Google Search Extra Buttons
Add buttons of customized search to results page of Google and main page. (This page in Russian.)
(Note: option of revert to old blue design of x-buttons was added to settings.)
(Fx, Chrome, Opera12, Safari, MS Edge + Win10 + Tampermonkey)
- Fx - script is installed by GreaseMonkey addon for userscripts (in older Firefox Scriptish addon may be used);
- Chrome|new Opera(15+)|Vivaldi|Yandex browser - immediately (on the page chrome://extensions/ it placed as unpacked script in "developer mode"; directory sholuld be contain manifest.json or JSON code lower, rename script: "Google_Search_Extra_Buttons.user.js" or similar if need; or by other methods - Tampermonkey);
- Opera 12- - save userscript in file placed in Opera directory... ( there are instructions );
- Safari - installed by Tampermonkey for Safari.
- , MS Edge, KMeleon, Brave
"content_scripts": [ {
"exclude_matches": [ ],
"include_globs": [
"js": [ "Google_Search_Extra_Buttons.user.js" ],
"matches": [ "http://*/*", "https://*/*" ],
"run_at": "document_idle"
} ],
"converted_from_user_script": true,
"description": "Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Google search page",
"name": "GoogleSearchExtraButtons",
"version": "40.2019.08.13",
"manifest_version": 2
Script adds 8 types of buttons that doubled links hidden in:
- change interface language (en(default), fr, ru, de, es) in Settings area; small sticked appearance;
- search PDF docs;
- search in site (from list; if no list in settings (or commented), this button is not displayed);
- write list of your favorite sites in code (example: ['','']);
- search in interval of dates (fast opening of Google inteface);
- search for 1,2..13 last days;
- search for 1,2..10 last weeks;
- search for 1,2..11 last months;
- search for 1,2..10 last years;
- search for 1,2..22 last hours;
- save of each select in ext. localStorage;
- multilanguage interface by settings in navigator.language or in script: ('en' is default or on undescribed language);
- remove lang in settings (select "en w/o hints") for no hints (interface language will be English);
- save settings (language and sites list) in the external localStorage (google clean own storage), copy list as text;
- keep type of current page ('tbm=' parameter) - news, pictures, video etc.
2018-12-11: White-Mint-Oval design (as default), blue old design as additional;
2018-12-05..11: start page with buttons is repaired; fix img search; hide buttons in shop|boks|finance;
2018-11-30..12-4: search by up to 30 filetypes; images search by types and Show Sizes checkbox;
2018-11-19..20: by changes of layout (classes and logic) of results page (TODO start page), external localStorage is placed to Google domain (
2017-12-12: transitions in fading columns; some style modifications
2017-11-13: temporary save option "sort by date" for nexr search in the same page
2017-03-11: more contrast gray design of extra buttons
2017-02-04: fix white-on-white border of input field
2016-12-12: gray design of buttons on the pages with new desing of Google; setting of return to old buttons design.
2016-12-07: fixes for compatibility of new design of input fields; old format is supported also.
2016-01-17: fix autostart after select of site; switch of checkbox.
This script is based on BarsMonster article (ru) .
Github: .