Ce script ne devrait pas être installé directement. C'est une librairie créée pour d'autres scripts. Elle doit être inclus avec la commande // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/500540/1411060/yucata%20%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E5%8C%96%E6%8F%92%E4%BB%B6_%E8%AF%8D%E5%BA%93.js
locals.js - 搭配用户脚本插件`yucata 中文化插件`的页面匹配规则, 翻译忽略规则,
var I18N = {};
I18N.conf = {
* 匹配 pathname 页面的正则
* 注册页面 /signup
* 导入仓库 /new/import
* ...
rePagePath: /^\/($|en\/Overview|en\/Invite\/GrandAustria|en\/Game\/GrandAustria|en\/Invite\/Messina1347|en\/Game\/Messina1347|en\/Rules\/Messina1347|en\/Invite|en\/GameInfo|en\/Game|game|en)/,
* 忽略区域的 class 正则
* 代码编辑器 内容 代码高亮 CodeMirror
* 代码高亮 blob-code
* 仓库名和用户名 repo-and-owner (已知出现在: 应用安装授权页和设置页 选定仓库)
* 文件,目录位置栏 |js-path-segment|final-path
* 文件列表 files js-navigation-container js-active-navigation-container
* 评论内容等 js-comment-body
* 评论编辑区域 comment-form-textarea
* 文件搜索模式 js-tree-finder-virtual-filter
* 仓库文件列表 js-navigation-open Link--primary
* 快捷键 按键 js-modifier-key
* 洞察-->流量-->热门内容列表 capped-list-label
* realease 页面 描述主体 markdown-body my-3
* f4 my-3
* 仓库页 用户名/仓库名 标题 AppHeader-globalBar-start 新版全局导航
* 提交的用户名 commit-author
* 搜索页 搜索结果 search-match
reIgnoreClass: /(CodeMirror|blob-code|highlight-.*|repo-and-owner|js-path-segment|final-path|files js-navigation-container|js-comment-body|comment-form-textarea|markdown-title|js-tree-finder-virtual-filter|js-navigation-open Link--primary|js-modifier-key|capped-list-label|blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line|pl-token|Link--primary no-underline text-bold|markdown-body my-3|f4 my-3|react-code-text|react-file-line|AppHeader-globalBar-start|commit-author|search-match|ChatMessageCell|ChatTimeCell|ChatLoginCell|jOnlineUser|jPlayerInfo)/,
keyClass: /^18xx\.Games$|^18xx$|^\. Games$|[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+|^4, 3\/5$|^5, 4\/6$|^6, 7\/8$|^, \d+$|^\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\d\d$|^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d, \d\d\:\d\d$/,
userCompanyClass: /^(,|klingeling|ivaever|weatherlight|gogyes|ID|YST:|FAQ|cutebeast|MadFedor|MadFedor|CountVonBlucher|Skollvaldr|BIG4|B&O|C&O|C&WI|IC\*|GT\*|B&O\*|NYC\*|Player \d+|JonasWZ|Caesling|CommodoreVanDerWin|ventusignis|Raven|Kuchengabel|CommodoreVan\.\.\.)$|^bob$|^Cydore$|^tgoodburn$|^debeerzerker$|^Rooster$/,
* 忽略区域的 itemprop 属性正则
* name 列表页 仓库名
* author 仓库页 作者名称
* additionalName 个人主页 附加名称
reIgnoreItemprop: ['name', 'author', 'additionalName'],
reIgnorehrefprop: ['#market'],
* 忽略区域的 特定元素id 正则
* offset /blob页面 符号-->引用
reIgnoreId: ['readme', 'offset', 'breadcrumb', 'file-name-id'],
* 忽略区域的 标签 正则
* /i 规则不区分大小写
reIgnoreTag: ['CODE', 'SCRIPT', 'STYLE', 'LINK', '', 'MARKED-TEXT', 'PRE', 'KBD'],
// marked-text --> 文件搜索模式/<user-name>/<repo-name>/find/<branch> 文件列表条目
// ^script$ --> 避免勿过滤 notifications-list-subscription-form
// ^pre$ --> 避免勿过滤
I18N.zh = {};
I18N.zh["title"] = { // 标题翻译
"static": { // 静态翻译
"regexp": [ // 正则翻译
I18N.zh["pubilc"] = { // 公共区域翻译
"static": { // 静态翻译
"Home": "主页",
"Overview": "概述",
"Games": "游戏",
"Your current games": "你当前的游戏",
"Create new game": "创建新游戏",
"Create RANDOM game": "创建「随机」游戏",
"Invitation list": "邀请列表",
"Rules": "规则",
"Game information": "游戏信息",
"Statistics": "统计信息",
"Other players": "其他玩家",
"Player list": "玩家列表",
"Ranking table": "排行榜",
"Players online": "玩家在线",
"Communication": "交流",
"Messages": "消息",
"Send message": "发送消息",
"Discussion board": "讨论板",
"My Yucata": "我的 Yucata",
"My Profile": "我的资料",
"Player information": "玩家信息",
"New messages": "新消息",
"Game history": "游戏历史",
"Info": "信息",
"Editorial": "出版说明",
"Team": "团队",
"Donations": "捐赠",
"Logout": "登出",
"Privacy statement": "隐私政策",
"To Top": "去顶部",
"Yucata Server Time": "Yucata 服务器时间",
"Buddies": "伙伴",
"system": "系统",
"discussion board": "讨论板",
"You don't have any unread messages": "你没有任何未读消息",
"Support yucata.de": "支持 yucata.de",
"Active only": "仅活跃",
"All": "所有",
"Find Buddies": "找寻伙伴",
"Find buddies": "找寻伙伴",
"Player info": "玩家信息",
"Game history with me": "与我的游戏历史",
"Add to buddy list": "添加到伙伴列表",
"Remove from buddy list": "从伙伴列表中移除",
"Send chat message": "发送聊天信息",
"Chat": "聊天",
"If you got new messages it will be shown here, together with a link to the page where you find the messages.": "如果你收到了新消息,它将显示在此处,并附带一个指向查找消息页面的链接。",
"Current games": "当前游戏",
"Personal invitations": "私人邀请",
"Game": "游戏",
"Opponents": "对手",
"No matching records found": "找不到匹配的记录",
"You may declare some players to be your buddies. The buddy list shows you at one glance who of your buddies is online. If a buddy of yours comes online you will get a notification in the chat.": "你可以宣布一些玩家是你的伙伴。伙伴列表显示你的伙伴中有谁在线。如果你的伙伴在线,你会在聊天中收到通知。",
"Buddies may be defined wherever you get a context menu when hovering a player name. That may be in the chat, in the list of current games or in the player list.": "当悬停在玩家名称时,你将得到一个关联菜单,就可以定位到好友。这可能在聊天、当前游戏列表或玩家列表中。",
"Game type (scenario)": "游戏类型(场景)",
"Create invitation": "创建邀请",
"Speed": "速度",
"Result": "结果",
"Players": "玩家",
"Finished on": "结束于",
"Recently finished games": "最近结束的游戏",
"First": "第一页",
"Previous": "上一页",
"Next": "下一页",
"Last": "最后一页",
"Show": "显示",
"entries": "条目",
"All": "所有",
"Any": "任意",
"Slow": "缓慢",
"1 move/day": "1次移动/天",
"x moves/d": "x次移动/天",
"Several moves/day": "几次移动/天",
"Accept": "接受",
"Scored game": "计分游戏",
"Training game": "训练游戏",
"training game": "训练游戏",
"single game": "单次游戏",
"2 players": "2位玩家",
"3 players": "3位玩家",
"4 players": "4位玩家",
"5 players": "5位玩家",
"6 players": "6位玩家",
"Game invitation created": "游戏邀请已创建",
"Decline": "拒绝",
"China": "中国",
"Deutsche": "德语",
"Deutsch": "德语",
"English": "英语",
"Gravatar": "头像",
"Game info": "游戏信息",
"Game rules": "游戏规则",
"Currently you rated the game like:": "目前你对游戏的评价如下:",
"Solo game": "单人游戏",
"Don't like it": "不喜欢",
"Don't know it": "不清楚",
"Neutral": "中立",
"Like it": "喜欢",
"Favorite game": "最喜欢的游戏",
"Don't like": "不喜欢",
"Don't know": "不清楚",
"Like": "喜欢",
"Favorite": "最喜欢的",
"This is a Gravatar. Get your own Gravatar on https://www.gravatar.com.": "这是一个头像。获得你自己的头像在https://www.gravatar.com。",
"Processing...": "处理中...",
"Authors": "设计师",
"Author": "设计师",
"Illustrators": "美术设计",
"Illustrator": "美术设计",
"Published by": "出版社",
"Online since": "上线日期",
"Developed by": "开发者",
"Previously developed by": "先前开发者",
"Reimplemented": "重新实现",
"Boardgamegeek": "桌游极客网",
"BETA": "开发版",
"Hermit": "隐士",
"New villager": "新村民",
"Lumberjack": "伐木工",
"Fisherman": "渔夫",
"Fisherwoman": "渔女",
"Fisher(wo)man": "渔(女)夫",
"Farmer": "农夫",
"Journeyman": "熟练工",
"Journeywoman": "熟练女工",
"Journey(wo)man": "熟练(女)工",
"Weaver": "纺织工",
"Baker": "面包师",
"Toolmaker": "模具工",
"Messenger": "信使",
"Secretary": "秘书",
"Shopkeeper": "店主",
"Merchant": "商人",
"Builder": "建设者",
"Architect": "建筑师",
"Scholar": "学者",
"Juror": "陪审团成员",
"Judge": "法官",
"Councillor": "议员",
"Treasurer": "司库",
"Mayor": "市长",
"Temple servant": "寺庙仆人",
"Novitiate": "初期修士",
"Lay monk": "修道士",
"Lay nun": "修女",
"Lay Monk/Nun": "修道士/修女",
"Monk": "僧侣",
"Nun": "尼姑",
"Monk/Nun": "僧侣/尼姑",
"Healer": "术士",
"Lay priest": "在俗祭司",
"Lay priest(ess)": "在俗祭司",
"Astrologer": "占星师",
"Macom priest": "主要祭司",
"Macom priestess": "主要女祭司",
"Chilan priest": "奇兰祭司",
"Chilan priestess": "奇兰女祭司",
"Ahaucan": "阿胡坎",
"Ahaucana": "阿胡坎纳",
"Che-le": "车乐",
"Chaac": "雨神",
"Ahmakiq": "农业之神",
"Ix Chel": "彩虹女神",
"Itzamna": "伊扎姆纳",
"regexp": [ // 正则翻译
* 匹配时间格式
* 月 日 或 月 日, 年
* Mar 19, 2015 – Mar 19, 2016
* January 26 – March 19
* March 26
* 不知道是否稳定, 暂时先试用着. 2016-03-19 20:46:45
* 更新于 2021-10-04 15:19:18
* 增加 带介词 on 的格式,on 翻译不体现
* on Mar 19, 2015
* on March 26
* 更新于 2021-10-10 13:44:36
* on 星期(简写), 月 日 年 // 个人访问令牌 有效期
* on Tue, Nov 9 2021
* on Tue Nov 9 2021
* 2021-10-19 12:04:19 融合更多规则
* 4 Sep
* 30 Dec 2020
* on 4 Sep
* on 30 Dec 2020
* 2021-11-22 12:51:57 新增 格式
* 星期(全称), 月 日, 年 // 仓库-->洞察-->流量 图示标识
* Sunday, November 14, 2021
* Tue Aug 08 2023 07:07:12
* Tip:
* 正则中的 ?? 前面的字符 重复0次或1次
* 正则中的 ?: 非捕获符号(即关闭圆括号的捕获能力) 使用方法 (?: 匹配规则) -->该匹配不会被捕获 为 $数字
[/(?:on |)(?:(\d{1,2}) |)(?:(Sun(?:day)?|Mon(?:day)?|Tue(?:sday)?|Wed(?:nesday)?|Thu(?:rsday)?|Fri(?:day)?|Sat(?:urday)?)(?:,|) |)(?:(Jan(?:uary)?|Feb(?:ruary)?|Mar(?:ch)?|Apr(?:il)?|May(?:)??|Jun(?:e)?|Jul(?:y)?|Aug(?:ust)?|Sep(?:tember)?|Oct(?:ober)?|Nov(?:ember)?|Dec(?:ember)?)(?:,? |$))(\d{4}|)(\d{1,2}|)(?:,? (\d{4})|)(?:(?:,|) (\d{1,2}:(?:\d{1,2})(?::\d{1,2}|))|)/g, function (all, date1, week, month, year1, date2, year2, time) {
var weekKey = {
"Sun": "周日",
"Mon": "周一",
"Tue": "周二",
"Wed": "周三",
"Thu": "周四",
"Fri": "周五",
"Sat": "周六",
var monthKey = {
"Jan": "1月",
"Feb": "2月",
"Mar": "3月",
"Apr": "4月",
"May": "5月",
"Jun": "6月",
"Jul": "7月",
"Aug": "8月",
"Sep": "9月",
"Oct": "10月",
"Nov": "11月",
"Dec": "12月"
var date = date1 ? date1 : date2;
var year = year1 ? year1 : year2;
return (year ? year + '年' : '') + monthKey[month.substring(0, 3)] + (date ? date + '日' : '') + (week ? ', ' + weekKey[week.substring(0, 3)] : '') + (time? ', ' + time: '');
* 相对时间格式处理
* 更新于 2021-11-21 16:47:14
* 1. 添加 前缀词
* over xxx ago // 里程碑页面 最后更新时间
* about xxx ago // 里程碑页面 最后更新时间
* almost xxx ago // 里程碑页面 最后更新时间
* less than xxx ago // 导出帐户数据
* 2. xxx之内的相对时间格式
* in 6 minutes // 拉取请求页面
* 更新于 2021-11-22 11:54:30
* 1. 修复 Bug: 意外的扩大了匹配范围(不带前缀与后缀的时间) 干扰了带有相对时间的其他规则
* 7 months
[/^just now|^now|^last month|^yesterday|(?:(over|about|almost|in) |)(^an?|^\d+)(?: |)(second|minute|hour|day|month|year)s?( ago|)/, function (all, prefix, count, unit, suffix) {
if (all === 'now') {
return '现在';
if (all === 'just now') {
return '刚刚';
if (all === 'last month') {
return '上个月';
if (all === 'yesterday') {
return '昨天';
if (count[0] === 'a') {
count = '1';
} // a, an 修改为 1
var unitKey = { second: '秒', minute: '分钟', hour: '小时', day: '天', month: '个月', year: '年' };
if (suffix) {
return (prefix === 'about' || prefix === 'almost' ? '大约 ' : prefix === 'less than' ? '不到 ' : '') + count + ' ' + unitKey[unit] + (prefix === 'over' ? '多之前' : '之前');
} else {
return count + ' ' + unitKey[unit] + (prefix === 'in' ? '之内' : '之前');
* 匹配时间格式 2
* in 5m 20s
[/^(?:(in) |)(?:(\d+)m |)(\d+)s$/, function (all, prefix, minute, second) {
all = minute ? minute + '分' + second + '秒' : second + '秒';
return (prefix ? all + '之内' : all);
[/^Showing (\d+.*) to (\d+.*) of (\d+.*) entries$/,"显示 $3 个条目中的 $1 到 $2 个"],
[/^Showing (\d+.*) to (\d+.*) of (\d+.*) entries \(filtered from (\d+.*) total entries\)$/,"显示 $3 个条目中的 $1 到 $2 个(过滤自共 $4 个条目)"],
"time-regexp": [ // 时间正则翻译专项
* 匹配时间格式
* 月 日 或 月 日, 年
* Mar 19, 2015 – Mar 19, 2016
* January 26 – March 19
* March 26
* 不知道是否稳定, 暂时先试用着. 2016-03-19 20:46:45
* 更新于 2021-10-04 15:19:18
* 增加 带介词 on 的格式,on 翻译不体现
* on Mar 19, 2015
* on March 26
* 更新于 2021-10-10 13:44:36
* on 星期(简写), 月 日 年 // 个人访问令牌 有效期
* on Tue, Nov 9 2021
* 2021-10-19 12:04:19 融合更多规则
* 4 Sep
* 30 Dec 2020
* on 4 Sep
* on 30 Dec 2020
* 2021-11-22 12:51:57 新增 格式
* 星期(全称), 月 日, 年 // 仓库-->洞察-->流量 图示标识
* Sunday, November 14, 2021
* Tip:
* 正则中的 ?? 前面的字符 重复0次或1次
* 正则中的 ?: 非捕获符号(即关闭圆括号的捕获能力) 使用方法 (?: 匹配规则) -->该匹配不会被捕获 为 $数字
[/(?:on |)(?:(\d{1,2}) |)(?:(Sun(?:day)?|Mon(?:day)?|Tue(?:sday)?|Wed(?:nesday)?|Thu(?:rsday)?|Fri(?:day)?|Sat(?:urday)?)(?:,|) |)(?:(Jan(?:uary)?|Feb(?:ruary)?|Mar(?:ch)?|Apr(?:il)?|May(?:)??|Jun(?:e)?|Jul(?:y)?|Aug(?:ust)?|Sep(?:tember)?|Oct(?:ober)?|Nov(?:ember)?|Dec(?:ember)?)(?:,? |$))(\d{4}|)(\d{1,2}|)(?:,? (\d{4})|)/g, function (all, date1, week, month, year1, date2, year2) {
var weekKey = {
"Sun": "周日",
"Mon": "周一",
"Tue": "周二",
"Wed": "周三",
"Thu": "周四",
"Fri": "周五",
"Sat": "周六",
var monthKey = {
"Jan": "1月",
"Feb": "2月",
"Mar": "3月",
"Apr": "4月",
"May": "5月",
"Jun": "6月",
"Jul": "7月",
"Aug": "8月",
"Sep": "9月",
"Oct": "10月",
"Nov": "11月",
"Dec": "12月"
var date = date1 ? date1 : date2;
var year = year1 ? year1 : year2;
return (year ? year + '年' : '') + monthKey[month.substring(0, 3)] + (date ? date + '日' : '') + (week ? ', ' + weekKey[week.substring(0, 3)] : '');
* 相对时间格式处理
* 更新于 2021-11-21 16:47:14
* 1. 添加 前缀词
* over xxx ago // 里程碑页面 最后更新时间
* about xxx ago // 里程碑页面 最后更新时间
* almost xxx ago // 里程碑页面 最后更新时间
* less than xxx ago // 导出帐户数据
* 2. xxx之内的相对时间格式
* in 6 minutes // 拉取请求页面
* 更新于 2021-11-22 11:54:30
* 1. 修复 Bug: 意外的扩大了匹配范围(不带前缀与后缀的时间) 干扰了带有相对时间的其他规则
* 7 months
[/^just now|^now|^last year|^last month|^last week|^yesterday|(?:(over|about|almost|in) |)(an?|\d+)(?: |)(second|minute|hour|day|month|year|week)s?( ago|)/, function (all, prefix, count, unit, suffix) {
if (all === 'now') {
return '现在';
if (all === 'just now') {
return '刚刚';
if (all === 'last year') {
return '最近 1 年';
if (all === 'last month') {
return '上个月';
if (all === 'last week') {
return '上周';
if (all === 'yesterday') {
return '昨天';
if (count[0] === 'a') {
count = '1';
} // a, an 修改为 1
var unitKey = { second: '秒', minute: '分钟', hour: '小时', day: '天', month: '个月', year: '年', week: '周' };
if (suffix) {
return (prefix === 'about' || prefix === 'almost' ? '大约 ' : prefix === 'less than' ? '不到 ' : '') + count + ' ' + unitKey[unit] + (prefix === 'over' ? '多之前' : '之前');
} else {
return count + ' ' + unitKey[unit] + (prefix === 'in' ? '之内' : '之前');
[/(\d+)(h|d|w|m)/, function (all, count, suffix) {
var suffixKey = { h: '小时', d: '天', w: '周', m: '个月' };
return count + ' ' + suffixKey[suffix] + '之前';
"selector": [ // 元素筛选器规则
I18N.zh["game"] = { // 游戏页面翻译
"static": { // 静态翻译
"Invite from:": "邀请来自:",
"Accepted by:": "已接受的:",
"Your experience:": "你的经验:",
"Others invited:": "其他受邀:",
"Number of games": "游戏次数",
"Offline": "离线",
"My turn": "我的回合",
"My turn or all players online": "我的回合或者所有玩家在线",
"Active player online": "当前回合玩家在线",
"All games": "所有游戏",
"Show game": "显示游戏",
"in its own window": "它自己的窗口",
"personal": "私人",
"broadcast": "广播",
"Show details": "显示详细",
"Won": "胜利",
"Lost": "失败",
"solo game": "单人游戏",
"A public invitation can be accepted by everybody": "公开邀请可以被所有人接受",
"A personal invitation is for the named opponents only": "私人邀请仅限于指定的对手",
"Additional info": "附加信息",
"Public invitation": "公开邀请",
"Personal invitation": "私人邀请",
"Invite": "邀请",
"Tags: ": "标签: ",
"Tags:": "标签:",
"No buddy tags defined": "未定义伙伴标签",
"Add all": "添加所有",
"Clear Tags": "清除标签",
"Number of players to invite": "要邀请的玩家数量",
"You can add a comment to your invitation e.g. 'fast game'.": "你可以在邀请中添加评论,例如“快速游戏”。",
"Enter here the logins of your opponents, separated by comma. You can enter more names than can join the game. Click names in your buddy list to add them.": "在此处输入对手的登录名,用逗号分隔。你可以输入比加入游戏人数更多的名字。单击伙伴列表中的姓名进行添加。",
"players": "位玩家",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
// 所有游戏
"1911 Amundsen vs. Scott": "1911南极竞逐",
"Famiglia": "教父",
"Masons": "石匠",
"Santiago de Cuba": "古巴: 圣地亚哥",
"7 Steps": "七步棋",
"Fantasy Dice Battles": "Fantasy Dice Battles",
"Messina 1347": "墨西拿1347",
"Schweinebande": "Schweinebande",
"A Few Acres of Snow": "几亩雪地",
"Fearsome Floors": "凶煞回廊",
"Monster Baby Rescue": "Monster Baby Rescue",
"Sekigahara": "关原之战",
"Alchemist": "Alchemist",
"Fields of Arle": "阿勒农场",
"Morris": "九子棋",
"Shanghaien": "Shanghaien",
"Ali Baba": "Ali Baba",
"Finca": "水果庄园",
"Mottainai": "Mottainai",
"Six": "六子阵",
"Antike Duellum": "古典对决",
"Firenze": "佛罗伦萨",
"Mount Drago": "老山龙",
"Skyline": "Skyline",
"Argo": "Argo",
"First Class": "头等舱列车",
"Mountain Goats": "羊羊山劫",
"Skymines": "天际矿脉",
"Arkadia": "阿卡迪亚",
"Forum Trajanum": "Forum Trajanum",
"Murano": "慕拉诺岛",
"Snowdonia": "斯诺多尼亚",
"Arktia": "Arktia",
"Founding Fathers": "国父",
"Mystic Vale": "神秘谷",
"Sobek": "索贝克",
"Aronda": "Aronda",
"Four in a row": "四子棋",
"Nations: The Dice Game": "众国: 骰子版",
"Space Mission": "Space Mission",
"At the Gates of Loyang": "洛阳城外",
"Glen More": "格伦莫尔",
"Nauticus": "Nauticus",
"Spexxx": "Spexxx",
"Atacama": "Atacama",
"Gobang & Gomoku": "五子棋",
"Navegador": "航海家",
"Steamrollers": "Steamrollers",
"Atlantida": "Atlantida",
"Grand Austria Hotel": "奥地利大饭店",
"Newton": "牛顿",
"Sticky Fingers": "Sticky Fingers",
"Atoll": "Atoll",
"Ground Floor": "下层建筑",
"On the Underground": "城市铁路",
"Stone Age": "石器时代",
"Atta Ants": "Atta Ants",
"Guildhall": "商会",
"One-Eye": "One-Eye",
"Storm": "Storm",
"Attika": "阿提卡",
"Hacienda": "庄园",
"Oracle of Delphi": "德尔斐神谕",
"Sudoku Moyo": "Sudoku Moyo",
"Automobiles": "汽车",
"Hadara": "哈达拉",
"Order of the Gilded Compass": "Order of the Gilded Compass",
"Tally Ho!": "森林暗战",
"Awale": "西非播棋",
"Hawaii": "夏威夷",
"Oregon": "Oregon",
"Targi": "大漠商豪",
"Balda": "Balda",
"Helios": "赫利俄斯",
"Othello": "黑白棋",
"Terra Mystica": "神秘大地",
"Balloon Cup": "热气球大赛",
"Hellas": "希腊",
"Packet Row": "Packet Row",
"The Castles of Burgundy": "勃艮第城堡",
"Bangkok Klongs": "曼谷河川",
"Hexxagon": "Hexxagon",
"Pandoria": "Pandoria",
"The Castles of Burgundy (Cards)": "勃艮第城堡(卡牌版)",
"Beta Colony": "Beta Colony",
"Hey, that's my fish": "嘿!我的鱼!",
"Pax Porfiriana": "Pax Porfiriana",
"The Great City of Rome": "伟大城市罗马",
"Billabong": "Billabong",
"Hunters and Scouts": "Hunters and Scouts",
"Pergamon": "帕加蒙",
"The Hanging Gardens": "空中花园",
"Black Friday": "Black Friday",
"Imhotep": "英霍蒂普",
"Piratz": "Piratz",
"The Palaces of Carrara": "卡拉拉宫殿",
"Bonfire": "生命之火",
"Imhotep-Duel": "英霍蒂普: 对决",
"Polis": "城邦:为霸权而战",
"The Speicherstadt": "仓库城",
"Bruges": "布鲁日",
"Industrial Waste": "Industrial Waste",
"Pompeii": "庞贝城的陨落",
"The Taverns of Tiefenthal": "深谷酒馆",
"Cacao": "可可亚",
"Innovation": "创世发明",
"Ponte del Diavolo": "Ponte del Diavolo",
"The Voyages of Marco Polo": "马可波罗",
"Call To Glory": "荣耀召唤",
"Innovation Ultimate": "创世发明终极版",
"Port Royal": "皇家港",
"Thunderstone": "雷霆之石",
"Campaign Manager 2008": "选战经理2008",
"Just 4 Fun": "Just4Fun",
"Praga": "王都布拉格",
"Thurn and Taxis": "驿马当先",
"Capt'n W. Kidd": "Capt'n W. Kidd",
"Just 4 Fun Colours": "Just4Fun Colours",
"Puerto Rico (Cards)": "波多黎各(卡牌版)",
"To Court the King": "向国王请愿",
"Carcassonne H&G": "卡卡颂: 猎人与采集者",
"Kahuna": "岛屿之争",
"Torres": "塔",
"Carcassonne South Seas": "卡卡颂: 南海",
"Kamisado": "Kamisado",
"Quibbles": "Quibbles",
"Transatlantic": "横跨大西洋",
"Carolus Magnus": "Carolus Magnus",
"Kanaloa": "卡那罗阿",
"Race": "Race",
"Triad": "Triad",
"Carpe Diem": "活在当下",
"Kashgar": "Kashgar",
"Rajas of the Ganges": "恒河王侯",
"Trias": "三叠纪",
"Carson City": "卡森城",
"Key Harvest": "奇伍德丰收日",
"RajasDice": "恒河王侯: 骰笔版",
"Twin Tin Bots": "机甲双雄",
"Carson City Cards": "卡森城: 卡牌版",
"Keyper": "奇伍德村庄",
"Rapa Nui": "复活节岛",
"Two by Two": "Two by Two",
"Castle Rampage": "astle Rampage",
"King of Siam": "King of Siam",
"Rattus": "鼠疫",
"Tyrus": "泰勒斯",
"Chakra": "脉轮",
"Kraftwagen": "汽车: V6版",
"R-Eco": "废物利用",
"Ulm": "乌姆城",
"Chinagold": "中国金",
"La Granja": "拉格兰哈庄园",
"Red Cathedral": "圣瓦西里大教堂",
"Underwater Cities": "水下城市",
"Citrus": "柑橘",
"La Granja No Siesta": "拉格兰哈庄园: 没有午睡",
"Red7": "七变万画",
"Valletta": "瓦莱塔",
"City Blocks": "City Blocks",
"La Isla": "拉拉岛",
"Renature": "自然重生",
"Vikings": "维京人(2007)",
"Claim It": "Claim It",
"Las Vegas": "拉斯维加斯",
"Richelieu": "Richelieu",
"Villagers": "村民",
"ConHex": "龙塔棋",
"Lemminge": "Lemminge",
"Roam": "云游",
"Vinci": "达芬奇",
"Connect6": "六子棋",
"Lift Off": "升空",
"Roll through the Ages": "骰越世纪",
"CuBirds": "方·鸟",
"Lords of War": "战争之王: 兽人对矮人",
"Rollecate": "Rollecate",
"Völuspá": "北欧史诗",
"Discordia": "罗马争雄",
"Lorenzo": "辉煌的罗伦佐",
"Rose King": "玫瑰战争",
"War Chest": "战争之匣",
"Down Under": "Down Under",
"Lost Ruins of Arnak": "阿纳克遗迹",
"Russian Railroads": "俄国铁路",
"Way of the Dragon": "龙之路",
"Dragonheart": "龙之心",
"Luna": "露娜",
"Sagani": "自然之灵",
"Yspahan": "伊斯法罕",
"Drako": "屠龙矮人",
"Macao": "澳门",
"Saint Petersburg": "圣彼得堡",
"Yucata": "神路棋",
"Egizia": "埃及人",
"Machi Koro": "骰子街",
"Santa Cruz": "圣克鲁斯",
"Zola": "Zola",
"El Grande": "城主",
"Magnastorm": "玛格纳风暴",
"Santa Monica": "圣莫妮卡",
"Zooloretto the dice game": "动物园大亨: 骰子版",
"Era of Inventions": "发明时代",
"Maori": "毛利",
"VOLT": "电力竞技场",
"regexp": [ // 正则翻译
[/^Open Games: (\d+)$/, "开启的游戏: $1"],
[/^Last click : (\d+:\d+)$/, "上次点击 : $1"],
[/^Hermit (.+)$/, "「隐士」 $1"],
[/^New villager (.+)$/, "「新村民」 $1"],
[/^Lumberjack (.+)$/, "「伐木工」 $1"],
[/^Fisherman (.+)$/, "「渔夫」 $1"],
[/^Fisherwoman (.+)$/, "「渔女」 $1"],
[/^Farmer (.+)$/, "「农夫」 $1"],
[/^Journeyman (.+)$/, "「熟练工」 $1"],
[/^Journeywoman (.+)$/, "「熟练女工」 $1"],
[/^Weaver (.+)$/, "「纺织工」 $1"],
[/^Baker (.+)$/, "「面包师」 $1"],
[/^Toolmaker (.+)$/, "「模具工」 $1"],
[/^Messenger (.+)$/, "「信使」 $1"],
[/^Secretary (.+)$/, "「秘书」 $1"],
[/^Shopkeeper (.+)$/, "「店主」 $1"],
[/^Merchant (.+)$/, "「商人」 $1"],
[/^Builder (.+)$/, "「建设者」 $1"],
[/^Architect (.+)$/, "「建筑师」 $1"],
[/^Scholar (.+)$/, "「学者」 $1"],
[/^Juror (.+)$/, "「陪审团成员」 $1"],
[/^Judge (.+)$/, "「法官」 $1"],
[/^Councillor (.+)$/, "「议员」 $1"],
[/^Treasurer (.+)$/, "「司库」 $1"],
[/^Mayor (.+)$/, "「市长」 $1"],
[/^Temple servant (.+)$/, "「寺庙仆人」 $1"],
[/^Novitiate (.+)$/, "「初期修士」 $1"],
[/^Lay monk (.+)$/, "「修道士」 $1"],
[/^Lay nun (.+)$/, "「修女」 $1"],
[/^Monk (.+)$/, "「僧侣」 $1"],
[/^Nun (.+)$/, "「尼姑」 $1"],
[/^Healer (.+)$/, "「术士」 $1"],
[/^Lay priest (.+)$/, "「在俗祭司」 $1"],
[/^Lay priestess (.+)$/, "「在俗女祭司」 $1"],
[/^Astrologer (.+)$/, "「占星师」 $1"],
[/^Macom priest (.+)$/, "「主要祭司」 $1"],
[/^Macom priestess (.+)$/, "「主要女祭司」 $1"],
[/^Chilan priest (.+)$/, "「奇兰祭司」 $1"],
[/^Chilan priestess (.+)$/, "「奇兰女祭司」 $1"],
[/^Ahaucan (.+)$/, "「阿胡坎」 $1"],
[/^Ahaucana (.+)$/, "「阿胡坎纳」 $1"],
[/^Che-le (.+)$/, "「车乐」 $1"],
[/^Chaac (.+)$/, "「雨神」 $1"],
[/^Ahmakiq (.+)$/, "「农业之神」 $1"],
[/^Ix Chel (.+)$/, "「彩虹女神」 $1"],
[/^Itzamna (.+)$/, "「伊扎姆纳」 $1"],
I18N.zh["en"] = { // 板块页面翻译
"static": { // 静态翻译
"Welcome to yucata.de!": "欢迎来到 yucata.de!",
"Free online games with human players. No costs, no ads, pure fun!": "有真人玩家的免费在线游戏。没有花费,没有广告,纯粹的乐趣!",
"[more...]": "[更多...]",
"Welcome to yucata.de, an online game portal. On this site you may play various board games against other players. The list of players continues to grow. Each new player starts with the rank of a lowly worker, but may rise through the Mayan hierarchy to the Emperor Supreme, Ahaucan, should he prove worthy. There is a hall of fame and an archive with all finished games that can be used to study strategies.": "欢迎访问在线游戏门户网站 yucata.de。在这个网站上,你可以与其他玩家玩各种桌面游戏。玩家名单还在持续增长。每一个新玩家都是从一个地位低的工人开始的,但如果他被证明是有价值的,他可能会通过玛雅等级上升到最高皇帝阿胡坎。这里有一个名人堂和一个档案馆,里面有所有完成的游戏,可以用来研究策略。",
"Important: You can play multiple games simultaneously, and a game can be played over several days. However, there are almost always players online who are eager to accept an invitation for an immediate game.": "重要提示: 你可以同时玩多个游戏,并且一个游戏可以玩几天。尽管如此,网络上几乎总是有玩家渴望接受即时游戏的邀请。",
"You can join as a member, or you can register first as a guest to evaluate the website, and join later should you be satisfied. The website is a hobby of the webmaster. Registration and use is free, and it's free of ads.": "你可以以会员身份加入,也可以先以访客身份注册以评估网站,如果你满意,可以稍后加入。这个网站是网站管理员的一个爱好。注册和使用是免费的,而且没有广告。",
"[less...]": "[更少...]",
"The latest games at yucata.de": "yucata.de上的最新游戏",
"Most played games": "最多人玩的游戏",
"Also great games": "同样很棒的游戏",
"Introduction to Yucata": "Yucata简介",
"Yucata in 80 seconds by": "80s 介绍 Yucata 由",
"and": "和",
"Full introduction by": "全面介绍由",
"All Games": "所有游戏",
"Game info": "游戏信息",
"Game rules": "游戏规则",
"Lost password?": "丢失密码?",
"Register": "注册",
"Try as Guest": "访客登入",
"2024-07-15, 03:38": "",
"Remember login": "记住登录",
"Login": "登录",
"Password": "密码",
"Lost password": "丢失密码",
"You lost your password. Enter your login and hit the button to have a link to reset your password sent by e-mail. Passwords are saved encrypted, thus you may not recover your password but just must set a new one.": "你丢失了密码。输入你的登录名,然后点击按钮,通过电子邮件发送重置密码的链接。密码以加密方式保存,因此你无法恢复密码,只需设置一个新密码。",
"Login:": "登录:",
"Send link": "发送链接",
"Show games with my rating:": "用我的评价显示游戏:",
"number of players:": "玩家人数:",
"all": "所有",
"Not won since last promotion": "自上次升级以来未获胜",
"only new framework": "只有新框架",
"Search:": "搜索:",
"Game name": "游戏名称",
"Rating": "评价",
"Trueskill": "Trueskill",
"Played": "玩过次数",
"2-4 players": "2-4位玩家",
"1 players": "1位玩家",
"If you create a random game, yucata.de will choose a game which all invited players like to a certain degree which you can configure. All players should have configured their game preferences in their profile. If you do not choose any opponent, a public invitation will be created. Other players will not see the game type but they will see if they like the game or not and can accept the invitation accordingly.": "如果你创建了一个随机游戏,yucata.de 将选择一个所有受邀玩家都在一定程度上喜欢的游戏,你可以对其进行配置。所有玩家都应该在个人资料中配置他们的游戏偏好。如果你不选择任何对手,将创建公开邀请。其他玩家不会看到游戏类型,但他们会看到自己是否喜欢游戏,并可以相应地接受邀请。",
"Note that games with more than 2 players cannot be aborted!": "请注意,超过2名玩家的游戏不能中止!",
"Type of game": "游戏类型",
"Minimum like level": "最低喜欢水平",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"regexp": [ // 正则翻译
[/^(\d+) \((\d+)\) players online$/,"$1 ($2) 玩家在线"],
// Grand Austria Hotel (draft staff, choose hotel, no Kitchen Hand, discard free guests, original rules, herlius politics, Rowe-Smith staff)
[/^Grand Austria Hotel (.*)$/, function(all) {
all = all.replace(/Grand Austria Hotel/, "奥地利大饭店")
.replace(/draft staff/, "轮抽员工")
.replace(/introductory staff/, "入门员工")
.replace(/original rules/, "原始规则")
.replace(/random same hotel/, "随机相同酒店")
.replace(/random not unique hotel/, "随机不唯一酒店")
.replace(/random unique hotel/, "随机唯一酒店")
.replace(/no Kitchen Hand/, "无厨工")
.replace(/choose hotel/, "自选酒店")
.replace(/discard free guests/, "弃置免费宾客")
.replace(/herlius politics/, "herlius 政务")
.replace(/Rowe-Smith staff/, "Rowe-Smith 员工")
.replace(/harder hotels/, "困难酒店");
return all;
[/^(\d+.*) Players, (\d+.*) Minutes, (\d+) and older$/,"$1位玩家,$2分钟,$3岁及以上"],
[/^(\d+.*) players, (\d+) and older$/,"$1位玩家,$2岁及以上"],
[/^(\d+.*) players, (\d+.*) minutes, (\d+) years and older$/,"$1位玩家,$2分钟,$3岁及以上"],
[/^(\d+.*) players, (\d+) years and older$/,"$1位玩家,$2岁及以上"],
[/^Last turn taken about (\d+) hours ago$/, "最近回合执行于大约$1小时前"],
I18N.zh["en/Overview"] = { // 概述页面翻译
"static": { // 静态翻译
"You have not received any personal invitations.": "你尚未收到任何私人邀请。",
"Sends a chat message to the server": "向服务器发送聊天消息",
"Display emoji list": "显示表情符号列表",
"Toggle emojis in chat": "在聊天中切换表情符号",
"Opens the chat help where e.g. the emoticons are explained": "打开聊天帮助,例如解释表情符号",
"Opens an additional window where you can read the chat without being disturbed": "打开一个附加窗口,你可以在其中阅读聊天内容而不受干扰",
"You didn't receive any personal invitations": "你没有收到任何私人邀请",
"1 players": "1位玩家",
":ouch:": ":哎唷:",
":wow:": ":哇:",
":sleepy:": ":困:",
":mad:": ":生气:",
":blush:": ":脸红:",
":confused:": ": 困惑:",
":angel:": ":天使:",
":kiss:": ":接吻:",
":hug:": ":拥抱:",
":clueless:": ":笨:",
":hooray:": ":万岁:",
":bath:": ":沐浴:",
":dance:": ":跳舞,:",
":gaga:": ":狂热:",
":stupid:": ":愚蠢:",
":giveup:": ":放弃:",
":grumbel:": ":抗议:",
":xmassmile:": ":圣诞笑:",
":merryxmas:": ":圣诞快乐:",
":gift:": ":礼物:",
":xmastree:": ":圣诞树:",
":xmascandle:": ":圣诞蜡烛:",
":-D": ":微笑",
":p": ":鬼脸",
":ohnein:": ":捂脸:",
":rofl:": ":爆笑:",
":easteregg:": ":复活节彩蛋:",
":lemming:": ":旅鼠:",
":troest:": ":安抚:",
":sail:": ":划船:",
":alleswirdgut:": ":一切都会好起来的:",
":cheers:": ":干杯:",
":dagegen:": ":反对:",
":engarde:": ":击剑:",
":gutenacht:": ":晚安:",
":keks:": ":饼干:",
":yucata:": ":神路棋:",
":yucataparty:": ":神路棋聚会:",
":nein:": ":不:",
":rtfm:": ":去读那些愚蠢的手册:",
":sofa:": ":沙发:",
":wash:": ":洗:",
":danke:": ":谢谢:",
":firefox:": ":火狐浏览器:",
":welcome:": ":欢迎:",
":titanic:": ":泰坦尼克:",
":isagnix:": ":我什么也没说:",
":wallbash:": ":撞墙:",
":bahnhof:": ":我只是猜测:",
":dafuer:": ":理解:",
":bitte:": ":请:",
":naund:": ":恶心:",
"regexp": [ // 正则翻译
[/^Grand Austria Hotel (.*)$/, function(all) {
all = all.replace(/Grand Austria Hotel/, "奥地利大饭店")
.replace(/draft staff/, "轮抽员工")
.replace(/introductory staff/, "入门员工")
.replace(/original rules/, "原始规则")
.replace(/random same hotel/, "随机相同酒店")
.replace(/random not unique hotel/, "随机不唯一酒店")
.replace(/random unique hotel/, "随机唯一酒店")
.replace(/no Kitchen Hand/, "无厨工")
.replace(/choose hotel/, "自选酒店")
.replace(/discard free guests/, "弃置免费宾客")
.replace(/herlius politics/, "herlius 政务")
.replace(/Rowe-Smith staff/, "Rowe-Smith 员工")
.replace(/harder hotels/, "困难酒店");
return all;
[/^(\d.+) players online$/, "$1 玩家在线"],
I18N.zh["en/GameInfo"] = { // 游戏信息翻译
"static": { // 静态翻译
// "Grand Austria Hotel - General game info": "奥地利大饭店 —— 总体游戏信息",
// "2-4 players, 60-120 minutes, 12 years and older": "2-4名玩家,60-120分钟,12岁+",
"Yucata.de owns a license for the online version of this game. A big \"thank you\" to the copyright owners (publisher and/or author and illustrator) who make it possible to have this game for free online here!": "Yucata.de 拥有该游戏在线版本的许可证。向版权所有者(出版商和/或设计师和美术设计)表示衷心的感谢,是你们让我们可以在这里免费在线玩这款游戏!",
"Do you like this game?": "你喜欢这款游戏吗?",
"Don't like it": "不喜欢",
"Don't know it": "不清楚",
"Neutral": "中立",
"Like it": "喜欢",
"Favorite game": "最喜欢的游戏",
"Rules": "规则",
"Create invitation": "创建邀请",
"Ranking table": "排行榜",
"Current open invitations": "当前开放的邀请",
"Note: This online implementation uses slightly changed rules!": "注意: 本次在线实施使用的规则略有变化!",
"Best players": "最优秀玩家",
"Player": "玩家",
"Accept invitation": "接受邀请",
"Players with most games": "游戏次数最多的玩家",
"Only ranking games count": "只有排名游戏计数",
"Messina 1347 - Advanced": "墨西拿1347 - 进阶",
"2-4 players": "2-4位玩家",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"regexp": [ // 正则翻译
// "Grand Austria Hotel - General game info": "奥地利大饭店 —— 总体游戏信息",
[/^(.*) - General game info$/, function (all, gamename) {
var gamename = (I18N.zh["game"]["static"][gamename] ?? gamename);
return gamename + " —— 游戏常规信息";
// "2-4 players, 60-120 minutes, 12 years and older": "2-4名玩家,60-120分钟,12岁+",
[/^(\d+.*) players, (\d+.*) minutes, (\d+) years and older$/,"$1位玩家,$2分钟,$3岁及以上"],
[/^(\d+.*) players, (\d+) years and older$/,"$1位玩家,$2岁及以上"],
I18N.zh["en/Invite"] = { // 邀请页面翻译
"static": { // 静态翻译
"Type of game": "游戏类型",
"Number of players:": "玩家人数:",
"Number of players: 2": "玩家人数: 2",
"Scored game": "计分游戏",
"Option": "选项",
"variants": "变体",
"Public invitation": "公开邀请",
"Personal invitation": "私人邀请",
"Wanted playing speed (wish only, not checked by the system)": "想要的游玩速度(仅限意愿,未经系统检查)",
"Additional info": "附加信息",
"Blue user name = Likes this game": "蓝色用户名 = 喜欢此游戏",
"random": "随机",
"draft": "轮抽",
"Skill requirements for the opponents": "对于对手的技能要求",
"None": "无",
"Your TrueSkill ± 800 TrueSkill": "你的TrueSkill ± 800的TrueSkill",
"Your TrueSkill ± 600 TrueSkill": "你的TrueSkill ± 600的TrueSkill",
"Your TrueSkill ± 400 TrueSkill": "你的TrueSkill ± 400的TrueSkill",
"Your TrueSkill ± 200 TrueSkill": "你的TrueSkill ± 200的TrueSkill",
"Invited player names": "被邀请的玩家名称",
"Additional information": "附加信息",
"Invite 1p (Scored)": "邀请 1p (计分)",
"Invite 2p (Scored)": "邀请 2p (计分)",
"Invite 3p (Scored)": "邀请 3p (计分)",
"Invite 4p (Scored)": "邀请 4p (计分)",
"Invite 5p (Scored)": "邀请 5p (计分)",
"Invite 6p (Scored)": "邀请 6p (计分)",
"Invite 1p (Training)": "邀请 1p (训练)",
"Invite 2p (Training)": "邀请 2p (训练)",
"Invite 3p (Training)": "邀请 3p (训练)",
"Invite 4p (Training)": "邀请 4p (训练)",
"Invite 5p (Training)": "邀请 5p (训练)",
"Invite 6p (Training)": "邀请 6p (训练)",
"You must invite 1 more player": "你必须再邀请1位玩家",
"You must invite 2 more players": "你必须再邀请2位玩家",
"You must invite 3 more players": "你必须再邀请3位玩家",
"You must invite 4 more players": "你必须再邀请4位玩家",
"You must invite 5 more players": "你必须再邀请5位玩家",
"You must invite 6 more players": "你必须再邀请6位玩家",
"Export settings": "导出设置",
"First game": "初次游戏",
"Sort by": "排序依据",
"Liked by": "喜欢",
"Name": "名称",
"For personal invitations you need to enter at least one other player": "对于私人邀请,您需要输入至少一个其他玩家",
"An error occurred while creating the game": "创建游戏时出错",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"regexp": [ // 正则翻译
// Create invitation for Grand Austria Hotel
[/^Create invitation for (.*)$/, function (all, gamename) {
var gamename = (I18N.zh["game"]["static"][gamename] ?? gamename);
return "创建「" + gamename + "」的游戏邀请";
[/^\(Yours is (\d)\)$/, "(你的是 $1)"],
[/^(\d.+) players online$/, "$1 玩家在线"],
I18N.zh["en/Invite/GrandAustria"] = { // 邀请页面翻译
"static": { // 静态翻译
"initial staff": "初始员工",
"Each player gets one of the predefined sets.": "每个玩家使用一个预先定义的卡牌组合。",
"introductory set": "入门组合",
"Each player gets six Staff, chooses one to keep, and passes the rest to the left. Repeat until players have chosen six to keep.": "每位玩家获得6张员工卡牌,选择1张并将其加入手牌。然后将剩余的卡牌传递给你左手边的玩家。重复这个流程直到选择并拿取6张员工卡牌加入你的手牌。",
"hotels": "酒店",
"easier": "更容易",
"harder": "更困难",
"hotel assignment method": "酒店分配方法",
"random unique": "随机唯一",
"random not unique": "随机不唯一",
"random same": "随机相同",
"choose own": "自行选择",
"all same": "全都相同",
"Hotels are randomly assigned and unique.": "随机分配且是唯一的酒店。",
"Hotels are randomly assigned but not necessarily unique.": "随机分配但不一定是唯一的酒店。",
"The same randomly selected hotel is assigned to all players.": "给所有玩家随机分配相同的酒店。",
"Each player chooses his own hotel.": "每位玩家自行选择自己的酒店。",
"Assign a chosen hotel to all players.": "给所有玩家分配一个指定酒店。",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"the hotel from the front of the physical hotel boards": "实体游戏中的酒店版图的正面酒店",
"the four hotels from the back of the physical hotel boards": "实体游戏中的酒店版图的背面四家酒店",
"no Kitchen Hand": "没有厨工",
"The Kitchen Hand staff card is excluded from the game.": "厨工员工卡牌在游戏中被移除。",
"discard free guests": "弃置免费宾客",
"If no player takes a guest during a round then discard the two free guests at the end of the round.": "如果在一轮游戏中没有玩家拿取宾客卡牌,则在本轮结束时弃置两位免费宾客卡牌。",
"original rules": "原始规则",
"original rules rather than the 2021 rules": "原始规则而非2021版规则",
"herlius politics": "herlius 政务",
"include three unofficial politics tiles by herlius": "包括由 herlius 设计的三块非官方的政务板块",
"Rowe-Smith staff": "Rowe-Smith 员工",
"include nine unofficial staff cards by Dale Rowe-Smith": "包括由 Dale Rowe-Smith 设计的九张非官方的员工卡牌",
"": "",
"regexp": [ // 正则翻译
I18N.zh["en/Game"] = { // 邀请页面翻译
"static": { // 静态翻译
"(Your turn)": "(你的回合)",
"Next game": "下一局游戏",
"Finish turn": "结束回合",
"Jump to your next game.": "跳转到你的下一局游戏。",
"Jump to your next game": "跳转到你的下一局游戏",
"This action is irreversible (no undo possible). Continue?": "此操作不可逆(无法撤销)。是否继续?",
"Yes": "是",
"No": "否",
"It's your turn": "轮到你了",
"Notes": "笔记",
"Open game log": "打开游戏日志",
"Open chat": "打开聊天",
"Open notes": "打开笔记",
"Open rules": "打开规则",
"Open game information": "打开游戏信息",
"Open settings": "打开设置",
"General settings": "常规设置",
"Opinion (If all players choose the same option, it will be executed immediately.)": "意见(如果所有玩家都选择了相同的选项,它将立即执行。)",
"continue playing": "继续游戏",
"agree to cancel the game": "同意取消游戏",
"agree to quarantine the erroneous game": "同意隔离错误的游戏",
"agree on tie": "同意平局",
"give up (all - 1)": "放弃 (所有 - 1)",
"use built-in alert for 'YourTurn' message": "使用内置的警告来提示「你的回合」消息",
"play a sound alert with 'YourTurn' message": "提示「你的回合」消息时播放一个有声音的警告",
"save window position": "保存窗口位置",
"Adjust playing area to fit in window": "调整游戏区域以适应窗口",
"Game specific settings": "游戏特定设置",
"Change colors": "改变颜色",
"Undo": "撤销",
"Redo": "恢复",
"Undo the last action.": "撤销上一个行动。",
"Undo the last action": "撤销上一个行动",
"Redo the last undone action.": "恢复上一个撤销的行动。",
"Redo the last undone action": "恢复上一个撤销的行动",
"Reset": "重置",
"Skip": "跳过",
"Finish your turn.": "结束你的回合。",
"Finish your turn": "结束你的回合",
"resume game": "复原游戏",
"Resume game": "复原游戏",
"Please wait...": "请稍后...",
"Save": "保存",
"Cancel": "取消",
"Your color:": "你的颜色:",
"Opponent 1:": "对手 1:",
"Opponent 2:": "对手 2:",
"Opponent 3:": "对手 3:",
"Minimum window size (width x height in px)": "最小窗口尺寸 (宽度 x 高度,以 px 为单位)",
"open info panel": "打开信息面板",
"Open info panel": "打开信息面板",
"close info panel": "关闭信息面板",
"Close info panel": "关闭信息面板",
"Replay and animation speed": "回放和动画速度",
"Set language to german": "将语言设置为德语",
"Reload game window": "重新加载游戏窗口",
"Adjust playing area to window width": "将游戏区域调整为窗口宽度",
"Start replay": "开始回放",
"Pause replay": "暂停回放",
"Replay single step": "单步回放",
"Stop replay": "停止回放",
"Replay starting from last own move": "从自己的最后一步开始回放",
"No return match": "无再度交锋",
"Training (not scored)": "训练(不计分)",
"Undo all actions.": "撤销所有行动。",
"Undo all actions": "撤销所有行动",
"Show additional buttons": "显示其他按钮",
"Hide additional buttons": "隐藏其他按钮",
"Resign": "放弃",
"Resign the game.": "放弃这局游戏。",
"Are you sure you want to resign?": "你确定要放弃吗?",
"Redo all": "恢复全部",
"Redo all actions undone.": "恢复全部撤销的行动。",
"Redo all actions undone": "恢复全部撤销的行动",
"game over": "游戏结束",
"Game over": "游戏结束",
"Game quitted": "退出游戏",
"You got consensus: agree to cancel the game": "你们达成共识: 同意取消这局游戏",
"There is no game using that ID. Maybe the game was deleted?": "没有使用该ID的游戏。也许这局游戏已被删除?",
"cancel game": "取消游戏",
"opinion:": "意见:",
"quarantine erroneous game": "隔离错误的游戏",
"give up (all except one)": "放弃(除一人外全部放弃)",
"Settings": "设置",
"Quick layout change": "快速更改布局",
"loading": "加载中",
"Messina 1347 - Advanced": "墨西拿1347 - 进阶",
"Show error message": "显示错误信息",
"Open menu": "打开菜单",
"Created with Snap": "使用捕捉创建",
"Next game?": "下一局游戏?",
"show error log": "显示错误日志",
"Tabbed view": "标签视图",
"Grid view": "网格视图",
"Set replay and animation speed": "设置回放和动画速度",
"Clear": "清除",
"Send line": "发送",
"today": "今天",
"Are you sure you want to cancel the game?": "你确定要取消游戏吗?",
"Game window reloaded": "游戏窗口已重新加载",
"Game log": "游戏日志",
"Game log + Chat": "游戏日志+聊天",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"Save window position": "保存窗口位置",
"Font-size of info panel in px:": "信息面板的字体大小(像素):",
"combined tab for log+chat: height of log in %": "日志+聊天组合选项卡: 日志高度(百分比%)",
"(value 0: separate tabs)": "(为0: 单独的选项卡)",
"Play a sound alert with 'YourTurn' message": "提示「你的回合」消息时播放一个有声音的警告",
"Specific settings for Messina 1347": "墨西拿1347特定设置",
"attach symbols to player meeples": "在玩家米宝上附加符号",
"Minimum width of game window in px:": "游戏窗口的最小宽度(像素):",
"Maximum width of playing area in px:": "游戏区域的最大宽度(像素):",
"Basic width of info panel in px:": "信息面板的基础宽度(像素):",
"Show animations": "显示动画",
"Replay and animation speed:": "回放和动画速度:",
"Layout:": "布局:",
"Grid Layout (large screen, all always visible)": "网格布局 (大屏幕, 始终可见)",
"One Column Layout (small screen, elements below each other, scroll)": "单列布局 (小屏幕, 元素依次排列, 需要滚动)",
"Keep layout more stable (no dynamic adjustment of the playerinfo frame)": "保持布局更稳定 (无需动态调整玩家信息框架)",
"Improve contrast": "提高对比",
"Back to the game": "回到游戏",
"regexp": [ // 正则翻译
[/^Round (\d+)$/, "轮次 $1"],
[/\+\+\+ Game log: turn (\d+) of (\d+) \+\+\+/, "+++ 游戏日志: 第 $1 / $2 回合 +++"],
[/^Move (\d+): (.*)$/, "第 $1 步: $2"],
[/^(.+) gave up$/, "$1 放弃"],
[/^TrueSkill: (\d+), σ: (\d+), μ: (\d+)$/, "TrueSkill: $1, σ: $2, μ: $3"],
I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"] = { // 邀请页面翻译
"static": { // 静态翻译
"Grand Austria Hotel (introductory staff)": "奥地利大饭店(入门员工)",
"Grand Austria Hotel (draft staff)": "奥地利大饭店(轮抽员工)",
"Grand Austria Hotel (original rules)": "奥地利大饭店(原始规则)",
"Grand Austria Hotel (random same hotel)": "奥地利大饭店(随机相同酒店)",
"Grand Austria Hotel (no Kitchen Hand)": "奥地利大饭店(无厨工)",
"Grand Austria Hotel (random not unique hotel)": "奥地利大饭店(随机不唯一酒店)",
"Grand Austria Hotel (harder hotels)": "奥地利大饭店(困难酒店)",
// "Grand Austria Hotel (draft staff, random not unique hotel)": "奥地利大饭店(轮抽员工,随机不唯一酒店)",
// "Grand Austria Hotel (draft staff, random same hotel, no Kitchen Hand, original rules)": "奥地利大饭店(轮抽员工,随机相同酒店,无厨工,原始规则)",
// "Grand Austria Hotel (draft staff, harder hotels, original rules)": "奥地利大饭店(轮抽员工,困难酒店,原始规则)",
"Take a guest for free.": "免费拿取一位宾客。",
"Play a staff card for a 1 krone discount.": "打出一张员工卡牌,支付的卡牌费用减少1克朗。",
"Guest Cards": "宾客卡牌",
"Choose number of strudel and cake to take.": "选择要拿取的点心和蛋糕的数量。",
"Choose number of wine and coffee to take.": "选择要拿取的葡萄酒和咖啡的数量。",
"→ open full rules in extra window": "→ 在额外窗口中打开完整规则",
"→ detailed version": "→ 详细版本",
"→ Hints for Handling": "→ 操作提示",
"→ summary": "→ 概要",
"Hints for handling": "操作提示",
"There is room on the display to show six hand staff cards and six played staff cards. If a player has more then a horizontal scroll bar will appear below the tables with which you can scroll the player's display. Also, because some devices do not show scrollbars, small solid triangles appear along the left and right edges of the right side. If you are using such a device, you must first make sure you can see the entire board in the vertical direction and then use your finger to scroll the right side horizontally.": "显示器上有空间展示六张手牌和六张打出过的员工卡牌。如果玩家有更多要显示的,则下方会出现一个水平滚动条,你可以使用该滚动条滚动玩家的显示区。此外,由于某些设备不显示滚动条,因此右侧区域的左右边缘会出现小的实心三角形。如果你使用这样的设备,你必须首先确保能在竖直方向上看到整个版图,然后用手指水平滑动右侧区域。",
"When a player can draw 3 staff cards, play one of them and discard the others (Baroness, Duke and two Emperor tiles), the 3 cards are shown in the top row of his hand. If the player can play a card for a 3 krone discount rather than for free and has too few krones to play the card then the card is not shown in his hand but its name is shown in his game log.": "当一个玩家可以抽到3张员工卡牌,打出其中一张并丢弃其他卡牌(男爵夫人、公爵和两块皇室板块)时,这3张牌显示在他的手牌的最上面一排。如果玩家可以以3克朗的折扣而不是免费玩一张卡,并且克朗太少而无法玩这张卡,那么这张卡不会显示在他的手中,但其名称会显示在他的游戏日志中。",
"For the Original Rules variant, when a player moves the guest E Gizia to a room, his extra turn starts immediately if he has already taken a die action for his normal turn. If he has not then his extra turn starts after he takes a die action for his normal turn.": "对于原始规则变体,当玩家将客人E Gizia移动到客房时,如果他已经为正常回合采取了死亡动作,那么他的额外回合将立即开始。如果他没有,那么他的额外回合在他为正常回合采取死亡动作后开始。",
"A player's projected game end score includes current points, points that will be scored at game end, and points that will be scored for a player's emperor track position during future emperor scorings. It does not include points due to future emperor tile bonuses or penalties.": "玩家预测的游戏结束分数包括当前分数、将在游戏结束时获得的分数,以及在未来的帝王记分中为玩家的帝王赛道位置获得的分数。它不包括由于未来皇帝瓷砖奖金或处罚而产生的积分。",
"A player can never have more than 20 krone.": "一个玩家的钱永远不能超过20克朗。",
"Pass": "跳过",
"rolled": "已投掷",
"Take a die.": "拿取一颗骰子。",
"Take a 1 die.": "拿取一颗点数为「1」的骰子。",
"Take a 2 die.": "拿取一颗点数为「2」的骰子。",
"Take a 3 die.": "拿取一颗点数为「3」的骰子。",
"Take a 4 die.": "拿取一颗点数为「4」的骰子。",
"Take a 5 die.": "拿取一颗点数为「5」的骰子。",
"Take a 6 die.": "拿取一颗点数为「6」的骰子。",
"Take 1 krone.": "拿取1克朗。",
"Take 2 krones.": "拿取2克朗。",
"Take 3 krones.": "拿取3克朗。",
"Take 4 krones.": "拿取4克朗。",
"Take 5 krones.": "拿取5克朗。",
"Take 6 krones.": "拿取6克朗。",
"Take 7 krones.": "拿取7克朗。",
"Take 8 krones.": "拿取8克朗。",
"Take 9 krones.": "拿取9克朗。",
"Take 10 krones.": "拿取10克朗。",
"You can pass your turn. After all other players have either passed or taken two turns, one die will be removed and the rest will be rerolled. Then you and other players who passed can take your turns or pass again.": "你可以选择跳过你的回合。当其他所有玩家选择跳过或执行完两个行动后,移除一颗骰子,并重新投掷剩下的骰子。然后你和其他选择跳过的玩家可以选择进行一个回合或再次跳过。",
// "Take a guest, take a die, pay 1 krone to serve up to 3 dishes and drinks from your kitchen to guests, or pass your turn.": "拿取一位宾客,拿取一颗骰子,支付1克朗将最多3个餐点饮料标记从你的厨房移动到宾客卡牌上,或者跳过你的回合。",
"Take a die or pay 1 krone to serve up to 3 dishes and drinks from your kitchen to guests.": "拿取一颗骰子,支付1克朗将最多3个餐点饮料标记从你的厨房移动到宾客卡牌上。",
"Serve a third dish or drink from your kitchen to a guest or not..": "将第3个餐点饮料标记从你的厨房移动到宾客上或者跳过..",
"Serve a second dish or drink from your kitchen to a guest or not..": "将第2个餐点饮料标记从你的厨房移动到宾客上或者跳过..",
// "Pay 1 krone to serve up to 3 dishes and drinks from your kitchen to guests or finish your turn.": "支付1克朗将最多3个餐点饮料标记从你的厨房移动到宾客卡牌上,或者结束你的回合。",
// "Pay 1 krone to serve up to 3 dishes and drinks from your kitchen to guests, choose a guest to move to a room, or finish your turn.": "支付1克朗将最多3个餐点饮料标记从你的厨房移动到宾客卡牌上,选择将一位宾客移动到一间客房,或者结束你的回合。",
// "Choose a guest to move to a room or finish your turn.": "选择将一位宾客移动到一间客房,或者结束你的回合。",
// "Take a guest, take a die, or pass your turn.": "拿取一位宾客,拿取一颗骰子,或者跳过你的回合。",
"Serve dishes and drinks from your kitchen to guests or finish your turn.": "将餐点饮料标记从你的厨房移动到宾客卡牌上,或者结束你的回合。",
// "Take a die or serve dishes and drinks from your kitchen to guests.": "拿取一颗骰子,将餐点饮料标记从你的厨房移动到宾客卡牌上。",
// "Take a guest for free or not.": "拿取一位宾客或者跳过。",
// "Take a die or choose a guest to move to a room.": "拿取一颗骰子或者选择将一位宾客移动到一间客房。",
"Choose the first of two dishes or drinks to take.": "从两个餐点饮料中选择第一个要拿取的。",
"Take one coffee.": "拿取一杯咖啡。",
"Take one wine.": "拿取一杯葡萄酒。",
"Take one strudel.": "拿取一块点心。",
"Take one cake.": "拿取一块蛋糕。",
"Choose the second of two dishes or drinks to take.": "从两个餐点饮料中选择第二个要拿取的。",
"Take a die or pass your turn.": "拿取一颗骰子或者跳过你的回合。",
"Pass your turn.": "跳过你的回合。",
"Play a staff card (no discount) or not.": "打出一张员工卡牌(没有折扣)或者跳过。",
"Prepare 2 rooms (one no discount, one 1 krone discount) or not.": "准备2间客房(一间没有折扣,一间1克朗折扣)或者跳过。",
"Prepare and occupy an empty room or not.": "准备并入住一间空的客房或者跳过。",
// "Pay 1 krone to serve up to 3 dishes and drinks from your kitchen to guests, use a once per round staff card, or finish your turn.": "支付1克朗将最多3个餐点饮料标记从你的厨房移动到宾客卡牌上,使用每轮一次的员工卡牌,或者结束你的回合。",
// "Take a guest, take a die, pay 1 krone to serve up to 3 dishes and drinks from your kitchen to guests, use a once per round staff card, or pass your turn.": "拿取一位宾客,拿取一颗骰子,支付1克朗将最多3个餐点饮料标记从你的厨房移动到宾客卡牌上,使用每轮一次的员工卡牌,或者跳过你的回合。",
// "Take a guest, take a die, use a once per round staff card, or choose a guest to move to a room.": "",
// "Take a guest, take a die, or use a once per round staff card.": "",
// 行动列举
"Take a guest": "拿取一位宾客",
"take a guest": "拿取一位宾客",
"Use a once per round staff card": "使用每轮启动一次的员工卡牌",
"use a once per round staff card": "使用每轮启动一次的员工卡牌",
"Serve dishes and drinks from your kitchen to guests": "将餐点饮料标记从你的厨房移动到宾客卡牌上",
"serve dishes and drinks from your kitchen to guests": "将餐点饮料标记从你的厨房移动到宾客卡牌上",
"Take a die": "拿取一颗骰子",
"take a die": "拿取一颗骰子",
"Pay 1 krone to serve up to 3 dishes and drinks from your kitchen to guests": "支付1克朗将最多3个餐点饮料标记从你的厨房移动到宾客卡牌上",
"pay 1 krone to serve up to 3 dishes and drinks from your kitchen to guests": "支付1克朗将最多3个餐点饮料标记从你的厨房移动到宾客卡牌上",
"Take a guest for free": "免费拿取一位宾客",
"Take a guest for free": "免费拿取一位宾客",
"Pass your turn": "跳过你的回合",
"pass your turn": "跳过你的回合",
"Choose a guest to move to a room": "选择将一位宾客移动到一间客房",
"choose a guest to move to a room": "选择将一位宾客移动到一间客房",
"Finish your turn": "结束你的回合",
"finish your turn": "结束你的回合",
"": "",
"bonuses for occupying groups of rooms": "已入住区域客房奖励",
"took 1": "拿取 1",
"took 2": "拿取 2",
"took 3": "拿取 3",
"took 4": "拿取 4",
"took 5": "拿取 5",
"took 6": "拿取 6",
"took 7": "拿取 7",
"took 8": "拿取 8",
"took 9": "拿取 9",
"took 10": "拿取 10",
"took 11": "拿取 11",
"took 12": "拿取 12",
"took 13": "拿取 13",
"took 14": "拿取 14",
"took 15": "拿取 15",
"took 16": "拿取 16",
"took 17": "拿取 17",
"took 18": "拿取 18",
"took 19": "拿取 19",
"took 20": "拿取 20",
"Pay 1 krone to take a 1 die and use an extra die.": "支付1克朗拿取一颗点数为「1」的骰子并使用一颗额外的骰子。",
"Pay 1 krone to take a 2 die and use an extra die.": "支付1克朗拿取一颗点数为「2」的骰子并使用一颗额外的骰子。",
"Pay 1 krone to take a 3 die and use an extra die.": "支付1克朗拿取一颗点数为「3」的骰子并使用一颗额外的骰子。",
"Pay 1 krone to take a 4 die and use an extra die.": "支付1克朗拿取一颗点数为「4」的骰子并使用一颗额外的骰子。",
"Pay 1 krone to take a 5 die and use an extra die.": "支付1克朗拿取一颗点数为「5」的骰子并使用一颗额外的骰子。",
"Pay 1 krone to take a 6 die and use an extra die.": "支付1克朗拿取一颗点数为「6」的骰子并使用一颗额外的骰子。",
"passed turn": "跳过回合",
"emperor scoring": "皇室计分",
"emperor track": "皇室记录条",
"served": "提供",
"served from kitchen": "从厨房提供服务",
"served from kitchen for free:": "免费从厨房提供服务:",
"chose": "选择",
"and": "和",
"chose die 1 action": "选择骰子「1」行动",
"chose die 2 action": "选择骰子「2」行动",
"chose die 3 action": "选择骰子「3」行动",
"chose die 4 action": "选择骰子「4」行动",
"chose die 5 action": "选择骰子「5」行动",
"Draw 1 staff card.": "抓取1张员工卡牌。",
"Draw 2 staff cards.": "抓取2张员工卡牌。",
"Draw 3 staff cards.": "抓取3张员工卡牌。",
"Draw 4 staff cards.": "抓取4张员工卡牌。",
"Draw 5 staff cards.": "抓取5张员工卡牌。",
"Draw 6 staff cards.": "抓取6张员工卡牌。",
"Draw 7 staff cards.": "抓取7张员工卡牌。",
"Take 1 strudel.": "拿取1块点心。",
"Take 2 strudels.": "拿取2块点心。",
"Take 3 strudels.": "拿取3块点心。",
"Take 4 strudels.": "拿取4块点心。",
"Take 5 strudels.": "拿取5块点心。",
"Take 6 strudels.": "拿取6块点心。",
"Take 7 strudels.": "拿取7块点心。",
"Prepare the second of three rooms.": "准备三间客房中的第二个。",
"Prepare the third of three rooms.": "准备三间客房中的第三个。",
"Choose a die action.": "选择一个骰子行动。",
"Do the die 1 action.": "执行骰子「1」行动。",
"Do the die 2 action.": "执行骰子「2」行动。",
"Do the die 3 action.": "执行骰子「3」行动。",
"Do the die 4 action.": "执行骰子「4」行动。",
"Do the die 5 action.": "执行骰子「5」行动。",
"Prepare a room (no discount) or not.": "准备一间客房(没有折扣)或者跳过。",
"Prepare 2 rooms (no discount) or not.": "准备2间客房(没有折扣)或者跳过。",
"Prepare 3 rooms (no discount) or not.": "准备3间客房(没有折扣)或者跳过。",
"Prepare 4 rooms (no discount) or not.": "准备4间客房(没有折扣)或者跳过。",
"Prepare 5 rooms (no discount) or not.": "准备5间客房(没有折扣)或者跳过。",
"Prepare 6 rooms (no discount) or not.": "准备6间客房(没有折扣)或者跳过。",
"Prepare 7 rooms (no discount) or not.": "准备7间客房(没有折扣)或者跳过。",
"Prepare 8 rooms (no discount) or not.": "准备8间客房(没有折扣)或者跳过。",
"Prepare 9 rooms (no discount) or not.": "准备9间客房(没有折扣)或者跳过。",
"Prepare 10 rooms (no discount) or not.": "准备10间客房(没有折扣)或者跳过。",
"to guests for free or not.": "免费给宾客或者跳过。",
"Serve": "提供",
"Play a staff card (1 krone(s) discount) or not.": "打出一张员工卡牌(1克朗折扣)或者跳过。",
"Play a staff card (2 krone(s) discount) or not.": "打出一张员工卡牌(2克朗折扣)或者跳过。",
"Play a staff card (3 krone(s) discount) or not.": "打出一张员工卡牌(3克朗折扣)或者跳过。",
"Play a staff card (4 krone(s) discount) or not.": "打出一张员工卡牌(4克朗折扣)或者跳过。",
"Play a staff card (5 krone(s) discount) or not.": "打出一张员工卡牌(5克朗折扣)或者跳过。",
"Play a staff card (6 krone(s) discount) or not.": "打出一张员工卡牌(6克朗折扣)或者跳过。",
"Play a staff card (7 krone(s) discount) or not.": "打出一张员工卡牌(7克朗折扣)或者跳过。",
"Play a staff card (8 krone(s) discount) or not.": "打出一张员工卡牌(8克朗折扣)或者跳过。",
"Play a staff card (9 krone(s) discount) or not.": "打出一张员工卡牌(9克朗折扣)或者跳过。",
"Play a staff card (10 krone(s) discount) or not.": "打出一张员工卡牌(10克朗折扣)或者跳过。",
"Choose how many wine and coffee to take.": "选择要拿取多少杯葡萄酒和咖啡。",
"Choose how many strudel and cake to take.": "选择要拿取多少块点心和蛋糕。",
"Choose number of emperor spaces to advance and krones to take.": "选择要推进的皇室格数和要拿取的克朗数。",
"Choose how many spaces to advance on the emperor track and krones to take.": "选择将皇室记录条上的标记向前推进的格数和拿取的克朗数。",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"used Checker to get an additional 2 krone discount": "使用「寄管员」获得2克朗的减费",
"used Bootblack to take both": "使用「擦鞋匠」同时获得",
"used Kitchen Hand to take free": "使用「厨工」拿取免费的",
"used Restaurant Manager to take an extra die": "使用「餐厅经理」获得一颗额外的骰子",
"used Custodian: undefined": "使用「监管人」: 1",
"used Groom: undefined": "使用「马夫」: 2",
"For each die on this action space you can take 1 strudel or 1 cake. You cannot take more cake than strudel.": "这个行动格中每有一颗骰子,你能拿取1块点心或1块蛋糕。你能拿取的蛋糕数量不能多于点心。",
"For each die on this action space you can take 1 wine or 1 coffee. You cannot take more coffee than wine.": "这个行动格中每有一颗骰子,你能拿取1杯葡萄酒或1杯咖啡。你能拿取的咖啡数量不能多于葡萄酒。",
"For each die on this action space you can prepare a room. The room must be adjacent to a previously prepared room. You must pay the cost, which depends on the row of the room.": "这个行动格中每有一颗骰子,你能准备一间客房。客房必须与已放置的客房相邻。根据摆放客房所在行的位置,你必须支付相应的费用。",
"For each die on this action space you can advance 1 space on the Emperor track or take 1 krone. You can split the total between the two.": "这个行动格中每有一颗骰子,你能将皇室记录条上的标记向前推进1格,或者拿取1克朗。你可以在这两者之间任意拆分总数。",
"You can play 1 staff card. The cost is reduced by 1 krone for each die on this action space, but not below zero.": "你能打出1张员工卡牌,这个行动格中每有一颗骰子,所打出的卡牌费用减1,但不会低于零。",
"Pay 1 krone to choose one of the other five actions to perform. Use the number of dice on the 6 action space, not the number of dice on the chosen action space.": "支付 1 克朗并选择其他 5 个行动中的任意一个(1-5)。执行该行动效果的多少,取决于点数为「6」的骰子数量,而不是所选择行动的骰子数量。",
"Staff Cards": "员工卡牌",
"Assistant Manager": "助理经理",
"At game end score 2 VP per staff card you played, including the Assistant Manager himself.": "游戏结束时,每由一张已打出的员工卡牌,获得2分,当然包括助理经理本身。",
"Baker": "面包师",
"When satisfying guests' orders, cake and coffee are interchangeable. (Rowe-Smith variant)": "在满足宾客的点餐需求时,蛋糕和咖啡可以互换。(Rowe-Smith变体)",
"When satisfying guests' orders, cake and coffee are interchangeable.": "在满足宾客的点餐需求时,蛋糕和咖啡可以互换。",
"Barista": "咖啡师",
"One time receive 4 coffee.": "一次性获得4杯咖啡。",
"Barkeeper": "酒吧经理",
"Once per round receive 1 wine.": "每轮一次,获得1杯葡萄酒。",
"Use Barkeeper.": "使用「酒吧经理」。",
"Booking Manager": "订房部经理",
"At game end score 3 VP per occupied red room.": "游戏结束时,每有一间已入住的红色客房,获得3分。",
"Bootblack": "擦鞋匠",
"Each time you take a “4” die, advance 1 space on both the emperor track and your money track for each die instead of choosing one of the two options.": "每当你拿取一颗点数为「4」的骰子,每有一颗骰子你在皇室记录条和你的资金记录条上各推进1格,代替二选一。",
"Each time you take a \"4\" die, advance 1 space on both the Emperor track and your money track for each die instead of choosing one of the two options.": "每当你拿取一颗点数为「4」的骰子,每有一颗骰子你在皇室记录条和你的资金记录条上各推进1格,代替二选一。",
"Breakfast Server": "早餐服务生",
"Once per round receive 1 strudel.": "每轮一次,获得1块点心。",
"Use Breakfast Server.": "使用「早餐服务生」。",
"Butler": "男管家",
"You can prepare blue rooms for free.": "你能免费准备蓝色客房。",
"Chambermaid": "女服务员",
"At game end score 1 VP per occupied room.": "游戏结束时,每有一间已入住的客房,获得1分。",
"Chauffeur": "专职司机",
"You can prepare red rooms for free.": "你能免费准备红色客房。",
"Checker": "寄管员",
"Each time you take a “5” die, your discount is increased by 2 krones.": "每当你拿取一颗点数为「5」的骰子时,你同时获得2克朗的减费。",
"Each time you take a \"5\" die, your discount is increased by 2 krones.": "每当你拿取一颗点数为「5」的骰子时,你同时获得2克朗的减费。",
"Chef": "主厨",
"One time receive 1 strudel, 1 cake, 1 wine, and 1 coffee.": "一次性获得1块点心,1块蛋糕,1杯葡萄酒和1杯咖啡。",
"Chief Waiter": "餐厅领班",
"You can move dishes and drinks from your kitchen to your guests for free.": "你能免费将餐点饮料标记从你的厨房移动到你的宾客卡牌上。",
"Cocktail Waitress": "酒吧招待",
"When satisfying guests' orders, you may serve two wine in place of any other dish or drink. (Rowe-Smith variant)": "在满足宾客的点餐需求时,你可以提供两杯葡萄酒来代替其他任何餐点或饮料。(Rowe-Smith变体)",
"When satisfying guests' orders, you may serve two wine in place of any other dish or drink.": "在满足宾客的点餐需求时,你可以提供两杯葡萄酒来代替其他任何餐点或饮料。",
"Concierge": "礼宾员",
"At game end score 3 VP per occupied blue room.": "游戏结束时,每有一间已入住的蓝色客房,获得3分。",
"Confectioner": "甜点师",
"One time receive 4 cakes.": "一次性获得4块蛋糕。",
"Conference Manager": "会议经理",
"You can pay 1 krone to not suffer the penalty for being on “0” on the emperor track.": "如果你在皇室记录条上「0」的位置,支付1克朗,以避免受到一次惩罚。",
"You can pay 1 krone to not suffer the penalty for being on \"0\" on the Emperor track.": "如果你在皇室记录条上「0」的位置,支付1克朗,以避免受到一次惩罚。",
"Custodian": "监管人",
"Receive 1 krone each time you move a guest to a room.": "每当一位宾客进入客房时,你同时获得1克朗。",
"Decorator": "装潢师",
"You can prepare a room each time you take a “1” or “2” die.": "每当你拿取一颗点数为「1」或「2」的骰子时,你能同时准备1间客房。",
"You can prepare a room each time you take a \"1\" or \"2\" die.": "每当你拿取一颗点数为「1」或「2」的骰子时,你能同时准备1间客房。",
"Delivery Boy": "行李员",
"You can take guests from the game board for free.": "你能从游戏版图上免费拿取宾客卡牌。",
"Detective": "侦探",
"Advance 2 spaces on the emperor track each time you take a “5” die.": "每当你拿取一颗点数为「5」的骰子时,你能同时在皇室记录条上推进2格。",
"Advance 2 spaces on the Emperor track each time you take a \"5\" die.": "每当你拿取一颗点数为「5」的骰子时,你能同时在皇室记录条上推进2格。",
"Draughtsman": "绘图员",
"You may prepare rooms which are not adjacent to previously prepared or occupied rooms. (Rowe-Smith variant)": "你可以准备与先前准备或已入住的客房不相邻的客房。(Rowe-Smith变体)",
"You may prepare rooms which are not adjacent to previously prepared or occupied rooms.": "你可以准备与先前准备或已入住的客房不相邻的客房。",
"Events Coordinator": "活动协调员",
"When gaining a group bonus, you may choose any of the three bonus types. (Rowe-Smith variant)": "获得一个区域的奖励时,你可以从三种奖励类型中任选一种。(Rowe-Smith变体)",
"When gaining a group bonus, you may choose any of the three bonus types.": "获得一个区域的奖励时,你可以从三种奖励类型中任选一种。",
"Executive Housekeeper": "客房部主管",
"Score 2 VP each time you take a “3” or “4” die.": "每当你拿取一颗点数为「3」或「4」的骰子时,你同时获得2分。",
"Score 2 VP each time you take a \"3\" or \"4\" die.": "每当你拿取一颗点数为「3」或「4」的骰子时,你同时获得2分。",
"Female Floor Housekeeper": "楼层女主管",
"At game end score 5 VP for each fully occupied floor.": "你的酒店中每有一层全部已入住的楼层,获得5分。",
"Financier": "融资人",
"Each time you gain one or more krones, gain one more. (Rowe-Smith variant)": "每当你获得一个或多个克朗时,再获得一个。(Rowe-Smith变体)",
"Each time you gain one or more krones, gain one more.": "每当你获得一个或多个克朗时,再获得一个。",
"Florist": "花匠",
"You can prepare yellow rooms for free.": "你能免费准备黄色客房。",
"Gardener": "园丁",
"Score 5 VP each time you receive an emperor bonus.": "每当你获得皇室奖励时,你同时获得5分。",
"Score 5 VP each time you receive an Emperor bonus.": "每当你获得皇室奖励时,你同时获得5分。",
"Groom": "马夫",
"Receive 2 krones each time you move a red guest to a room.": "每当你满足一位红色宾客的点餐需求时,你同时获得2克朗。你仅能在这位宾客进入客房时获得该2克朗。",
"Hotel Manager": "酒店经理",
"At game end score 4 VP for each set of 3 occupied rooms of different colors.": "游戏结束时,你每有一套3种不同颜色的已入住客房,获得4分。每间客房仅能在一套中计分。",
"Interior Architect": "内饰建筑师",
"Score 5 VP each time you take a “3” die.": "每当你拿取一颗点数为「3」的骰子时,你同时获得5分。",
"Score 5 VP each time you take a \"3\" die.": "每当你拿取一颗点数为「3」的骰子时,你同时获得5分。",
"Kitchen Hand": "厨工",
"You can take a “6” die and take the action based on the number of dice plus one for free. You may pay 1 krone to increase the number of dice by another one. (Costs 3 rather than 5 for Original Rules variant.)": "你能免费拿取一颗点数为「6」的骰子。你同时获得行动格「6」里骰子数量+1的奖励。你可以支付1克朗视为骰子数量再+1。(原始规则变体中费用为3克朗而不是5克朗。)",
"You can take a \"6\" die and take the action based on the number of dice plus one for free. You may pay 1 krone to increase the number of dice by another one.": "你能免费拿取一颗点数为「6」的骰子。你同时获得行动格「6」里骰子数量+1的奖励。你可以支付1克朗视为骰子数量再+1。",
"Larder Cook": "点心师",
"One time receive 4 strudels.": "一次性获得4块点心。",
"Laundress": "洗衣工",
"Score 4 VP each time you take a “4” die.": "每当你拿取一颗点数为「4」的骰子时,你同时获得4分。",
"Score 4 VP each time you take a \"4\" die.": "每当你拿取一颗点数为「4」的骰子时,你同时获得4分。",
"Liftboy": "电梯服务员",
"At game end score 5 VP for each fully occupied column.": "游戏结束时,每有一列全部已入住的客房,获得5分。",
"Maitre D'": "侍者总管",
"You may sit one extra guest in your cafe, and you do not lose five points for each guest in your cafe at the end of the game. (Rowe-Smith variant)": "你的咖啡厅可以多放置一位宾客,游戏结束时,咖啡厅的每位宾客不会失去5分。(Rowe-Smith变体)",
"You may sit one extra guest in your cafe, and you do not lose five points for each guest in your cafe at the end of the game.": "你的咖啡厅可以多放置一位宾客,游戏结束时,咖啡厅的每位宾客不会失去5分。",
"Male Floor Housekeeper": "楼层男主管",
"Score 4 VP each time you move a guest whose order consists of 4 dishes and drinks to a room.": "每当你满足一位宾客的点餐需求时,且该点餐需求包含4个餐点饮料标记,你获得4分。你仅能在这位宾客进入客房时获得那些分数。",
"Marketing Director": "市场总监",
"At game end score 5 VP for each politics card on which you placed a disk.": "游戏结束时,每有一张你放置过木制圆片的政务卡牌,你获得5分。",
"At game end score 5 VP for each Politics card on which you placed a disk.": "游戏结束时,每有一张你放置过木制圆片的政务卡牌,你获得5分。",
"Masseuse": "女按摩师",
"Receive 1 krone each time you move a yellow guest to a room.": "每当你满足一位黄色宾客的点餐需求时,你同时获得1克朗。你仅能在这位宾客进入客房时获得该1克朗。",
"Night Concierge": "夜间礼宾",
"At game end score 3 VP per the lower of coffee and strudel remaining in your kitchen. (Rowe-Smith variant)": "游戏结束时,厨房里的咖啡和甜点中剩余最少的每个获得3分。(Rowe-Smith变体)",
"At game end score 3 VP per the lower of coffee and strudel remaining in your kitchen.": "游戏结束时,厨房里的咖啡和甜点中剩余最少的每个获得3分。",
"Operator": "接线员",
"At game end score twice the number of VP as the emperor track space your disk is on. (Maximum of 12 VP for the Original Rules variant.)": "游戏结束时,根据你在皇室记录条上所在的位置获得分数。你获得的分数等于你所在的格数乘以2。(原始规则变体中最多获得12分。)",
"Page-boy": "门童",
"One time change 2 prepared rooms to occupied.": "一次性将2间任意颜色的客房翻面,标示为已入住的客房。",
"Pool Attendant": "泳池服务员",
"One time advance 3 spaces on the emperor track.": "一次性在皇室记录条上推进3格。",
"One time advance 3 spaces on the Emperor track.": "一次性在皇室记录条上推进3格。",
"Porter": "递送员",
"One time complete a guest's order by taking dishes and drinks from the supply.": "一次性从公共供应堆拿取餐点饮料标记,以满足一位宾客的点餐需求。",
"Reception Clerk": "总台接待员",
"At game end score 3 VP per occupied yellow room.": "游戏结束时,每有一间已入住的黄色客房,获得3分",
"Receptionist": "前台接待",
"At game end score 1 VP per prepared or occupied room.": "游戏结束时,每有一间已准备或已入住的客房,获得1分。",
"Restaurant Manager": "餐厅经理",
"Each time you take a “1” or “2” die, you receive an additional dish or drink, respectively. As usual, you cannot take more cake than strudel or more coffee than wine.": "每当你拿取一颗点数为「1」或「2」的骰子时,你额外获得1份餐点或饮料。",
"Each time you take a \"1\" or \"2\" die, you receive an additional dish or drink, respectively. As usual, you cannot take more cake than strudel or more coffee than wine.": "每当你拿取一颗点数为「1」或「2」的骰子时,你额外获得1份餐点或饮料。",
"Room Service": "客房服务生",
"At game end score 2 VP for each fully occupied group of rooms.": "游戏结束时,每有一个全部客房都已入住的区域,获得2分。",
"Secretary": "秘书",
"At game end you can use another player's game end staff card.": "游戏结束时,你能复制其他玩家的员工卡牌。",
"Sommelier": "酒侍",
"One time receive 4 wine.": "一次性获得4杯葡萄酒。",
"Sous-Chef": "副主厨",
"Once per round receive 1 coffee.": "每轮一次,获得1杯咖啡。",
"Use Sous-Chef.": "使用「副主厨」。",
"Stableman": "饲养员",
"Advance 1 space on the emperor track each time you move a blue guest to a room.": "每当你满足一位蓝色宾客的点餐需求时,你能同时在皇室记录条上推进1格。你仅能在这位宾客进入客房时推进木制圆片。",
"Advance 1 space on the Emperor track each time you move a blue guest to a room.": "每当你满足一位蓝色宾客的点餐需求时,你能同时在皇室记录条上推进1格。你仅能在这位宾客进入客房时推进木制圆片。",
"Staff Manager": "人事经理",
"Each time you take a “3” die, you can play a staff card for its full cost after preparing rooms for the “3” die action.": "每当你拿取一颗点数为「3」的骰子时,你能同时从手中打出一张员工卡牌。",
"Each time you take a \"3\" die, you can play a staff card for its full cost after preparing rooms for the “3” die action.": "每当你拿取一颗点数为「3」的骰子时,你能同时从手中打出一张员工卡牌。",
"Tour Guide": "导游",
"Score an additional 2 VP each time you move a green guest to a room.": "每当你满足一位绿色宾客的点餐需求时,你获得2分。你仅能在这位宾客进入客房时获得那些分数。",
"Waitress": "女招待",
"Once per round receive 1 cake.": "每轮一次,获得1块蛋糕。",
"Use Waitress.": "使用「女招待」。",
"Waste Manager": "废品管理员",
"The first time a player passes during a round, gain one krone. (Rowe-Smith variant)": "每轮一次,有玩家第一次跳过回合时,获得1克朗。(Rowe-Smith变体)",
"The first time a player passes during a round, gain 1 krone.": "每轮一次,有玩家第一次跳过回合时,获得1克朗。",
"Use Waste Manager.": "使用「废品管理员」。",
"Wedding Planner": "婚礼策划师",
"At game end score 3 VP per the lower of cake and wine remaining in your kitchen. (Rowe-Smith variant)": "游戏结束时,厨房里的蛋糕和葡萄酒中剩余最少的每个获得3分。(Rowe-Smith变体)",
"At game end score 3 VP per the lower of cake and wine remaining in your kitchen.": "游戏结束时,厨房里的蛋糕和葡萄酒中剩余最少的每个获得3分。",
"Emperor Tiles": "皇室板块",
"BONUS: Receive 3 krones.": "奖励: 获得3克朗。",
"PENALTY: Lose either 3 krones or 5 points.": "惩罚: 失去3克朗,或失去5分。",
"BONUS: Receive 3 krones. PENALTY: Lose either 3 krones or 5 points.": "奖励: 获得3克朗。\r\n惩罚: 失去3克朗,或失去5分。",
"BONUS: Receive any 2 dishes and/or drinks.": "奖励: 获得任意2个餐点和/或饮料。",
"PENALTY: Return all dishes and drinks from your kitchen to the supply.": "惩罚: 你必须将你厨房里的所有餐点饮料标记都放回公共供应堆。",
"BONUS: Receive any 2 dishes and/or drinks. PENALTY: Return all dishes and drinks from your kitchen to the supply.": "奖励: 获得任意2个餐点和/或饮料。\r\n惩罚: 你必须将你厨房里的所有餐点饮料标记都放回公共供应堆。",
"BONUS: Draw 3 staff cards. You can choose one and play it for 3 fewer krones. Discard the other two cards.": "",
"PENALTY: Either discard 2 staff cards from your hand or lose 5 points.": "",
"BONUS: Draw 3 staff cards. You can choose one and play it for 3 fewer krones. Discard the other two cards. PENALTY: Either discard 2 staff cards from your hand or lose 5 points.": "",
"BONUS: Draw 3 staff cards. You can choose one and play it for 3 fewer krones. Discard the other two cards.": "奖励: 拿取3张员工卡牌,你可以选择并打出其中一张,其打出费用减少3克朗。将未使用的卡牌放回员工牌堆底端。",
"PENALTY: Either discard 2 staff cards from your hand or lose 5 points.": "惩罚: 你必须将你手中的2张员工卡牌放回员工牌堆底端,或失去5分。",
"BONUS: Draw 3 staff cards. You can choose one and play it for 3 fewer krones. Discard the other two cards. PENALTY: Either discard 2 staff cards from your hand or lose 5 points.": "奖励: 拿取3张员工卡牌,你可以选择并打出其中一张,其打出费用减少3克朗。将未使用的卡牌放回员工牌堆底端。\r\n惩罚: 你必须将你手中的2张员工卡牌放回员工牌堆底端,或失去5分。",
"BONUS: Prepare a room of your choice for free following the other room preparation rules.": "奖励: 准备一间你所选择的客房,无需支付任何费用。准备客房的其它规则保持不变。",
"PENALTY: Remove a prepared but unoccupied room from the highest possible row or lose 5 points.": "惩罚: 你失去5分,或者从你酒店版图上尽可能高的楼层中移除一间未入住的客房。",
"BONUS: Prepare a room of your choice for free following the other room preparation rules. PENALTY: Remove a prepared but unoccupied room from the highest possible row or lose 5 points.": "奖励: 准备一间你所选择的客房,无需支付任何费用。准备客房的其它规则保持不变。\r\n惩罚: 你失去5分,或者从你酒店版图上尽可能高的楼层中移除一间未入住的客房。",
"BONUS: Receive 1 strudel, 1 cake, 1 wine and 1 coffee.": "奖励: 你获得1块点心、1块蛋糕、1杯葡萄酒和1杯咖啡。",
"PENALTY: Return all dishes and drinks from your kitchen and guests to the supply.": "惩罚: 你必须将你厨房和宾客上的所有餐点饮料标记都放回公共供应堆。",
"BONUS: Receive 1 strudel, 1 cake, 1 wine and 1 coffee. PENALTY: Return all dishes and drinks from your kitchen and guests to the supply.": "奖励: 你获得1块点心、1块蛋糕、1杯葡萄酒和1杯咖啡。\r\n惩罚: 你必须将你厨房和宾客上的所有餐点饮料标记都放回公共供应堆。",
"BONUS: Receive 5 krones.": "奖励: 获得5克朗。",
"PENALTY: Lose either 5 krones or 7 points.": "惩罚: 失去5克朗,或失去7分。",
"BONUS: Receive 5 krones. PENALTY: Lose either 5 krones or 7 points.": "奖励: 获得5克朗。\r\n惩罚: 失去5克朗,或失去7分。",
"BONUS: Draw 3 staff cards. You can choose one and play it for free. Discard the other two cards.": "奖励: 拿取3张员工卡牌。你可以免费打出其中一张。将另外两张放回员工牌堆底端。",
"PENALTY: Either discard 3 staff cards from your hand or lose 7 points.": "惩罚: 你必须将手中的3张员工卡牌放回员工牌堆底端,或失去7分。",
"BONUS: Draw 3 staff cards. You can choose one and play it for free. Discard the other two cards. PENALTY: Either discard 3 staff cards from your hand or lose 7 points.": "奖励: 拿取3张员工卡牌。你可以免费打出其中一张。将另外两张放回员工牌堆底端。\r\n惩罚: 你必须将手中的3张员工卡牌放回员工牌堆底端,或失去7分。",
"BONUS: Prepare a room of your choice in the first or second row for free following the other room preparation rules. Immediately change the room from prepared to occupied.": "奖励: 你可以将一块任意颜色的客房板块放置到你酒店版图的第一层或第二层,并立即将该客房翻转到已入住那面。你必须将这间客房放置到其它客房的相邻位置。",
"PENALTY: Either remove 2 prepared but unoccupied rooms from the highest possible row(s) or lose 7 points.": "惩罚: 你失去7分,或者从你酒店版图上尽可能高的楼层中移除2间未入住的客房",
"BONUS: Prepare a room of your choice in the first or second row for free following the other room preparation rules. Immediately change the room from prepared to occupied. PENALTY: Either remove 2 prepared but unoccupied rooms from the highest possible row(s) or lose 7 points.": "奖励: 你可以将一块任意颜色的客房板块放置到你酒店版图的第一层或第二层,并立即将该客房翻转到已入住那面。你必须将这间客房放置到其它客房的相邻位置。\r\n惩罚: 你失去7分,或者从你酒店版图上尽可能高的楼层中移除2间未入住的客房。",
"BONUS: Receive 8 points.": "奖励: 获得8分。",
"PENALTY: Lose 8 points.": "惩罚: 失去8分。",
"BONUS: Receive 8 points. PENALTY: Lose 8 points.": "奖励: 获得8分。\r\n惩罚: 失去8分。",
"BONUS: Prepare a room of your choice for free following the other room preparation rules. Immediately change the room from prepared to occupied.": "奖励: 你可以将一块任意颜色的客房板块放置到你的酒店版图上,并立即将该客房翻转到已入住那面。你必须将这间客房放置到其它客房的相邻位置。",
"PENALTY: Remove 2 occupied rooms. These must be an occupied room in the highest possible row and the nearest occupied room below it.": "惩罚: 你必须从你的酒店版图上移除2间已入住客房。若有可能,必须尽可能从最高层开始移除,然后移除下一个尽可能高的客房。",
"BONUS: Prepare a room of your choice for free following the other room preparation rules. Immediately change the room from prepared to occupied. PENALTY: Remove 2 occupied rooms. These must be an occupied room in the highest possible row and the nearest occupied room below it.": "奖励: 你可以将一块任意颜色的客房板块放置到你的酒店版图上,并立即将该客房翻转到已入住那面。你必须将这间客房放置到其它客房的相邻位置。\r\n惩罚: 你必须从你的酒店版图上移除2间已入住客房。若有可能,必须尽可能从最高层开始移除,然后移除下一个尽可能高的客房。",
"PENALTY: Remove an occupied room from the highest possible floor of your hotel and, if possible, a second occupied room from the next highest possible floor. For the Original Rules variant the two rooms must be in the same column.": "惩罚: 你必须从你的酒店版图上移除2间已入住客房。若有可能,必须尽可能从最高层开始移除,然后移除下一个尽可能高的客房。在原始规则变体中,两间客房必须在同一列中。",
"BONUS: Prepare a room of your choice for free following the other room preparation rules. Immediately change the room from prepared to occupied. PENALTY: Remove 2 occupied rooms, one from each of the two highest rows that contain at least one occupied room.": "奖励: 你可以将一块任意颜色的客房板块放置到你的酒店版图上,并立即将该客房翻转到已入住那面。你必须将这间客房放置到其它客房的相邻位置。\r\n惩罚: 你必须从你的酒店版图上移除2间已入住客房。从至少包含一间已入住客房的最高两层中各移除一个。",
"BONUS: Receive 2 points per staff card you have played.": "奖励: 你已打出的每张员工卡牌使你获得2分。",
"PENALTY: Lose 2 points per staff card you have played.": "惩罚: 你已打出的每张员工卡牌使你失去2分。",
"BONUS: Receive 2 points per staff card you have played. PENALTY: Lose 2 points per staff card you have played.": "奖励: 你已打出的每张员工卡牌使你获得2分。\r\n惩罚: 你已打出的每张员工卡牌使你失去2分。",
"BONUS: Play a staff card from your hand for free.": "奖励: 你可以从手中免费打出一张员工卡牌。",
"PENALTY: Discard one of the game end staff cards you have played or lose 10 points.": "惩罚: 你必须弃掉一张已打出的具有「游戏结束」效果的员工卡牌,或失去10分。",
"BONUS: Play a staff card from your hand for free. PENALTY: Discard one of the game end staff cards you have played or lose 10 points.": "奖励: 你可以从手中免费打出一张员工卡牌。\r\n惩罚: 你必须弃掉一张已打出的具有「游戏结束」效果的员工卡牌,或失去10分。",
// 目标卡牌
"You have 20 krones.": "你拥有20克朗。",
"You have 20 krones anytime during your turn.": "在你的回合中的任何时候你拥有20克朗。",
"politics 20 krones: 15": "目标 20克朗: 15",
"politics 20 krones: 10": "目标 20克朗: 10",
"politics 20 krones: 5": "目标 20克朗: 5",
"You are on space 10 of the emperor track or higher.": "你达到皇室记录条第10格或更高格。",
"You are on space 10 of the Emperor track or higher.": "你达到皇室记录条第10格或更高格。",
"politics emperor space 10: 15": "目标 达到皇室记录条第10格: 15",
"politics emperor space 10: 10": "目标 达到皇室记录条第10格: 10",
"politics emperor space 10: 5": "目标 达到皇室记录条第10格: 5",
"You have played at least 6 Staff cards.": "你已打出了至少6张员工卡牌。",
"You have played at least 6 staff cards.": "你已打出了至少6张员工卡牌。",
"politics 6 played staff cards: 15": "目标 已打出6张员工卡牌: 15",
"politics 6 played staff cards: 10": "目标 已打出6张员工卡牌: 10",
"politics 6 played staff cards: 5": "目标 已打出6张员工卡牌: 5",
"You have at least 12 Room tiles on your Hotel board.": "你的酒店版图上有至少12块客房板块。",
"You have at least 12 prepared or occupied rooms.": "你有至少12间已准备或已入住的客房。",
"politics 12 prepared or occupied rooms: 15": "目标 12间客房已准备好或已入住: 15",
"politics 12 prepared or occupied rooms: 10": "目标 12间客房已准备好或已入住: 10",
"politics 12 prepared or occupied rooms: 5": "目标 12间客房已准备好或已入住: 5",
"All rooms in at least 2 rows of your Hotel board are occupied.": "你的酒店版图上至少有2层客房都已入住。",
"All rooms in at least 2 rows of your hotel are occupied.": "你的酒店至少有2层客房都已入住。",
"politics 2 occupied rows: 15": "目标 2层客房已入住: 15",
"politics 2 occupied rows: 10": "目标 2层客房已入住: 10",
"politics 2 occupied rows: 5": "目标 2层客房已入住: 5",
"All rooms in at least 2 columns of your Hotel board are occupied.": "你的酒店版图上至少有2列客房都已入住。",
"All rooms in at least 2 columns of your hotel are occupied.": "你的酒店至少有2列客房都已入住。",
"politics 2 occupied columns: 15": "目标 2列客房已入住: 15",
"politics 2 occupied columns: 10": "目标 2列客房已入住: 10",
"politics 2 occupied columns: 5": "目标 2列客房已入住: 5",
"All rooms in at least 6 groups of rooms on your Hotel board are occupied.": "你的酒店版图上至少有6个区域的客房都已入住。",
"All rooms in at least 6 groups of your hotel are occupied.": "你的酒店至少有6个区域的客房都已入住。",
"politics 6 occupied groups: 15": "目标 6个区域的客房已入住: 15",
"politics 6 occupied groups: 10": "目标 6个区域的客房已入住: 10",
"politics 6 occupied groups: 5": "目标 6个区域的客房已入住: 5",
"All rooms of one color on your Hotel board are occupied.": "你的酒店版图上一种颜色的所有客房都已入住。",
"All your rooms of one color are occupied.": "你的一种颜色的所有客房都已入住.",
"politics all rooms of a color occupied: 15": "目标 一种颜色的所有客房都已入住: 15",
"politics all rooms of a color occupied: 10": "目标 一种颜色的所有客房都已入住: 10",
"politics all rooms of a color occupied: 5": "目标 一种颜色的所有客房都已入住: 5",
"You have at least 3 occupied rooms of each color.": "你每种颜色各至少有3间客房都已入住。",
"politics 3 rooms of each color occupied: 15": "目标 每种颜色有3间客房都已入住: 15",
"politics 3 rooms of each color occupied: 10": "目标 每种颜色有3间客房都已入住: 10",
"politics 3 rooms of each color occupied: 5": "目标 每种颜色有3间客房都已入住: 5",
"You have at least 4 red and 3 yellow occupied rooms.": "你有至少4间红色客房和3间黄色客房都已入住。",
"politics 4 red and 3 yellow rooms occupied: 15": "目标 4间红色客房和3间黄色客房已入住: 15",
"politics 4 red and 3 yellow rooms occupied: 10": "目标 4间红色客房和3间黄色客房已入住: 10",
"politics 4 red and 3 yellow rooms occupied: 5": "目标 4间红色客房和3间黄色客房已入住: 5",
"You have at least 4 yellow and 3 blue occupied rooms.": "你有至少4间黄色客房和3间蓝色客房都已入住。",
"politics 4 yellow and 3 blue rooms occupied: 15": "目标 4间黄色客房和3间蓝色客房已入住: 15",
"politics 4 yellow and 3 blue rooms occupied: 10": "目标 4间黄色客房和3间蓝色客房已入住: 10",
"politics 4 yellow and 3 blue rooms occupied: 5": "目标 4间黄色客房和3间蓝色客房已入住: 5",
"You have at least 4 blue and 3 red occupied rooms.": "你有至少4间蓝色客房和3间红色客房都已入住。",
"politics 4 blue and 3 red rooms occupied: 15": "目标 4间蓝色客房和3间红色客房已入住: 15",
"politics 4 blue and 3 red rooms occupied: 10": "目标 4间蓝色客房和3间红色客房已入住: 10",
"politics 4 blue and 3 red rooms occupied: 5": "目标 4间蓝色客房和3间红色客房已入住: 5",
"You have earned 20 VPs from your guests (completing orders).": "你从宾客处获得20分(完成订单)。",
"politics 20 guest points: 15": "目标 20宾客分数: 15",
"politics 20 guest points: 10": "目标 20宾客分数: 10",
"politics 20 guest points: 5": "目标 20宾客分数: 5",
"All rooms in 1 row and 1 column of your hotel are occupied.": "你的酒店其中1层和其中1列的所有客房都已入住。",
"politics occupied row and column: 15": "目标 1层和1列的所有客房都已入住: 15",
"politics occupied row and column: 10": "目标 1层和1列的所有客房都已入住: 10",
"politics occupied row and column: 5": "目标 1层和1列的所有客房都已入住: 5",
// 宾客卡
"Sculptor": "雕塑家",
"Musician": "音乐家",
"Composer": "创作者",
"Tailor": "裁缝",
"Flamenco Dancer": "弗拉门戈舞蹈家",
"Portrait Painter": "肖像画家",
"Photographer": "摄影师",
"Vocalist": "歌唱家",
"Architect": "建筑师",
"Actress": "女演员",
"Poet": "诗人",
"Jewelry Designer": "珠宝设计师",
"Painter": "油漆匠",
"Opera Singer": "歌剧演唱家",
"Dame": "女爵士",
"Duchess": "公爵夫人",
"Knight Of The Empire": "帝国骑士",
"Landgrave": "方伯",
"Sovereign": "君主",
"Princess": "公主",
"Countess": "伯爵夫人",
"Elector": "选举人",
"Baron": "男爵",
"Prince": "王子",
"Earl": "郡长",
"Baroness": "男爵夫人",
"Duke": "公爵",
"Apothecary": "药剂师",
"Post Councillor": "邮政议员",
"Privy Councillor": "枢密院议员",
"Professor Emeritus": "名誉教授",
"General": "上将",
"Senior Councillor": "高级议员",
"Councillor Of Commerce": "商务委员",
"Court Councillor": "法院议员",
"Count": "伯爵",
"Major": "少校",
"Veterinary Councillor": "兽医议员",
"Medicinal Councillor": "医学委员",
"Procurator": "检察官",
"Lord High Commissioner": "王室高级专员",
"Senior Legal Secretary": "高级法律秘书",
"Tezcatlipoca": "泰兹卡特里波卡",
"Capt. Goldhaken": "上尉",
"Mr. Horsa": "霍萨先生",
"Michael Ingalls": "迈克尔·英格尔斯",
"Mr. Boydell": "博伊德尔先生",
"Mr. Oundo": "乌多先生",
"E. Gizia": "埃及法老",
"M. Polo": "马可波罗",
"Cramersopholus": "希腊人",
"Farmer Franz": "农夫",
"Brother Uwe": "乌韦兄弟",
"Conductor": "售票员",
"Durgoing": "洞穴农夫",
"MacLeod": "麦克劳德",
"Mag. Ferdinand": "马格·费迪南",
"Mr. Moras": "莫拉斯先生",
"Debutante": "富家千金",
"Lady Companion": "女伴侣",
"Governess": "家庭女教师",
"Prima Ballerina": "初级舞者",
"Mannequin": "模特",
"Diva": "歌剧女主角",
"Waltz Queen": "华尔兹皇后",
"Khan": "可汗",
"Tenno": "天皇",
"Laird": "领主",
"Maharani": "王公妃",
"Marquis": "侯爵",
"Contesa": "康莎",
"Tsarina": "女沙皇",
"Ambassador": "大使",
"Abbess": "女修院院长",
"Consigliere": "顾问",
"Admiral Winterbottom": "海军上将",
"Impresario": "剧院经理",
"Cardinal": " 红衣主教",
"Mayor": "市长",
"The Beast": "野兽",
"Kapellmeister Palfy": "乐队指挥",
"C. Inderella": "C. Inderella",
"Phantom": "幽灵",
"The Beauty": "美女",
"Medium": "通灵者",
"Partyer": "聚会者",
"Pope": "教皇",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"Play a staff card for free.": "免费打出一张员工卡牌。",
"Take another turn, but do not remove the die whose action you choose.": "获得另一个回合,但不要移除你所选行动上的骰子。",
"Carry out the action of an action space that contains at least one die.": "执行包含至少一个骰子的行动格的行动。",
"Prepare 2 rooms, each for 1 krone less than their normal cost.": "准备2间客房,每一间支付费用时减少1克朗。",
"Prepare 2 rooms, one for its normal cost and one for 1 krone less than its normal cost.": "准备2间客房,一间正常支付费用,一间支付费用时减少1克朗。",
"Prepare 1 room on the two lowest floors for free.": "免费准备位于酒店第一层或第二层的1间客房。",
"Advance 1 space on the Emperor track": "将皇室记录条上的标记向前推进1格",
"Advance 2 spaces on the Emperor track": "将皇室记录条上的标记向前推进2格",
"Advance 3 spaces on the Emperor track": "将皇室记录条上的标记向前推进3格",
"Advance 3 spaces on the Emperor track.": "将皇室记录条上的标记向前推进3格。",
"Advance 2 spaces on the Emperor track. Draw a staff card.": "将皇室记录条上的标记向前推进2格。抓取一张员工卡牌。",
"Advance 2 spaces on the Emperor track. Draw 2 staff cards.": "将皇室记录条上的标记向前推进2格。抓取2张员工卡牌。",
"Advance 1 space on the Emperor track. Take 1 krone.": "将皇室记录条上的标记向前推进1格。拿取1克朗。",
"Take 1 coffee. Advance 2 spaces on the Emperor track.": "拿取1杯咖啡。将皇室记录条上的标记向前推进2格。",
"Play a staff card for a 3 krone discount.": "打出一张员工卡牌,支付的卡牌费用减少3克朗。",
"Advance 3 spaces on the Emperor track. Play a staff card for a 1 krone discount.": "将皇室记录条上的标记向前推进3格。打出一张员工卡牌,支付的卡牌费用减少1克朗。",
"Advance 3 spaces on the Emperor track. Move a face up guest card to your cafe for free.": "将皇室记录条上的标记向前推进3格。免费拿取一张正面朝上的宾客卡牌并放置到你的咖啡厅中。",
"Draw 3 staff cards. Play one of them for a 3 krone discount. Return the other two to the bottom of the deck.": "抓取3张员工卡牌并立即打出其中一张,支付的卡牌费用减少3克朗。将其余2张卡牌放回员工牌堆底端。",
"Draw 3 staff cards. Play one of them for free. Return the other two to the bottom of the deck.": "抓取3张员工卡牌并立即免费打出其中一张。将其余2张卡牌放回员工牌堆底端。",
"Advance 3 spaces on the Emperor track. Change a prepared room to occupied.": "将皇室记录条上的标记向前推进3格。将一间已准备的客房变为已入住。",
"Draw a staff card. Prepare a room for the normal cost.": "抓取一张员工卡牌。准备一间客房,正常支付费用。",
"Prepare 1 room for free.": "免费准备一间客房。",
"Prepare 2 rooms for free.": "免费准备2间客房。",
"Move 1 space on the Emperor track. Change a prepared room to occupied.": "将皇室记录条上的标记向前推进1格。将一间已准备的客房变为已入住。",
"Take 3 krones. Move 2 face up guest cards to your cafe for free.": "拿取3克朗。免费拿取2张正面朝上的宾客卡牌并放置到你的咖啡厅中。",
"Move a face up guest card to your cafe for free.": "免费拿取一张正面朝上的宾客卡牌并放置到你的咖啡厅中。",
"Play 2 staff cards, each for a 1 krone discount.": "打出2张员工卡牌,每一张支付的卡牌费用减少1克朗。",
"Change a prepared room to occupied.": "将一间已准备的客房变为已入住。",
"Take 1 cake. Play a staff card for a 2 krone discount.": "拿取1块蛋糕。打出一张员工卡牌,支付的卡牌费用减少2克朗。",
"Take 1 wine and 3 krones.": "拿取1杯葡萄酒和3克朗。",
"no reward": "没有奖励",
"Play a staff card for a 1 krone discount. Prepare a room for the normal cost.": "打出一张员工卡牌,支付的卡牌费用减少1克朗。准备一间客房,正常支付费用。",
"Take 2 krones and a dish or drink of your choice.": "拿取2克朗和1个由你选择的餐点或饮料。",
"Take 1 coffee and 3 krones.": "拿取1杯咖啡和3克朗。",
"Take 1 strudel and 2 krones.": "拿取1块点心和2克朗。",
"Take 3 krones. Move a face up guest card to your cafe for free.": "拿取3克朗。免费拿取一张正面朝上的宾客卡牌并放置到你的咖啡厅中。",
"Take 1 cake. Play a staff card for a 3 krone discount.": "拿取1块蛋糕。打出一张员工卡牌,支付的卡牌费用减少3克朗。",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"regexp": [ // 正则翻译
// +++ Player on turn: ivaever +++
[/^\+\+\+ Player on turn: (.+) \+\+\+$/, "+++ 玩家回合: $1 +++"],
[/^Final Score (.*)$/, "终局计分 $1"],
[/^Points: (\d+)$/, "得分: $1"],
[/^occupied rooms: (\d+)$/, "已入住的客房: $1"],
[/^krone: (\d+)$/, "克朗: $1"],
[/^dishes and drinks: (\d+)$/, "餐点饮料: $1"],
[/^Total: (\d+)$/, "总分: $1"],
[/^group bonus: (\d+)$/, "区域奖励: $1"],
[/^guests in cafe: (-*\d+)$/, "咖啡厅的宾客: $1"],
// [/^(.*): (\d+)$/, ": $1"],
[/^(.*): (\d+)$/, function (all, staffname, score) {
var staffname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][staffname] ?? staffname);
return staffname + ": " + score;
[/^(.*): (\d+) points, (\d+) dishes, drinks and krones$/, "$1: $2分,$3个餐点、饮料和克朗"],
[/^played (.*)$/, function (all, staffname) {
var staffname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][staffname] ?? staffname);
return "打出「" + staffname + "」";
[/^used (.*):(.*)$/, function (all, staffname, some) {
var staffname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][staffname] ?? staffname);
return "使用「" + staffname + "」: " + some;
[/^drafted (.*)$/, function (all, staffname) {
var staffname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][staffname] ?? staffname);
return "轮抽「" + staffname + "」";
[/^passed (.+) and (.+)$/, function (all, staffname, staffname1) {
var staffname_list = staffname.split(', ');
var staffname_zh_list = [];
staffname_list.forEach(a => {
staffname_zh_list.push(I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][a] ?? a);
var staffname_zh = staffname_zh_list.join('」,「');
var staffname1 = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][staffname1] ?? staffname1)
return "跳过「" + staffname_zh + "」和「" + staffname1 + "」";
[/^passed (.+)$/, function (all, staffname) {
var staffname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][staffname] ?? staffname)
return "跳过「" + staffname + "」";
[/^took guest (.*) for free$/, function (all, guestname) {
var guestname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][guestname] ?? guestname);
return "免费拿取宾客「" + guestname + "」";
[/^took guest (.*)$/, function (all, guestname) {
var guestname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][guestname] ?? guestname);
return "拿取宾客「" + guestname + "」";
[/^prepared room (\d\d\d) for free$/,"免费准备客房 $1"],
[/^prepared room (\d\d\d)$/,"准备客房 $1"],
[/^moved (.*) to room (\d\d\d): drew (.*) and (.*)$/, function (all, guestname, room, staffname, staffname1) {
var guestname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][guestname] ?? guestname);
var staffname_list = staffname.split(', ');
var staffname_zh_list = [];
staffname_list.forEach(a => {
staffname_zh_list.push(I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][a] ?? a);
var staffname_zh = staffname_zh_list.join('」,「');
var staffname1 = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][staffname1] ?? staffname1)
return "移动「" + guestname + "」到客房 " + room + ": 抓取了「" + staffname_zh + "」和「" + staffname1 + "」";
[/^moved (.*) to room (\d\d\d): drew (.*)$/, function (all, guestname, room, staffname) {
var guestname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][guestname] ?? guestname);
var staffname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][staffname] ?? staffname)
return "移动「" + guestname + "」到客房 " + room + ": 抓取了「" + staffname + "」";
[/^moved (.*) to room (\d\d\d): (\d+)$/, function (all, guestname, room, something) {
var guestname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][guestname] ?? guestname);
return "移动「" + guestname + "」到客房 " + room + ": " + something;
[/^: drew (.*) and (.*)$/, function (all, staffname, staffname1) {
var staffname_list = staffname.split(', ');
var staffname_zh_list = [];
staffname_list.forEach(a => {
staffname_zh_list.push(I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][a] ?? a);
var staffname_zh = staffname_zh_list.join('」,「');
var staffname1 = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][staffname1] ?? staffname1)
return ": 抓取了「" + staffname_zh + "」和「" + staffname1 + "」";
[/^: drew (\d+) staff card\(s\)$/, ": 抓取了$1张员工卡牌"],
[/^: drew (.*)$/, function (all, staffname) {
var staffname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][staffname] ?? staffname)
return ": 抓取了「" + staffname + "」";
[/^drew: (.*) and (.*)$/, function (all, staffname, staffname1) {
var staffname_list = staffname.split(', ');
var staffname_zh_list = [];
staffname_list.forEach(a => {
staffname_zh_list.push(I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][a] ?? a);
var staffname_zh = staffname_zh_list.join('」,「');
var staffname1 = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][staffname1] ?? staffname1)
return "抓取了:「" + staffname_zh + "」和「" + staffname1 + "」";
[/^drew: (.*)$/, function (all, staffname) {
var staffname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][staffname] ?? staffname)
return "抓取了:「" + staffname + "」";
[/^moved (.*) to room (\d\d\d)$/, function (all, guestname, room) {
var guestname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][guestname] ?? guestname);
return "移动「" + guestname + "」到客房 " + room;
// , converted excess 3
[/^, converted excess (\d+)$/, ",转换多余的 $1"],
[/^occupied room (\d\d\d)$/, "客房 $1 已入住"],
[/^lost room (\d\d\d)$/, "客房 $1 已失去"],
// prepared and occupied room 413
[/^prepared and occupied room (\d\d\d)$/, "准备并入住客房 $1"],
[/^chose action for (\d+)$/, "选择行动为 $1"],
[/^Move (.+) to a room\.$/, function (all, guestname) {
var guestname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][guestname] ?? guestname);
return "移动「" + guestname + "」到一间客房。";
[/^Move (.+) to room (\d\d\d)\.$/, function (all, guestname, room) {
var guestname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][guestname] ?? guestname);
return "移动「" + guestname + "」到客房" + room + "。";
[/^Choose room for (.+)\.$/, function (all, guestname) {
var guestname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][guestname] ?? guestname);
return "为「" + guestname + "」选择客房。";
// Take a guest,.....
[/^(Take .*|Pay .*|Choose .*|Use .*), or (.*)\.$/, function (all, action, action1) {
var action_list = action.split(', ');
var action_zh_list = [];
action_list.forEach(a => {
action_zh_list.push(I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][a] ?? a);
var action_zh = action_zh_list.join(',');
var action1 = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][action1] ?? action1)
if (action1 === 'not') {
return action_zh + ",或者跳过。";
} else {
return action_zh + ",或者" + action1 + "。";
[/^(Take .*|Pay .*|Choose .*|Use .*) (?<!.*(?:,).*)or (.*)\.$/, function (all, action, action1) {
action = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][action] ?? action)
var action1 = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][action1] ?? action1)
if (action1 === 'not') {
return action + "或者跳过。";
} else {
return action + "或者" + action1 + "。";
[/^to (\d+)$/, "为 $1"],
[/^to (.*)\.$/, function (all, guestname) {
var guestname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][guestname] ?? guestname);
return "给「" + guestname + "」。";
[/^to (.*)$/, function (all, guestname) {
var guestname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][guestname] ?? guestname);
return "给「" + guestname + "」";
[/^filled the order of (.*)$/, function (all, guestname) {
var guestname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][guestname] ?? guestname);
return "满足宾客「" + guestname + "」的点单需求";
[/^Take (.*)(?<!.*(?:,).*)\.$/, function (all, guestname) {
var guestname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][guestname] ?? guestname);
return "拿取「" + guestname + "」。";
[/^Prepare room (\d\d\d)\.$/, "准备客房 $1。"],
[/^Play (.*)\.$/, function (all, guestname) {
var guestname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][guestname] ?? guestname);
return "打出「" + guestname + "」。";
[/^Play (.*)$/, function (all, guestname) {
var guestname = (I18N.zh["en/Game/GrandAustria"]["static"][guestname] ?? guestname);
return "打出「" + guestname + "」";
[/^Grand Austria Hotel (.*)$/, function(all) {
all = all.replace(/Grand Austria Hotel/, "奥地利大饭店")
.replace(/draft staff/, "轮抽员工")
.replace(/introductory staff/, "入门员工")
.replace(/original rules/, "原始规则")
.replace(/random same hotel/, "随机相同酒店")
.replace(/random not unique hotel/, "随机不唯一酒店")
.replace(/random unique hotel/, "随机唯一酒店")
.replace(/no Kitchen Hand/, "无厨工")
.replace(/choose hotel/, "自选酒店")
.replace(/discard free guests/, "弃置免费宾客")
.replace(/herlius politics/, "herlius 政务")
.replace(/Rowe-Smith staff/, "Rowe-Smith 员工")
.replace(/harder hotels/, "困难酒店");
return all;
I18N.zh["en/Invite/Messina1347"] = { // 邀请页面翻译
"static": { // 静态翻译
"Player Boards": "玩家面板",
"Standard": "标准",
"Advanced": "进阶",
"The": "玩家面板以及卷轴面板的",
"B-sides": "B 面",
"of the player boards as well as the scroll boards are used. These have asymmetric opportunities per player and are dealt out randomly. Players also earn additional points at the end of the game for repopulating the most neighborhoods.": "将被使用。将卷轴面板混洗后随机派发给玩家,不同的面板为玩家提供的选择并不对称。玩家还将在游戏结束时就重建最多街区进行竞争,从而获得额外的分数。",
"Register Priority Tile": "记录轨优先级板块",
"This defines the player order of the rounds.": "该板块定义了玩家的轮次信息。",
"Alternative A": "替代 A",
"Alternative B": "替代 B",
"Random player board": "随机玩家面板",
"Choose player board": "选择玩家面板",
"Random scroll board": "随机卷轴面板",
"Choose scroll board": "选择卷轴面板",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"regexp": [ // 正则翻译
I18N.zh["en/Rules/Messina1347"] = { // 邀请页面翻译
"static": { // 静态翻译
"→ open full rules in extra window": "→ 在额外窗口中打开完整规则",
"→ Hints for Handling": "→ 操作提示",
"Messina1347": "墨西拿1347",
"→ Original Rules(pdf)": "→ 原始规则(pdf)",
"Messina 1347 - Rules": "墨西拿1347 —— 规则",
"Game Rules": "游戏规则",
"Contents": "目录",
"Game Overview": "游戏概览",
"Components": "游戏配件",
"Player Setup": "玩家设置",
"Play Order": "游戏顺位",
"Round I Setup": "轮次I设置",
"Gameplay": "游戏流程",
"Your turn": "你的回合",
"Actions": "行动",
"Registers": "记录轨",
"End of Round": "轮次结束",
"Setup for Next Round": "新轮次开始时的设置",
"End of Game": "游戏结束",
"Advanced Variant": "进阶变体规则",
"Solo Variant": "单人游戏变体规则",
"Game Setup Overview": "游戏设置概述",
"Game Icons": "游戏图标",
"Hints for Handling": "操作提示",
"Game Setup": "游戏设置",
"Players take the role of noble families with landholdings in the countryside around Messina. They attempt to rescue people from the plague, putting infected people in quarantine and putting uninfected people to work on their estates. As the plague in Messina worsens, the players will build small independent communities, while attempting to control the plague with fire.": "玩家们扮演在墨西拿周围坐拥郊区土地的贵族,尝试营救身陷疫情中的市民,并将已感染的人们进行隔离,将未受感染的人们安置在自己的庄园中进行工作。随着疫情在墨西拿的恶化,玩家们会兴建小型的独立社群,并试图用焚烧来控制瘟疫的传播。",
"Players will also have the opportunity to defy the plague and return the rescued citizens to repopulate the city. At the end of the game, the player who did the most for Messina is the winner.": "玩家们也会有抗击瘟疫的机会,并将被营救的市民送回城市进行重建工作。游戏结束后,为墨西拿做出最多贡献的玩家赢得游戏胜利。",
"The City of Messina:": "墨西拿城:",
"Messina is built of hexagonal neighborhood tiles. Separate the neighborhood hexes into three classes –": "墨西拿由六边形的街区板块(后称“六边形板块”或“六边形格”)构建而成。将街区板块按照其下方所示类型进行分类 –",
", and": ",和",
".": "。",
"Some of the A hexes are not intended to be used in all player counts. Sort through the": "某些A类六边形板块只适用于特定玩家人数的游戏,查看所有这些板块,将不匹配当前玩家人数的",
"hexes and remove those that do not match the current number of players. Return them to the box.": "类六边形板块从游戏中移除,放回游戏盒中。",
"This hex is for a 4-player game only. It should be removed in a 2- or 3-player game.": "该板块仅限于4人游戏使用。在2-3人游戏中应当将其移除。",
"This hex is used in all player counts.": "该板块适用于所有玩家人数的游戏。",
"Form a stack of the appropriate": "首先用对应玩家人数的所有",
"hexes. Add 1": "类六边形板块构成一个堆叠。接着随机选择1块",
"hex, chosen at random, and mix up the stack face down. Then deal out hexes face up in a random order to build the city of Messina. Also place the four harbor hexes and place them at four corners so they fit the shape of Messina (as shown below the text).": "类六边形板块,将其添加到刚才构成的板块堆叠中。然后将这个板块堆叠正面朝下混洗。最后将所有板块按照随机顺序正面朝上摆放,构建墨西拿城。另外将4块港口板块分别放置在四个角落,使其匹配墨西拿城的布局(布局图请参阅下方图示)。",
"A three-player setup is illustrated on these pages. The layout depends on the number of players, as shown below.": "不同玩家人数的墨西拿城布局图如下方图例所示。旁边以3人游戏为例展示了游戏的初始设置。",
"Neighborhood Hex Tile Stack:": "街区六边形板块堆叠",
"The": ":",
"and": "和",
"hexes are used in all player counts. Mix up the stack of": "类六边形板块适用于所有玩家人数的游戏。将所有",
"hexes face down. Place the remaining": "类六边形板块正面朝下混洗。将剩下那块",
"hex face down on top of the stack and place the stack where it will be easy to reach at the end of each round.": "类六边形板块正面朝下放置在刚才混洗的 C 类六边形板块堆叠上方。然后将整个堆叠放置在每轮结束时便于拿取的位置。",
"Tokens:": "指示物:",
"Keep the fire tokens, major fire tokens, rat tokens, lumber tokens, and citizen tokens close at hand. You will need them frequently during the game. The supply of these tokens is not intended to be limited.": "将所有火焰指示物、大型火焰指示物、老鼠指示物、木材指示物和市民指示物放置在墨西拿城旁边。你会在游戏过程中经常使用它们。这些指示物的数量没有上限。",
"Plague Cubes:": "瘟疫方块:",
"The plague cubes are limited by the number of players. Two players use 16 cubes. Three players use 18 cubes. Four players use all 24 cubes. Leave any excess cubes in the box.": "瘟疫方块的数量上限取决于玩家人数。2人游戏使用16个方块。3人游戏使用18个方块。4人游戏使用所有24个方块。将多余的方块放回游戏盒中。",
"Population Wheel:": "人口轮盘:",
"Keep the population wheel nearby, where at least one player can reach it. A rat icon and an arbitrary set of 3 colors should be visible in the window.": "将人口轮盘放置在桌面一侧,便于至少一位玩家拿取的位置。确保轮盘的窗格中显示一个老鼠图标和任意一组三种颜色的图标。",
"Other Tiles": "其他板块",
"The other tiles need to be separated into stacks and shuffled.": "将其他所有板块分别混洗并构成各自的板块堆叠。",
"Docking Tiles": "码头板块",
"are shuffled into a facedown stack. Whenever this stack is empty, reshuffle all the tiles to make a new stack.": "将被混洗,构成一个正面朝下的堆叠。每当该堆叠耗尽时,重新混洗所有码头板块,构成一个新的码头板块堆叠。",
"Boat Tiles": "船只板块",
"are sorted into stacks by number. Shuffle each stack then stack them in order with 1 on top. Place them by the scoreboard. In a 2-player game, first remove all boats with precious stones as cargo and use only 6 boat tiles.": "按照其上方数字分为多个堆叠。将每个堆叠分别混洗,然后按照1-3的顺序将三个堆叠依次放在一起(数字1的船只板块位于堆叠顶部,数字3的船只板块位于堆叠底部)。将整个船只板块堆叠以数字面朝上放置在计分版图旁。2人游戏中,仅会使用6块船只板块,先将所有印有宝石货物的船只板块移除,再按上述步骤设置。",
"Quarantine Cabin Improvement Tiles": "隔离小屋改良板块",
"are separated randomly into 3 equal stacks. Place them on the scoreboard face down, then turn up the top tile in each stack.": "随机分为三个相同数量的堆叠。将三个堆叠正面朝下放置在计分版图上,然后将这三个堆叠顶部的板块分别翻面至正面朝上。",
"Wagon Tiles": "马车板块",
"are separated into five pairs. (Look at the numbers on the backs, not the point values on their faces.) Randomize each pair face down and make two stacks using wagons 1 to 5 in order. Flip the stacks over so that wagon 1 is on top, face up, and place the stacks on the scoreboard. In a 2-player game, one of the stacks is returned to the box and only one is used.": "按照其背面的数字(而不是其正面的分数)分类为五对。从每对板块中随机取出1块,组成一个正面朝下的堆叠,用剩余的5块板块组成另一个正面朝下的堆叠(数字5的位于底部,数字1的位于顶部)。然后将这两个堆叠顶部的板块分别翻面至正面朝上,并将这两个堆叠放置在计分版图上的预留位置。2人游戏中,将其中一个堆叠放回游戏盒中,仅会使用一个堆叠。",
"Workshop Tiles": "工坊板块",
"are sorted by era (I": "按照时代(I",
"or II": "或 II",
") and by citizen type (": ")和市民类型(",
", or": ",或 ",
"). Shuffle all six stacks. The I tiles are early-game workshops. Place these 3 stacks on the scoreboard face down, then turn up the top tile in each stack. The II tiles are late-game workshops. Set aside these 3 stacks face down.": ")分类为六个堆叠。将这六个堆叠分别混洗。1时代板块属于前期游戏工坊。将三个1时代的堆叠正面朝下放置在计分版图上的预留位置,然后将这三个堆叠顶部的板块分别翻面为正面朝上。1时代板块属于后期游戏工坊。将这三个堆叠暂时正面朝下放置在一旁。",
"Place the": "放置",
"scoreboard": "计分版图",
"next to Messina. The side shown here is used in a 3- or 4-player game. Use the other side for a 2−player game. Players will place their counters on the board, as explained": "在墨西拿城旁边。3-4人游戏使用的那面如下方图例所示。2人游戏时则使用另外那面。将自己的普通圆片放置在计分版图上的预留位置,详述请参阅",
"here": "此处",
"round counter": "轮次计数方块",
"on space I of the round info table on the scoreboard.": "到计分版图中,轮次信息表带有“I”的格子上。",
"The register priority tile": "记录轨优先级板块",
"is not needed in your first game. You can leave it in the box. For later games, you can use it to replace the first column of the round info table, thus altering that parameter of the game.": "在你的初次游戏中不会被使用。你可以将它留在游戏盒中。在以后的游戏中,你可以用它来覆盖轮次信息表的第一列,为游戏带来更多变化。",
"Each player chooses a color. Take the player board, the figures, the cubes, the counters, and the overseer tokens in your color. You also take a scroll board, which fits beside your player board as shown below.": "每位玩家选择一种颜色。拿取自己所属颜色的玩家面板、米宝、方块,普通圆片和监工圆片。每位玩家再各拿取1张卷轴面板,将该面板与自己的面板如下图所示拼接在一起。",
"Keep 3 of your figures near your board for now. You will send them to Messina on your first turn. Put 2 of your figures on the table in the token supply. You may be able to claim them during play.": "将自己初始拥有的3个官员米宝暂时放置在你的玩家面板旁。你会在自己的第一个回合,将它们派遣至墨西拿城。将你的剩余2个官员米宝放置在供应堆中,你可能会在游戏中获得它们。",
"Place your 3 cubes at the bottom of the three tracks on your scroll board, as shown.": "将你的3个方块分别放置在自己的卷轴面板下方,三条轨道底部的方格上,如图所示。",
"Your player board uses 3 overseer tokens. Take the tokens in your color and place them on the corresponding starting spaces near the center of your board.": "你的3个监工圆片会用于自己的玩家面板上。将你所属颜色的监工圆片分别放置在自己的玩家面板中央,对应图标的初始格上。",
"Use the": "使用",
"a": "a",
"side of your player board and your scroll board.": "对于你的玩家面板和卷轴面板。",
"Advanced Game Setup": "进阶游戏设置",
"Experienced players have the option of playing with": "有经验的玩家可以选择进行游戏时带有",
"asymmetric opportunities": "不对称的机会",
". In this variant, player boards are assigned randomly and all players use the": "。在该变体中,玩家面板会随机派发给玩家,并且所有玩家都会使用",
"b": "b",
"side. (The asymmetric side is brown, so it can be used with any player color.)": "面(不对称设置的那一面的颜色为棕色,因此可适用于任意颜色的玩家)。",
"The scroll boards are also asymmetric. Take a randomly assigned scroll board and use its": "卷轴面板也是不对称设置的。随机派发给每位玩家1张卷轴面板,并且所有玩家使用",
"side.": "面。",
"Take one counter from each player and place them in a random order on the player order indicator on the scoreboard. Players will take turns in this order in round I.": "分别拿取每位玩家的1个普通圆片,并将它们按照随机顺序,放置在计分版图的玩家顺位格上。在轮次I中,玩家会按照这个顺位依次进行回合。",
"On space I of each of the three register tracks, stack players' counters in the opposite order. (Position in a stack may be important when order is rearranged at the end of a round.)": "在三条记录轨的“I”格上,按照玩家顺位的逆序,各放置每位玩家的1个普通圆片(即起始玩家的圆片位于这些堆叠的底部,末位玩家的圆片位于这些堆叠的顶部;当一轮结束,顺位重新调整时,你的圆片在这些堆叠中的位置至关重要)。",
"On the scoring track, the first and third player start on space 0, with the third players counter on top. The second and fourth player start with 1 point (on space 1), with the fourth player’s counter on top. Finally, give 1 coin to the third and fourth players.": "在计分轨上,起始玩家和三号位玩家各在数字“0”的格子上放置自己的1个普通圆片,三号位玩家的圆片位于顶部。二号位和四号位玩家在数字“1”的格子上放置自己的1个普通圆片(即初始1分),四号位玩家的圆片位于顶部。最后,三号位和四号位玩家各获得1元。",
"For space reasons the": "由于空间原因",
"Yucata.de": "Yucata.de",
"implementation has no points track. The order of players on the points track is however important because it can affect the player order in a round (see e.g. priority tile": "的实施没有计分轨。然而,计分轨上的玩家次序很重要,因为它会影响一轮中的玩家顺位(参阅例如优先级板块",
"). Therefore at": ")。因此在",
"this order is shown in the top left corner of the scoreboard, where the top color is of the player who is the farthest ahead on the points track:": "此顺位显示在计分版图的左上角,其中顶部颜色是在计分轨上领先最远的玩家的颜色:",
"You are now ready to add boats, plague cubes, and citizens to Messina.": "现在你会将船只、瘟疫方块和市民放置到墨西拿城。",
"A Boat Docks": "船只停靠码头",
"In round I, 1 boat arrives:": "在轮次I,将有1艘船只入港:",
"Draw the top docking tile from its stack to determine which dock gets the boat.": "从码头堆叠抽取顶部的码头板块,来确定该船只停靠在哪个码头。",
"Place the top boat tile in one of the dock’s spaces, face up.": "将顶部的船只板块正面朝上放置在对应码头外侧,其中的一个空位上。",
"Give that boat tile 1 plague cube.": "在该船只板块上放置1个瘟疫方块。",
"Population Wheel": "人口轮盘",
"Now the plague spreads throughout the city.": "从现在开始,瘟疫将波及整个城市。",
"Turn the window of the population wheel 1 space clockwise to reveal a new set of icons.": "将人口轮盘的显示窗格顺时针旋转一格,展示一组新的图标。",
"Add 1 plague cube to every hex with a rat matching the one shown. (There are 3 rat icons – left, right, and standing.)": "在轮盘所示的每块对应老鼠图标的六边形板块上,各放置1个瘟疫方块(共有三种老鼠图标 – 头朝左、头朝右、站立)。",
"For each of the three classes of citizens, add 1 citizen of that type to each hex that matches the color shown on the wheel.": "在轮盘所示的每块对应颜色的六边形板块上,各放置1个对应类型的市民指示物。",
"In this case, a plague cube goes on each hex with a left-facing rat. Each orange hex gets 1 nun, each white hex gets 1 craftsman, and each blue hex gets 1 aristocrat. Red hexes get no citizens.": "在这个示例中,每个带有头朝左老鼠图标的六边形板块上,各放置1个瘟疫方块;每个橙色街区六边形板块上,各放置1个修女;每个白色六边形板块上,各放置1个工匠;每个蓝色六边形板块,各放置1个贵族;红色六边形板块上不会放置任何市民指示物。",
"2Gameplay": "2Gameplay",
"Messina is played in 6 rounds. Initially, every player has 3 lieutenant figures and will get 3 turns per round. Later in the game, some players may have more lieutenants and they will get more turns. The round ends when all players have used all their lieutenants.": "游戏将进行六个轮次。刚开始,每位玩家拥有3个官员米宝,在每个轮次中分别会进行三个回合。随着游戏进行,某些玩家可能会拥有更多的官员,并因此获得更多的回合。当所有玩家使用完自己的官员时,则该轮次结束。",
"Players take turns in the order shown on the scoreboard.": "玩家将按照计分版图的玩家顺位格所示的顺位依次进行各自的回合。",
"On your turn, you perform these steps in order:": "在你的回合中,你将按照顺序执行以下步骤:",
"Choose a hex and place one of your lieutenant figures on it.": "选择一个六边形格(板块),并将你的1个官员米宝放置在该格上。",
"Rescue the citizen, if there is one, and take the citizen to your estate.": "如果该格上存在市民指示物,则营救该格上的所有市民,并将这些市民带到你的庄园。",
"Fight the plague.": "抗击瘟疫。",
"Either perform the action depicted on the hex, or repopulate the neighborhood.": "执行该格上所示的行动,或重建该街区。",
"Your efforts to fight the plague may give you actions from the popularity register which you can use any time during step 4.": "你在抗击瘟疫时的努力,可能令你获得人望记录轨的行动,你可以在步骤4的任意时刻使用这些行动。",
"Also at any time during step 4, you may pay to advance on the city register or the church register. You may advance multiple times in one turn, if you wish. This may give you more actions to use during step 4.": "在步骤4的任意时刻,你可以支付钱币来推进城市记录轨或教会记录轨。你可以按照自己的意愿,在一个回合中进行多次推进。这可能会令你在步骤4中获得更多行动。",
"Other Types of Turns:": "其他回合类型:",
"Two other types of turns – (a) sending a lieutenant to the docks or (b) recalling a lieutenant to your estate – are explained": "游戏中还存在另外两种类型的回合——(a)1个官员到码头,或(b)召回1个官员到你的庄园——这两种回合类型详述请参阅",
"1. Choosing a Hex": "1. 选择一个六边形格",
"In round I:": "轮次I:",
"Simply take your lieutenant figure from your estate and stand it on a hex that does not yet have a figure on it. Your figure marks the hex where you will work this turn, and it blocks everyone (including you) from choosing that hex on later turns this round.": "直接从你的庄园拿取1个官员米宝,并将其以站立状态,放置在一个没有放置过米宝的六边形格上。该米宝表示这回合你的官员将在此处进行工作,并且该米宝还会阻止所有玩家(包括你自己)在本轮的后续回合中选择该格。",
"In Rounds II–VI:": "轮次II-VI:",
"You already have lieutenants in Messina, on the hexes they occupied in the previous round. They begin the new round lying down to show they have not been used and are not blocking that hex.": "你已经将自己的官员派遣至墨西拿,并且这些官员已经在之前轮次中各自占据了某个六边形格。这些米宝在新的轮次开始时处于躺倒状态,该状态的米宝意味着它们尚未被玩家使用,并且不会阻止玩家选择该格。",
"When choosing a hex for a lying-down figure, you can choose the same hex or an adjacent hex for free. But to choose a hex farther away, you must pay 1 coin for each hex beyond the first. For example, moving 4 hexes away would cost 3 coins.": "当使用1个躺倒状态的米宝来选择一个六边形格时,你可以免费选择该米宝所在格,或该米宝的一个相邻格。但若要选择移动到距离更远的格子时,每超出1格的距离,你就必须首先支付1元。例如,移动4格的距离,需要支付3元。",
"First movement is free. Second and further costs one coin for each hex.": "移动到相邻格是免费的。从第二格开始,每移动一格的费用为1元。",
"You are": "你",
"not allowed": "无法",
"to choose a hex marked by a standing-up figure – that hex has already been used this round.": "选择已有站立状态米宝存在的六边形格子,因为该格已在本轮中被使用过了。",
"Stand your lieutenant figure in your chosen hex to show that the lieutenant and the hex have been used. Each of your lieutenants will be used exactly once during the round, and no hex will be used more than once.": "将你的官员米宝以站立状态放置在你所选的六边形格子上,表示该官员和该板块均已被使用。你的每个官员在每轮中只能被使用一次,并且每块六边形格子在每轮中也只能被使用一次。",
"Additional lieutenants:": "额外的官员:",
"You may acquire additional lieutenants from the city register track (which will be explained": "你可以通过城市记录轨获得并拥有额外的官员(详述请参阅",
"). The new figure will start out on your estate. On your turn, you may use that lieutenant only if all your lieutenants in Messina have already been used this round.": ")。新的米宝会从你的庄园开始移动。在你的回合中,只有当自己位于墨西拿城中的所有官员均已在本轮被使用后,你才能使用自己庄园中的官员。",
"Lieutenants coming from your estate are placed according the rules used in round I – you can choose any hex in Messina not occupied by a standing-up figure.": "放置你庄园中的官员时,遵循轮次I的规则——你可以选择墨西拿城中任意1块没有站立状态米宝存在的六边形格子。",
"2. Rescuing a Citizen": "2. 营救市民",
"If your chosen hex has a citizen token, you rescue that citizen (citizens). Add the token to your estate, depending on whether the hex has plague.": "如果你所选择的六边形格上存在市民指示物,你将营救该板块上的所有市民。根据该格上是否有瘟疫方块存在,将这些市民指示物放置到你的庄园中不同的位置。",
"If the chosen hex has no plague cube": "如果所选的六边形格上没有瘟疫方块",
", you place the citizen on one of the empty squares in the sector that matches your citizen’s class. (The top sector is for craftsmen, the left sector is for aristocrats, and the right sector is for nuns.) There are six squares in each sector; if none of these is empty, discard the citizen token.": ",将这些市民逐个放置到自己庄园中,对应市民类型扇区中的一个空的方格上(顶部扇区放置工匠,左侧扇区放置贵族,右侧扇区放置修女)。每个扇区共有六个方格;如果对应方格均已放满,则直接弃置该市民指示物。",
"If the chosen hex has a plague cube": "如果所选的六边形格上存在瘟疫方块",
", your citizen must go to quarantine. Place the token in space I of any empty quarantine cabin. If all cabins already have a citizen (in space I or II) you must discard the new citizen.": ",则你营救的市民必须进行隔离。将这些市民指示物逐个放置到任意1个没有市民指示物的隔离小屋中,带有数字“I”的格子上。如果所有隔离小屋都已存在1个市民(位于“I”或“II”格),则你必须弃置即将放置的市民指示物。",
"Every cabin line can hold exactly one citizen even if there is one of the two spaces free.": "每个隔离小屋只能容纳1个市民,即便该小屋中的另一个格子是空的。",
"Red chooses a hex with a nun. The hex has no plague cube, so when Red rescues the nun, she must place the nun in an empty square in the gray sector of her estate. The chosen square will be important later, but it does nothing at this time.": "红色玩家选择了1块带有1个修女的六边形格子。该格没有瘟疫方块存在,因此红色玩家营救这个修女时,必须将该修女放置到自己庄园灰色扇区的一个空的方格上。所选择的方格会在之后发挥重要作用,但此时不会产生任何效果。",
"By contrast, if there is a plague cube on the hex, then the nun cannot go to the gray sector and Red would have to put the nun in space I of an empty quarantine cabin.": "如果情况相反,该格上有瘟疫方块存在,则该修女不能被放置在灰色扇区,红色玩家必须将该修女放置在一个没有放置市民的隔离小屋的“I”格上。",
"Note:": "注意:",
"A citizen from a plagued neighborhood must go to quarantine even if you eliminate the plague in the next step of your turn.": "来自已被瘟疫波及的街区的市民,必须进行隔离,即便你在此回合的下个步骤中消灭了该街区的瘟疫。",
"3. Fighting Plague": "3. 抗击瘟疫",
"Once the citizen is evacuated, you may be able to destroy the plague in that neighborhood.": "一旦市民撤离完毕,你或许就能够彻底消灭该街区的瘟疫了。",
"If the chosen hex has a plague cube, you may pay 1 fire token to remove the plague cube. If it has multiple plague cubes you may remove as many as you like, paying 1 fire token for each.": "如果所选格上存在1个瘟疫方块,你可以支付1个火焰指示物来移除该瘟疫方块。如果该格上存在多个瘟疫方块,你可以按照自己的意愿,支付1个或多个火焰指示物来移除对应数量的瘟疫方块。",
"In later rounds, the cost to remove a plague cube is 2 fire tokens, as shown on the round info table. In this case, for each plague cube removed, score 2 points.": "在游戏后期的轮次中,移除1个瘟疫方块的费用如轮次信息表所示,将改为2个火焰指示物。到那时每移除1个瘟疫方块,还能获得2分。",
"After you spend fire tokens, if there are any plague cubes left on your chosen hex,": "在你支付了火焰指示物后,如果你所选格上仍然存在瘟疫方块,",
"gain 1 rat for each plague cube": "每存在1个瘟疫方块你就获得1个老鼠指示物",
". (The plague cubes remain on the hex for later rounds.)": "。(瘟疫方块仍留在该格上,将继续影响之后的轮次)。",
"At the end of the game you will be penalized for your rat tokens. (See": "游戏结束时,你将因自己拥有的老鼠指示物而遭受惩罚(参阅",
").": ")。",
"For each plague cube you removed": "你每移除1个瘟疫方块",
", advance 1 space on the popularity register. If this leads to one or more actions (see": ",就将自己在人望记录轨上的圆片推进一格。如果这令你获得一个或多个行动(参阅",
") you may resolve them before, after, or during your hex action.": "),你可以在你执行六边形格的行动之前、之后或之中,来执行获得的记录轨行动。",
"Fire Tokens": "火焰指示物",
"You start the game with no fire tokens, but you can acquire them during play. Initially, it costs 1 fire token for each plague cube you remove from your lieutenant’s hex. Later in the game, the cost rises to 2 fire tokens per cube.": "游戏开始时,你没有火焰指示物,但你可以在游戏过程中获得它。游戏前期,你在移除自己官员所在格的每个瘟疫方块时,费用为1个火焰指示物。在游戏后期,移除每个瘟疫方块的费用会提升至2个火焰指示物。",
"You could also acquire a major fire token. When you use this to remove a plague cube from the hex, you have the option to": "你也可能会获得大型火焰指示物。当使用大型火焰指示物来移除六边形格上的瘟疫方块时,你还可以选择",
"remove a cube from an adjacent hex as well.": "额外移除一个相邻六边形格上的1个瘟疫方块。",
"Special Cases:": "特殊情况:",
"You can use a major fire token as a regular fire token and ignore its ability to remove 1 adjacent cube.": "你可以将大型火焰指示物像普通的火焰指示物一样使用,并无视其移除相邻格上的瘟疫方块的能力。",
"The plague cube on a boat is not “adjacent” to any hex, dock, or other boat, so if you use a major fire token on a boat, you will not be able to remove an additional cube.": "位于船只上的瘟疫方块不与任何六边形格子、码头或其他船只“相邻”,因此如果你对船只使用大型火焰指示物,你不会额外移除1个瘟疫方块。",
"If 2 fire tokens are required to remove 1 plague cube, you need to spend 2 major fire tokens to have the option of removing an adjacent cube.": "如果需要2个火焰指示物才能移除1个瘟疫方块,则你需要支付2个大型火焰指示物,才可以选择额外移除1个相邻格上的瘟疫方块。",
"According to clarifications with the designer (": "根据设计师的说明(",
"), Firetoken work like this:": "),火焰指示物的工作原理如下:",
"Round": "轮次",
"can remove 1": "可以移除1个",
"on the active hex": "在所在格上",
"can either:": "可以二选一:",
"Remove 2": "移除2个",
"on the active hex or": "在所在格上或者",
"Remove 1": "移除1个",
"on the active hex and 1": "在所在格上和1个",
"on an adjacent hex": "在相邻形格上",
"on the active hex (1": "在所在格上(1",
"is not enough anymore)": "已经不再足够)",
"4. Performing the Hex Action": "4. 执行六边形格子上的行动",
"Every hex has an action illustrated in the upper left corner. You perform that action as the last step of your turn.": "每个六边形格的左上角都绘制了一个行动。你会在自己回合的最后一个步骤中执行该行动。",
"Most hexes can be repopulated with citizens from your estate. If you choose to repopulate the hex, you do this instead of the illustrated action.": "绝大多数街区六边形板块都可以通过使用你庄园中的市民进行重建。如果你选择重建该街区六边形板块,你就无法执行该六边形格上绘制的行动。",
"Also during this step of your turn, you may use any actions you received from the popularity register and you may also pay to advance on the other two registers, which could lead to even more actions. These register actions may be resolved in any order before, after, or even during your hex action.": "此外,在你回合的该步骤中,你可以使用自己在人望记录轨所获得的任何行动,同时你也可以通过支付钱币来推进其他两条记录轨,来获得更多行动。这些记录轨上提供的行动,可以在你所选的六边形格上的行动之前、之后或之中执行。",
"The various actions will be explained on the following pages. The registers are explained": "在之后的规则中,会对各种行动进行详细说明。记录轨的说明请参阅",
"in detail.": "查看详细信息。",
"Other Types of Turns": "其他回合类型",
"There are two other ways to use your lieutenant’s turn.": "在你的回合中,你还可以通过两种其他方式来使用自己的官员。",
"Recalling a Lieutenant": "召回 1 个官员",
"On your turn, instead of sending your lieutenant to a hex or a dock, you can recall it to your estate. Simply stand it beside your board and": "在你的回合中,你可以将1个自己的官员从墨西拿城召回至你的庄园,而不是将你的官员派遣至六边形格或码头。直接将被召回的官员放置在你的玩家面板旁,并",
"gain 1 coin": "获得1元",
". The lieutenant cannot be used again until the next round.": ",然后结束你的回合。在本轮次中,你无法再使用该官员。",
"This is not a very efficient use of your lieutenant, but it gives you a way to deal with situations where all the nearby hexes are blocked and you cannot afford the cost of traveling to a farther hex.": "这是一种非常低效的官员使用方式,但当你官员米宝周围的六边形格都已被使用,而你又无法支付费用移动到更远的六边形格上时,这将是一个助你破局的方法。",
"Choosing a Boat": "选择 1 艘船只",
"On your turn, you can send your lieutenant to choose a boat instead of a hex. The steps are similar to a regular turn:": "在你的回合中,你可以将自己的官员派遣到你选择的1艘船只,而不是一个六边形格上。此步骤的操作与通常的回合类似:",
"Choose a boat in Messina and move your lieutenant to its dock, according to the usual movement rules. (Count the dock as a separate hex adjacent to the harbor.)": "选择1艘位于墨西拿城中的船只,并遵循通常的移动规则,将1个你的官员移动到该船只所在的码头上(码头视为一个与港口相邻的独立格)。",
"You may even go to a dock that has already been visited by another lieutenant this round.": "你甚至可以将你的官员放置到本轮已有其他官员拜访过的码头上。",
"Fight the boat's plague cube, or gain 1 rat token if you choose not to fight it. (Either way, the plague cube is discarded.)": "选择消灭该船只上的瘟疫方块,或者选择忽视瘟疫方块,改为获得1个老鼠指示物(无论执行哪个选项,最后都会移除该船只上的瘟疫方块)。",
"Take the boat tile to your estate. Gain coins or score points, as indicated on the boat tile.": "拿取该船只板块并放入你的庄园。按照该船只板块上的图标所示,获得对应的钱币或分数。",
"After taking the tile, if you now have an even number of boats, you may advance one of your overseers. Overseers are explained": "在拿取该船只板块后,如果你现在拥有的船只板块数量为偶数,你可以立即推进你的1个监工。监工的详述请参阅",
"Also during this step, you may buy advances on the city and church registers and use any register actions you have earned, in any order, as usual.": "同样在此步骤中,你可以支付钱币来推进城市和教会记录轨,并如常按照任意顺序,来使用你获得的任何记录轨行动。",
"The goods on the boat tile will have an impact during final scoring. In the standard game, all types of goods will count the same. In the advanced variant, you are trying to collect goods of one type. (See": "船只板块上的货物将会影响终局计分。在标准游戏中,所有货物被视为同一种类型。在进阶变体游戏中,你将尝试搜集某种特定类型的货物(参阅",
".)": ")。",
"The three types of goods are precious stones, spices and silk.": "货物的三种类型分别是宝石、香料和丝绸。",
"Docks versus Hexes": "码头与六边形格的差异",
"Docks are like hexes with these differences:": "码头与通常的六边形格相似,但有以下不同:",
"The dock does not get plague cubes; instead, each boat comes with its own plague cube.": "码头上不会放置瘟疫方块;但每艘船只自带1个瘟疫方块。",
"The dock, like a harbor hex, does not get citizens.": "与港口格相似,码头上不会放置市民指示物。",
"A lieutenant at a dock does not block other lieutenants from using that dock. Instead, lieutenants are limited by the availability of the boats.": "位于码头的官员并不会阻止其他官员使用该码头。官员的使用受限于码头外侧停靠船只的数量。",
"When moving a lieutenant, the dock counts as its own hex, adjacent only to its harbor hex. So every neighborhood adjacent to the harbor hex is 2 hexes away from the dock.": "当移动1个官员时,码头自身视为一个六边形格,并与其所在的港口格相邻。因此每个与港口格相邻的街区,都会与对应的码头相距2格。",
"Gaining Tokens": "获得指示物",
"To gain tokens, simply take the indicated tokens.": "执行此类行动时,直接获得图标所示的指示物即可。",
"Actions with Options": "带有选项的行动",
"A slash indicates that you choose between two options.": "斜线图标代表你要在两个选项之间做出选择。",
"Advance on Register": "推进记录轨",
"This action allows you to advance one space on either the city register or the church register.": "该行动令你可以将自己在城市记录轨或教会记录轨上的圆片推进一格。",
"Advance on Your Scroll Board": "推进卷轴面板",
"Your scroll board has 3 tracks, each rewarding a different aspect of play. When you take this action, choose one of those tracks and move your marker up one space.": "你的卷轴面板上有三条轨道,分别会对游戏中的不同策略方向予以奖励。当执行该行动时,选择其中一条卷轴轨,并将自己对应的卷轴方块向上移动一格。",
"Advance an Overseer": "推进 1 个监工",
"When you have an opportunity to advance an overseer, you may be able to gain benefits from some of the citizens on your estate.": "每当你有机会推进监工时,你可以从自己庄园中的某些市民处获得奖励。",
"Certain advances on the church register allow you to upgrade an overseer. Flip the chosen overseer token over to its upgraded side. From now on, it can bring you an extra activation in its region when it advances.": "会记录轨上提供的某些行动,可以令你升级1个监工。将所选的监工圆片翻面至带有数字2的那面。从现在起,推进已升级的监工可以令你获得额外一次激活。",
"Upgrade a Citizen": "升级市民",
"This action allows you to upgrade any of your citizens. The token can be in a workshop, in one of the three sectors, or even in quarantine. Flip the token to the gold side.": "该行动可以令你升级自己的任意1个市民。所选的市民指示物可以位于工坊、庄园或隔离小屋中。将该市民指示物翻面至金色背景面。",
"Build": "建造",
"This action gives you an opportunity to improve your estate (which will pay off at the end of the round). Alternatively, you can use it to build a wagon to help you repopulate Messina. The Build action has 3 options:": "这个行动令你获得机会,对自己的庄园进行提升(这会在轮次结束时为你带来回报)。此外,你可以执行该行动来建造一辆马车,助你重建墨西拿城。建造行动分为三个选项:",
"Build a quarantine cabin improvement.": "改良1个隔离小屋。",
"Choose one of the available quarantine cabins. Pay the cost by returning the indicated tokens to the bank. Choose one of your quarantine cabins that has no improvement and place the tile on it. A citizen in that cabin will now be able to do work for you at the end of the round.": "选择1块可供建造的隔离小屋改良板块。支付该板块左侧的改良费用,将所示的指示物放回银行。选择你的1个未被改良的隔离小屋,并将该板块覆盖在该小屋上。位于该隔离小屋中的市民,现在可以在轮次结束时为你工作了。",
"Build a workshop.": "建造1个工坊。",
"Choose an available workshop from the scoreboard. Pay the cost and place the workshop in one of the slots alongside your board.": "从计分版图上选择1块可供建造的工坊板块。支付该板块最左侧的建造费用,然后将该工坊放置在你面板侧边的其中一个空槽位上。",
"Build a wagon.": "建造1个马车。",
"Choose an available wagon from the scoreboard. Pay the cost of the wagon. If any points are depicted, score them immediately.": "从计分版图上选择一个可供建造的马车板块。支付所选马车板块左侧的建造费用。如果其右侧绘制了即时分数,则立即获得该分数。",
"Repopulate Messina": "重建墨西拿",
"When it is time to perform the action depicted in your chosen hex, you may ignore that action and repopulate the hex instead. However, there are two restrictions:": "在将要执行所选六边形格上绘制的行动时,你可以不执行该行动,改为重建该街区。然而,重建街区有以下两个限制:",
"You cannot repopulate a harbor hex or a dock.": "你无法重建港口格或码头。",
"You cannot repopulate a neighborhood that has already been repopulated.": "你无法重建已被重建过的街区。",
"Repopulation costs and requirements": "重建费用与需求",
"Each hex depicts a cost and the citizens required to repopulate it. Some neighborhoods also require one of your lieutenants. In this case you must use a lieutenant that is still available for use this round. Return the figure to the box.": "每个六边形格顶部都绘制了重建的费用和所需的市民。某些街区还需要1个你的官员。在这种情况下,你必须上交1个你本轮尚未使用的官员。将该官员米宝放回游戏盒中。",
"When you repopulate a neighborhood, cover the repopulation requirements with one of your repopulation tiles. For the remainder of the game, no one can take the Repopulate action there. Your reputation is now tied to this neighborhood, and what happens there will reflect well or poorly on you.": "当你重建1个街区时,拿取你的1块重建板块,覆盖该六边形格顶部的重建费用与需求。作为游戏提醒,任何玩家无法再重建该街区。你的声誉从此与这个街区绑定,在之后的游戏中,此处发生的好事或坏事也将反馈到你的身上。",
"The hex you choose allows you to take one specific action. Some actions have simple consequences, such as gaining a fire token. Some actions lead to other actions, which offer many interesting opportunities to build your reputation.": "你所选择的六边形格,会令你执行一个特定的行动。某些行动直截了当,例如获得1个火焰指示物。而某些行动会引出另外的行动,同样有助于提升你在墨西拿的声誉。",
"To perform these actions, simply take the indicated tokens. There is no limit to the number of tokens players may have.": "执行此类行动时,直接获得图标所示的指示物即可。玩家能够拥有的指示物数量没有上限。",
"Coins come in three denominations. Players can make change as needed at any time.": "钱币分为三种面额。玩家可以随时按照需要进行找零。",
"A slash indicates that you choose between two options. In this case, the options are": "斜线图标代表你要在两个选项之间做出选择。在这个图例中,选项为",
"or gain a major fire token.": "或获得1个大型火焰指示物。",
"This action allows you to advance one space on either the city register or the church register. You can also pay to advance on these registers at any time during the Action step of your turn, but the actions depicted here allow you to advance for free. The registers are explained in detail": "该行动令你可以将自己在城市记录轨或教会记录轨上的圆片推进一格。你也可以在自己的回合中,行动步骤的任意时刻支付钱币来推进这两条记录轨。但这个图例中的行动令你可以免费进行一次推进。记录轨的详述请参阅",
"Your scroll board has 3 tracks, each rewarding a different aspect of play. When you take this action, choose one of those tracks and move your marker up one space. Your scroll board will be important during final scoring, so it is explained in detail": "你的卷轴面板上有三条轨道,分别会对游戏中的不同策略方向予以奖励。当执行该行动时,选择其中一条卷轴轨,并将自己对应的卷轴方块向上移动一格。你的卷轴面板会在终局计分时产生重要作用,相关详述请参阅",
"Your estate is managed by 3 overseers – the 3 round tokens that start in the middle of the board. When you have an opportunity to advance an overseer, you may be able to gain benefits from some of the citizens on your estate. Each of the actions allows you to advance the matching overseer 1 space along its path.": "你的庄园由3位监工负责管理,由3个监工圆片表示,它们在游戏开始时位于你玩家面板的中央。每当你有机会推进监工时,你可以从自己庄园中的某些市民处获得奖励。上方图标所示的每个行动,都令你可以将对应的监工沿着路径推进一格。",
"This action allows you to advance 1 overseer of your choice.": "该行动令你可以选择任意1个监工并将其推进一格。",
"When you advance an overseer with this action, you have the option to first skip over one step in the path.": "当你使用该行动推进1个监工时,你可以选择跳过路径上的下一格,而将监工直接推进到再下一格。",
"Overseers's Path": "监工的路径",
"The overseer advances along the indicated path. On the second advance, you must choose whether the overseer travels along the left branch or the right. (Choose wisely. There is no way to go back.) The chosen path leads around the edge of the board, then back toward the center along the border between two sectors. An overseer who has completed all six steps of the path cannot be advanced again.": "监工必须沿着黑色细箭头所示的路径进行推进。在进行第二次推进时,你必须选择该监工向左还是向右移动(无法往回移动,请谨慎选择)。所选方向会令监工围绕面板的边缘移动,然后沿着两个扇区之间的路径,回到中央。已经完成路径上所有六格移动的监工,将无法再对其进行推进。",
"It is possible for two overseer tokens to be on the same space.": "2个监工可以停留在同一格上。",
"Activating Citizens": "激活市民",
"Each space of the path allows you to activate a certain number of citizens in its vicinity when the overseer advances onto it. During one advance you cannot activate the same citizen twice.": "每当监工推进到路径上新的一格时,你都可以激活该格附近特定数量的市民。在一次推进行动中,你无法激活同一个市民两次。",
"Activate one immediately adjacent citizen.": "激活1个与该格相连的市民。",
"This space is connected to 2 squares in your estate. If there is a citizen token on either of those squares, you may take the action depicted above the citizen token. If there are citizens on both, you may choose either action (but not both).": "激活1个与该格相连的市民。该格与你庄园中的两个方格相连。如果在这两个方格的任意一一格中存在1个市民指示物,你就可以执行该市民指示物上方所示的行动。如果这两个方格上都存在市民指示物,你可以从中选择一个上方的行动执行(但无法同时执行两个行动)。",
"The overseer can activate the nun to give you a fire token. If there were also a nun in the square with the Build action, you could choose that action instead.": "推进到该格的监工可以激活这个修女,令你获得1个火焰指示物。如果在建造行动的方格上也存在1个修女,你可以改为选择执行建造行动。",
"Activate one citizen in this region.": "激活该区域(一个扇区分为两个区域)中的1个市民。",
"This space is adjacent to a region with 3 squares. Choose any citizen in that region and perform the action depicted above the token.": "这两格与个带有三个方格的区域相邻。从该区域中选择任意1个市民,并执行其指示物上方所示的行动。",
"The overseer can activate either of these two nuns.": "监工可以激活这2个修女中的1个。",
"Activate one citizen in each region.": "激活相邻每个区域中的1个市民。",
"This space points to two regions in two colors. Choose one citizen in each region and activate them both. You may activate them in either order. (If only one region has citizens, you activate only one citizen.)": "这两格指向左右不同颜色的两个区域。从每个区域中各选择1个市民,按照任意顺序逐个激活他们(如果只有一个区域有市民,那么你只能激活1个市民)。",
"The overseer can activate one nun and one craftsman. (It is not allowed to activate both nuns.)": "T监工可以激活1个修女和1个工匠(无法激活两个修女)。",
"Activate up to 3 citizens, anywhere in the three sectors of your estate.": "激活你的庄园所有扇区中的至多3个任意市民。",
"They can come from the same sector and even the same region, if you want. Your overseer ends in the center of your estate and cannot be advanced anymore.": "只要你愿意,你所选择的市民可以位于同一扇区,甚至是同一区域。将你的工停留在你的庄园中央,并且无法再对其进行推进。",
"Upgraded overseer": "升级监工",
"Certain advances on the church register allow you to upgrade an overseer. Flip the chosen overseer token over to its upgraded side. From now on, it can bring you an extra activation in its region when it advances. However, you still cannot activate the same citizen twice during one advance.": "教会记录轨上提供的某些行动,可以令你升级1个监工。将所选的监工圆片翻面至带有数字2的那面。从现在起,推进已升级的监工可以令你获得额外一次激活。然而你仍然无法在一次推进中激活同一个市民两次。",
"If both adjacent squares have citizens, the upgraded overseer activates them both. (But if only one has a citizen, you activate only that one.)": "如果两个相邻的方格中都存在市民指示物,已升级的监工可以逐个激活这两个市民(但如果只存在1个市民,则你只能激活该市民一次)。",
"Activate up to 2 citizens in this region. If there is only one citizen, you can only activate that one.": "激活该区域中的至多2个市民。如果只存在1个市民,你只能激活该市民一次。",
"Activate up to 2 citizens in the upgraded overseer’s matching adjacent region and 1 citizen in the other adjacent region. If there are fewer citizens in those regions, you can activate only the citizens available.": "激活与已升级监工类型匹配且相邻的一个区域中,至多2个市民。并在另一个相邻的区域中激活至多1个市民。如果这些区域中的市民数量不足,则你只能激活现有的市民。",
"Activate up to 3 citizens, anywhere in the three sectors of your estate, just as a nonupgraded overseer does.": "激活你庄园所有扇区中的至多3个任意市民,与未升级监工的效果相同。",
"This action allows you to upgrade any of your citizens. The token can be in a workshop, in one of the three sectors, or even in quarantine. Flip the token to the gold side. The citizen is now upgraded. This has the following effects:": "该行动可以令你升级自己的任意1个市民。所选的市民指示物可以位于工坊、庄园或隔离小屋中。将该市民指示物翻面至金色背景面。从现在起,该市民已升级。已升级的市民会有以下效果:",
"If the citizen is in a workshop, it will produce 1 point during the Production phase of the round.": "如果已升级的市民位于工坊,在轮次结束的生产中,该市民将生产1分。",
"Some workshops require an upgraded citizen. (See": "某些工坊需要已升级的市民进行工作(参阅",
".) Others produce more if they are worked by an upgraded citizen.": "),还有些工坊在使用已升级的市民进行工作时,产出会更高。",
"Some neighborhoods require upgraded citizens when you Repopulate them. (See": "某些街区在重建时,要求送回已升级的市民(参阅",
"Tile Cycling:": "板块刷新:",
"At the start of your Build action, you may cycle either all quarantine cabin improvements or all workshops. Pay 1 point or 1 token of any type. Move the top tile of each stack to the bottom and turn up a new tile. After this, you must choose one of the 3 options, unless there is no tile you can legally build.": "在建造行动开始时,你可以选择刷新所有的隔离小屋改良板块,或所有的工坊板块。支付1元、1个任意火焰指示物、1个木材或者1分。将所选类型的每个堆叠顶部的板块分别移动至其堆叠底部。之后,你必须从以上三个选项中选择一项,除非场上没有你能够合法建造的板块。",
"Quarantine Cabin Improvements": "隔离小屋改良板块",
"Quarantine cabin improvements are available on the scoreboard. Choose one of those available, then turn up the next tile to make it available for later Build actions.": "可供建造的隔离小屋改良板块位于计分版图上。从中选择1块,然后将所选堆叠的下一块板块翻面至正面朝上,留待之后的建造行动使用。",
"Pay the cost by returning the indicated tokens to the bank. (If you can’t pay the cost, you can’t take that improvement.) Choose one of your quarantine cabins that has no improvement and place the tile on it. A citizen in that cabin will now be able to do work for you at the end of the round. (See": "支付该板块左侧的改良费用,将所示的指示物放回银行(如果你无法支付费用,就无法拿取该改良板块)。选择你的1个未被改良的隔离小屋,并将该板块覆盖在该小屋上。位于该隔离小屋中的市民,现在可以在轮次结束时为你工作了(参阅",
"Workshops": "工坊",
"Choose an available workshop from the scoreboard and turn up the tile below it.": "从计分版图上选择1块可供建造的工坊板块,然后将所选堆叠的下一块板块翻面至正面朝上。",
"Pay the cost and place the workshop in one of the slots alongside your board. (If you somehow manage to get more than 6 workshops, just keep them all in roughly the same place.) You may move a citizen of the appropriate type from its sector to the empty square of the workshop at any time. Sometimes you will do this immediately, but it is legal to wait until Production or until you need to make room in the sector for a rescued citizen.": "支付该板块最左侧的建造费用,然后将该工坊放置在你面板侧边的其中一个空槽位上(如果你获得的工坊数量超过6个,保留所有工坊,将它们相互紧贴即可)。你可以随时将1个该工坊所需类型的市民从其扇区移动到工坊的空格上。有时你会立即这样做,或者也可以等到轮次结束的生产开始时,或需要为扇区腾出空间时,再这样做。",
"(A citizen in quarantine cannot be moved to a workshop, nor can a citizen from another workshop.)": "(位于隔离小屋中的市民无法移动到工坊,也无法将工坊中的市民移动到另一个工坊)。",
"Each workshop will accept only one class of citizen. If the workshop requires an upgraded citizen, you may put a nonupgraded citizen there, but the workshop gives you no rewards until the citizen is upgraded.": "每个工坊只会接收一种类型的市民。如果工坊需要1个已升级的市民,你也可以将1个未升级的市民放置在该工坊处,只是在该市民被升级前,该工坊不会给予你任何奖励。",
"Only an aristocrat may work here. He may be upgraded or not.": "只有贵族可以在该工坊工作,已升级的或未升级的贵族都可。",
"This cabin gives an immediate reward when it has an upgraded aristocrat. If you give it a nonupgraded aristocrat, it will give you the reward when the aristocrat is upgraded.": "当1个已升级的贵族被放置于此空格时,该工坊会给予一项即时奖励。如果你在此处放置了1个未升级的贵族,则当且仅当该贵族被升级时,你才会获得该工坊的即时奖励。",
"Early-Game Workshops:": "前期游戏工坊:",
"At the beginning of the game, the workshops you can build are the type that will produce at the end of every round. (See": "在游戏开始时,玩家们可以建造此类工坊,它们会在每轮结束时进行生产(参阅",
"This workshop gives you nothing immediately, but it will give you 1 major fire token and 1 coin at the end of every round as long as it has an upgraded nun.": "该工坊不会给予你即时奖励,但在每轮结束时,只要有1个已升级的修女在该工坊工作,就会给予你1个大型火焰指示物和1元。",
"Late-Game Workshops:": "后期游戏工坊:",
"When you set up for round V, the workshops on the scoreboard are replaced with a new set. These can be constructed according to the same rules. However, when the citizen is placed in the workshop, you gain the indicated rewards immediately. This reward is received only once – a late-game workshop will not produce at the end of the round.": "当你为轮次V进行设置时,使用新的一套工坊替换计分版图上所有的前期游戏工坊。建造后期游戏工坊仍然遵循相同规则。然而,当1个市民被放置于后期游戏工坊时,你会立即获得其右侧所示的奖励。你只会获得该奖励一次——后期游戏工坊不会在轮次结束时进行生产。",
"Flip the tile face down (but leave the citizen on top) to show its reward has been used.": "将该板块翻面至素色面朝上(但仍将市民留在该板块上)来表示你已获得该奖励。",
"This workshop gives you a onetime reward of 1 fire token and 3 points. You get the reward as soon as it has an upgraded or nonupgraded nun.": "该工坊会给予你一项一次性奖励,令你获得1个火焰指示物和3分。只要1个修女(不论升级与否)被放置到该工坊,你就能获得该奖励。",
"Wagons": "马车",
"Choose an available wagon from the scoreboard. In a 2-player game, only one is available. Two are available in games with 3 or 4 players.": "从计分版图上选择一个可供建造的马车板块。2人游戏中,每次只有1个马车可供选择,3-4人游戏中,则每次都有2个马车可供选择。",
"Pay the cost of the wagon. If any points are depicted, score them immediately. Keep the wagon near your player board. You will be able to use it when you repopulate Messina.": "支付所选马车板块左侧的建造费用。如果其右侧绘制了即时分数,则立即获得该分数。将该马车放置在你的玩家面板旁。你会在重建墨西拿时使用马车。",
"To Repopulate your Lieutenant's Hex:": "要重建你官员所在的六边形格:",
"Pay the depicted cost.": "支付该六边形格顶部所示的重建费用。",
"Use one wagon. Flip it over to show it is used. Each wagon can be used only once per round.": "使用1个马车。将1块马车板块翻面至素色面朝上表示已被使用。每个马车在每轮中只能被使用一次。",
"Return the required citizens – and possibly, required lieutenants – to the token supply.": "将所需市民以及所需的官员(如果有的话)放回指示物供应堆中。",
"Place one of your repopulation tiles on the hex.": "拿取你的1块重建板块覆盖在该六边形格顶部。",
"If the hex has 1 or more disease cubes, gain 1 rat token.": "如果该六边形格上至少存在1个瘟疫方块,你获得1个老鼠指示物。",
"If you have used all your repopulation tiles, you cannot repopulate anymore.": "如果你的重建板块已用尽,则你无法再进行重建。",
"Each hex depicts a cost and the citizens required to repopulate it:": "每个六边形格顶部都绘制了重建的费用和所需的市民:",
"Repopulating this neighborhood costs 1 lumber. It requires 2 aristocrats.": "重建该街区的费用为1个木材,并且需要2个贵族(不论升级与否)。",
"Upgraded citizens can repopulate neighborhoods where regular citizens are depicted. But if an upgraded citizen is depicted, an upgraded citizen is required.": "重建时,已升级的市民可以当作相同类型的未升级的市民使用。但如果需求绘制的是已升级的市民,则必须使用已升级的市民。",
"Repopulating this neighborhood costs 1 coin. It requires 1 nun – upgraded or not. It also requires 1 upgraded craftsman. (A regular craftsman is not sufficient.)": "该街区的重建费用为1元,并且需要1个修女(不论升级与否)和1个已升级的工匠(未升级的工匠不符合需求)。",
"Some neighborhoods also require one of your lieutenants. In this case you must use a lieutenant that is still available for use this round (either an unused figure at your estate, or one that is still lying down on a hex). Return the figure to the box.": "某些街区还需要1个你的官员。在这种情况下,你必须上交1个你本轮尚未使用的官员(你庄园中的未使用官员米宝,或某六边形格上躺倒状态的官员米宝)。将该官员米宝放回游戏盒中。",
"Repopulating this neighborhood costs 2 coins. It requires 2 nuns, and it requires you to give up one lieutenant you have not used this round.": "重建该街区的费用为2元,并且需要2个修女,还需要你交出1个你本轮尚未使用的官员。",
"Repopulation tiles": "重建街区六边形板块",
"When you repopulate a neighborhood, cover the repopulation requirements with one of your repopulation tiles. For the remainder of the game, no one can take the Repopulate action there. Your reputation is now tied to this neighborhood, and what happens there will reflect well or poorly on you:": "当你重建1个街区时,拿取你的1块重建板块,覆盖该六边形格顶部的重建费用与需求。作为游戏提醒,任何玩家无法再重建该街区。你的声誉从此与这个街区绑定,在之后的游戏中,此处发生的好事或坏事也将反馈到你的身上:",
"Whenever that hex is chosen by any player’s lieutenant (including yours), you immediately score 2 points (as depicted on the repopulation tile).": "每当任意玩家(包括你自己)的官员选择该六边形格时,你立即获得2分(绘制于重建板块上)。",
"Whenever that hex gets a disease cube, you gain 1 rat.": "每当在该六边形格放置1个瘟疫方块时,你立即获得1个老鼠指示物。",
"Citizen Movement Summary": "市民移动概览",
"Citizens appear in Messina when you set up for the round. When you rescue them, they go to your estate – either to a quarantine cabin if they came from a plagued neighborhood, or directly to the appropriate sector if their neighborhood had no plague cubes.": "当你进行轮次设置时,市民会出现在墨西拿城中。当你营救他们时,这些市民会前往你的庄园——如果他们来自存在瘟疫方块的街区,则直接进入隔离小屋;如果他们来自没有瘟疫方块的街区,则前往对应类型的扇区。",
"Citizens in quarantine will stay there for two rounds – the round in which you rescued them, and the next round. Citizens in quarantine cannot be moved to workshops and they cannot repopulate Messina. When a citizen comes out of quarantine, you move the token to a square in the appropriate sector of your estate.": "被隔离的市民将在隔离小屋中停留两轮——包括你营救该市民的当轮,以及接下来的一轮。隔离中的市民无法被移动到工坊,也无法用于重建墨西拿。当1个市民完成隔离后,将其移动到自己庄园中对应类型扇区的一个空格上。",
"Once assigned to a square in its sector, a citizen token will remain there unless it is placed in a workshop or sent back to repopulate Messina. There is no way for a citizen to move to a different square in its sector.": "一旦被派遣到自己扇区的一个空格上,该市民指示物就会一直留在此处,直至你将其放入工坊,或送回墨西拿进行重建。在游戏中你无法将1个市民从所在方格,移动到自己扇区的另一个方格上。",
"A citizen can be moved from its sector to an appropriate workshop at any time, even during production. A citizen in a workshop can be sent to repopulate Messina, but it cannot be transferred back to its sector or to another workshop.": "你可以随时(甚至在生产中)将1个市民从自己的扇区,移动到一个适合的工坊上。位于工坊的市民可以被送回墨西拿进行重建,但无法再返回自己的扇区,或前往另一个工坊。",
"Three registers measure your reputation with the people, the city, and the church.": "三条记录轨用于计算你在民众、城市和教会中的声誉。",
"Your position on these registers determines play order and at the end of the game, it may give you points. Advancing on a register can often give you immediate benefits as well.": "你在这些记录轨上的位置,会决定你的游戏顺位,并且在游戏结束时,可能会给予你分数。在一条记录轨上进行推进,通常还会给予你即时奖励。",
"The only way to advance on the popularity register is to fight plague.": "推进人望记录轨的唯一方式,就是抗击瘟疫。",
"At any time during the Action step of your turn, you can pay to advance on the city register or church register. You may advance in this way as often as you like. The cost is one coin per lieutenant.": "在你回合行动步骤中的任意时刻,你可以支付钱币来推进城市记录轨或教会记录轨。只要你愿意,你可以用此方式推进多次。推进的费用为你每拥有1个官员米宝,就需要支付1元。",
"Certain actions may lead to a free advance on the city register or the church register.": "某些行动令你可以将自己在城市记录轨或教会记录轨上的圆片推进一格。",
"Three registers in the center of the scoreboard measure your reputation with the people, the city, and the church.": "计分版图中央是三条记录轨,用于计算你在民众、城市和教会中的声誉。",
"Your position on these registers determines play order (see": "你在这些记录轨上的位置,会决定你的游戏顺位(参阅",
") and at the end of the game, it may give you points (see": "),并且在游戏结束时,可能会给予你分数(参阅",
"). Advancing on a register can often give you immediate benefits as well.": ")。在一条记录轨上进行推进,通常还会给予你即时奖励。",
"Advancing": "推进记录轨",
"The only way to advance on the popularity register is to fight plague, as explained": "推进人望记录轨的唯一方式,就是抗击瘟疫,详见",
"At any time during the Action step of your turn, you can pay to advance on the city register or church register. You may advance in this way as often as you like.": "在你回合行动步骤中的任意时刻,你可以支付钱币来推进城市记录轨或教会记录轨。只要你愿意,你可以用此方式推进多次。",
"The cost is one coin per lieutenant": "推进的费用为你每拥有1个官员米宝,就需要支付1元",
". Count the 3 lieutenants you start with plus any you acquired during play, including even lieutenants you returned to the box when you sent them to repopulate Messina.": "。你初始拥有的3个官员,加上你在游戏过程中获得的官员(甚至包括你在重建墨西拿时放回游戏盒的官员),都会纳入费用的计算。",
"For simplicity reasons, the": "出于实现简单原因,",
"implementation doesn't allow to advance this way at really": "的实施不允许真的在行动步骤中的",
"any": "任意",
"time during the Action step. For example this is not possible while handling a field benefit like e.g. advancing an overseer. This however does not restrict the advancement on the registers. It is still possible to advance at any meaningful time during the Action step.": "时刻像这样推进。例如,在处理一个场上奖励(如升级监工)时,这是不可能的。然而,这并不限制推进记录轨,在任何有意义的行动步骤之间,仍然可以推进。",
"Certain actions may lead to a free advance on the city register or the church register. You pay nothing for these.": "某些行动令你可以将自己在城市记录轨或教会记录轨上的圆片推进一格。你无需为此支付费用。",
"Types of Actions": "行动类型",
"The popularity register offers actions similar to those you might get from city hexes. These can be used any time during the Action step of the turn in which you earned them.": "人望记录轨提供的行动与你从城市格上获得的行动类似。你可以在获得这些行动的当回合,在自己行动步骤中的任意时刻执行它们。",
"The city register is the only way to get more of your lieutenants in play. When you advance to a space with a figure, take one of yours from the token supply and lay it beside your board. You may send it to Messina on a later turn this round, after all your lieutenants already in Messina have been used.": "推进城市记录轨是令你获得更多官员的唯一方式。当你推进到带有米宝的格子时,从供应堆拿取1个你的官员米宝,并将其放置在你的玩家面板旁。本轮之后的回合,当你位于墨西拿的所有官员均已被使用后,你才可以将新获得的官员派往墨西拿城。",
"When you advance to this space in the city register, you may take any action depicted on any hex in Messina, even if the hex is blocked by a player’s figure (including yours). This includes harbor hexes, but not docks.": "当你推进到城市记录轨的该格时,你可以执行墨西拿城中六边形格上所描绘的任意一个行动,即使该格已被玩家(包括你自己)的米宝占据。这也包括港口格,但码头除外。",
"The church register can let you upgrade or advance your overseers on your estate, as explained": "教会记录轨能够令你升级或推进你庄园中的监工,详见",
". This particular space allows you to choose one overseer, upgrade it if it is not already upgraded, and then advance it.": "。这个特殊的格子可以令你选择1个任意类型的监工,首先升级该监工(如果其尚末升级),然后再推进该监工一次。",
"When you advance to a space like this on the church register, you may activate the indicated number of citizens on your estate. (This is like the": "当你推进到教会记录轨上类似这样的格子上时,你可以按照所示数字,激活你庄园中对应数量的位于任何扇区的市民(这与你通过监工获得的",
"action you get for your overseer, as described": "行动相似,详见",
"If an advance lands you on the same space as another player, put your counter on top of theirs. This may be a play-order tiebreaker at the end of the round.": "如果一次推进令你的圆片与其他玩家的圆片位于同一格上,将你的圆片放置在所有其他玩家的圆片顶部。在轮次结束时,这可能会作为游戏顺位平手判定的依据。",
"At": "在",
"there is the following implementation: If a player's counter is on the last space of a register and the player would advance, then the counter will stay on the last space, but it will move to the top of the stack of counters if there are any counters of other players on this same space.": "有如下的实施: 如果一个玩家的圆片位于一条记录轨的最后一格,并且该玩家想要推进,那么圆片将保持在最后一格,但如果在同一格上有其他玩家的圆片,它将移动到所有其他玩家的圆片顶部。",
"Advancing during production": "在生产中的推进",
"If you get an advance on a register during production, move your counter immediately. However, if this advance leads to an action, you do not take the action until the Action step of your next turn. (And if this happens at the end of the final round, you will not take the action at all.)": "如果你在生产时,获得推进记录轨的行动奖励,则立即移动你的圆片。然而,如果该推进导致你获得一个行动奖励,你必须等到你下个回合的行动步骤,才能执行该行动(如果此情况发生在最后一轮结束时,则你无法执行该行动)。",
"Example Turn": "回合示例",
"Yellow wants to take a Build action. He decides to move the lieutenant shown above. Movement to the adjacent hex is free, but the additional move costs 1 coin. Note that Red’s figure is lying down and therefore is not blocking the hex. Yellow will stand his figure on the chosen hex, indicating that the hex may not be used again this round.": "黄色玩家想要执行一个建造行动。他决定将官员移动到上图所示的六边形格。移动到相邻格是免费的,但再移动1格的费用是1元。请注意红色玩家的米宝处于躺倒状态,因此无法阻止黄色玩家选择该格。黄色玩家将自己的官员米宝以站立状态放置在所选格上,表示该六边形格在本轮中无法被再次使用。",
"Yellow takes the citizen token from the chosen hex. Because the hex has a plague cube, the citizen needs to go to space I of an empty quarantine cabin.": "黄色玩家从所选格拿取1个市民指示物。由于该格存在1个瘟疫方块,因此该市民必须进入一个未放置市民的隔离小屋中,标有“I”的空格上。",
"Yellow can spend a fire token to destroy the plague cube on his hex. He chooses to spend a major fire token, which also allows him to destroy a cube on an adjacent hex.": "黄色玩家可以支付1个火焰指示物,来摧毁其所在格上的1个瘟疫方块。他选择支付1个大型火焰指示物,这可以让他同时摧毁相邻格上的另1个瘟疫方块。",
"Destroying 2 cubes allows him to advance twice on the popularity register. The first advance has no additional effect, but the second advance allows him to advance an overseer in the next step of his turn.": "摧毁2个方块令他在人望记录轨上推进两格。第一次推进没有额外效果,但第二次推进令他可以在自己回合的下个步骤中推进1个任意类型的监工。",
"Yellow could build first and then advance an overseer, but he decides it’s better to advance an overseer first. The overseer shown above allows him to activate the craftsman that gives him 1 coin and 1 lumber. (He could have activated the other craftsman instead, but this one will help him build.)": "黄色玩家可以首先执行建造行动,然后再推进1个监工,但他更想首先推进监工。上图所示的监工可以令他激活上方的那个工匠,那个工匠提供1元和1个木材(他也可以改为激活下方的工匠,但目前上方的工匠能够为他之后的建造行动带来帮助)。",
"Now Yellow spends that lumber token to improve the quarantine cabin where he put the craftsman. The craftsman will produce a fire token during Production at the end of the round. Yellow could end his turn now, but he sees an opportunity to get another lieutenant.": "现在黄色玩家支付1个木材指示物,来改进他刚才放置了工匠的隔离小屋。这个工匠将在轮次结束的生产中,生产1个火焰指示物。黄色玩家现在可以结束自己的回合了,但他发现了一个获得新官员的机会。",
"Yellow pays to advance on the city register. Because he currently has 3 lieutenants, the cost is 3 coins. The advance gives him a fourth lieutenant. Yellow lays the figure beside his estate. He will be able to use the figure later this round, once he has no more unused lieutenants in Messina. Yellow could advance on the city or church register again this turn, but now the cost is 4 coins because he has taken the fourth lieutenant.": "黄色玩家支付钱币来推进自己的城市记录轨。由于他当前拥有3个官员,因此推进一格的费用为3元。这次推进令他获得了第四个官员。黄色玩家将该官员米宝放置在自己的庄园旁。只有墨西拿城中自己的官员都已使用过之后,他才可以在本轮后续回合中使用这第四个官员米宝。黄色玩家可以在本回合继续推进城市或教会记录轨,但由于他现在已经拥有4个官员米宝,因此推进费用从此开始改为4元。",
"The round ends once all players have used all their lieutenants. Citizens in buildings may produce at the end of the round. After production, citizens advance through quarantine.": "一旦所有玩家使用完自己的所有官员后,轮次结束。位于建筑中的市民可以在轮次结束时进行生产。在结算完所有生产之后,将隔离小屋中的所有市民向右移动一格。",
"A citizen in a quarantine cabin will produce as shown on the improvement tile. If the cabin has no citizen or no improvement, it does not produce.": "位于隔离小屋的市民可以按照改良板块上的图示进行生产。如果隔离小屋中没有市民或未被改良,则该小屋无法进行生产。",
"Each citizen in an early-game workshop (with the": "位于前期游戏工坊(带有",
"symbol) will produce as shown on the workshop. A workshop with no citizen will not produce. An upgraded citizen in a workshop will also produce 1 point. Some workshops have two levels of production, regular and upgraded.": "符号)中的每个市民会生产工坊右侧所示的物品。没有市民的工坊不会生产。位于工坊中的每个已升级的市民还会生产1分。某些工坊带有两个生产等级,分别对应未升级的市民和已升级的市民。",
"Late-game workshops offer one-time benefits. They do not produce. However, an upgraded citizen in a late-game workshop will still produce 1 point.": "后期游戏工坊会提供一次性奖励。它们本身不会进行生产。然而,位于后期游戏工坊中的已升级市民,仍然会生产1分。",
"At the end of the round, after all production has been resolved, advance all the citizens in quarantine.": "在轮次结束,结算完所有生产之后,将所有位于隔离小屋中的市民向右移动一格。",
"Production": "生产",
"Usually, players can all handle production simultaneously. But if order is important, produce in the play order shown on the scoreboard.": "通常来说,玩家可以同时结算各自的生产。但如果生产的顺序会造成影响,则按照计分版图上所示的游戏顺位来进行生产的结算。",
"Quarantine cabins": "隔离小屋",
"The craftsman in the first cabin will produce 1 fire token and 1 point. The middle cabin has no citizen and will not produce. The aristocrat in the third cabin cannot produce because the cabin is not improved.": "靠上的隔离小屋中的工匠会生产1个火焰指示物和1分。中间隔离小屋中没有市民,因此不会生产。靠下的隔离小屋中的贵族也不会生产,因为该小屋未被改良。",
"Because this nun is upgraded, she produces 2 fire tokens instead of 1. She will also produce 1 point.": "由于该修女已升级,因此她会生产2个火焰指示物,而非1个。她还会生产1分。",
"This citizen produces 1 point because he is upgraded. The workshop's rewards were gained when it was built – it will not produce them now.": "由于这个市民已被升级,因此他会生产1分。该工坊的奖励已经在你将市民移动到这里时获得过了,它无法再进行生产。",
"Quarantine": "隔离",
"A token in the left quarantine space moves into the right space.": "将位于左侧“I”格的市民指示物向右移动一格。",
"A token in the right quarantine space moves out of quarantine. Place the token on an empty square in the appropriate sector of your estate or in an empty workshop of the matching type.": "将位于右侧“II”格的市民指示物移出隔离小屋。将该市民指示物放置在你自己庄园对应扇区的一个空格上,或对应类型的一个工坊空格上。",
"Advance the round counter to the next round.": "将轮次计数方块向下移动到下个轮次。",
"Lay all lieutenant figures in Messina flat on their hexes to show that they have not been used yet in the new round.": "将所有位于墨西拿城的官员米宝在原地放置为躺倒状态,以表示在新的轮次中这些米宝未被使用。",
"Remove citizen tokens from hexes that have plague cubes.": "将所有存在瘟疫方块的六边形格上的所有市民指示物移除,并放回供应堆。",
"Check the round info table to see which register has priority this round. Rearrange the counters on the play-order indicator according to who is ahead on that register.": "检查轮次信息表,查看在新一轮决定玩家行动顺位的记录轨类型。按照该记录轨的推进情况,将游戏顺位轨上的圆片重新排序: 在该记录轨上越领先的玩家,其顺位就越靠前。",
"Draw a docking tile from the stack and place a boat tile in one of the spaces at the indicated dock. Give the boat 1 plague cube.": "从码头板块堆叠顶部翻开1块码头板块,并按照码头图标所示,将船只板块堆叠顶部的1块板块放置在对应码头外侧凹槽中。在该船只上放置1个瘟疫方块。",
"If the round info table indicates two boats arrive, place a second boat (with a plague cube) at that same dock.": "如果轮次信息表上显示2艘船入港,将(放有1个瘟疫方块的)第二块船只板块放置在同一个码头的凹槽中。",
"Add a new hex tile to Messina.": "从街区六边形板块堆叠顶部拿取1块板块,将其添加到墨西拿城。",
"If it is now the beginning of round V, remove all workshop tiles from the scoreboard. Replace them with the late-game workshop tiles, which are set up in the same way.": "如果现在是轮次V开始时,将计分版图上的所有工坊板块移除,放回游戏盒中。遵循游戏设置时的相同方式,使用后期游戏工坊板块替换其位置。",
"Rotate the window of the population wheel one space clockwise. Then add plague cubes.": "按照顺时针方向,将人口轮盘的窗格转动一格。然后添加瘟疫方块",
"Add citizen tokens. You are now ready to play the next round. Play in the order shown on the play-order indicator.": "添加市民指示物。你现在已经准备好进行新的轮次了。按照游戏顺位轨所示的顺位,进行新一轮的游戏。",
"Players who used wagons should flip them over to show they can be used again in the new round.": "使用过马车的玩家,此时应将所有使用过的马车翻回彩色面朝上,以表示这些马车可以在新的轮次中被使用。",
"When a plague cube is added to a repopulated neighborhood, the player who repopulated it gets a rat token.": "当1个瘟疫方块被添加到一个已重建的街区时,重建该街区的玩家获得1个老鼠指示物。",
"Check the round info table to see which register has priority this round. Rearrange the counters on the play-order indicator according to who is ahead on that register. If players are tied, the one ahead is the one who moved to that space most recently. (Their counter should be on top.)": "检查轮次信息表,查看在新一轮决定玩家行动顺位的记录轨类型。按照该记录轨的推进情况,将游戏顺位轨上的圆片重新排序: 在该记录轨上越领先的玩家,其顺位就越靠前。如果玩家之间产生平手情况,则平手玩家中,该记录轨圆片位于堆叠顶部的玩家视为领先。",
"In this round, priority is determined by who is ahead on the scoring track.": "在这个轮次中,是按照计分轨的推进情况来确定玩家顺位的,当前分数越高的玩家顺位越靠前。",
"After using the last docking tile in the stack, shuffle all 4 tiles together to make a new stack.": "在堆叠中的最后一块码头板块被翻开后,将所有4块板块正面朝下进行混洗,构成一个新的堆叠。",
"If all 3 spaces at a dock are full, place the boat in a space at the next dock, clockwise.": "如果一个码头的所有三个凹槽中都已存在船只,则将该船只按照顺时针方向,放置在下个码头。",
"Add a new hex tile to Messina. The city has six spaces for new hexes. These spaces are illustrated": "从街区六边形板块堆叠顶部拿取1块板块,将其添加到墨西拿城。一共有六个位置可供放置新的街区六边形板块。这些位置绘制在",
"To find the correct space to fill, start at the harbor hex chosen in step V and go around the perimeter clockwise until you come to a space that has not been filled yet. Add the new hex tile there.": "为了找到板块的正确补充位置,从步骤V中所选择的港口格开始,按照顺时针顺序沿着城市边缘检索,直至你检索到一个尚未补充板块的位置。将新的六边形板块添加到此处。",
"Rotate the window of the population wheel one space clockwise. Then add plague cubes, as explained": "按照顺时针方向,将人口轮盘的窗格转动一格。然后添加瘟疫方块,添加规则详见",
"In rounds marked with this icon, rotate the wheel one more space and add plague cubes again.": "在标记有该图标的轮次中,将人口轮盘的窗格再额外转动一格并再添加一次瘟疫方块。",
"Plague cube limit:": "瘟疫方块上限:",
"The supply of plague cubes is limited and depends on the number of players. It may happen that you cannot add cubes to all the hexes that are supposed to get them. In this case, you do not add any cubes at all. If you are supposed to add plague cubes twice, add them in two separate steps – it may be possible to add cubes in the first step even if there will not be enough left for the second step.": "供应堆的瘟疫方块数量是有上限的,并且该数量取决于玩家人数。游戏中可能会发生你无法将瘟疫方块添加到所有应被放置的六边形格上的情况。在这种情况下,你不会将任何瘟疫方块添加到墨西拿城。如果你应当添加两次瘟疫方块,这两次添加是分别进行的——即使在第二次添加中出现方块不足的情况,只要第一次添加有足够的方块,你也会完成第一次添加。",
"Add citizen tokens as explained": "添加市民指示物,添加规则详见",
". You are now ready to play the next round. Play in the order shown on the play-order indicator.": "。你现在已经准备好进行新的轮次了。按照游戏顺位轨所示的顺位,进行新一轮的游戏。",
"By round VI": "在轮次VI开始时",
", the plague has begun to abate. The neighborhoods of Messina get no new plague cubes and no new citizens in need of rescue. However, plague cubes continue to arrive on boats.": ",疫情开始减弱。墨西拿的街区不再添加新的瘟疫方块,并且不会出现需要被营救的新市民。然而,瘟疫方块会继续通过船只抵达码头。",
"Don’t Forget:": "请谨记:",
"The game ends at the end of round VI, after players take their production from workshops and quarantine cabin improvements.": "游戏将随着轮次VI结束,在所有玩家执行完自己工坊和隔离小屋的生产之后结束。",
"For each rat token you acquired during the game, move back 1 space on the popularity register.": "在游戏中你获得的每个老鼠指示物,此时会令你在人望记录轨上的圆片向左移动一格。",
"Lose points for your rat tokens.": "按照你拥有的老鼠指示物数量,扣减相应分数。",
"Final Scoring:": "终局计分:",
"Final Scoring": "终局计分",
"After taking penalties for your rat tokens, evaluate your final position on each register. If there are points shown on your current space, score those points at this time.": "在根据你拥有的老鼠指示物受到惩罚之后,查看你的圆片在每条记录轨上的最终位置。如果你的圆片当前所在格上印有分数,则在此时获得该分数。",
"On the popularity register, players also get points for being farther ahead. In a two-player game, the first player gets 5 points. In a three- or four-player game, the first player gets 10, second gets 7, third gets 3.": "在人望记录轨上,玩家们还会根据推进情况来获得分数。2人游戏中,该记录轨上的圆片所在位置离起点最远的玩家获得5分。3-4人游戏中,该记录轨上的圆片所在位置离起点最远的玩家获得10分,第二名获得7分,第三名获得3分。",
"Score the points shown on each hex that you repopulated.": "获得由你重建的每个街区六边形板块上所印制的分数。",
"Score points for three aspects of your reputation. Your markers show how much each aspect is worth.": "根据方块所表示的三个方面的发展情况来获得分数。你的卷轴方块表明了你在每个方面的单位价值。",
"Count all the buildings you built. For each building, score the indicated number of points – but if you have more than 6 buildings, score only 6 of them.": "计算你建造的所有建筑。你每建造1个建筑,就获得一次卷轴方块所示的分数,但如果你拥有的建筑超过6个,也只会按6个计算。",
"Score the indicated number of points for each cargo of exotic goods that you took during the game.": "在游戏过程中,你每获得1个舶来品货箱(即船只板块),就获得一次卷轴方块所示的分数。",
"For each of your repopulation tiles in Messina, score the indicated number of points.": "你在墨西拿城中每拥有1块重建板块,就获得一次卷轴方块所示的分数。",
"Add up your remaining coins, fire tokens, major fire tokens, and lumber tokens. Divide by 3 and round down. Score that many points.": "将你剩余的钱币、火焰指示物、大型火焰指示物和木材指示物的数量相加,再将结果除以3,向下取整。获得对应数值的分数。",
"The player with the highest score has the best reputation in Messina and thus wins the game. Break ties in favor of the player who repopulated the most neighborhoods, then in favor of the one who repopulated the neighborhood worth the most points.": "最终分数最高的玩家在墨西拿拥有最高的声誉,并获得游戏胜利。平手情况下,平手玩家中重建了最多街区的玩家获胜;如果仍然平手,则平手玩家中,重建的街区六边形板块,单块分数最高的玩家获胜。",
"Rat Penalty": "老鼠的惩罚",
"During the game, players may have acquired rat tokens. These represent plague events that damage players’ reputations. Now it is time to pay the penalty.": "在游戏过程中,玩家可能会获得老鼠指示物。这些指示物代表瘟疫事件,会对玩家的重建造成破坏。现在是时候受到惩罚了。",
"For each rat token you acquired during the game, move back 1 space on the popularity register. If this moves you off the left end of the register, simply leave your counter on the starting space.": "在游戏中你获得的每个老鼠指示物,此时会令你在人望记录轨上的圆片向左移动一格。如果你已经将自己的圆片移动到人望记录轨最左侧的格子,则忽略后续的移动,将圆片停留在该格。",
"Lose points for your rat tokens according to this table:": "根据此表,按照你拥有的老鼠指示物数量,扣减相应分数:",
"For example, if you have 7 rat tokens, you lose 13 points. The maximum penalty is 21. If you somehow manage to lose more points than you have, you will go into Final Scoring with negative points.": "例如,如果你获得了7个老鼠指示物,你会扣减13分。分数惩罚的上限值为21分。如果你失去的分数比你拥有的分数更多,则你会继续扣至负分。",
"The following points are scored at the end of the game:": "以下分数会在游戏结束时进行计算:",
"Points on Registers": "记录轨上的分数",
"On the popularity register, players also get points for being farther ahead. In a two-player game, the first player gets 5 points. In a three- or four-player game, the first player gets 10, second gets 7, third gets 3. Break ties in favor of the player with more fire tokens. For this tiebreaker only, count a major fire token as 2 fire tokens.": "在人望记录轨上,玩家们还会根据推进情况来获得分数。2人游戏中,该记录轨上的圆片所在位置离起点最远的玩家获得5分。3-4人游戏中,该记录轨上的圆片所在位置离起点最远的玩家获得10分,第二名获得7分,第三名获得3分。平手情况下,拥有火焰指示物最多的平手玩家视为领先,且仅在此情况下,1个大型火焰指示物会按照2个火焰指示物进行计算。如果仍然平手,则将平手所处名次的分数相加(比如前两名平手,则将第一名与第二名的分数相加),再除以平手玩家的人数(向下取整),作为每位平手玩家的分数。",
"Repopulated Neighborhoods": "重建的街区",
"Score the points shown on each hex that you repopulated. (Do not score the 2 points shown on your repopulation tile – you scored those points whenever a lieutenant visited the repopulated neighborhood.)": "获得由你重建的每个街区六边形板块上所印制的分数(不要将你重建板块上的2分计入在内,你仅会在每当有官员拜访该街区时才能获得这个分数)。",
"Scroll Board": "卷轴面板",
"During play, you had the opportunity to take scroll actions that advanced your markers on your scroll board. Now you will score points for three aspects of your reputation. Your markers show how much each aspect is worth. An example is": "在游戏过程中,你有机会通过执行卷轴行动来推进你在卷轴面板上的方块。现在你会根据方块所表示的三个方面的发展情况来获得分数。你的卷轴方块表明了你在每个方面的单位价值。参阅",
"Count all the buildings you built. (Buildings are quarantine improvements and workshops, but not wagons.) For each building, score the indicated number of points – but if you have more than 6 buildings, score only 6 of them.": "计算你建造的所有建筑(建筑包括隔离小屋改良板块和工坊,但不包含马车)。你每建造1个建筑,就获得一次卷轴方块所示的分数,但如果你拥有的建筑超过6个,也只会按6个计算。",
"Score the indicated number of points for each cargo of exotic goods that you took during the game. The different types of exotic goods have a meaning only in the advanced variant. In the standard version of the game, this is the same as scoring points for each boat tile you took.": "在游戏过程中,你每获得1个舶来品货箱(即船只板块),就获得一次卷轴方块所示的分数。货物所拥有的不同类型,其意义仅在进阶变体规则中生效。在游戏的标准版本中,你拥有的每块船只板块,在进行计分时所获得的分数是相同的。",
"Remaining Tokens": "剩余的指示物",
"The Winner": "游戏胜利者",
"The other sides of the player boards and scroll boards are used for asymmetric play.": "玩家面板和卷轴面板的另一面用于不对称的游戏设置。",
"Assign player colors randomly. Each player takes the board in that color and uses the": "随机指定玩家颜色。每位玩家获得所属颜色的玩家面板,并统一使用",
"side. Mix up the scroll boards and assign them randomly. Each player uses the": "面。将卷轴面板混洗后随机派发给玩家。所有玩家统一使用",
"Gameplay follows the same rules, but your decisions will be different because your boards offer you different opportunities.": "进阶游戏流程与标准游戏遵循相同的规则,但每位玩家的决策会有所不同,因为不同的玩家面板为玩家提供的选择并不对称。",
"Each sector has one square that offers a generous reward that can be used only once per game. These squares are marked by the": "每个扇区包含1个特殊的方格,它们会提供一个一次性的即时奖励,这些方格的左上角带有",
"symbol in the corner.": "符号。",
"When you activate a citizen in such a square, mark it with a solo game tile to remind you that you cannot use it again. The citizen remains there even though it cannot be activated again. However, the citizen can be sent to a workshop or to repopulate Messina, as usual.": "当激活这个特殊方格.上的市民时,拿取1块单人游戏中虚拟对手的行动板块,以“门”的那面朝上覆盖在该方格上,以提醒你该方格无法再被激活。即使无法再被激活,这个特殊方格上的市民仍然会留在该方格上。然而,该市民仍然可以如常被派往工坊进行生产或送回墨西拿进行重建。",
"In addition to the usual ways to score points, players compete to see who can repopulate the most neighborhoods. The player with the most gets 10 points, second most 7, third most 3. A player who repopulated no neighborhoods gets no points. In a 2-player game, first place is worth 7 points and there are no points for second.": "除了通常的计分外,所有玩家还将就重建最多街区进行竞争。重建街区数量最多的玩家获得10分,第二名获得7分,第三名获得3分。没有重建过街区的玩家无法获得任何分数。2人游戏中,重建街区数量最多的玩家获得7分,第二名不会获得分数。",
"The alternate scroll boards offer you several new ways to score points.": "卷轴面板的另一面为玩家提供了许多新的计分方式。",
"Choose 1 specific type of exotic goods (the one you have the most of). For each shipment you have of that type, score the indicated number of points.": "选择一种特定类型的舶来品货物(即你拥有最多的那种)。你每拥有1个该类型的货物,就获得一次卷轴方块所示的分数。",
"Score the indicated number of points for each workshop you have, but if you have more than 5 workshops, score only 5 of them.": "你每拥有1个工坊,就获得一次卷轴方块所示的分数,但如果你拥有的工坊数量超过5个,则只按5个计算。",
"Score the indicated number of points for each lumber token you have at the end of the game, but if you have more than 6 lumber, score only 6 of them.": "在游戏结束时,你每拥有1个木材指示物,就获得一次卷轴方块所示的分数,但如果你拥有的木材数量超过6个,则只按6个计算。",
"Score the indicated number of points for each coin you have at the end of the game, but if you have more than 9, score only 9.": "在游戏结束时,你每拥有1元,就获得一次卷轴方块所示的分数,但如果你拥有的钱币数额超过9元,则只按9元计算。",
"Register advancements": "记录轨推进",
"These tracks give you additional points for advancing on a particular register. On the right end of each register is a line marked by one bar and a line marked by a double bar.": "这些卷轴轨会根据你在某条特定记录轨上的推进位置,给予你额外的分数。在每条记录轨上,都有一格印有单条幅,并且还有一格印有双条幅。",
"The track on the scroll board offers you two levels of points. If you are past the register’s double bar, you get the greater number of points. If you are past the register’s single bar, but not past the double bar, you get the lesser number of points. If you are not past the single bar, you get no points.": "这条卷轴轨为你提供了两个分数等级。如果你的圆片经过了该记录轨上那道双条幅,你将获得卷轴轨上较高的分数。如果你的圆片只经过了该记录轨那道单条幅,则你将获得卷轴轨上较低的分数。如果你的圆片没有经过该记录轨上那道单条幅,则你无法获得分数。",
"Score the indicated number of points for each cabin improvement you have.": "你每拥有1个隔离小屋改良板块,就获得一次卷轴方块所示的分数。",
"You can gain additional points for advancing on a particular register. On the right end of each register is a line marked by one bar and a line marked by a double bar.": "这些卷轴轨会根据你在某条特定记录轨上的推进位置,给予你额外的分数。在每条记录轨上,都有一格印有单条幅,并且还有一格印有双条幅。",
"On your estate, each overseer’s path ends with 2 hexagonal spaces, followed by a final advancement to the central space. This track gives you points for advancing to those final three spaces. If your overseer is on the first hexagonal space, you score the lowest number of points, and so on. Choose your two overseers who advanced the farthest and score these points for their advancements.": "在你的庄园中,每个监工路径上进入中央前的最后两格,以及中央的终点格都是六边形的格子。这条卷轴轨会根据你将监工推进到这三格的情况,给予你分数。如果你的监工位于第一个六边形格子(即倒数第三格),你将获得卷轴轨上最低的分数,以此类推。选择你自己推进最远的2个监工,来对这条卷轴轨进行计分。",
"Setup": "游戏设置",
"side. (Quarantine cabins will be on the right.) Mix up the scroll boards and assign them randomly. Each player uses the": "面(隔离小屋位于右侧)。将卷轴面板混洗后随机派发给玩家。所有玩家统一使用",
"It is also possible to use the": "你也可以尝试将玩家面板的",
"player boards with": "面与卷轴面板的",
"scroll boards, or vice versa, but these variants have not been playtested.": "面搭配使用,反之亦然,但这两种变体游戏方式并末经过测试。",
"When you activate a citizen in such a square, mark it with a solo game tile to remind you that you cannot use it again. (In solo games, mark it with a spare token.) The citizen remains there even though it cannot be activated again. However, the citizen can be sent to a workshop or to repopulate Messina, as usual.": "当激活这个特殊方格.上的市民时,拿取1块单人游戏中虚拟对手的行动板块,以“门”的那面朝上覆盖在该方格上,以提醒你该方格无法再被激活。(在单人游戏中则用1个未使用颜色的指示物来代替。)即使无法再被激活,这个特殊方格上的市民仍然会留在该方格上。然而,该市民仍然可以如常被派往工坊进行生产或送回墨西拿进行重建。",
"Additional points for repopulating": "重建的额外分数",
"In addition to the usual ways to score points, players compete to see who can repopulate the most neighborhoods. The player with the most gets 10 points, second most 7, third most 3. A player who repopulated no neighborhoods gets no points. Break ties in favor of the player whose neighborhoods are worth more points (in step 2 of final scoring). If players are still tied, divide the points for all tied places evenly among them.": "除了通常的计分外,所有玩家还将就重建最多街区进行竞争。重建街区数量最多的玩家获得10分,第二名获得7分,第三名获得3分。没有重建过街区的玩家无法获得任何分数。平手情况下,重建的街区六边形板块总分数更高(即终局计分第2步得分更高)的平手玩家领先。如果仍然平手,则将平手所处名次的分数相加,再除以平手玩家的人数(向下取整),作为每位平手玩家的分数。",
"In a 2-player game": "2人游戏中",
", first place is worth 7 points and there are no points for second.": ",重建街区数量最多的玩家获得7分,第二名不会获得分数。",
"Scroll board tracks": "卷轴面板轨",
"Score the indicated number of points for each cabin improvement you have. (No maximum is specified, but you have only 4 cabins, so you can’t have more than 4 improvements.)": "你每拥有1个隔离小屋改良板块,就获得一次卷轴方块所示的分数(虽然没有指定数量上限,但你只拥有4个隔离小屋,因此你拥有的改良板块数量不会超过4块)。",
"If you are on the first level of the track, you score [½] point per coin. If you have an odd number of coins, round the resulting half-point down.": "如果你的卷轴方块位于卷轴轨的第一级,你会按照1元获得½分来计算。如果你拥有的钱币数额为奇数,最终结果会向下取整。",
"Overseer advancements": "监工推进",
"Register Priority Tile": "记录轨优先级板块",
"This tile can be used even if you are not playing the advanced variant. It modifies the round info table, altering which register has priority in each round.": "即使你没有使用进阶游戏变体规则,也可以使用该板块。该板块会调整轮次信息表,改变每个轮次中,三条记录轨的重要程度。",
"can also be played as a single-player game. It works with or without the Advanced Variant boards. You will play against one (virtual) opposing player.": "也适用于单人游戏。在单人游戏中,你可以选择是否使用进阶变体规则的面板。你将与一个虚拟的对手同台竞技。",
"Set up a 2-player game. The opponent will not use the city and church registers, so place only your counters on those two registers.": "按照2人游戏的规则进行游戏设置。对手不会使用城市和教会记录轨,因此只将你的圆片放置在这两条记录轨上。",
"Your opponent uses": "你的对手使用:",
"in Round I, II, III: 3 Lieutenants": "轮次 I, II, III: 3 个官员",
"in Round IV, V: 4 Lieutenants": "轮次 IV, V: 4 个官员",
"in Round Round VI: 5 Lieutenants": "轮次 VI: 5 个官员",
"Because your opponent’s lieutenants do not use the Messina movement rules, you may return them to the opponent’s board at the end of each round.": "由于你对手的官员不会遵循墨西拿的移动规则,因此你可以在每轮结束时,将对手的官员放回至它的玩家面板上。",
"You start as the first player in rounds I, III, and V. The opponent goes first in rounds II, IV, and VI.": "在奇数轮,由你作为起始玩家。在偶数轮,由你的对手作为起始玩家。",
"The opponent’s turns are similar to yours.": "对手的回合与你类似。",
"CHOOSE A HEX": "选择一个六边形格",
". Reveal the top tile of the opponent’s stack. Place an unused opposing lieutenant on the indicated hex, if it is available. If the hex is not available, either because you have already taken it or because it is not yet in the game, keep drawing tiles until you find an available hex and put the lieutenant on it.": "。翻开对手行动堆叠顶部的板块,查看该板块上方所示的格子,如果该格尚未被使用,则将1个未使用的对手官员放置在该格上。如果该格已被你使用,或因尚未出现在游戏中而无法使用,则继续翻开下一块行动板块,直至你找到一个可被使用的格子,并将对手的官员放置在该格上。",
". Remove any citizen token from the hex and return it to the supply.": "。从该格移除全部市民指示物,并将其全部放回供应堆。",
"FIGHT PLAGUE": "抗击瘟疫",
". If there are plague cubes on the hex, the opposing player removes 1 of them and advances 1 space on the popularity register.": "。如果该格上存在瘟疫方块,对手移除该格上的1个瘟疫方块,并将对手在人望记录轨上的圆片推进一格。",
". The opposing player ignores the action available on the hex. Instead it performs the action shown on the bottom of the tile:": "。对手忽略该格绘制的行动,改为执行自己行动板块下方所示的行动:",
"Take a boat tile from the dock closest to the chosen hex. If multiple boats are closest, choose one of them randomly.": "从拥有船只板块且距离所选格最近的码头拿取1块船只板块。如果有多块船只板块均为距离最近,则随机选择1块。",
"Take the available wagon.": "拿取计分版图上1个可供建造的马车。",
"Take a workshop of the indicated type.": "拿取所示类型的1个工坊。",
"Take all available quarantine improvements.": "拿取所有可供建造(正面朝上)的隔离小屋改良板块。",
"Score 5 points if you match or beat the opponent’s position on the popularity register. Otherwise, score your points as usual.": "如常进行你的计分,但有以下两处不同。在计算人望记录轨的额外分数时,如果你的圆片在人望记录轨上领先或与对手的位置持平,则获得5分,落后则不得分。",
"Scoring of repopulated hexes in solo game differs from the base game. If a player repopulates two hexes, he scores 3 points. For repopulating 3 hexes, he scores 7 points and if he manages to repopulate 4 hexes, he scores 10 points.": "在单人游戏中,重建街区的额外分数与多人游戏有所不同。如果你重建了2个街区,获得3分;重建3个街区,获得7分;如果重建了4个街区,获得10分。",
"can also be played as a single-player game. It works with or without the Advanced Variant boards. You will play against one (virtual) opposing player who plays according to the rules explained below.": "也适用于单人游戏。在单人游戏中,你可以选择是否使用进阶变体规则的面板。你将与一个虚拟的对手同台竞技,虚拟对手的规则如下。",
"Choose colors for yourself and the opponent. Set up a 2-player game. The opponent will not use the city and church registers, so place only your counters on those two registers.": "为你和你的对手各选择一种颜色。按照2人游戏的规则进行游戏设置。对手不会使用城市和教会记录轨,因此只将你的圆片放置在这两条记录轨上。",
"Shuffle the deck of opposing-player moves and keep it nearby.": "将单人游戏板块(即对手的行动板块)堆叠混洗,以“门”的那面朝上放置在旁。每个轮次结束时,将所有行动板块重新混洗。",
"If you are using the": "如果你使用了玩家面板的",
"side of your player board, you will need some spare tokens to mark single-use squares on your estate.": "面,你会需要用一些未使用颜色的指示物来为你庄园中的一次性方格进行标记。",
"Lieutenants": "官员",
"Your opponent uses this many lieutenants:": "你的对手使用的官员数量如下:",
"Opponent‘s Turns": "对手的回合",
". Reveal the top tile of the opponent’s stack. Place an unused opposing lieutenant on the indicated hex, if it is available. If the hex is not available, either because you have already taken it or because it is not yet in the game, keep drawing tiles until you find an available hex and put the lieutenant on it. (Ignore the other, invalid moves for the remainder of the round.)": "。翻开对手行动堆叠顶部的板块,查看该板块上方所示的格子,如果该格尚未被使用,则将1个未使用的对手官员放置在该格上。如果该格已被你使用,或因尚未出现在游戏中而无法使用,则继续翻开下一块行动板块,直至你找到一个可被使用的格子,并将对手的官员放置在该格上(在本轮的剩余时间里,忽略翻出的所有无法使用的行动板块)。",
"A good score is 130 points, or 140 points if you are playing with the Advanced Variant.": "130分是个不错的分数,如果你使用进阶变体规则,则把目标改为140分。",
"Other Notes on Scoring (all player counts)": "关于计分的其他注意事项(适用于所有玩家人数)",
"Scroll Board Example:": "卷轴面板示例:",
"Blue advanced three times on the central track of scroll board": "蓝色玩家在卷轴面板",
". Each boat tile he took is worth 4 points. For example, if he has 4 boat tiles, he scores 16 points.": " 面中间的轨道上推进了三次。他拥有的每块船只板块将令他获得4分。例如,游戏结束时他拥有4块船只板块,则获得16分。",
"If you go over 50 points during final scoring, you can put one of your lieutenant figures (or some other token of your color) on this space to remind you.": "如果你在终局计分时分数超过了50分,你可以将你的1个官员(或带有你玩家颜色的其他配件)放置在该格作为提醒。",
"Rules Reminders": "规则提醒",
"During setup, Messina is constructed from all the": "在游戏设置过程中,墨西拿城由对应玩家人数的所有",
"hexes that match the number of players and 1 randomly selected": "类格板块,以及1块随机选择的",
"hex.": "类格板块构建。",
"There is a limit to how many plague cubes can be in Messina, as shown in the illustration above. Leave the rest in the box.": "墨西拿城中能够放置的瘟疫方块数量是有上限的,上限数量显示在上方示例的右上角,将多余的瘟疫方块放回游戏盒中。",
"If you do not have enough plague cubes to go into every space selected by the population wheel, do not put out any plague cubes at all.": "如果供应堆中没有足够的瘟疫方块来放置到人口轮盘显示的每一格上,则不会放置任何瘟疫方块。",
"You can use a lieutenant from your estate only if all of your lieutenants in Messina have already been used.": "只有在所有你位于墨西拿城中的官员均已被使用的情况下,你才能够使用你庄园中的官员。",
"A lieutenant at a dock does not block other lieutenants from using that dock.": "位于码头的官员无法阻止其他官员使用该码头。",
"On your turn, each plague cube on your chosen hex will give you 1 rat token unless you manage to remove the cube when you fight plague.": "在你的回合中,除非你在抗击瘟疫时,成功移除了所在格上的所有瘟疫方块,否则所选格上每存在1个瘟疫方块,你就获得1个老鼠指示物。",
"A major fire token allows you to remove an additional plague cube on an adjacent hex.": "1个大型火焰指示物,可以令你额外移除相邻格上的1个瘟疫方块",
"Early-game workshops produce at the end of each round. Late-game workshops have an immediate reward instead.": "前期游戏工坊将在每轮结束时进行生产。后期游戏工坊则改为令你获得一次性奖励。",
"An upgraded citizen in a workshop will produce 1 point at the end of the round regardless of whether it is an early-game or late-game workshop.": "无论是前期游戏工坊还是后期游戏工坊,在工坊中已升级的市民都会在轮次结束时生产1分。",
"In rounds V and VI, the scoreboard should have the late-game workshops on it.": "在轮次V和轮次VI中,计分版图上将有且仅有后期游戏工坊。",
"If a neighborhood requires a lieutenant to repopulate it, you give up a lieutenant that has not been used this round (and not the one who chose that neighborhood hex). It is returned to the box, but it continues to count as “your lieutenant” when you pay to advance on the city or church register.": "如果一个街区需要1个官员来重建,你需要交出1个本轮尚未使用过的官员米宝(并且不能是选择该街区格的那个官员米宝)。将交出的官员米宝放回游戏盒中,但在你支付推进城市或教会记录轨的费用时,已交出的官员米宝仍然会纳入“你拥有的官员”数量的计算中。",
"The cost to advance on the city or church register is 1 coin per lieutenant; count the 3 you start with plus any you have taken from the supply.": "城市或教会记录轨的推进费用为每拥有1个官员1元。你初始拥有的3个官员,以及你已从供应堆拿取的每个官员,都会纳入该计算中。",
"If a plague cube is placed on a hex you repopulated, you gain 1 rat token.": "如果1个瘟疫方块被放置在已被你重建的六边形格上,你获得1个老鼠指示物。",
"When a lieutenant chooses a hex you repopulated, you gain 2 points.": "当任意玩家的1个官员选择已被你重建的六边形格时,你立即获得2分。",
"Adding Hex Example:": "添加街区六边形板块示例:",
"The docking tile adds a new boat at the lower left dock. The new hex goes in closest empty space clockwise.": "根据码头板块所示,将1块新的船只板块添加到左下角的码头。而将新的街区六边形板块按照顺时针方向,放置在距离该港口格最近的空位上。",
"Hints for handling": "操作提示",
"You can activate the": "你可以激活",
"color blind help": "色盲帮助",
"in the game options.": "在游戏选项中。",
"The game settings allow you to change the": "游戏设置允许你更改",
"layout": "布局",
"In the": "在",
"\"Grid Layout\"": "“网格布局”",
"(default) all ui elements are visible at the same time, i.e. everthing is visible on one screen. This layout is suitable for a": "(默认)中所有ui元素同时可见,即所有内容都在一个屏幕上可见。此布局适用于",
"large screen": "大屏幕",
"\"One Column Layout\"": "“单列布局”",
"the ui elements are displayed one below the other, which means you need to scroll. This layout is suitable for a": "中ui元素一个接一个地显示,这意味着你需要滚动屏幕查看。此布局适用于",
"small screen": "小屏幕",
"dynamic adjustment of the playerinfo frame size": "动态调整玩家信息框架大小",
". The options are:": "。选项包括:",
"Automatic size adjustment": "自动调整大小",
"(default). This helps to always display the ui elements as large as possible.": "(默认)。这有助于始终显示ui元素尽可能大。",
"Fixed size": "固定大小",
". Advantage: You don't need to adjust the size of the ui areas during the game, e.g. after a player aquired his first workshop tile. If you have a very large screen then you might prefer this mode.": "。优点: 游戏过程中不需要调整ui区域的大小,例如在一名玩家获得他的第一块工坊板块后。如果你有一个非常大的屏幕,那么你可能更喜欢这种样式。",
": In order to better concentrate on the relevant parts, the background image of the Messina tiles is shaded by default. However the game settings allow you to change this so that the original hex tiles are displayed (i.e. unshaded), if you prefer this.": ": 墨西拿板块的背景图像默认带有阴影。但是如果你愿意,游戏设置允许你更改此设置,以便显示原始的六边形板块(即无阴影)。",
"Animations": "动画",
"can be disabled via the game settings.": "可以通过游戏设置禁用。",
"regexp": [ // 正则翻译
I18N.zh["en/Game/Messina1347"] = { // 邀请页面翻译
"static": { // 静态翻译
"Zoom Messina": "缩放墨西拿",
"Player order on the scoring track": "位于计分轨上的玩家顺位",
"Random initial player order:": "随机起始玩家顺位",
"Messina +": "墨西拿城 +",
"Spices boat 3 coins 0 points": "香料船\r\n3 元\r\n0 分",
"Precious stones boat 2 coins 1 point": "宝石船\r\n2 元\r\n1 分",
"Precious stones boat 1 coin 2 points": "宝石船\r\n1 元\r\n2 分",
"Silk boat 3 coins 0 points": "丝绸船\r\n3 元\r\n0 分",
"Spices boat 2 coins 1 point": "香料船\r\n2 元\r\n1 分",
"Silk boat 1 coin 2 points": "丝绸船\r\n1 元\r\n2 分",
"Spices boat 1 coin 2 points": "香料船\r\n1 元\r\n2 分",
"Silk boat 2 coins 1 point": "丝绸船\r\n2 元\r\n1 分",
"Next game?": "下一局游戏?",
"Precious stones boat 3 coins 0 points": "宝石船\r\n3 元\r\n0 分",
"to": "到",
"Publisher \"Delicious Games\"": "出版商 \"Delicious Games\"",
"Build offer +": "构建供应堆 +",
"Build offer -": "构建供应堆 -",
"Game Setup": "游戏设置",
"Points": "分数",
"Points owned": "拥有分数",
"Coins": "钱币",
"Coins owned": "拥有钱币",
"Lumber": "木材",
"Lumber owned": "拥有木材",
"Produced points": "生产分数",
"Game End Points": "游戏结束分数",
"Produced coins": "生产钱币",
"Produced lumber": "生产木材",
"Fire tokens": "火焰指示物",
"Fire tokens owned": "拥有火焰指示物",
"Produced fire tokens": "生产火焰指示物",
"Major fire tokens": "大型火焰指示物",
"Major fire tokens owned": "拥有大型火焰指示物",
"Produced major fire tokens": "生产大型火焰指示物",
"Startplayer of the current round": "当前轮次的起始玩家",
"(number of unused lieutenants / total number of lieutenants)": "(未使用的官员/总官员)",
"Lying lieutenant": "躺倒状态的官员米宝",
"Standing lieutenant": "站立状态的官员米宝",
"from Estate": "来自庄园",
"Moves": "移动",
"back to the Estate": "返回庄园",
"Game info": "游戏信息",
"Deutsch": "德语",
"+++ Game log: game setup +++": "+++ 游戏日志: 游戏设置 +++",
"Jump to your next game": "跳转到你的下一局游戏",
"Discard Citizen": "弃置市民",
"Uses": "使用",
"Messina hex benefit": "墨西拿六边形格奖励",
"Advances overseer": "推进监工",
"1 step": "1步",
"2 steps": "2步",
"skip single steps": "跳过单个步骤",
// "jump to your next game": "跳转 到你的下一局游戏",
"Pay to advance on a register or finish your turn": "付费推进一个记录轨或者结束你的回合",
"Pays for": "付费为了",
"Craftsman Workshop Draw Pile Information": "工匠工坊牌堆信息",
"Aristocrat Workshop Draw Pile Information": "贵族工坊牌堆信息",
"Nun Workshop Draw Pile Information": "修女工坊牌堆信息",
"Possible Tile": "可能的板块",
"Cabin Improvement Draw Pile1 Information": "隔离小屋改良板块牌堆1信息",
"Cabin Improvement Draw Pile2 Information": "隔离小屋改良板块牌堆2信息",
"Cabin Improvement Draw Pile3 Information": "隔离小屋改良板块牌堆3信息",
"Wagon Draw Pile Information": "马车牌堆信息",
"Wagon Draw Pile1 Information": "马车牌堆1信息",
"Wagon Draw Pile2 Information": "马车牌堆2信息",
"Rescues citizen": "营救市民",
"from": "来自",
"Pays movement cost -1": "支付移动费用 -1",
"from the dock of": "来自码头属于",
"Activates citizen": "激活市民",
"Upgrades": "升级",
"Player": "玩家",
"sets new player order:": "设置新的玩家顺位:",
"Builds": "修建",
"Moves citizen": "移动市民",
"Decides to remove": "选择移除",
"Decides to remove no": "选择不移除",
"Improves the 1st quarantine cabin": "改良第1个隔离小屋",
"Improves the 2nd quarantine cabin": "改良第2个隔离小屋",
"Improves the 3rd quarantine cabin": "改良第3个隔离小屋",
"Improves the 4th quarantine cabin": "改良第4个隔离小屋",
"Rescues citizen to 1st quarantine cabin": "营救市民到第1个隔离小屋",
"Rescues citizen to 2nd quarantine cabin": "营救市民到第2个隔离小屋",
"Rescues citizen to 3rd quarantine cabin": "营救市民到第3个隔离小屋",
"Rescues citizen to 4th quarantine cabin": "营救市民到第4个隔离小屋",
"Pays movement cost -2": "支付移动费用 -2",
"Pays movement cost -3": "支付移动费用 -3",
"Pays movement cost -4": "支付移动费用 -4",
"Decides to fight the": "选择抗击",
"on the boat": "在船上",
"estate sector square-benefit": "庄园扇区方格奖励",
"benefit": "奖励",
"Decides to take 1": "选择拿取1个",
"Send line": "发送",
"Decides to build": "选择修建",
"Decides to additionally remove 1": "选择额外移除1个",
"Advances 1 step on scroll board column": "推进1格在卷轴面板上的卷轴轨",
"Decides to advance twice on the scroll board": "选择在卷轴面板推进两次",
"Decides to advance on the scroll board": "选择在卷轴面板推进",
"on hex of the lieutenant": "位于官员米宝所在六边形格",
"Production:": "生产:",
"Moves out of quarantine": "移出隔离",
"Pays with": "支付使用",
"Pays with citizen": "支付使用市民",
"on adjacent hex": "位于相邻六边形格",
"Selects adjacent hex": "选择相邻六边形格",
"Decides to use": "选择使用",
"from Messina": "来自墨西拿城",
"Final Scoring": "终局计分",
"Rat Penalty:": "老鼠的惩罚:",
"for Registers:": "来自记录轨:",
"for Repopulated Neighborhoods:": "来自重建的街区:",
"for Scroll Boards:": "来自卷轴面板:",
"for Remaining Tokens:": "来自剩余的指示物:",
"Summary:": "总结:",
"Before": "之前",
"scored game": "计分游戏",
"Decides to cycles all workshops": "选择刷新所有工坊",
"Pays cycling with 1": "支付刷新费用使用1",
", best": ", 最好的",
"(S)": "(始)",
"New, lying lieutenant": "新的, 躺倒状态的官员米宝",
"Removed from game lieutenant": "移出游戏的官员米宝",
"Decides not to fight the": "选择不抗击",
"Draws": "抽取",
"Executes virtual opposing player move": "执行虚拟对手玩家行动",
"Takes": "拿取",
"New player order:": "新的玩家顺位:",
"Rescues": "营救",
"in 1st quarantine cabin": "在第1个隔离小屋",
"in 2nd quarantine cabin": "在第2个隔离小屋",
"in 3rd quarantine cabin": "在第3个隔离小屋",
"in 4th quarantine cabin": "在第4个隔离小屋",
"in %1th quarantine cabin": "在第4个隔离小屋",
"Decides to cycle all quarantine cabins": "选择刷新所有隔离小屋改良板块",
"": "",
// 提示
"Select the target for your lieutenant: A hex or a boat or your estate": "为你的米宝官员选择目的地: 一个六边形格或者一艘船或者你的庄园",
"Place the rescued citizen in an estate sector or workshop. Or click the skull to not resue this citizen.": "Place the rescued citizen in an estate sector or workshop. Or click the skull to not resue this citizen.",
"Fight plague on Boat?": "抗击在船上的瘟疫吗?",
"Pay to advance on a register or use benefit action": "付费推进记录轨或使用奖励行动",
"Choose between building and getting a fire token": "在建造和获得火焰指示物之间进行选择",
"Select what you want to build or cycle all quarantine cabins or workshops or cancel the build.": "选择要建造的板块,或者刷新所有隔离小屋改良板块或工坊,或者取消建造。",
"Select your cycling payment": "选择你的刷新费用",
"Reveal next build tile or finish your turn": "揭示下一个建筑板块或者结束你的回合",
"Select one of your lieutenants": "选择一个你的官员",
"Cycle Workshops": "刷新工坊",
"Cycle Quarantine Cabins": "刷新隔离小屋改良板块",
"Cancel Build": "取消建造",
"Select an unimproved quarantine cabin to improve it": "选择一个未改良的隔离小屋进行改良",
"Cancels building": "取消建造",
"Place the rescued citizen in an estate sector or workshop. Or click the skull to not resue this citizen.": "将被营救的市民放置在庄园扇区或者工坊。或者点击骷髅图标不营救这个市民。",
"Use benefit action or finish your turn": "使用奖励行动或者结束你的回合",
"Upgrade one of your overseers": "升级一个你的监工",
"Move a citizen to your workshop, reveal next build tile or finish your turn": "将一位市民移动到你的工坊,揭示下一个建筑板块或者结束你的回合",
"Reveals next tile": "揭示下一个板块",
"Do you want to remove a": "你想要移除一个",
"on the hex of the lieutenant?": "位于米宝官员所在六边形格吗?",
"Fight": "抗击",
"on hex?": "在六边形格上?",
"Use benefit action": "使用奖励行动",
"Click the quarantine cabin space you want to rescue the citizen to. Or click the skull to not resue this citizen.": "点击你想要营救的市民放置在哪个隔离小屋。或者点击骷髅图标不营救这个市民。",
"Select the overseer you want to advance": "选择一个你想要推进的监工",
"Select the register you want to advance on": "选择一条你想要推进的记录轨",
"Upgrade one of your overseers or select the overseer you want to advance": "升级一个你的监工或者选择一个你想要推进的监工",
"Select the scroll board track you want to advance on": "选择想要推进的卷轴轨",
"Select a target sector square or a workshop for your citizen who is leaving quarantine": "为即将离开隔离的市民选择庄园扇区的空格或者工坊",
"Select the target field for your aristocrat overseer": "为你的贵族监工选择目标格",
"Select the target field for your craftsman overseer": "为你的工匠监工选择目标格",
"Select the target field for your nun overseer": "为你的修女监工选择目标格",
"Select the citizen you want to activate": "选择你想要激活的市民",
"Move a citizen to your workshop, reveal next build tile, use benefit action or finish your turn": "将一位市民移动到你的工坊,揭示下一个建筑板块,使用奖励行动或者结束你的回合",
"Reveal next build tile, use benefit action or finish your turn": "揭示下一个建筑板块,使用奖励行动或者结束你的回合",
"Choose either to pay with one major or two simple fire tokens": "选择用一个大型火焰指示物或两个火焰指示物支付",
"Repopulate the hex or use benefit action": "重建此六边形格或者使用奖励行动",
"Select a citizen to pay the repopulation cost": "选择一位市民来支付重建费用",
// "Move a citizen to your workshop, reveal next build tile, use benefit action or finish your turn": "",
"Reshuffles the solo game tiles": "重洗单人游戏板块",
"1 players": "1位玩家",
"Select the citizen you want to upgrade": "选择你想要升级的市民",
"on the hex of the lieutenant as well as on an adjacent hex?": "位于米宝官员所在格以及相邻的六边形格?",
"on hex as well as adjacent hex?": "位于所在格以及相邻的六边形格?",
"Select the adjacent hex you want to remove a": "选择一个相邻的六边形格你想要移除的一个",
"Decides to additionally remove no": "选择不额外移除",
"no": "否",
"Buid or advance on the scroll board?": "建造或者推进卷轴面板?",
"Pay to advance on a register, use benefit action or finish your turn": "付费推进记录轨,使用奖励行动或者结束你的回合",
"Select what you want to build.": "选择你想要建造的板块。",
"Does not rescue citizen": "不营救市民",
"Select the Messina benefit you want to take": "选择你想要拿取的墨西拿城板块奖励。",
"1 players, training game, no revanche scheduled": "1位玩家, 训练游戏, 无复仇计划",
"2 players, training game, no revanche scheduled": "2位玩家, 训练游戏, 无复仇计划",
"3 players, training game, no revanche scheduled": "3位玩家, 训练游戏, 无复仇计划",
"4 players, training game, no revanche scheduled": "4位玩家, 训练游戏, 无复仇计划",
"2 players, scored game, no revanche scheduled": "2位玩家, 计分游戏, 无复仇计划",
"3 players, scored game, no revanche scheduled": "3位玩家, 计分游戏, 无复仇计划",
"4 players, scored game, no revanche scheduled": "4位玩家, 计分游戏, 无复仇计划",
"Game was canceled and is not available anymore": "游戏已取消不再可用",
"You still have an unused benefit action that will be lost.": "你将失去一个仍未使用的奖励行动。",
"Are you sure that you already want to finish your turn?": "你确定你已经想结束你的回合了吗?",
"Yucata.de": "Yucata.de",
"Move a citizen to your workshop, reveal next build tile, pay to advance on a register or finish your turn": "将一位市民移动到你的工坊,揭示下一个建筑板块,付费推进记录轨或者结束你的回合",
"Reveal next build tile, pay to advance on a register or finish your turn": "揭示下一个建筑板块,付费推进记录轨或者结束你的回合",
"Select one of your lieutenants or use benefit action": "选择一个你的官员或者使用奖励行动",
"Move a citizen to your workshop, reveal next build tile or select what you want to build or cycle all quarantine cabins or workshops or cancel the build.": "将一位市民移动到你的工坊,揭示下一个建筑板块,或者选择要建造的板块,或者刷新所有隔离小屋改良板块或工坊,或者取消建造。",
"Move a citizen to your workshop or select what you want to build or cycle all quarantine cabins or workshops or cancel the build.": "将一位市民移动到你的工坊,或者选择要建造的板块,或者刷新所有隔离小屋改良板块或工坊,或者取消建造。",
"Move a citizen to your workshop or select one of your lieutenants": "将一位市民移动到你的工坊或者选择一个你的官员",
"Move a citizen to your workshop or select the target for your lieutenant: A hex or a boat or your estate": "将一位市民移动到你的工坊,或者为你的米宝官员选择目的地: 一个六边形格或者一艘船或者你的庄园",
"Move a citizen to your workshop, pay to advance on a register or use benefit action": "将一位市民移动到你的工坊,付费推进记录轨或者使用奖励行动",
"Move a citizen to your workshop, pay to advance on a register, use benefit action or finish your turn": "将一位市民移动到你的工坊,付费推进记录轨,使用奖励行动或者结束你的回合",
"Move a citizen to your workshop, pay to advance on a register or finish your turn": "将一位市民移动到你的工坊,付费推进记录轨或者结束你的回合",
"Select the 1st of 2 scroll board tracks you want to advance on": "选择你想要推进的2条卷轴轨中的第1个",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"ivaever": "ivaever",
"mjameson": "mjameson",
"BrettHH": "BrettHH",
"freid": "freid",
"calbente": "calbente",
"mjameson:": "mjameson:",
"BrettHH:": "BrettHH:",
"freid:": "freid:",
"calbente:": "calbente:",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"‍": "‍",
": 113": ": 113",
": 5": ": 5",
": 88": ": 88",
": 2": ": 2",
": 3": ": 3",
"alorak13": "alorak13",
"Elba": "Elba",
"Zanni": "Zanni",
"JayAnthony": "JayAnthony",
"Elba:": "Elba:",
"nd": "nd",
"alorak13:": "alorak13:",
"rd": "rd",
"JayAnthony:": "JayAnthony:",
"th": "th",
"Zanni:": "Zanni:",
"st": "st",
"Automa": "Automa",
"klingeling:": "klingeling:",
"klingeling": "klingeling",
"regexp": [ // 正则翻译
[/^\+\+\+ Player on turn: (.+) \+\+\+$/, "+++ 玩家回合: $1 +++"],
[/^Start of Round (\d+)$/, "轮次 $1 开始"],
[/^End of Round (\d+)$/, "轮次 $1 结束"],
[/^#(\d+): Messina 1347 - Advanced$/, "#$1: 墨西拿1347 - 进阶"],
[/^#(\d+): Messina 1347$/, "#$1: 墨西拿1347"],
[/^version: (.+)$/, "版本号: $1"],
[/^gave (\d)$/, "给了 $1"],
[/^gave (\d\d)$/, "给了 $1"],