Greasy Fork is available in English.

R4 Utils

R4 Utils Library

Ce script ne devrait pas être installé directement. C'est une librairie créée pour d'autres scripts. Elle doit être inclus avec la commande // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name        R4 Utils
// @description R4 Utils Library
// @version     1.0.1
// ==/UserScript==
function R4Utils() {

    /* ------------------------------------------------- */
    /* --------------fromHTML--------------------------- */
    /* ------------------------------------------------- */

    function fromHTML(html, trim = true) {
        // Process the HTML string.
        html = trim ? html : html.trim();
        if (!html) return null;
        // Then set up a new template element.
        const template = document.createElement('template');
        template.innerHTML = html;
        const result = template.content.children;
        // Then return either an HTMLElement or HTMLCollection,
        // based on whether the input HTML had one or more roots.
        if (result.length === 1) return result[0];
        return result;

    /* ------------------------------------------------- */
    /* --------------transliterate---------------------- */
    /* ------------------------------------------------- */

    function transliterate(word) {
        let answer = "";
        const a = {};

        a["Ё"] = "YO";
        a["Й"] = "I";
        a["Ц"] = "TS";
        a["У"] = "U";
        a["К"] = "K";
        a["Е"] = "E";
        a["Н"] = "N";
        a["Г"] = "G";
        a["Ш"] = "SH";
        a["Щ"] = "SCH";
        a["З"] = "Z";
        a["Х"] = "H";
        a["Ъ"] = "'";
        a["ё"] = "yo";
        a["й"] = "i";
        a["ц"] = "ts";
        a["у"] = "u";
        a["к"] = "k";
        a["е"] = "e";
        a["н"] = "n";
        a["г"] = "g";
        a["ш"] = "sh";
        a["щ"] = "sch";
        a["з"] = "z";
        a["х"] = "h";
        a["ъ"] = "'";
        a["Ф"] = "F";
        a["Ы"] = "I";
        a["В"] = "V";
        a["А"] = "A";
        a["П"] = "P";
        a["Р"] = "R";
        a["О"] = "O";
        a["Л"] = "L";
        a["Д"] = "D";
        a["Ж"] = "ZH";
        a["Э"] = "E";
        a["ф"] = "f";
        a["ы"] = "i";
        a["в"] = "v";
        a["а"] = "a";
        a["п"] = "p";
        a["р"] = "r";
        a["о"] = "o";
        a["л"] = "l";
        a["д"] = "d";
        a["ж"] = "zh";
        a["э"] = "e";
        a["Я"] = "Ya";
        a["Ч"] = "CH";
        a["С"] = "S";
        a["М"] = "M";
        a["И"] = "I";
        a["Т"] = "T";
        a["Ь"] = "'";
        a["Б"] = "B";
        a["Ю"] = "YU";
        a["я"] = "ya";
        a["ч"] = "ch";
        a["с"] = "s";
        a["м"] = "m";
        a["и"] = "i";
        a["т"] = "t";
        a["ь"] = "'";
        a["б"] = "b";
        a["ю"] = "yu";

        for (const i in word) {
            if (word.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
                answer += a[word[i]] === undefined ? word[i] : a[word[i]];
        return answer;

    /* ------------------------------------------------- */
    /* --------------slugify---------------------------- */
    /* ------------------------------------------------- */

    function slugify(str) {
        return String(str)
            .normalize("NFKD") // split accented characters into their base characters and diacritical marks
            .replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "") // remove all the accents, which happen to be all in the \u03xx UNICODE block.
            .trim() // trim leading or trailing whitespace
            .toLowerCase() // convert to lowercase
            .replace(/[^a-z0-9 -]/g, "") // remove non-alphanumeric characters
            .replace(/\s+/g, "-") // replace spaces with hyphens
            .replace(/-+/g, "-"); // remove consecutive hyphens

    /* ------------------------------------------------- */
    /* --------------executeLocation-------------------- */
    /* ------------------------------------------------- */

    class AsyncLock {
        constructor () {
            this.release = () => {}
            this.promise = Promise.resolve()
        acquire () {
            this.promise = new Promise(resolve => this.release = resolve)

    const execute_location_lock = new AsyncLock();

    function executeLocation(func, vars = {}, prefix = "ExecuteLocation", lock = execute_location_lock) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

            // Wait for the lock to be released
            lock.promise.then(() => {

                // Acquire the lock

                try {
                    // Convert the function to a string of code
                    const funcString = `(${func.toString()})()`;

                    // Define a new CustomEvent that will be dispatched when the function finishes executing
                    const eventName = prefix + Math.random().toString(36).substring(7);

                    // Listen for the function executed event
                    document.addEventListener(eventName, (event) => {


                        // Release the lock

                    // Convert the vars object to a string of code that defines these variables
                    const varsString = Object.entries(vars).map(([name, value]) => {
                        return `var ${name} = ${JSON.stringify(value)};`;

                    // Use location.assign to execute the function in the global scope
                    // The function result is sent as a CustomEvent
                    location.assign(`javascript:(function() {
                        const result = ${funcString};
                        const event = new CustomEvent('${eventName}', { detail: { result: result } });
                } catch (e) {

                    // Release the lock in case of an error


    return {