Greasy Fork is available in English.

auto claim faucet

// ==UserScript==
// @name
// @namespace    freeltc auto
// @version      0.52
// @description  auto claim faucet
// @author       gi2h
// @run-at       document-start
// @match*
// @match
// @match
// @match
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// @icon
// ==/UserScript==

    setInterval( function() {

        let turnstile = document.querySelector("input[name='cf-turnstile-response']")
        let button1 = document.querySelector("button[data-target='#myModal']:not([disabled])")
        let button = document.getElementById('subbutt')
        if(button&& turnstile && turnstile.value.length > 0 ){
    }, 5000)})() ;
setTimeout(function() {
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    if (location.href==("") ) {
    else window.location.href==("")
    if (scss&&scss.innerText.includes("Login Success")) {
        window.location.replace("") }
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    let alertMsg = document.querySelector("#swal2-html-container")

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     if (alertMsg1&&alertMsg1.innerText.includes("does not have ") && location.href==("")){
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        window. location. replace("") }
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        window. location. replace("") }
    if (alertMsg1&&alertMsg1.innerText.includes("does not have ") && location.href==("")) {
        window. location. replace("") }
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    if (alertMsg1&&alertMsg1.innerText.includes("does not have ") && location.href==("")) {
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        window. location. replace("") }
    if (alertMsg&&alertMsg.innerText.includes("Login Success") && location.href==("") ) {
        window. locatoon. replace("")}
  } ,5000)