNull && bool == null || parseInt( $this ) > 0 || bool;
String.prototype.parseBool      = function(){
    var thisStr = ( parseInt( this ) ? this === 0 ? 'false' : !isNaN( parseFloat( this ) ) && 'true' : '' + this ).toLowerCase().trim(),
        trueArray = [ 'on', 'yes','y', 'j', 'success', 'true', true ],
        falseArray = [ 'off', 'no', 'n', 'failure', 'false', false ];

    thisStr = thisStr.toLowerCase().trim();

    return  $.inArray( thisStr, trueArray ) !== -1 ? true : $.inArray( thisStr, falseArray ) !== -1 ? false : null;
String.prototype.defineBool     = function(){
    var falsely = /^(?:f(?:alse)?|no?|off?|n?|failure?|sudumoo?|0+)$/i,
        truely = /^(?:t(?:rue)?|yes?|on?|y?|success?|yabbdoo?|1+)$/i,
        stateBool = !!this,
		$string = this;

    return ( truely.test( this ) === stateBool )
		? true : ( falsely.test( this ) === stateBool )
			? false : $string != 0 && !isNaN(parseFloat($string)) && ( (typeof $string === 'number' || typeof $string === 'string') && isFinite($string) ) ? true : null;

String.prototype.isType         = function( type ){
	return !!$.type( this ) === type;
String.prototype.undef          = function( replace ){
	return this === undefined ? replace : this;
String.prototype.isUndefined    = function( state, replace ){
	state = state !== undefined ? state : true;
	replace = replace !== undefined ? replace : true;
	return state ? this === undefined ? replace : this : state;
String.prototype.isNumber       = function ( float ) {
	var reg = new RegExp( "^[-]?[0-9]+[\.]?[0-9]+$" );
	return reg.test( this );

String.prototype.inURL          = function(){
	var winLoc = window.location.href;
	return !== -1;
String.prototype.inString       = function( string ){
	return string !== undefined ? !== -1 : false;
String.prototype.inElem         = function( search ){
	return this !== undefined ? !== -1 : false;
String.prototype.inElemX        = function( search, exact ){

    var isAll,isNone,inArr,checkInArr,
        string = this,
        countAll = 0, countNone = 0;

    exact = exact || false;
    isAll = exact === 'all';
    isNone = exact === 'none';
    exact = isNone || isAll ? false : exact;

    checkInArr = function( search, all ){
        inArr = false;
        $.each( search, function( i, e ){
            if( e ) !== -1 || e ) === -1){
                inArr = true;
                if( all ) e ) !== -1 ? countAll++ : e ) === -1 && countNone++;
                else return false;
        return all ? inArr && ( string.length === countAll || string.length === countNone ) : inArr;

    return exact
        ? string === search
        : $.isArray( search )
            ? checkInArr( search, isAll || isNone )
            : isNone
                ? search ) === -1
                : search ) !== -1;
String.prototype.count          = function( char, UpperCase ){
	var numberOf = this.toString().match( new RegExp( char, ( UpperCase ? "gi" : "g" ) ) );
	return numberOf != null ? numberOf.length : 0;
String.prototype.startsWith     = function( str ){
	return this.slice(0, str.length) == str;
String.prototype.removeStarts   = function( many ){
	return this.substring( many - 1, this.length );
String.prototype.removeEnds     = function( many ){
	return this.substring( 0, this.length - many );
String.prototype.endsWith       = function( str ){
	return this.slice( -str.length ) == str;
String.prototype.capitalizeFirst = function(){
	return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1);
String.prototype.lpad           = function( padString, length ){
	var str = this;
	while ( str.length < length ) {
		str = padString + str; }
	return str;

// use full to convert String URL, so that you can use location commands
String.prototype.toLocation     = function(){
	var a = document.createElement('a');
	a.href = this;
	return a;
String.prototype.toStyle        = function( styleId, append ){
    append = append || 'head';
    var cssID,
        cssSplit = this.split('¤'),
        cssStyled = cssSplit.pop().formatString();
    styleId = styleId !== undefined ? styleId : cssSplit.shift();
    cssID = $( append + ' #' + styleId );
        ? cssID.html( cssStyled )
        : $( $( '<style/>',{ id: styleId, class:'mySuperStyles', html: cssStyled } ) ).appendTo( append );

String.prototype.HTMLEncodedParserHTML = function(){
    return $('<div/>').html( $( $.parseHTML( decodeURI(this) ) ) ).contents();
String.prototype.strParserHTML  = function(){
    return $($.parseHTML(this));
String.prototype.strDOMParser   = function(){
    return new DOMParser().parseFromString(this, "text/html");
String.prototype.str2html       = function(){
	return $('<div/>').html( this ).contents();

String.prototype.autoCopyToClipboard = function( cssElement, how ) {
	cssElement = cssElement || 'body';
	how = how || 'append';

	var mainID = 'autoCopyToClipboard',
		copyThis = $( '#' + mainID );

	$( cssElement )[ how ](
		$('<div/>',{ id: mainID + 'Wrapper', style: 'position:relative;' }).append(
				id: mainID, rows:"5", cols:"500", type:"text", value: this.toString(),
				style: 'position:absolute; top:-300px; display:block;' }) ) );

	setTimeout(function (){
        var remove = setInterval(function(){
			$( '#' + mainID + 'Wrapper' ).ifExists(function( $this ){
				clearInterval( remove );

//HTMLObjectElement.prototype.obj2Str = function(){var objArr = $.makeArray( this ); return objArr[0].outerHTML;};
 String.prototype.replaceAll = function( target, replacement ) {
 return this.split(target).join(replacement);
function ScrollZoomTune( selection, zooms, tune, ani, speed ){
	//ScrollZoomTune("div.thumb .title a",1,-25,1,'slow');
	var body = $('body'), sel = $( selection), position;
	//noinspection JSValidateTypes
	sel.size() !== 0 && (
			position = sel.position().top + tune,
			ani === 1
				? body.animate({ scrollTop: position * zooms }, speed )
				: body.scrollTop( position * zooms )
function refreshElement( elem , speed ){ //refreshElement('.videoPlayer','slow');
	var $elem = $( elem ), data = $elem.html();
	$elem.empty().html( data ).fadeIn( speed );

!!$.isFunction( $.fn.execCommand ) || ($.fn.execCommand = function(){});

function autoCopy2Clipboard( input, cssElement, how ){
	cssElement = cssElement || 'body';
	how = how || 'append';

	var mainID = 'autoCopyToClipboard',
		copyThis = $( '#' + autoCopyToClipboard );

	'#autoCopyToClipboard { position:absolute; top:-300px; display:block; }'.toStyle( mainID );
	$( cssElement )[ how ]( $('<textarea/>',{ id:mainID, rows:"5", cols:"500", type:"text", value: input }) );

function toStyle( styleId, str, append ){
	append = append || 'head';
	var $id = $( append + ' #' + styleId ),
		cssID = str.formatString();

		? $id.html( cssID )
		: $( $( '<style/>',{ id: styleId, class:'mySuperStyles', html: cssID } ) ).appendTo( append );
function getTheStyle( id ){
    var elem = document.getElementById("elem-container");
    var theCSSprop;
    theCSSprop = window.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue("height");
    document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = theCSSprop;
function obj2Str( obj ){
	var objArr = $.makeArray(obj);
	return objArr[0].outerHTML;
function orderBy(key, reverse){
    return function (a, b) {
        return ( reverse || false ) ? b[ key ] - a[ key ] : a[ key ] - b[ key ];
function sortBy(key, reverse){
    var R = reverse || false;
    return function (a, b) {
        var A = a[ key ], B = b[ key ];
        return A < B ? R ? 1 : -1 : A > B ? R ? -1 : 1 : 0;
function sortByOLD(key, reverse){
	// Usage: array.sort( sortBy( key, reverse ) )
	// Move smaller items towards the front
	// or back of the array depending on if
	// we want to sort the array in reverse
	// order or not.
	var moveSmaller = reverse ? 1 : -1;
	// Move larger items towards the front
	// or back of the array depending on if
	// we want to sort the array in reverse
	// order or not.
	var moveLarger = reverse ? -1 : 1;
	 * @param  {*} a
	 * @param  {*} b
	 * @return {Number}
	return function (a, b) {
		if (a[key] < b[key]) {
			return moveSmaller;
		if (a[key] > b[key]) {
			return moveLarger;
		return 0;

 @function sec2timeFormat
 @description convert second to time format in 4+ different ways into @example
 @param {(string|Number)} totalSeconds - @desc it will convert to millisecond inside of @function
 @param {Boolean} [complete] - @example true 02:45:05 or 02h 45m 05s false 2:45:05 or 2h 45m 05s
 @param {(string|Boolean)} [divider] - @example common ':' or '-' or '/'
 @param {Number} [toFix] - @desc millisecond after second - @default 2 - @example 45:05.44 or 5.44s
 @return {string}
 @copyright May 2017 - Magnus Fohlström
 @license MIT
function sec2timeFormat( totalSeconds, complete, divider, toFix ){
    totalSeconds = typeof totalSeconds === 'string' ? parseInt(totalSeconds) : totalSeconds;
    toFix = toFix !== undefined ? ( toFix === 0 ? 0 : toFix ) : 2;
    var bFull = complete !== undefined ? complete && true : false,
        div = divider !== undefined ? divider !== false : false,

        date = new Date( totalSeconds * 1000 ),
        d = Math.floor( totalSeconds / 3600 / 24 ),
        //    d = date.getUTCDate() - 1,
        h = date.getUTCHours(),
        m = date.getUTCMinutes(),
        s = date.getSeconds(),
        ms = totalSeconds - Math.floor( totalSeconds ),

        preD = div ? divider : 'd ', dPreD = d + preD,
        dd = bFull
            ? d === 0 ? '00' + preD : (d < 10 ? '0':'') + dPreD
            : d === 0 ? '' : dPreD,

        preH = div ? divider : 'h ', hPreH = h + preH,
        hh = dd.length > 0
            ? h === 0 ? '00' + preH : (h < 10 ? '0':'') + hPreH
            : h === 0 ? bFull ? h < 10 ? '0' + hPreH : hPreH : '' : hPreH,

        preM = div ? divider : 'm ', mPreM = m + preM,
        mm = hh.length > 0
            ? m === 0 ? '00' + preM : (m < 10 ? '0':'') + mPreM
            : m === 0 ? bFull ? m < 10 ? '0' + mPreM : mPreM : '' : mPreM,

        preMS = ( s + ms ).toFixed( toFix ),
        preS = div ? '' : 's', sPreS =  preMS + preS,
        ss = mm.length > 0
            ? s === 0 ? '00' + preS : (s < 10 ? '0':'') + sPreS
            : sPreS;

    return ( dd + hh + mm + ss ).toString();

function VideoTitleA( elem , state ){
	//VideoTitleA("div.thumb .title a",'on');
	$( elem ).each(function(){
		var $this    = $(this),
			strTitle = $this.attr('title'),
			strText  = $this.attr('data-text'),
			strHtml  = $this.text();
		state === 'on' ? $this.text(strTitle).attr('data-text',strHtml) : $this.text(strText);
 * @return {string}
function MultiString( f ){
	return f.toString().split('\n').slice(1, -1).join('\n');
function wrapWithTag( tag, text, selection ){
	var thisAttr = selection != undefined && selection.startsWith('.') ? 'class' : selection.startsWith('#') && 'id',
		thisTag = $('<' + tag + '/>', { text: text });
	return thisAttr.length ? thisTag.attr( thisAttr, selection.splice( 1 ) ) : thisTag;

function clean( node ) {
	 So to clean those unwanted nodes from inside the <body> element, you would simply do this:

	 Alternatively, to clean the entire document, you could do this:

	for( var n = 0; n < node.childNodes.length; n ++ ){
		var child = node.childNodes[ n ];
		( child.nodeType === 8 || ( child.nodeType === 3 && !/\S/.test( child.nodeValue ) ) )
			? (
			node.removeChild( child ),
				n --
			: child.nodeType === 1 && clean( child );
function commentsCleaner( array ){
	array = array === undefined ? [ '*', document, 'html' ] : array;

	$.each( array, function( i, e ) {
		$( e ).contents().each( function() {
			this.nodeType === Node.COMMENT_NODE  && $( this ).remove(); }); });
function clearSelection() {
    var sel;
    if ( (sel = document.selection) && sel.empty ) {
    } else {
        if (window.getSelection) {
        var activeEl = document.activeElement;
        if (activeEl) {
            var tagName = activeEl.nodeName.toLowerCase();
            if ( tagName == "textarea" ||
                (tagName == "input" && activeEl.type == "text") ) {
                // Collapse the selection to the end
                activeEl.selectionStart = activeEl.selectionEnd;
function newUrlNoReload( title, url ){
	window.history.pushState("string", title, url );
function inURLo( search, exact ){
	exact = exact || false;
	var winLoc = window.location.href;
	return exact ? winLoc === search : search ) !== -1;
function inURLe( search, exact ){
	exact = exact || false;
	var inArr,
		winLoc = window.location.href,
		tiA = function( search ){
			inArr = false;
			$.each( search, function(i,e){
				if( search ) !== -1 ){
					inArr = true;
					return false;
			return inArr;
	return exact ? winLoc === search : $.isArray( search ) ? tiA( search ) : search ) !== -1;
function inURL( search, exact ){

	var isAll,isNone,inArr,checkInArr,
		winLoc = window.location.href,
		countAll = 0, countNone = 0;

	exact = exact || false;
	isAll = exact === 'all';
	isNone = exact === 'none';
	exact = isNone || isAll ? false : exact;

	checkInArr = function( search, all ){
		inArr = false;
		$.each( search, function( i, e ){
            if( e ) !== -1 || e ) === -1){
                inArr = true;
                if( all ) e ) !== -1 ? countAll++ : e ) === -1 && countNone++;
                else return false;
            if( e ) !== -1 ){
				inArr = true;
				if( all ) countAll++; else return false;
			else if( e ) === -1 ){
				inArr = true;
				if( all ) countNone++; else return false;
		return all ? inArr && ( search.length === countAll || search.length === countNone ) : inArr;

	return 	exact
		? winLoc === search
		: $.isArray( search )
			? checkInArr( search, isAll || isNone )
			: isNone
				? search ) === -1
				: search ) !== -1;
function loadDoc( href ){
	$( location ).attr('href', href );

function isPrimitiveType( value ){
	// will return true if the value is a primitive value
	switch ( typeof value ) {
		case 'string': case 'number': case 'boolean': case 'undefined': {
		return true;
		case 'object': {
			return !value;
	return false;
function checkDividedIsInteger( num, div ){
	return ( num % div === 0 );
function isEven( value ){
	return ( value % 2 === 0 );
function inDom( array, onElement ) {
	var found = false,
		isArrayFN = function(){
			$.each( array, function( i, value ){

				value = onElement !== undefined
					? onElement + value
					: value;

				if( $( value ).length ){
					found = true;
					return false;

	$.isArray( array )
		? isArrayFN()
		: $( array ).length && ( found = true );

	 * @return {boolean}
	return found;
function isHTMLObject( obj ){
	obj = typeof obj == 'string' ? obj : $( obj );
	return obj.length
		? !!~( obj instanceof HTMLElement || obj[0] instanceof HTMLElement)
		: !!( obj && ( obj.nodeName || ( obj.prop && obj.attr && obj.find ) ) );

function isFunction( functionToCheck ){
	var getType = {};
	return functionToCheck && functionToCheck ) === '[object Function]';
function isNumeric( value ){
	return /^\d+$/.test( value );
function is_Numeric(n) {
    return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);

function parse_Boolean( Boolean, onNull, nullIs ) {
    var falsely = /^(?:f(?:alse)?|no?|off?|n?|failure?|sudumoo?|0+)$/i,
        truely = /^(?:t(?:rue)?|yes?|on?|y?|success?|yabbdoo?|1+)$/i;

    //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
    return truely.test( Boolean ) === !!Boolean ? true : falsely.test( Boolean ) === !!Boolean ? false
			: !isNaN(parseFloat( Boolean )) && isFinite( Boolean ) ? true
				: ( onNull || false ) ? bool == null ? nullIs : false : null;
function parseBoolean( Boolean , Type ) {
	Type = Type || false;
	var falsely = /^(?:f(?:alse)?|no?|0+)$/i,
		truely = /^(?:t(?:rue)?|yes?|1+)$/i;
	return Type ? !truely.test( Boolean ) && !!Boolean : !falsely.test( Boolean ) && !!Boolean;
function parseBooleanStyle( str, onNull, nullIs ){
    onNull = onNull || false;
    var bool, $this = this.toString().toLowerCase();
    switch( $this ){
        case 'true':
        case '1':
        case 'on':
        case 'y':
        case 'yes':
            bool = true;
        case 'false':
        case '0':
        case 'off':
        case 'n':
        case 'no':
            bool = false;
            bool = typeof bool === 'boolean' ? bool : null;
    return ( onNull || false ) && ( bool == null && nullIs || false ) || parseInt( $this ) !== 0 || bool;

 * Search for correct object in array and return it.
 * @function getObjKeyVal
 * @param {Array} array - The array you wanna search trough
 * @param {string} findKey - The key to search for
 * @param {string} exactValue - Check correct key is found
 * @param {string} [getObjKeyVal]  - get a key value in that object
function getObjKeyVal( array, findKey, exactValue, getObjKeyVal ){
    var obj, node;
    for( node in array )
        for( findKey in obj = array[ node ] )
            if( obj.hasOwnProperty( findKey ) && obj[ findKey ] == exactValue )
                return getObjKeyVal || false ? obj[ getObjKeyVal ] : obj;
    return false;
 * Search for all matched objects in array and return those.
 * @function getAllMatchedObj
 * @param {Array} array - The array you wanna search trough
 * @param {string} findKey - The key to search for
 * @param {string} exactValue - Check correct key found
function getAllMatchedObj( array, findKey, exactValue ){
    var newArr = [], obj, node;
    for( node in array )
        for( findKey in obj = array[ node ] )
            if( obj.hasOwnProperty( findKey ) && obj[ findKey ] == exactValue ) newArr.push( obj );
    return newArr;
 * Search for all matched objects in array and return those.
 * @function getAllMatchedObjByObject
 * @param {Array} mainArray - The array you wanna search trough
 * @param {Array} filterObject - Is one array object to match object in main array,
 * this object has multiple keys one each for a search criteria example "{ joined:'2012', rank:5, gender:'female' }"
function getAllMatchedObjByObject( mainArray, filterObject ){
    var newArr = [], objectCount = 0, mainLen = mainArray.length, mainObj, filterLen;
    for ( objectCount; objectCount != mainLen; objectCount++ ){

        mainObj = mainArray[ objectCount ];
        filterLen = Object.keys( filterObject ).length;

        Object.keys( filterObject ).forEach( function( filterKey, index ){
            mainObj.hasOwnProperty( filterKey ) && mainObj[ filterKey ] == filterObject[ filterKey ] && ++index === filterLen && newArr.push( mainObj );
    return newArr;
 * Do something with an array then return it
 * @function arrayDo
 * @param {string} what - what function is going to be used on an array
 * @param {(string|string[])} array - The array you wanna search trough
 * @param {string} findKey - The key to search for
 * @param {string} [keyValue] - Check correct key found
 * @param {string} [getKeyVal] - Get a key value from correct object found, or add in conjunction with newVal
 * @param {string} [newVal] - Set a new Value to a key
function arrayDo( what, array, findKey, keyValue, getKeyVal, newVal) {

    what = what === 'newKey' ? 'updateKey' : what;
		index = array.findIndex( function( obj ){
	 		return obj.hasOwnProperty( findKey ) && obj[ findKey ] === keyValue;
    var index = -1, i=0, len = array.length;

  //  if( !!~$.inArray( doWhat, ['allMatched','add','sort'] ) === true )
        for ( i; i != len ; i++ ) {
            var obj = array[ i ];
            if( obj.hasOwnProperty( findKey ) && obj[ findKey ] === keyValue ){
            	c.i('inArray',obj[ findKey ]);
                index = i;

    var object = array[ index ],
        doWhat = {
            find        : function(){
                array = object;
            remove      : function(){
                index !== -1 && array.splice( index, 1 );
            keyVal      : function(){
                var obj = object[ getKeyVal ];
                array = obj !== undefined ? obj : '';
            updateKey   : function(){ //newKey
            /*    c.i('updateKey array ', JSON.stringify( array ) )
                c.i('updateKey index ', index )
                c.i('updateKey Value ', keyValue)
                c.i('updateKey newVal', newVal )
                c.i('getKeyVal before', array[ index ] )
                c.i('updateKey', '____________________')
                index !== -1 && ( array[ index ][ getKeyVal ] = newVal );
            //    c.i('getKeyVal after ', array[ index ] )
            deleteKey   : function(){
                index !== -1 && delete array[ index ][ getKeyVal ];
            add         : function(){
                array.push( newVal );
            sort        : function(){
                array.sort( sortBy( findKey, keyValue ) );
			allMatched  : function(){
                var newArr = [], i = 0,
                    secondMatch = ( getKeyVal !== undefined && newVal !== undefined );

                for ( i; i != len; i++ ) {
                    var obj = array[ i ];
                    ( obj.hasOwnProperty( findKey ) && obj[ findKey ] === keyValue )
                        && ( secondMatch ? ( obj.hasOwnProperty( getKeyVal ) && obj[ getKeyVal ] === newVal ) : true )
                            && newArr.push( obj );

                array = newArr;

    doWhat[ what ]();
    return array;

function getsComputedStyle( style, elem ) {
	elem = elem || 'body';
	return window.getComputedStyle( document[ elem ] )[ style ] !== undefined;
function isPropertySupported( property, elem ){
	elem = elem || 'body';
	return property in document[ elem ].style;
function cssPropertyValueSupported( prop, value, elem ) {
	//cssPropertyValueSupported('width', '1px');
	elem = elem || 'div';
	var d = document.createElement( elem );[ prop ] = value;
	return[ prop ] === value;

var cssSupports = (function(){
	 if ( supports('textShadow') ) {
	 document.documentElement.className += ' textShadow';
	var div = document.createElement('div'),
		vendors = 'Khtml Ms O Moz Webkit'.split(' '),
		len = vendors.length;

	return function(prop) {
		if ( prop in ) return true;

		prop = prop.replace(/^[a-z]/, function(val) {
			return val.toUpperCase();

		while(len--) {
			if ( vendors[len] + prop in ) {
				// browser supports box-shadow. Do what you need.
				// Or use a bang (!) to test if the browser doesn't.
				return true;
		return false;

function toggleClassState( config, Class, state, elem ){
	config === undefined ? window.config = {} : config;
	config = config || ( window.config = {} );

	config[ Class ] = typeof state === 'string' ? !config[ Class ] : state;
	$( elem || 'html' )[ config[ Class ] ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]( Class );
	$( elem || 'html' ).attr('class');
function filterClick( e, $this ){
	return e.which == 1 && == $this;
function dispatchEventResize() {
	//noinspection JSClosureCompilerSyntax,JSUnresolvedFunction
	window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));

 * @return {string}
function Undefined( check, replace ){
	return check === undefined ? replace.toString() : check.toString();
function checkJqueryUI( maxCount, timeout, module ){
    //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
    if( typeof jQuery.ui != 'undefined' ){
        //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
        return module != undefined ? typeof jQuery.ui[ module ] != 'undefined' : true; }
            if( counter.setGet('chkJQ') > maxCount ){
            	return false;
            else checkJqueryUI( maxCount, timeout );
        }, timeout );

function getGlobal(){
	return (function(){
		return this;
function GM_lister( remove, item ){
	var keys = GM_listValues();
	for (var i = 0, key = null; key = keys[i]; i++) {
		GM_listValues()[i] !== undefined && (
			c.i('GM_ListItem: ' + GM_listValues()[i] + ':', GM_getValue(key)),
			( ( item !== undefined && GM_listValues()[i].inElem( item ) ) || item === undefined )
			&& ( remove === true || remove === 'yes' || remove === 1 ) && GM_deleteValue(key));

function roundFloat( num, dec ){
	var d = 1;
	for ( var i=0; i<dec; i++ ){
		d += "0";
	return Math.round(num * d) / d;
function randomFloatBetween( min, max, dec ){
	dec = typeof( dec ) == 'undefined' ? 2 : dec;
	return parseFloat( Math.min( min + ( Math.random() * ( max - min ) ), max ).toFixed( dec ) );
function random( max ) {
	var min = 1,
		rand = function(){
			return Math.floor( Math.random() * ( max - min + 1 ) + min );
		num1 = rand(),
		num2 = rand();

	return ( num1 > num2 ? num2/num1 : num1/num2 ) * max;
function roundNearPeace( number, peaces, dec ) {
	return ( Math.round( number * peaces ) / peaces ).toFixed( dec );

var w = window,
	glob = w,
	$w = $( w ),
	$l = $( location ),
	locDoc = window.location.href,
	d = document,
	$d = $( d ),

	c = {
		defaultState: 3,
		cute : function( type, msg, color ) {
			color = color || "black";
			var newColor, bgc = "White";
			switch ( color ) {
				case "success":  newColor = "Green";      bgc = "LimeGreen";       break;
				case "info":     newColor = "DodgerBlue"; bgc = "Turquoise";       break;
				case "error":    newColor = "Red";        bgc = "Black";           break;
				case "start":    newColor = "OliveDrab";  bgc = "PaleGreen";       break;
				case "warning":  newColor = "Tomato";     bgc = "Black";           break;
				case "end":      newColor = "Orchid";     bgc = "MediumVioletRed"; break;
				default: //noinspection SillyAssignmentJS
					newColor = color;

			typeof msg == "object" ?
				window.console[ type ]( msg )
				: typeof color == "object" ? (
				window.console[ type ]("%c" + msg, "color: PowderBlue;font-weight:bold; background-color: RoyalBlue;"),
					window.console[ type ]( newColor )
			) :
				window.console[ type ]("%c" + msg, "color:" + newColor + "; background-color: " + bgc + ";");
		show: function( showThis, type ){
			var State = GM_getValue( type + 'StateValue' ) || this.defaultState;
			return showThis !== 0 && State !== 0 && State === ( showThis || State ) || State === 'all';
		pre: function( type, name, fn, line, color ){
			line = line == undefined ? '' : line + ': ';
			 * @return {string}
			var Fn = function(){ return fn !== undefined ? fn : ''; };
			typeof fn == "object"
				? window.console[ type ]( name, Fn() )
				: c.cute( type, line + name + ': ' + Fn(), color );
		type: function( type, name, fn, line, color, showThis ){ showThis, type ) && this.pre( type, name, fn, line, color );
		l: function( name, fn, line, color, showThis ){
			this.type( 'log', name, fn, line, color, showThis );
		h: function( name, fn, line, color, showThis ){
			this.type( 'handled', name, fn, line, color, showThis );
		//c.l('name', 'fn'=='fn', 'line', 'blue')
		i: function( name, fn, line, color, showThis ){
			this.type( 'info', name, fn, line, color, showThis );
		d: function( name, fn, line, color, showThis ){
			this.type( 'debug', name, fn, line, color, showThis );
	localStorageObj = {
		name        : 'setName', //important
		localArray  : function(){
			return window.localStorage.getItem( );
		getArray    : function(){
			return this.localArray() === null ? [] : JSON.parse( this.localArray() );
        removeArray : function(){
            window.localStorage.removeItem( );
		stringify   : function( array ){
			c.i('[stringify]', JSON.stringify(array) );
			window.localStorage.setItem(, JSON.stringify(array) );
		check       : function( key, value ){
			var array = this.getArray();
			return array.grepArrayObj('find', key, value );
		viewConsole : function( json ){
			var array = this.getArray();
			// $.toJSON() ---
			// array.join('\n');
			c.d(, array ); //debug mode important to make this work
			c.i(, json ? isFunction( $.toJSON() ) ? $.toJSON( array ) : JSON.stringify( array ) : array.toSource() );
		addTo       : function() {

		add         : function( key, value, obj ){
			var array = this.getArray(),
				inA = array.toString();
			c.i('[check array 1]', inA );
			this.check( array, key, value )
			|| (
				array.push( obj ),
					c.i('[Added Object into array]', obj ),
					c.i('[check array 2]', array )
			this.stringify( array );
		remove      : function( key, value, obj ){
			var array = this.getArray();
			this.check( array, key, value )
			&& (
				array = array.grepArrayObj('remove', key, value ),
					c.i('[Removed Object from array]', obj )
			this.stringify( array );
	booleanTimer = {
		timers  : [],
		start   : function( name, ms ){
			var that = this, value = name,
				stop = setTimeout(function(){
					that.stop( value );
				}, ms );
			this.timers.push( { 'name': value, stop:stop } );
			//setTimeout(function(){that.stop( value );}, ms );
		check   : function( value ){
			return this.timers.grepArrayObj( 'find', 'name', value ) !== undefined;
		stop    : function( value ){
			this.timers = this.timers.grepArrayObj( 'remove', 'name', value );
	advTimer = {
		timers  : [],
		start   : function( name, ms ){
			var that = this, value = name,
				stop = setTimeout(function(){
					that.stop( value );
				}, ms );
			//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
			this.timers.push({ 'name':value,, timeout:ms, stop:stop });
		check   : function( value ){
			var findObj = this.timers.grepArrayObj( 'find', 'name', value );
			//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
			return findObj !== undefined
				? findObj.timeout - ( - findObj.start )
				: false;
		stop    : function( value ){
			this.timers = this.timers.grepArrayObj( 'remove', 'name', value );
	lap     = {
		data : {},
		tid  : function(){
			//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
		set  : function(name){[name] = this.tid();
		get  : function(name){
			return this.tid() -[name];
		end  : function(name){
		del  : function(name){
		print: function(name){
			var get = this.get( name );
			c.i( 'Lap: ' + name,  isNaN( get ) ? 'There is no such a name ' : get + 'ms' );
	timer   = {
		ms  : 0,
		set : function(ms){
			var that = this; = ms;
			setTimeout(function(){ = 0;
			}, ms );
    counter = {
        data    : {},
        setGet	: function(name, decrease, reset) {

            this.exists(name) && ( reset || false )
				&& this.set(name,0);

				? this[ ( decrease || false ) ? 'decrease' : 'increase' ](name)
				: this.set(name);

            return this.get(name);
        set     : function(name, start, base){
  [name] = start || 0;
  [name+'Default'] = base || 1;
        get     : function(name){
        is      : function(name, count){
            return[name] === count;
        lessThen: function(name, count, equal ){
            return ( equal || false ) ?[name] <= count :[name] < count;
        moreThen: function(name, count, equal){
            return ( equal || false ) ?[name] >= count :[name] > count;
        del     : function(name){
        exists  : function(name) {
            return[name] !== undefined;
        plus    : function(name, num){
            this.exists(name) || this.set(name);
  [name] =[name] + ( num === undefined ?[name+'Default'] : num );
        minus   : function(name, num){
            this.exists(name) || this.set(name);
  [name] =[name] - ( num === undefined ?[name+'Default'] : num );
        increase: function (name, num) {
  , num);
        decrease: function (name, num) {
            this.minus(name, num);
        '+'     : function (name, num) {
  , num);
        '-'     : function (name, num) {
            this.minus(name, num);
        up      : function (name, num) {
  , num);
        down    : function (name, num) {
            this.minus(name, num);
        add     : function (name, num) {
  , num);
        subtract: function (name, num) {
            this.minus(name, num);
        withdraw: function (name, num) {
            this.minus(name, num);
	g       = {
		locDoc  : window.location.href,
		ms      : 0,
		timer   : function(ms){ = ms;
			setTimeout(function(){ = 0; }, ms );

		GM      : {
			engine : function( mode, val, range ){
				switch (mode){
					case 'set':     GM_setValue(, val.default );
					case 'get':     range ? config[ ] = GM_getValue( ):
						ui.config[ ] = GM_getValue( );
					case 'del':     GM_deleteValue( );
			manager : function( mode, array, range ){
				$.each( array, function( i, val ){ this.engine( mode, val, range === undefined ); });
				mode === 'del' && ( GM_deleteValue( 'firstRun' ), GM_deleteValue( 'yourVer' ) );

	testPerformance = function( name, fn, testCycles ) {
		lap.set( name );
		var i = 0;
		for ( i ; i < testCycles; i++ ){
		lap.end( name );
	perf = function (testName, fn) {
		var startTime = new Date().getTime();
		var endTime = new Date().getTime();
		console.log( testName + ": " + ( endTime - startTime ) + "ms" );

	this == && c.i('target:', $(this)[0] );

c.i('my Function Library ÖÖö');
 isScrolledIntoView = (elem) ->
 docViewTop = $(window).scrollTop()
 docViewBottom = docViewTop + $(window).height()
 elemTop = $(elem).offset().top
 elemBottom = elemTop + $(elem).height()

 (elemBottom - 200 < docViewBottom) and (elemBottom + $(elem).height() > docViewBottom )