// discord.gg/JjszyaD63A
// ==UserScript==
// @name [Brick-Kill] Postfarmer
// @version 6
// @description Sends automated messages on Brick Hill forums.
// @author Spacekiller
// @match *://www.brick-hill.com/*
// @icon https://www.brick-hill.com/favicon.ico
// @license MIT
// @namespace bhpostfarmer
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
/*- SETTINGS -*/
const config = {
post: {
title: "put stuff here", // Title of the post.
body: "put stuff\nhere", // Text of the post.
categoryID: 2, // Forum category ID, Off-Topic is 2 for example.
randomCategory: false, // Set to true to enable random category selection.
interval: 60, // Don't go below 60 seconds, cause that's the limit.
enabled: true // True or false to enable post spam.
reply: {
body: "put stuff\nhere", // Text of the reply.
postID: 100000, // ID of the forum thread you want to target.
interval: 15, // Don't go below 15 seconds, cause that's the limit.
enabled: false // True or false to enable reply spam.
comment: {
comment: "put stuff here", // Text of the comment.
commentable_id: 375378, // ID of a shop item or a game.
interval: 30, // Don't go below 30 seconds, cause that's the limit.
polymorphic_type: 1,
enabled: false // True or false to enable comment spam.
message: {
title: "put stuff here", // Title of the message.
reply: "put stuff\nhere", // Text of the post.
recipient: 4787, // ID of the user you want to target.
interval: 30, // Don't go below 30 seconds, cause that's the limit.
enabled: false // True or false to enable message spam.
/*- -*/
function getRandomCategoryID() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 14) + 1; // Generates a random number between 1 and 14
function sendRequest(url, method, body) {
const token = document.querySelector('input[name="_token"]').value;
const requestBody = new FormData();
for (const key in body) {
requestBody.append(key, body[key]);
requestBody.append('_token', token);
return fetch(url, {
method: method,
body: requestBody
function handleRequest(config, sendFunction) {
if (!config.enabled) return;
const nextExecution = Date.now() + config.interval * 1000;
const delay = nextExecution - Date.now();
setTimeout(() => handleRequest(config, sendFunction), delay);
function handlePostRequest() {
let categoryID = config.post.randomCategory ? getRandomCategoryID() : config.post.categoryID;
const url = `https://www.brick-hill.com/forum/${categoryID}/create`;
const body = {
title: config.post.title,
body: config.post.body
sendRequest(url, 'POST', body);
function handleReplyRequest() {
const url = `https://www.brick-hill.com/forum/reply/${config.reply.postID}`;
const body = {
body: config.reply.body
sendRequest(url, 'POST', body);
function handleCommentRequest() {
const url = `https://www.brick-hill.com/comments/create`;
const body = {
comment: config.comment.comment,
commentable_id: config.comment.commentable_id,
polymorphic_type: config.comment.polymorphic_type
sendRequest(url, 'POST', body);
function handleMessageRequest() {
const url = `https://www.brick-hill.com/messages`;
const body = {
title: config.message.title,
recipient: config.message.recipient,
reply: config.message.reply
sendRequest(url, 'POST', body);
handleRequest(config.post, handlePostRequest);
handleRequest(config.reply, handleReplyRequest);
handleRequest(config.comment, handleCommentRequest);
handleRequest(config.message, handleMessageRequest);