Greasy Fork is available in English.


Lightweight library with various utilities for userscripts - register listeners for when CSS selectors exist, intercept events, create persistent & synchronous data stores, modify the DOM more easily and much more

Ce script ne devrait pas être installé directement. C'est une librairie créée pour d'autres scripts. Elle doit être inclus avec la commande // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @namespace
// @exclude      *
// @author       Sv443
// @supportURL
// @homepageURL

// ==UserLibrary==
// @name         UserUtils
// @description  Lightweight library with various utilities for userscripts - register listeners for when CSS selectors exist, intercept events, create persistent & synchronous data stores, modify the DOM more easily and much more
// @version      9.1.0
// @license      MIT
// @copyright    Sv443 (

// ==/UserScript==
// ==/UserLibrary==

// ==OpenUserJS==
// @author       Sv443
// ==/OpenUserJS==

var UserUtils = (function (exports) {
  var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
  var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
  var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
  var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
  var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
  var __spreadValues = (a, b) => {
    for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
      if (, prop))
        __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
    if (__getOwnPropSymbols)
      for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
        if (, prop))
          __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
    return a;
  var __objRest = (source, exclude) => {
    var target = {};
    for (var prop in source)
      if (, prop) && exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0)
        target[prop] = source[prop];
    if (source != null && __getOwnPropSymbols)
      for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(source)) {
        if (exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0 &&, prop))
          target[prop] = source[prop];
    return target;
  var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
  var __async = (__this, __arguments, generator) => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      var fulfilled = (value) => {
        try {
        } catch (e) {
      var rejected = (value) => {
        try {
        } catch (e) {
      var step = (x) => x.done ? resolve(x.value) : Promise.resolve(x.value).then(fulfilled, rejected);
      step((generator = generator.apply(__this, __arguments)).next());

  // lib/math.ts
  function clamp(value, min, max) {
    if (typeof max !== "number") {
      max = min;
      min = 0;
    return Math.max(Math.min(value, max), min);
  function mapRange(value, range1min, range1max, range2min, range2max) {
    if (typeof range2min === "undefined" || typeof range2max === "undefined") {
      range2max = range1max;
      range1max = range1min;
      range2min = range1min = 0;
    if (Number(range1min) === 0 && Number(range2min) === 0)
      return value * (range2max / range1max);
    return (value - range1min) * ((range2max - range2min) / (range1max - range1min)) + range2min;
  function randRange(...args) {
    let min, max, enhancedEntropy = false;
    if (typeof args[0] === "number" && typeof args[1] === "number")
      [min, max] = args;
    else if (typeof args[0] === "number" && typeof args[1] !== "number") {
      min = 0;
      [max] = args;
    } else
      throw new TypeError(`Wrong parameter(s) provided - expected (number, boolean|undefined) or (number, number, boolean|undefined) but got (${ => typeof a).join(", ")}) instead`);
    if (typeof args[2] === "boolean")
      enhancedEntropy = args[2];
    else if (typeof args[1] === "boolean")
      enhancedEntropy = args[1];
    min = Number(min);
    max = Number(max);
    if (isNaN(min) || isNaN(max))
      return NaN;
    if (min > max)
      throw new TypeError(`Parameter "min" can't be bigger than "max"`);
    if (enhancedEntropy) {
      const uintArr = new Uint8Array(1);
      return Number(Array.from(
        (v) => Math.round(mapRange(v, 0, 255, min, max)).toString(10)
    } else
      return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
  function digitCount(num) {
    num = Number(!["string", "number"].includes(typeof num) ? String(num) : num);
    if (typeof num === "number" && isNaN(num))
      return NaN;
    return num === 0 ? 1 : Math.floor(
      Math.log10(Math.abs(Number(num))) + 1

  // lib/array.ts
  function randomItem(array) {
    return randomItemIndex(array)[0];
  function randomItemIndex(array) {
    if (array.length === 0)
      return [undefined, undefined];
    const idx = randRange(array.length - 1);
    return [array[idx], idx];
  function takeRandomItem(arr) {
    const [itm, idx] = randomItemIndex(arr);
    if (idx === undefined)
      return undefined;
    arr.splice(idx, 1);
    return itm;
  function randomizeArray(array) {
    const retArray = [...array];
    if (array.length === 0)
      return retArray;
    for (let i = retArray.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
      const j = Math.floor(randRange(0, 1e4) / 1e4 * (i + 1));
      [retArray[i], retArray[j]] = [retArray[j], retArray[i]];
    return retArray;

  // lib/colors.ts
  function hexToRgb(hex) {
    hex = (hex.startsWith("#") ? hex.slice(1) : hex).trim();
    const a = hex.length === 8 || hex.length === 4 ? parseInt(hex.slice(-(hex.length / 4)), 16) / (hex.length === 8 ? 255 : 15) : undefined;
    if (!isNaN(Number(a)))
      hex = hex.slice(0, -(hex.length / 4));
    if (hex.length === 3 || hex.length === 4)
      hex = hex.split("").map((c) => c + c).join("");
    const bigint = parseInt(hex, 16);
    const r = bigint >> 16 & 255;
    const g = bigint >> 8 & 255;
    const b = bigint & 255;
    return [clamp(r, 0, 255), clamp(g, 0, 255), clamp(b, 0, 255), typeof a === "number" ? clamp(a, 0, 1) : undefined];
  function rgbToHex(red, green, blue, alpha, withHash = true, upperCase = false) {
    const toHexVal = (n) => clamp(Math.round(n), 0, 255).toString(16).padStart(2, "0")[upperCase ? "toUpperCase" : "toLowerCase"]();
    return `${withHash ? "#" : ""}${toHexVal(red)}${toHexVal(green)}${toHexVal(blue)}${alpha ? toHexVal(alpha * 255) : ""}`;
  function lightenColor(color, percent, upperCase = false) {
    return darkenColor(color, percent * -1, upperCase);
  function darkenColor(color, percent, upperCase = false) {
    var _a;
    color = color.trim();
    const darkenRgb = (r2, g2, b2, percent2) => {
      r2 = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, r2 - r2 * percent2 / 100));
      g2 = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, g2 - g2 * percent2 / 100));
      b2 = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, b2 - b2 * percent2 / 100));
      return [r2, g2, b2];
    let r, g, b, a;
    const isHexCol = color.match(/^#?([0-9A-Fa-f]{3}|[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}|[0-9A-Fa-f]{8})$/);
    if (isHexCol)
      [r, g, b, a] = hexToRgb(color);
    else if (color.startsWith("rgb")) {
      const rgbValues = (_a = color.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?/g)) == null ? undefined :;
      if (!rgbValues)
        throw new Error("Invalid RGB/RGBA color format");
      [r, g, b, a] = rgbValues;
    } else
      throw new Error("Unsupported color format");
    [r, g, b] = darkenRgb(r, g, b, percent);
    if (isHexCol)
      return rgbToHex(r, g, b, a, color.startsWith("#"), upperCase);
    else if (color.startsWith("rgba"))
      return `rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, ${a != null ? a : NaN})`;
    else if (color.startsWith("rgb"))
      return `rgb(${r}, ${g}, ${b})`;
      throw new Error("Unsupported color format");

  // lib/dom.ts
  function getUnsafeWindow() {
    try {
      return unsafeWindow;
    } catch (e) {
      return window;
  function addParent(element, newParent) {
    const oldParent = element.parentNode;
    if (!oldParent)
      throw new Error("Element doesn't have a parent node");
    oldParent.replaceChild(newParent, element);
    return newParent;
  function addGlobalStyle(style) {
    const styleElem = document.createElement("style");
    setInnerHtmlUnsafe(styleElem, style);
    return styleElem;
  function preloadImages(srcUrls, rejects = false) {
    const promises = => new Promise((res, rej) => {
      const image = new Image();
      image.src = src;
      image.addEventListener("load", () => res(image));
      image.addEventListener("error", (evt) => rejects && rej(evt));
    return Promise.allSettled(promises);
  function openInNewTab(href, background, additionalProps) {
    var _a;
    try {
      (_a = GM.openInTab) == null ? void 0 :, href, background);
    } catch (e) {
      const openElem = document.createElement("a");
      Object.assign(openElem, __spreadValues({
        className: "userutils-open-in-new-tab",
        target: "_blank",
        rel: "noopener noreferrer",
        tabIndex: -1,
        ariaHidden: "true",
      }, additionalProps));
      Object.assign(, {
        display: "none",
        pointerEvents: "none"
      setTimeout(openElem.remove, 0);
  function interceptEvent(eventObject, eventName, predicate = () => true) {
    var _a;
    if ((eventObject === window || eventObject === getUnsafeWindow()) && ((_a = GM == null ? undefined : == null ? undefined : _a.scriptHandler) && === "FireMonkey")
      throw new Error("Intercepting window events is not supported on FireMonkey due to the isolated context the userscript runs in.");
    Error.stackTraceLimit = Math.max(Error.stackTraceLimit, 100);
    if (isNaN(Error.stackTraceLimit))
      Error.stackTraceLimit = 100;
    (function(original) {
      eventObject.__proto__.addEventListener = function(...args) {
        var _a2, _b;
        const origListener = typeof args[1] === "function" ? args[1] : (_b = (_a2 = args[1]) == null ? undefined : _a2.handleEvent) != null ? _b : () => undefined;
        args[1] = function(...a) {
          if (args[0] === eventName && predicate(Array.isArray(a) ? a[0] : a))
            return origListener.apply(this, a);
        original.apply(this, args);
  function interceptWindowEvent(eventName, predicate = () => true) {
    return interceptEvent(getUnsafeWindow(), eventName, predicate);
  function isScrollable(element) {
    const { overflowX, overflowY } = getComputedStyle(element);
    return {
      vertical: (overflowY === "scroll" || overflowY === "auto") && element.scrollHeight > element.clientHeight,
      horizontal: (overflowX === "scroll" || overflowX === "auto") && element.scrollWidth > element.clientWidth
  function observeElementProp(element, property, callback) {
    const elementPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(element);
    if (elementPrototype.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
      const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(elementPrototype, property);
      Object.defineProperty(element, property, {
        get: function() {
          var _a;
          return (_a = descriptor == null ? undefined : descriptor.get) == null ? undefined : _a.apply(this, arguments);
        set: function() {
          var _a;
          const oldValue = this[property];
          (_a = descriptor == null ? undefined : descriptor.set) == null ? undefined : _a.apply(this, arguments);
          const newValue = this[property];
          if (typeof callback === "function") {
            callback.bind(this, oldValue, newValue);
          return newValue;
  function getSiblingsFrame(refElement, siblingAmount, refElementAlignment = "center-top", includeRef = true) {
    var _a, _b;
    const siblings = [...(_b = (_a = refElement.parentNode) == null ? undefined : _a.childNodes) != null ? _b : []];
    const elemSiblIdx = siblings.indexOf(refElement);
    if (elemSiblIdx === -1)
      throw new Error("Element doesn't have a parent node");
    if (refElementAlignment === "top")
      return [...siblings.slice(elemSiblIdx + Number(!includeRef), elemSiblIdx + siblingAmount + Number(!includeRef))];
    else if (refElementAlignment.startsWith("center-")) {
      const halfAmount = (refElementAlignment === "center-bottom" ? Math.ceil : Math.floor)(siblingAmount / 2);
      const startIdx = Math.max(0, elemSiblIdx - halfAmount);
      const topOffset = Number(refElementAlignment === "center-top" && siblingAmount % 2 === 0 && includeRef);
      const btmOffset = Number(refElementAlignment === "center-bottom" && siblingAmount % 2 !== 0 && includeRef);
      const startIdxWithOffset = startIdx + topOffset + btmOffset;
      return [
        ...siblings.filter((_, idx) => includeRef || idx !== elemSiblIdx).slice(startIdxWithOffset, startIdxWithOffset + siblingAmount)
    } else if (refElementAlignment === "bottom")
      return [...siblings.slice(elemSiblIdx - siblingAmount + Number(includeRef), elemSiblIdx + Number(includeRef))];
    return [];
  var ttPolicy;
  function setInnerHtmlUnsafe(element, html) {
    var _a, _b, _c;
    if (!ttPolicy && typeof ((_a = window == null ? undefined : window.trustedTypes) == null ? undefined : _a.createPolicy) === "function") {
      ttPolicy = window.trustedTypes.createPolicy("_uu_set_innerhtml_unsafe", {
        createHTML: (unsafeHtml) => unsafeHtml
    element.innerHTML = (_c = (_b = ttPolicy == null ? undefined : ttPolicy.createHTML) == null ? undefined :, html)) != null ? _c : html;
    return element;

  // lib/crypto.ts
  function compress(input, compressionFormat, outputType = "string") {
    return __async(this, null, function* () {
      const byteArray = typeof input === "string" ? new TextEncoder().encode(input) : input;
      const comp = new CompressionStream(compressionFormat);
      const writer = comp.writable.getWriter();
      const buf = yield new Response(comp.readable).arrayBuffer();
      return outputType === "arrayBuffer" ? buf : ab2str(buf);
  function decompress(input, compressionFormat, outputType = "string") {
    return __async(this, null, function* () {
      const byteArray = typeof input === "string" ? str2ab(input) : input;
      const decomp = new DecompressionStream(compressionFormat);
      const writer = decomp.writable.getWriter();
      const buf = yield new Response(decomp.readable).arrayBuffer();
      return outputType === "arrayBuffer" ? buf : new TextDecoder().decode(buf);
  function ab2str(buf) {
    return getUnsafeWindow().btoa(
      new Uint8Array(buf).reduce((data, byte) => data + String.fromCharCode(byte), "")
  function str2ab(str) {
    return Uint8Array.from(getUnsafeWindow().atob(str), (c) => c.charCodeAt(0));
  function computeHash(input, algorithm = "SHA-256") {
    return __async(this, null, function* () {
      let data;
      if (typeof input === "string") {
        const encoder = new TextEncoder();
        data = encoder.encode(input);
      } else
        data = input;
      const hashBuffer = yield crypto.subtle.digest(algorithm, data);
      const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer));
      const hashHex = => byte.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")).join("");
      return hashHex;
  function randomId(length = 16, radix = 16, enhancedEntropy = false, randomCase = true) {
    let arr = [];
    const caseArr = randomCase ? [0, 1] : [0];
    if (enhancedEntropy) {
      const uintArr = new Uint8Array(length);
      arr = Array.from(
        (v) => mapRange(v, 0, 255, 0, radix).toString(radix).substring(0, 1)
    } else {
      arr = Array.from(
        { length },
        () => Math.floor(Math.random() * radix).toString(radix)
    if (!arr.some((v) => /[a-zA-Z]/.test(v)))
      return arr.join("");
    return => caseArr[randRange(0, caseArr.length - 1, enhancedEntropy)] === 1 ? v.toUpperCase() : v).join("");

  // lib/DataStore.ts
  var DataStore = class {
     * Creates an instance of DataStore to manage a sync & async database that is cached in memory and persistently saved across sessions.  
     * Supports migrating data from older versions to newer ones and populating the cache with default data if no persistent data is found.  
     * - ⚠️ Requires the directives `@grant GM.getValue` and `@grant GM.setValue` if the storageMethod is left as the default of `"GM"`  
     * - ⚠️ Make sure to call {@linkcode loadData()} at least once after creating an instance, or the returned data will be the same as `options.defaultData`
     * @template TData The type of the data that is saved in persistent storage for the currently set format version (will be automatically inferred from `defaultData` if not provided) - **This has to be a JSON-compatible object!** (no undefined, circular references, etc.)
     * @param options The options for this DataStore instance
    constructor(options) {
      __publicField(this, "id");
      __publicField(this, "formatVersion");
      __publicField(this, "defaultData");
      __publicField(this, "encodeData");
      __publicField(this, "decodeData");
      __publicField(this, "storageMethod");
      __publicField(this, "cachedData");
      __publicField(this, "migrations");
      __publicField(this, "migrateIds", []);
      var _a; =;
      this.formatVersion = options.formatVersion;
      this.defaultData = options.defaultData;
      this.cachedData = options.defaultData;
      this.migrations = options.migrations;
      if (options.migrateIds)
        this.migrateIds = Array.isArray(options.migrateIds) ? options.migrateIds : [options.migrateIds];
      this.storageMethod = (_a = options.storageMethod) != null ? _a : "GM";
      this.encodeData = options.encodeData;
      this.decodeData = options.decodeData;
    //#region public
     * Loads the data saved in persistent storage into the in-memory cache and also returns it.  
     * Automatically populates persistent storage with default data if it doesn't contain any data yet.  
     * Also runs all necessary migration functions if the data format has changed since the last time the data was saved.
    loadData() {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        try {
          if (this.migrateIds.length > 0) {
            yield this.migrateId(this.migrateIds);
            this.migrateIds = [];
          const gmData = yield this.getValue(`_uucfg-${}`, JSON.stringify(this.defaultData));
          let gmFmtVer = Number(yield this.getValue(`_uucfgver-${}`, NaN));
          if (typeof gmData !== "string") {
            yield this.saveDefaultData();
            return __spreadValues({}, this.defaultData);
          const isEncoded = Boolean(yield this.getValue(`_uucfgenc-${}`, false));
          let saveData = false;
          if (isNaN(gmFmtVer)) {
            yield this.setValue(`_uucfgver-${}`, gmFmtVer = this.formatVersion);
            saveData = true;
          let parsed = yield this.deserializeData(gmData, isEncoded);
          if (gmFmtVer < this.formatVersion && this.migrations)
            parsed = yield this.runMigrations(parsed, gmFmtVer);
          if (saveData)
            yield this.setData(parsed);
          this.cachedData = __spreadValues({}, parsed);
          return this.cachedData;
        } catch (err) {
          console.warn("Error while parsing JSON data, resetting it to the default value.", err);
          yield this.saveDefaultData();
          return this.defaultData;
     * Returns a copy of the data from the in-memory cache.  
     * Use {@linkcode loadData()} to get fresh data from persistent storage (usually not necessary since the cache should always exactly reflect persistent storage).
     * @param deepCopy Whether to return a deep copy of the data (default: `false`) - only necessary if your data object is nested and may have a bigger performance impact if enabled
    getData(deepCopy = false) {
      return deepCopy ? this.deepCopy(this.cachedData) : __spreadValues({}, this.cachedData);
    /** Saves the data synchronously to the in-memory cache and asynchronously to the persistent storage */
    setData(data) {
      this.cachedData = data;
      const useEncoding = this.encodingEnabled();
      return new Promise((resolve) => __async(this, null, function* () {
        yield Promise.all([
          this.setValue(`_uucfg-${}`, yield this.serializeData(data, useEncoding)),
          this.setValue(`_uucfgver-${}`, this.formatVersion),
          this.setValue(`_uucfgenc-${}`, useEncoding)
    /** Saves the default data passed in the constructor synchronously to the in-memory cache and asynchronously to persistent storage */
    saveDefaultData() {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        this.cachedData = this.defaultData;
        const useEncoding = this.encodingEnabled();
        return new Promise((resolve) => __async(this, null, function* () {
          yield Promise.all([
            this.setValue(`_uucfg-${}`, yield this.serializeData(this.defaultData, useEncoding)),
            this.setValue(`_uucfgver-${}`, this.formatVersion),
            this.setValue(`_uucfgenc-${}`, useEncoding)
     * Call this method to clear all persistently stored data associated with this DataStore instance.  
     * The in-memory cache will be left untouched, so you may still access the data with {@linkcode getData()}  
     * Calling {@linkcode loadData()} or {@linkcode setData()} after this method was called will recreate persistent storage with the cached or default data.  
     * - ⚠️ This requires the additional directive `@grant GM.deleteValue` if the storageMethod is left as the default of `"GM"`
    deleteData() {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        yield Promise.all([
    /** Returns whether encoding and decoding are enabled for this DataStore instance */
    encodingEnabled() {
      return Boolean(this.encodeData && this.decodeData);
    //#region migrations
     * Runs all necessary migration functions consecutively and saves the result to the in-memory cache and persistent storage and also returns it.  
     * This method is automatically called by {@linkcode loadData()} if the data format has changed since the last time the data was saved.  
     * Though calling this method manually is not necessary, it can be useful if you want to run migrations for special occasions like a user importing potentially outdated data that has been previously exported.  
     * If one of the migrations fails, the data will be reset to the default value if `resetOnError` is set to `true` (default). Otherwise, an error will be thrown and no data will be saved.
    runMigrations(oldData, oldFmtVer, resetOnError = true) {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        if (!this.migrations)
          return oldData;
        let newData = oldData;
        const sortedMigrations = Object.entries(this.migrations).sort(([a], [b]) => Number(a) - Number(b));
        let lastFmtVer = oldFmtVer;
        for (const [fmtVer, migrationFunc] of sortedMigrations) {
          const ver = Number(fmtVer);
          if (oldFmtVer < this.formatVersion && oldFmtVer < ver) {
            try {
              const migRes = migrationFunc(newData);
              newData = migRes instanceof Promise ? yield migRes : migRes;
              lastFmtVer = oldFmtVer = ver;
            } catch (err) {
              if (!resetOnError)
                throw new Error(`Error while running migration function for format version '${fmtVer}'`);
              console.error(`Error while running migration function for format version '${fmtVer}' - resetting to the default value.`, err);
              yield this.saveDefaultData();
              return this.getData();
        yield Promise.all([
          this.setValue(`_uucfg-${}`, yield this.serializeData(newData)),
          this.setValue(`_uucfgver-${}`, lastFmtVer),
          this.setValue(`_uucfgenc-${}`, this.encodingEnabled())
        return this.cachedData = __spreadValues({}, newData);
     * Tries to migrate the currently saved persistent data from one or more old IDs to the ID set in the constructor.  
     * If no data exist for the old ID(s), nothing will be done, but some time may still pass trying to fetch the non-existent data.
    migrateId(oldIds) {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        const ids = Array.isArray(oldIds) ? oldIds : [oldIds];
        yield Promise.all( => __async(this, null, function* () {
          const data = yield this.getValue(`_uucfg-${id}`, JSON.stringify(this.defaultData));
          const fmtVer = Number(yield this.getValue(`_uucfgver-${id}`, NaN));
          const isEncoded = Boolean(yield this.getValue(`_uucfgenc-${id}`, false));
          if (data === undefined || isNaN(fmtVer))
          const parsed = yield this.deserializeData(data, isEncoded);
          yield Promise.allSettled([
            this.setValue(`_uucfg-${}`, yield this.serializeData(parsed)),
            this.setValue(`_uucfgver-${}`, fmtVer),
            this.setValue(`_uucfgenc-${}`, isEncoded),
    //#region serialization
    /** Serializes the data using the optional this.encodeData() and returns it as a string */
    serializeData(data, useEncoding = true) {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        const stringData = JSON.stringify(data);
        if (!this.encodingEnabled() || !useEncoding)
          return stringData;
        const encRes = this.encodeData(stringData);
        if (encRes instanceof Promise)
          return yield encRes;
        return encRes;
    /** Deserializes the data using the optional this.decodeData() and returns it as a JSON object */
    deserializeData(data, useEncoding = true) {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        let decRes = this.encodingEnabled() && useEncoding ? this.decodeData(data) : undefined;
        if (decRes instanceof Promise)
          decRes = yield decRes;
        return JSON.parse(decRes != null ? decRes : data);
    //#region misc
    /** Copies a JSON-compatible object and loses all its internal references in the process */
    deepCopy(obj) {
      return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
    //#region storage
    /** Gets a value from persistent storage - can be overwritten in a subclass if you want to use something other than the default storage methods */
    getValue(name, defaultValue) {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        var _a, _b;
        switch (this.storageMethod) {
          case "localStorage":
            return (_a = localStorage.getItem(name)) != null ? _a : defaultValue;
          case "sessionStorage":
            return (_b = sessionStorage.getItem(name)) != null ? _b : defaultValue;
            return GM.getValue(name, defaultValue);
     * Sets a value in persistent storage - can be overwritten in a subclass if you want to use something other than the default storage methods.  
     * The default storage engines will stringify all passed values like numbers or booleans, so be aware of that.
    setValue(name, value) {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        switch (this.storageMethod) {
          case "localStorage":
            return localStorage.setItem(name, String(value));
          case "sessionStorage":
            return sessionStorage.setItem(name, String(value));
            return GM.setValue(name, String(value));
    /** Deletes a value from persistent storage - can be overwritten in a subclass if you want to use something other than the default storage methods */
    deleteValue(name) {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        switch (this.storageMethod) {
          case "localStorage":
            return localStorage.removeItem(name);
          case "sessionStorage":
            return sessionStorage.removeItem(name);
            return GM.deleteValue(name);

  // lib/DataStoreSerializer.ts
  var DataStoreSerializer = class {
    constructor(stores, options = {}) {
      __publicField(this, "stores");
      __publicField(this, "options");
      if (!getUnsafeWindow().crypto || !getUnsafeWindow().crypto.subtle)
        throw new Error("DataStoreSerializer has to run in a secure context (HTTPS)!");
      this.stores = stores;
      this.options = __spreadValues({
        addChecksum: true,
        ensureIntegrity: true
      }, options);
    /** Calculates the checksum of a string */
    calcChecksum(input) {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        return computeHash(input, "SHA-256");
    /** Serializes a DataStore instance */
    serializeStore(storeInst) {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        const data = storeInst.encodingEnabled() ? yield storeInst.encodeData(JSON.stringify(storeInst.getData())) : JSON.stringify(storeInst.getData());
        const checksum = this.options.addChecksum ? yield this.calcChecksum(data) : undefined;
        return {
          formatVersion: storeInst.formatVersion,
          encoded: storeInst.encodingEnabled(),
    /** Serializes the data stores into a string */
    serialize() {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        const serData = [];
        for (const store of this.stores)
          serData.push(yield this.serializeStore(store));
        return JSON.stringify(serData);
     * Deserializes the data exported via {@linkcode serialize()} and imports it into the DataStore instances.  
     * Also triggers the migration process if the data format has changed.
    deserialize(serializedData) {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        const deserStores = JSON.parse(serializedData);
        for (const storeData of deserStores) {
          const storeInst = this.stores.find((s) => ===;
          if (!storeInst)
            throw new Error(`DataStore instance with ID "${}" not found! Make sure to provide it in the DataStoreSerializer constructor.`);
          if (this.options.ensureIntegrity && typeof storeData.checksum === "string") {
            const checksum = yield this.calcChecksum(;
            if (checksum !== storeData.checksum)
              throw new Error(`Checksum mismatch for DataStore with ID "${}"!
Expected: ${storeData.checksum}
Has: ${checksum}`);
          const decodedData = storeData.encoded && storeInst.encodingEnabled() ? yield storeInst.decodeData( :;
          if (storeData.formatVersion && !isNaN(Number(storeData.formatVersion)) && Number(storeData.formatVersion) < storeInst.formatVersion)
            yield storeInst.runMigrations(JSON.parse(decodedData), Number(storeData.formatVersion), false);
            yield storeInst.setData(JSON.parse(decodedData));
     * Loads the persistent data of the DataStore instances into the in-memory cache.  
     * Also triggers the migration process if the data format has changed.
     * @returns Returns a PromiseSettledResult array with the results of each DataStore instance in the format `{ id: string, data: object }`
    loadStoresData() {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        return Promise.allSettled(
          (store) => __async(this, null, function* () {
            return {
              data: yield store.loadData()
    /** Resets the persistent data of the DataStore instances to their default values. */
    resetStoresData() {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        return Promise.allSettled( => store.saveDefaultData()));
     * Deletes the persistent data of the DataStore instances.  
     * Leaves the in-memory data untouched.
    deleteStoresData() {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        return Promise.allSettled( => store.deleteData()));

  // node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/nanoevents/index.js
  var createNanoEvents = () => ({
    emit(event, ...args) {
      for (let callbacks =[event] || [], i = 0, length = callbacks.length; i < length; i++) {
    events: {},
    on(event, cb) {
      var _a;
      ((_a =[event] || (_a[event] = [])).push(cb);
      return () => {
        var _a2;[event] = (_a2 =[event]) == null ? undefined : _a2.filter((i) => cb !== i);

  // lib/NanoEmitter.ts
  var NanoEmitter = class {
    constructor(options = {}) {
      __publicField(this, "events", createNanoEvents());
      __publicField(this, "eventUnsubscribes", []);
      __publicField(this, "emitterOptions");
      this.emitterOptions = __spreadValues({
        publicEmit: false
      }, options);
    /** Subscribes to an event - returns a function that unsubscribes the event listener */
    on(event, cb) {
      let unsub;
      const unsubProxy = () => {
        if (!unsub)
        this.eventUnsubscribes = this.eventUnsubscribes.filter((u) => u !== unsub);
      unsub =, cb);
      return unsubProxy;
    /** Subscribes to an event and calls the callback or resolves the Promise only once */
    once(event, cb) {
      return new Promise((resolve) => {
        let unsub;
        const onceProxy = (...args) => {
          cb == null ? undefined : cb(...args);
        unsub = this.on(event, onceProxy);
    /** Emits an event on this instance - Needs `publicEmit` to be set to true in the constructor! */
    emit(event, ...args) {
      if (this.emitterOptions.publicEmit) {, ...args);
        return true;
      return false;
    /** Unsubscribes all event listeners */
    unsubscribeAll() {
      for (const unsub of this.eventUnsubscribes)
      this.eventUnsubscribes = [];

  // lib/Debouncer.ts
  var Debouncer = class extends NanoEmitter {
     * Creates a new debouncer with the specified timeout and edge type.
     * @param timeout Timeout in milliseconds between letting through calls - defaults to 200
     * @param type The edge type to use for the debouncer - see {@linkcode DebouncerType} for details or [the documentation for an explanation and diagram]( - defaults to "immediate"
    constructor(timeout = 200, type = "immediate") {
      this.timeout = timeout;
      this.type = type;
      /** All registered listener functions and the time they were attached */
      __publicField(this, "listeners", []);
      /** The currently active timeout */
      __publicField(this, "activeTimeout");
      /** The latest queued call */
      __publicField(this, "queuedCall");
    //#region listeners
    /** Adds a listener function that will be called on timeout */
    addListener(fn) {
    /** Removes the listener with the specified function reference */
    removeListener(fn) {
      const idx = this.listeners.findIndex((l) => l === fn);
      idx !== -1 && this.listeners.splice(idx, 1);
    /** Removes all listeners */
    removeAllListeners() {
      this.listeners = [];
    //#region timeout
    /** Sets the timeout for the debouncer */
    setTimeout(timeout) {
      this.emit("change", this.timeout = timeout, this.type);
    /** Returns the current timeout */
    getTimeout() {
      return this.timeout;
    /** Whether the timeout is currently active, meaning any latest call to the {@linkcode call()} method will be queued */
    isTimeoutActive() {
      return typeof this.activeTimeout !== "undefined";
    //#region type
    /** Sets the edge type for the debouncer */
    setType(type) {
      this.emit("change", this.timeout, this.type = type);
    /** Returns the current edge type */
    getType() {
      return this.type;
    //#region call
    /** Use this to call the debouncer with the specified arguments that will be passed to all listener functions registered with {@linkcode addListener()} */
    call(...args) {
      const cl = (...a) => {
        this.queuedCall = undefined;
        this.emit("call", ...a);
        this.listeners.forEach((l) => l.apply(this, a));
      const setRepeatTimeout = () => {
        this.activeTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
          if (this.queuedCall) {
          } else
            this.activeTimeout = undefined;
        }, this.timeout);
      switch (this.type) {
        case "immediate":
          if (typeof this.activeTimeout === "undefined") {
          } else
            this.queuedCall = () => cl(...args);
        case "idle":
          if (this.activeTimeout)
          this.activeTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
            this.activeTimeout = undefined;
          }, this.timeout);
          throw new Error(`Invalid debouncer type: ${this.type}`);
  function debounce(fn, timeout = 200, type = "immediate") {
    const debouncer = new Debouncer(timeout, type);
    const func = (...args) =>;
    func.debouncer = debouncer;
    return func;

  // lib/Dialog.ts
  var defaultDialogCss = `.uu-no-select {
  user-select: none;

.uu-dialog-bg {
  --uu-dialog-bg: #333333;
  --uu-dialog-bg-highlight: #252525;
  --uu-scroll-indicator-bg: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.7);
  --uu-dialog-separator-color: #797979;
  --uu-dialog-border-radius: 10px;

.uu-dialog-bg {
  display: block;
  position: fixed;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  z-index: 5;
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);

.uu-dialog {
  --uu-calc-dialog-height: calc(min(100vh - 40px, var(--uu-dialog-height-max)));
  position: absolute;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  width: calc(min(100% - 60px, var(--uu-dialog-width-max)));
  border-radius: var(--uu-dialog-border-radius);
  height: auto;
  max-height: var(--uu-calc-dialog-height);
  left: 50%;
  top: 50%;
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  z-index: 6;
  color: #fff;
  background-color: var(--uu-dialog-bg);

.uu-dialog.align-top {
  top: 0;
  transform: translate(-50%, 40px);

.uu-dialog.align-bottom {
  top: 100%;
  transform: translate(-50%, -100%);

.uu-dialog-body {
  font-size: 1.5rem;
  padding: 20px;

.uu-dialog-body.small {
  padding: 15px;

#uu-dialog-opts {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  position: relative;
  padding: 30px 0px;
  overflow-y: auto;

.uu-dialog-header {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-between;
  align-items: center;
  margin-bottom: 6px;
  padding: 15px 20px 15px 20px;
  background-color: var(--uu-dialog-bg);
  border: 2px solid var(--uu-dialog-separator-color);
  border-style: none none solid none !important;
  border-radius: var(--uu-dialog-border-radius) var(--uu-dialog-border-radius) 0px 0px;

.uu-dialog-header.small {
  padding: 10px 15px;
  border-style: none none solid none !important;

.uu-dialog-header-pad {
  content: " ";
  min-height: 32px;

.uu-dialog-header-pad.small {
  min-height: 24px;

.uu-dialog-titlecont {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;

.uu-dialog-titlecont-no-title {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: flex-end;
  align-items: center;

.uu-dialog-title {
  position: relative;
  display: inline-block;
  font-size: 22px;

.uu-dialog-close {
  cursor: pointer;

  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;

  width: 24px;
  height: 24px;

.uu-dialog-footer {
  font-size: 17px;
  text-decoration: underline;

.uu-dialog-footer.hidden {
  display: none;

.uu-dialog-footer-cont {
  margin-top: 6px;
  padding: 15px 20px;
  background: var(--uu-dialog-bg);
  background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0%, var(--uu-dialog-bg) 30%, var(--uu-dialog-bg) 100%);
  border: 2px solid var(--uu-dialog-separator-color);
  border-style: solid none none none !important;
  border-radius: 0px 0px var(--uu-dialog-border-radius) var(--uu-dialog-border-radius);

.uu-dialog-footer-buttons-cont button:not(:last-of-type) {
  margin-right: 15px;
  exports.currentDialogId = null;
  var openDialogs = [];
  var defaultStrings = {
    closeDialogTooltip: "Click to close the dialog"
  var Dialog = class _Dialog extends NanoEmitter {
    constructor(options) {
      /** Options passed to the dialog in the constructor */
      __publicField(this, "options");
      /** ID that gets added to child element IDs - has to be unique and conform to HTML ID naming rules! */
      __publicField(this, "id");
      /** Strings used in the dialog (used for translations) */
      __publicField(this, "strings");
      __publicField(this, "dialogOpen", false);
      __publicField(this, "dialogMounted", false);
      const _a = options, { strings } = _a, opts = __objRest(_a, ["strings"]);
      this.strings = __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, defaultStrings), strings != null ? strings : {});
      this.options = __spreadValues({
        closeOnBgClick: true,
        closeOnEscPress: true,
        destroyOnClose: false,
        unmountOnClose: true,
        removeListenersOnDestroy: true,
        small: false,
        verticalAlign: "center"
      }, opts); =;
    //#region public
    /** Call after DOMContentLoaded to pre-render the dialog and invisibly mount it in the DOM */
    mount() {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        var _a;
        if (this.dialogMounted)
        this.dialogMounted = true;
        if (!document.querySelector("style.uu-dialog-css"))
          addGlobalStyle((_a = this.options.dialogCss) != null ? _a : defaultDialogCss).classList.add("uu-dialog-css");
        const bgElem = document.createElement("div"); = `uu-${}-dialog-bg`;
        if (this.options.closeOnBgClick)
          bgElem.ariaLabel = bgElem.title = this.getString("closeDialogTooltip");"--uu-dialog-width-max", `${this.options.width}px`);"--uu-dialog-height-max", `${this.options.height}px`); = "hidden"; = "none";
        bgElem.inert = true;
        bgElem.appendChild(yield this.getDialogContent());
        return bgElem;
    /** Closes the dialog and clears all its contents (unmounts elements from the DOM) in preparation for a new rendering call */
    unmount() {
      var _a;
      this.dialogMounted = false;
      const clearSelectors = [
      for (const sel of clearSelectors)
        (_a = document.querySelector(sel)) == null ? undefined : _a.remove();"clear");
    /** Clears the DOM of the dialog and then renders it again */
    remount() {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        yield this.mount();
     * Opens the dialog - also mounts it if it hasn't been mounted yet  
     * Prevents default action and immediate propagation of the passed event
    open(e) {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        var _a;
        e == null ? undefined : e.preventDefault();
        e == null ? undefined : e.stopImmediatePropagation();
        if (this.isOpen())
        this.dialogOpen = true;
        if (openDialogs.includes(
          throw new Error(`A dialog with the same ID of '${}' already exists and is open!`);
        if (!this.isMounted())
          yield this.mount();
        const dialogBg = document.querySelector(`#uu-${}-dialog-bg`);
        if (!dialogBg)
          return console.warn(`Couldn't find background element for dialog with ID '${}'`); = "visible"; = "block";
        dialogBg.inert = false;
        exports.currentDialogId =;
        for (const dialogId of openDialogs)
          if (dialogId !==
            (_a = document.querySelector(`#uu-${dialogId}-dialog-bg`)) == null ? undefined : _a.setAttribute("inert", "true");
        document.body.setAttribute("inert", "true");"open");
        return dialogBg;
    /** Closes the dialog - prevents default action and immediate propagation of the passed event */
    close(e) {
      var _a, _b;
      e == null ? undefined : e.preventDefault();
      e == null ? undefined : e.stopImmediatePropagation();
      if (!this.isOpen())
      this.dialogOpen = false;
      const dialogBg = document.querySelector(`#uu-${}-dialog-bg`);
      if (!dialogBg)
        return console.warn(`Couldn't find background element for dialog with ID '${}'`); = "hidden"; = "none";
      dialogBg.inert = true;
      openDialogs.splice(openDialogs.indexOf(, 1);
      exports.currentDialogId = (_a = openDialogs[0]) != null ? _a : null;
      if (exports.currentDialogId)
        (_b = document.querySelector(`#uu-${exports.currentDialogId}-dialog-bg`)) == null ? undefined : _b.removeAttribute("inert");
      if (openDialogs.length === 0) {
      if (this.options.destroyOnClose)
      else if (this.options.unmountOnClose)
    /** Returns true if the dialog is currently open */
    isOpen() {
      return this.dialogOpen;
    /** Returns true if the dialog is currently mounted */
    isMounted() {
      return this.dialogMounted;
    /** Clears the DOM of the dialog and removes all event listeners */
    destroy() {
      this.options.removeListenersOnDestroy && this.unsubscribeAll();
    //#region static
    /** Returns the ID of the top-most dialog (the dialog that has been opened last) */
    static getCurrentDialogId() {
      return exports.currentDialogId;
    /** Returns the IDs of all currently open dialogs, top-most first */
    static getOpenDialogs() {
      return openDialogs;
    //#region protected
    getString(key) {
      var _a;
      return (_a = this.strings[key]) != null ? _a : defaultStrings[key];
    /** Called once to attach all generic event listeners */
    attachListeners(bgElem) {
      if (this.options.closeOnBgClick) {
        bgElem.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
          var _a;
          if (this.isOpen() && ((_a = == null ? undefined : === `uu-${}-dialog-bg`)
      if (this.options.closeOnEscPress) {
        document.body.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
          if (e.key === "Escape" && this.isOpen() && _Dialog.getCurrentDialogId() ===
    //#region protected
     * Adds generic, accessible interaction listeners to the passed element.  
     * All listeners have the default behavior prevented and stop propagation (for keyboard events only as long as the captured key is valid).
     * @param listenerOptions Provide a {@linkcode listenerOptions} object to configure the listeners
    onInteraction(elem, listener, listenerOptions) {
      const _a = listenerOptions != null ? listenerOptions : {}, { preventDefault = true, stopPropagation = true } = _a, listenerOpts = __objRest(_a, ["preventDefault", "stopPropagation"]);
      const interactionKeys = ["Enter", " ", "Space"];
      const proxListener = (e) => {
        if (e instanceof KeyboardEvent) {
          if (interactionKeys.includes(e.key)) {
            preventDefault && e.preventDefault();
            stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation();
          } else return;
        } else if (e instanceof MouseEvent) {
          preventDefault && e.preventDefault();
          stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation();
        (listenerOpts == null ? undefined : listenerOpts.once) && e.type === "keydown" && elem.removeEventListener("click", proxListener, listenerOpts);
        (listenerOpts == null ? undefined : listenerOpts.once) && e.type === "click" && elem.removeEventListener("keydown", proxListener, listenerOpts);
      elem.addEventListener("click", proxListener, listenerOpts);
      elem.addEventListener("keydown", proxListener, listenerOpts);
    /** Returns the dialog content element and all its children */
    getDialogContent() {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        var _a, _b, _c, _d;
        const header = (_b = (_a = this.options).renderHeader) == null ? undefined :;
        const footer = (_d = (_c = this.options).renderFooter) == null ? undefined :;
        const dialogWrapperEl = document.createElement("div"); = `uu-${}-dialog`;
        dialogWrapperEl.ariaLabel = dialogWrapperEl.title = "";
        dialogWrapperEl.role = "dialog";
        dialogWrapperEl.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", `uu-${}-dialog-title`);
        dialogWrapperEl.setAttribute("aria-describedby", `uu-${}-dialog-body`);
        if (this.options.verticalAlign !== "center")
        const headerWrapperEl = document.createElement("div");
        this.options.small && headerWrapperEl.classList.add("small");
        if (header) {
          const headerTitleWrapperEl = document.createElement("div");
 = `uu-${}-dialog-title`;
          headerTitleWrapperEl.role = "heading";
          headerTitleWrapperEl.ariaLevel = "1";
          headerTitleWrapperEl.appendChild(header instanceof Promise ? yield header : header);
        } else {
          const padEl = document.createElement("div");
          padEl.classList.add("uu-dialog-header-pad", this.options.small ? "small" : "");
        if (this.options.renderCloseBtn) {
          const closeBtnEl = yield this.options.renderCloseBtn();
          this.options.small && closeBtnEl.classList.add("small");
          closeBtnEl.tabIndex = 0;
          if (closeBtnEl.hasAttribute("alt"))
            closeBtnEl.setAttribute("alt", this.getString("closeDialogTooltip"));
          closeBtnEl.title = closeBtnEl.ariaLabel = this.getString("closeDialogTooltip");
          this.onInteraction(closeBtnEl, () => this.close());
        const dialogBodyElem = document.createElement("div"); = `uu-${}-dialog-body`;
        this.options.small && dialogBodyElem.classList.add("small");
        const body = this.options.renderBody();
        dialogBodyElem.appendChild(body instanceof Promise ? yield body : body);
        if (footer) {
          const footerWrapper = document.createElement("div");
          footerWrapper.appendChild(footer instanceof Promise ? yield footer : footer);
        return dialogWrapperEl;

  // lib/misc.ts
  function autoPlural(term, num, pluralType = "auto") {
    let n = num;
    if (typeof n !== "number")
      n = getListLength(n, false);
    if (!["-s", "-ies"].includes(pluralType))
      pluralType = "auto";
    if (isNaN(n))
      n = 2;
    const pType = pluralType === "auto" ? String(term).endsWith("y") ? "-ies" : "-s" : pluralType;
    switch (pType) {
      case "-s":
        return `${term}${n === 1 ? "" : "s"}`;
      case "-ies":
        return `${String(term).slice(0, -1)}${n === 1 ? "y" : "ies"}`;
        return String(term);
  function insertValues(input, ...values) {
    return input.replace(/%\d/gm, (match) => {
      var _a, _b;
      const argIndex = Number(match.substring(1)) - 1;
      return (_b = (_a = values[argIndex]) != null ? _a : match) == null ? undefined : _b.toString();
  function pauseFor(time, signal, rejectOnAbort = false) {
    return new Promise((res, rej) => {
      const timeout = setTimeout(() => res(), time);
      signal == null ? undefined : signal.addEventListener("abort", () => {
        rejectOnAbort ? rej(new Error("The pause was aborted")) : res();
  function fetchAdvanced(_0) {
    return __async(this, arguments, function* (input, options = {}) {
      const { timeout = 1e4 } = options;
      const ctl = new AbortController();
      const _a = options, { signal } = _a, restOpts = __objRest(_a, ["signal"]);
      signal == null ? undefined : signal.addEventListener("abort", () => ctl.abort());
      let sigOpts = {}, id = undefined;
      if (timeout >= 0) {
        id = setTimeout(() => ctl.abort(), timeout);
        sigOpts = { signal: ctl.signal };
      try {
        const res = yield fetch(input, __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, restOpts), sigOpts));
        typeof id !== "undefined" && clearTimeout(id);
        return res;
      } catch (err) {
        typeof id !== "undefined" && clearTimeout(id);
        throw new Error("Error while calling fetch", { cause: err });
  function consumeGen(valGen) {
    return __async(this, null, function* () {
      return yield typeof valGen === "function" ? valGen() : valGen;
  function consumeStringGen(strGen) {
    return __async(this, null, function* () {
      return typeof strGen === "string" ? strGen : String(
        typeof strGen === "function" ? yield strGen() : strGen
  function getListLength(obj, zeroOnInvalid = true) {
    return "length" in obj ? obj.length : "size" in obj ? obj.size : "count" in obj ? obj.count : zeroOnInvalid ? 0 : NaN;

  // lib/SelectorObserver.ts
  var domLoaded = false;
  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => domLoaded = true);
  var SelectorObserver = class {
    constructor(baseElement, options = {}) {
      __publicField(this, "enabled", false);
      __publicField(this, "baseElement");
      __publicField(this, "observer");
      __publicField(this, "observerOptions");
      __publicField(this, "customOptions");
      __publicField(this, "listenerMap");
      this.baseElement = baseElement;
      this.listenerMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
      const _a = options, {
      } = _a, observerOptions = __objRest(_a, [
      this.observerOptions = __spreadValues({
        childList: true,
        subtree: true
      }, observerOptions);
      this.customOptions = {
        defaultDebounce: defaultDebounce != null ? defaultDebounce : 0,
        defaultDebounceType: defaultDebounceType != null ? defaultDebounceType : "immediate",
        disableOnNoListeners: disableOnNoListeners != null ? disableOnNoListeners : false,
        enableOnAddListener: enableOnAddListener != null ? enableOnAddListener : true
      if (typeof this.customOptions.checkInterval !== "number") { = new MutationObserver(() => this.checkAllSelectors());
      } else {
        setInterval(() => this.checkAllSelectors(), this.customOptions.checkInterval);
    /** Call to check all selectors in the {@linkcode listenerMap} using {@linkcode checkSelector()} */
    checkAllSelectors() {
      if (!this.enabled || !domLoaded)
      for (const [selector, listeners] of this.listenerMap.entries())
        this.checkSelector(selector, listeners);
    /** Checks if the element(s) with the given {@linkcode selector} exist in the DOM and calls the respective {@linkcode listeners} accordingly */
    checkSelector(selector, listeners) {
      var _a;
      if (!this.enabled)
      const baseElement = typeof this.baseElement === "string" ? document.querySelector(this.baseElement) : this.baseElement;
      if (!baseElement)
      const all = listeners.some((listener) => listener.all);
      const one = listeners.some((listener) => !listener.all);
      const allElements = all ? baseElement.querySelectorAll(selector) : null;
      const oneElement = one ? baseElement.querySelector(selector) : null;
      for (const options of listeners) {
        if (options.all) {
          if (allElements && allElements.length > 0) {
            if (!options.continuous)
              this.removeListener(selector, options);
        } else {
          if (oneElement) {
            if (!options.continuous)
              this.removeListener(selector, options);
        if (((_a = this.listenerMap.get(selector)) == null ? undefined : _a.length) === 0)
        if (this.listenerMap.size === 0 && this.customOptions.disableOnNoListeners)
     * Starts observing the children of the base element for changes to the given {@linkcode selector} according to the set {@linkcode options}
     * @param selector The selector to observe
     * @param options Options for the selector observation
     * @param options.listener Gets called whenever the selector was found in the DOM
     * @param [options.all] Whether to use `querySelectorAll()` instead - default is false
     * @param [options.continuous] Whether to call the listener continuously instead of just once - default is false
     * @param [options.debounce] Whether to debounce the listener to reduce calls to `querySelector` or `querySelectorAll` - set undefined or <=0 to disable (default)
     * @returns Returns a function that can be called to remove this listener more easily
    addListener(selector, options) {
      options = __spreadValues({
        all: false,
        continuous: false,
        debounce: 0
      }, options);
      if (options.debounce && options.debounce > 0 || this.customOptions.defaultDebounce && this.customOptions.defaultDebounce > 0) {
        options.listener = debounce(
          options.debounce || this.customOptions.defaultDebounce,
          options.debounceType || this.customOptions.defaultDebounceType
      if (this.listenerMap.has(selector))
        this.listenerMap.set(selector, [options]);
      if (this.enabled === false && this.customOptions.enableOnAddListener)
      this.checkSelector(selector, [options]);
      return () => this.removeListener(selector, options);
    /** Disables the observation of the child elements */
    disable() {
      var _a;
      if (!this.enabled)
      this.enabled = false;
      (_a = == null ? undefined : _a.disconnect();
     * Enables or reenables the observation of the child elements.
     * @param immediatelyCheckSelectors Whether to immediately check if all previously registered selectors exist (default is true)
     * @returns Returns true when the observation was enabled, false otherwise (e.g. when the base element wasn't found)
    enable(immediatelyCheckSelectors = true) {
      var _a;
      const baseElement = typeof this.baseElement === "string" ? document.querySelector(this.baseElement) : this.baseElement;
      if (this.enabled || !baseElement)
        return false;
      this.enabled = true;
      (_a = == null ? undefined : _a.observe(baseElement, this.observerOptions);
      if (immediatelyCheckSelectors)
      return true;
    /** Returns whether the observation of the child elements is currently enabled */
    isEnabled() {
      return this.enabled;
    /** Removes all listeners that have been registered with {@linkcode addListener()} */
    clearListeners() {
     * Removes all listeners for the given {@linkcode selector} that have been registered with {@linkcode addListener()}
     * @returns Returns true when all listeners for the associated selector were found and removed, false otherwise
    removeAllListeners(selector) {
      return this.listenerMap.delete(selector);
     * Removes a single listener for the given {@linkcode selector} and {@linkcode options} that has been registered with {@linkcode addListener()}
     * @returns Returns true when the listener was found and removed, false otherwise
    removeListener(selector, options) {
      const listeners = this.listenerMap.get(selector);
      if (!listeners)
        return false;
      const index = listeners.indexOf(options);
      if (index > -1) {
        listeners.splice(index, 1);
        return true;
      return false;
    /** Returns all listeners that have been registered with {@linkcode addListener()} */
    getAllListeners() {
      return this.listenerMap;
    /** Returns all listeners for the given {@linkcode selector} that have been registered with {@linkcode addListener()} */
    getListeners(selector) {
      return this.listenerMap.get(selector);

  // lib/translation.ts
  var trans = {};
  var valTransforms = [];
  var fallbackLang;
  function translate(language, key, ...trArgs) {
    if (typeof language !== "string")
      language = fallbackLang != null ? fallbackLang : "";
    const trObj = trans[language];
    if (typeof language !== "string" || language.length === 0 || typeof trObj !== "object" || trObj === null)
      return fallbackLang ? translate(fallbackLang, key, ...trArgs) : key;
    const transformTrVal = (trKey, trValue) => {
      const tfs = valTransforms.filter(({ regex }) => new RegExp(regex).test(trValue));
      if (tfs.length === 0)
        return trValue;
      let retStr = String(trValue);
      for (const tf of tfs) {
        const re = new RegExp(tf.regex);
        const matches = [];
        let execRes;
        while ((execRes = re.exec(trValue)) !== null) {
          if (matches.some((m) => m[0] === (execRes == null ? undefined : execRes[0])))
        retStr = String(tf.fn({
          currentValue: retStr,
      return retStr;
    const keyParts = key.split(".");
    let value = trObj;
    for (const part of keyParts) {
      if (typeof value !== "object" || value === null) {
        value = undefined;
      value = value == null ? undefined : value[part];
    if (typeof value === "string")
      return transformTrVal(key, value);
    value = trObj == null ? undefined : trObj[key];
    if (typeof value === "string")
      return transformTrVal(key, value);
    return fallbackLang ? translate(fallbackLang, key, ...trArgs) : key;
  function trFor(language, key, ...args) {
    const txt = translate(language, key, ...args);
    if (txt === key)
      return fallbackLang ? translate(fallbackLang, key, ...args) : key;
    return txt;
  function useTr(language) {
    return (key, ...args) => translate(language, key, ...args);
  function hasKey(language = fallbackLang != null ? fallbackLang : "", key) {
    return tr.for(language, key) !== key;
  function addTranslations(language, translations) {
    trans[language] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(translations));
  function getTranslations(language = fallbackLang != null ? fallbackLang : "") {
    return trans[language];
  var deleteTranslations = (language) => {
    if (language in trans) {
      delete trans[language];
      return true;
    return false;
  function setFallbackLanguage(fallbackLanguage) {
    fallbackLang = fallbackLanguage;
  function getFallbackLanguage() {
    return fallbackLang;
  function addTransform(transform) {
    const [pattern, fn] = transform;
      regex: typeof pattern === "string" ? new RegExp(pattern, "gm") : pattern
  function deleteTransform(patternOrFn) {
    const idx = valTransforms.findIndex(
      (t) => typeof patternOrFn === "function" ? t.fn === patternOrFn : typeof patternOrFn === "string" ? t.regex.source === patternOrFn : t.regex === patternOrFn
    if (idx !== -1) {
      valTransforms.splice(idx, 1);
      return true;
    return false;
  var templateLiteralTransform = [
    ({ matches, trArgs, trValue }) => {
      const patternStart = "${", patternEnd = "}", patternRegex = /\$\{.+\}/m;
      let str = String(trValue);
      const eachKeyInTrString = (keys) => keys.every((key) => trValue.includes(`${patternStart}${key}${patternEnd}`));
      const namedMapping = () => {
        var _a;
        if (!str.includes(patternStart) || typeof trArgs[0] === "undefined" || typeof trArgs[0] !== "object" || !eachKeyInTrString(Object.keys((_a = trArgs[0]) != null ? _a : {})))
        for (const match of matches) {
          const repl = match[1] !== undefined ? trArgs[0][match[1]] : undefined;
          if (typeof repl !== "undefined")
            str = str.replace(match[0], String(repl));
      const positionalMapping = () => {
        if (!patternRegex.test(str) || !trArgs[0])
        let matchNum = -1;
        for (const match of matches) {
          if (typeof trArgs[matchNum] !== "undefined")
            str = str.replace(match[0], String(trArgs[matchNum]));
      const isArgsObject = trArgs[0] && typeof trArgs[0] === "object" && trArgs[0] !== null && String(trArgs[0]).startsWith("[object");
      if (isArgsObject && eachKeyInTrString(Object.keys(trArgs[0])))
      return str;
  var percentTransform = [
    ({ matches, trArgs, trValue }) => {
      let str = String(trValue);
      for (const match of matches) {
        const repl = match[1] !== undefined ? trArgs == null ? undefined : trArgs[Number(match[1]) - 1] : undefined;
        if (typeof repl !== "undefined")
          str = str.replace(match[0], String(repl));
      return str;
  var tr = {
    for: (...params) => trFor(...params),
    use: (...params) => useTr(...params),
    hasKey: (language = fallbackLang != null ? fallbackLang : "", key) => hasKey(language, key),
    transforms: {
      templateLiteral: templateLiteralTransform,
      percent: percentTransform

  exports.DataStore = DataStore;
  exports.DataStoreSerializer = DataStoreSerializer;
  exports.Debouncer = Debouncer;
  exports.Dialog = Dialog;
  exports.NanoEmitter = NanoEmitter;
  exports.SelectorObserver = SelectorObserver;
  exports.addGlobalStyle = addGlobalStyle;
  exports.addParent = addParent;
  exports.autoPlural = autoPlural;
  exports.clamp = clamp;
  exports.compress = compress;
  exports.computeHash = computeHash;
  exports.consumeGen = consumeGen;
  exports.consumeStringGen = consumeStringGen;
  exports.darkenColor = darkenColor;
  exports.debounce = debounce;
  exports.decompress = decompress;
  exports.defaultDialogCss = defaultDialogCss;
  exports.defaultStrings = defaultStrings;
  exports.digitCount = digitCount;
  exports.fetchAdvanced = fetchAdvanced;
  exports.getListLength = getListLength;
  exports.getSiblingsFrame = getSiblingsFrame;
  exports.getUnsafeWindow = getUnsafeWindow;
  exports.hexToRgb = hexToRgb;
  exports.insertValues = insertValues;
  exports.interceptEvent = interceptEvent;
  exports.interceptWindowEvent = interceptWindowEvent;
  exports.isScrollable = isScrollable;
  exports.lightenColor = lightenColor;
  exports.mapRange = mapRange;
  exports.observeElementProp = observeElementProp;
  exports.openDialogs = openDialogs;
  exports.openInNewTab = openInNewTab;
  exports.pauseFor = pauseFor;
  exports.preloadImages = preloadImages;
  exports.randRange = randRange;
  exports.randomId = randomId;
  exports.randomItem = randomItem;
  exports.randomItemIndex = randomItemIndex;
  exports.randomizeArray = randomizeArray;
  exports.rgbToHex = rgbToHex;
  exports.setInnerHtmlUnsafe = setInnerHtmlUnsafe;
  exports.takeRandomItem = takeRandomItem; = tr;

  return exports;
