Greasy Fork is available in English.

Implant Boosts Inventory

adds percentage of all implants equipped or that have been equipped.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Implant Boosts Inventory
// @version      0.7
// @description  adds percentage of all implants equipped or that have been equipped.
// @author       Kyll
// @match
// @icon
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

function CreateDisplay()
	var button = '<div id="boostcalc" data-inventory-type="storage" class="opElem" style="width: 40%; top: -2%;position: relative;left: 66%;font-family: serif;font-size: 14px;"><p style=" font-size: 15px; ">Implants Boosts</p><ul style="text-align: left;color: #00ff00;list-style: none;"><li><span class="BoostCalcs" style="position: relative;" data-boostcalc="+0% Exp Boost"></span></li><li><span class="BoostCalcs1" style="position: relative;" data-boostcalc="+0% PVP Points Boost"></span></li><li><span class="BoostCalcs2" style="position: relative;" data-boostcalc="+0% Damage Inflicted"></span></li><li><span class="BoostCalcs3" style="position: relative;" data-boostcalc="+0% Movement Speed"></span></li><li><span class="BoostCalcs4" style="position: relative;" data-boostcalc="+0% Ammo Looted"></span></li> <li><span class="BoostCalcs5" style="position: relative;" data-boostcalc="+0% Cash Looted"></span></li> <li><span class="BoostCalcs6" style="position: relative;" data-boostcalc="+0% Chance to Find Armour"></span></li> <li><span class="BoostCalcs7" style="position: relative;" data-boostcalc="+0% Chance to Find Weapon"></span></li> <li><span class="BoostCalcs8" style="position: relative;" data-boostcalc="+0% More Loot Spots"></span></li> <li><span class="BoostCalcs9" style="position: relative;" data-boostcalc="+0% Search Speed"></span></li> </ul></div>'
	document.getElementById("inventoryholder").insertAdjacentHTML ('beforeend', button);

(function() {
    'use strict';

    var code = '';

    code += '	var expboost = 0;';
    code += '	var pvppointsboost = 0;';
    code += '	var damageboost = 0;';
    code += '	var speedboost = 0;';
    code += '	var ammoboost = 0;';
    code += '	var cashboost = 0;';
    code += '	var findarmourboost = 0;';
    code += '	var findweaponboost = 0;';
    code += '	var lotspotboost = 0;';
    code += '	var searchspeedboost = 0;';

    code += 'function implantcalc()';
    code += '{';

    code += '	expboost = 0;';
    code += '	pvppointsboost = 0;';
    code += '	damageboost = 0;';
    code += '	speedboost = 0;';
    code += '	ammoboost = 0;';
    code += '	cashboost = 0;';
    code += '	findarmourboost = 0;';
    code += '	findweaponboost = 0;';
    code += '	lotspotboost = 0;';
    code += '	searchspeedboost = 0;';

    code += '	for(var i = 1; i <= userVars["DFSTATS_df_implantslots"]; i++)';
    code += '	{';
    code += '		if(typeof globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]?.["implant_expboostmod"] !== "undefined")';
    code += '		{';
    code += '           expboost += (globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]["implant_expboostmod"] * 100).toFixed(2) / 1;';
    code += '		}';
    code += '		if(typeof globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]?.["implant_pvppointsboostmod"] !== "undefined")';
    code += '		{';
    code += '           pvppointsboost += (globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]["implant_pvppointsboostmod"] * 100).toFixed(2) / 1;';
    code += '		}';
    code += '		if(typeof globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]?.["implant_damageboostmod"] !== "undefined")';
    code += '		{';
    code += '           damageboost += (globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]["implant_damageboostmod"] * 100).toFixed(2) / 1;';
    code += '		}';
    code += '		if(typeof globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]?.["implant_speedboostmod"] !== "undefined")';
    code += '		{';
    code += '           speedboost += (globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]["implant_speedboostmod"] * 100).toFixed(2) / 1;';
    code += '		}';
    code += '		if(typeof globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]?.["implant_ammolootboostmod"] !== "undefined")';
    code += '		{';
    code += '           ammoboost += (globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]["implant_ammolootboostmod"] * 100).toFixed(2) / 1;';
    code += '		}';
    code += '		if(typeof globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]?.["implant_cashlootboostmod"] !== "undefined")';
    code += '		{';
    code += '           cashboost += (globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]["implant_cashlootboostmod"] * 100).toFixed(2) / 1;';
    code += '		}';
    code += '		if(typeof globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]?.["implant_armourlootboostmod"] !== "undefined")';
    code += '		{';
    code += '           findarmourboost += (globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]["implant_armourlootboostmod"] * 100).toFixed(2) / 1;';
    code += '		}';
    code += '		if(typeof globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]?.["implant_weaponlootboostmod"] !== "undefined")';
    code += '		{';
    code += '           findweaponboost += (globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]["implant_weaponlootboostmod"] * 100).toFixed(2) / 1;';
    code += '		}';
    code += '		if(typeof globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]?.["implant_lootspotboostmod"] !== "undefined")';
    code += '		{';
    code += '           lotspotboost += (globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]["implant_lootspotboostmod"] * 100).toFixed(2) / 1;';
    code += '		}';
    code += '		if(typeof globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]?.["implant_searchspeedboostmod"] !== "undefined")';
    code += '		{';
    code += '           searchspeedboost += (globalData[userVars["DFSTATS_df_" + "implant" + i + "_type"]]["implant_searchspeedboostmod"] * 100).toFixed(2) / 1;';
    code += '		}';
    code += '	}';
    code += '	if(expboost > 0)';
    code += '	{';
    code += '		var expboost = "+" + expboost + " Exp Boost"; ';
    code += '		$(".BoostCalcs").each(function()';
    code += '		{';
    code += '   		$(this).text(expboost).attr("data-boostcalc", expboost);';
    code += '   		$(this).css(`color`, ``);';
    code += '		});';
    code += '	} else {';
 	code += '		if(expboost < 0)';
    code += '		{';
    code += '			var expboost = expboost + " Exp Boost"; ';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(expboost).attr("data-boostcalc", expboost);';
    code += '   			$(this).css(`color`, `red`);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		} else {';
    code += '			expboost = "";';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(expboost).attr("data-boostcalc", expboost);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		}';
    code += '	}';
    code += '	if(pvppointsboost > 0)';
    code += '	{';
    code += '		var pvppointsboost = "+" + pvppointsboost + " PVP Points Boost"; ';
    code += '		$(".BoostCalcs1").each(function()';
    code += '		{';
    code += '   		$(this).text(pvppointsboost).attr("data-boostcalc", pvppointsboost);';
    code += '   		$(this).css(`color`, ``);';
    code += '		});';
    code += '	} else {';
 	code += '		if(pvppointsboost < 0)';
    code += '		{';
    code += '			var pvppointsboost = pvppointsboost + " PVP Points Boost"; ';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs1").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(pvppointsboost).attr("data-boostcalc", pvppointsboost);';
    code += '   			$(this).css(`color`, `red`);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		} else {';
    code += '			pvppointsboost = "";';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs1").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(pvppointsboost).attr("data-boostcalc", pvppointsboost);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		}';
    code += '	}';
    code += '	if(damageboost > 0)';
    code += '	{';
    code += '		var damageboost = "+" + damageboost + " Damage Inflicted"; ';
    code += '		$(".BoostCalcs2").each(function()';
    code += '		{';
    code += '   		$(this).text(damageboost).attr("data-boostcalc", damageboost);';
    code += '   		$(this).css(`color`, ``);';
    code += '		});';
    code += '	} else {';
 	code += '		if(damageboost < 0)';
    code += '		{';
    code += '			var damageboost = damageboost + " Damage Inflicted"; ';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs2").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(damageboost).attr("data-boostcalc", damageboost);';
    code += '   			$(this).css(`color`, `red`);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		} else {';
    code += '			damageboost = "";';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs2").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(damageboost).attr("data-boostcalc", damageboost);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		}';
    code += '	}';
    code += '	if(speedboost > 0)';
    code += '	{';
    code += '		var speedboost = "+" + speedboost + " Movement Boost"; ';
    code += '		$(".BoostCalcs3").each(function()';
    code += '		{';
    code += '   		$(this).text(speedboost).attr("data-boostcalc", speedboost);';
    code += '   		$(this).css(`color`, ``);';
    code += '		});';
    code += '	} else {';
 	code += '		if(speedboost < 0)';
    code += '		{';
    code += '			var speedboost = speedboost + " Movement Boost"; ';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs3").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(speedboost).attr("data-boostcalc", speedboost);';
    code += '   			$(this).css(`color`, `red`);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		} else {';
    code += '			speedboost = "";';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs3").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(speedboost).attr("data-boostcalc", speedboost);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		}';
    code += '	}';
    code += '	if(ammoboost > 0)';
    code += '	{';
    code += '		var ammoboost = "+" + ammoboost + " Ammo Looted"; ';
    code += '		$(".BoostCalcs4").each(function()';
    code += '		{';
    code += '   		$(this).text(ammoboost).attr("data-boostcalc", ammoboost);';
    code += '   		$(this).css(`color`, ``);';
    code += '		});';
    code += '	} else {';
 	code += '		if(ammoboost < 0)';
    code += '		{';
    code += '			var ammoboost = ammoboost + " Ammo Looted"; ';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs4").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(ammoboost).attr("data-boostcalc", ammoboost);';
    code += '   			$(this).css(`color`, `red`);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		} else {';
    code += '			ammoboost = "";';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs4").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(ammoboost).attr("data-boostcalc", ammoboost);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		}';
    code += '	}';
    code += '	if(cashboost > 0)';
    code += '	{';
    code += '		var cashboost = "+" + cashboost + " Cash Looted"; ';
    code += '		$(".BoostCalcs5").each(function()';
    code += '		{';
    code += '   		$(this).text(cashboost).attr("data-boostcalc", cashboost);';
    code += '   		$(this).css(`color`, ``);';
    code += '		});';
    code += '	} else {';
 	code += '		if(cashboost < 0)';
    code += '		{';
    code += '			var cashboost = cashboost + " Cash Looted"; ';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs5").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(cashboost).attr("data-boostcalc", cashboost);';
    code += '   			$(this).css(`color`, `red`);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		} else {';
    code += '			cashboost = "";';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs5").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(cashboost).attr("data-boostcalc", cashboost);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		}';
    code += '	}';
    code += '	if(findarmourboost > 0)';
    code += '	{';
    code += '		var findarmourboost = "+" + findarmourboost + " Chance to Find Armour"; ';
    code += '		$(".BoostCalcs6").each(function()';
    code += '		{';
    code += '   		$(this).text(findarmourboost).attr("data-boostcalc", findarmourboost);';
    code += '   		$(this).css(`color`, ``);';
    code += '		});';
    code += '	} else {';
 	code += '		if(findarmourboost < 0)';
    code += '		{';
    code += '			var findarmourboost = findarmourboost + " Chance to Find Armour"; ';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs6").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(findarmourboost).attr("data-boostcalc", findarmourboost);';
    code += '   			$(this).css(`color`, `red`);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		} else {';
    code += '			findarmourboost = "";';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs6").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(findarmourboost).attr("data-boostcalc", findarmourboost);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		}';
    code += '	}';
    code += '	if(findweaponboost > 0)';
    code += '	{';
    code += '		var findweaponboost = "+" + findweaponboost + " Chance to Find Weapon"; ';
    code += '		$(".BoostCalcs7").each(function()';
    code += '		{';
    code += '   		$(this).text(findweaponboost).attr("data-boostcalc", findweaponboost);';
    code += '   		$(this).css(`color`, ``);';
    code += '		});';
    code += '	} else {';
 	code += '		if(findweaponboost < 0)';
    code += '		{';
    code += '			var findweaponboost = findweaponboost + " Chance to Find Weapon"; ';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs7").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(findweaponboost).attr("data-boostcalc", findweaponboost);';
    code += '   			$(this).css(`color`, `red`);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		} else {';
    code += '			findweaponboost = "";';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs7").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(findweaponboost).attr("data-boostcalc", findweaponboost);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		}';
    code += '	}';
    code += '	if(lotspotboost > 0)';
    code += '	{';
    code += '		var lotspotboost = "+" + lotspotboost + " More Loot Spots"; ';
    code += '		$(".BoostCalcs8").each(function()';
    code += '		{';
    code += '   		$(this).text(lotspotboost).attr("data-boostcalc", lotspotboost);';
    code += '   		$(this).css(`color`, ``);';
    code += '		});';
    code += '	} else {';
 	code += '		if(lotspotboost < 0)';
    code += '		{';
    code += '			var lotspotboost = lotspotboost + " More Loot Spots"; ';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs8").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(lotspotboost).attr("data-boostcalc", lotspotboost);';
    code += '   			$(this).css(`color`, `red`);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		} else {';
    code += '			lotspotboost = "";';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs8").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(lotspotboost).attr("data-boostcalc", lotspotboost);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		}';
    code += '	}';
    code += '	if(searchspeedboost > 0)';
    code += '	{';
    code += '		var searchspeedboost = "+" + searchspeedboost + " Search Speed"; ';
    code += '		$(".BoostCalcs9").each(function()';
    code += '		{';
    code += '   		$(this).text(searchspeedboost).attr("data-boostcalc", searchspeedboost);';
    code += '   		$(this).css(`color`, ``);';
    code += '		});';
    code += '	} else {';
 	code += '		if(searchspeedboost < 0)';
    code += '		{';
    code += '			var searchspeedboost = searchspeedboost + " Search Speed"; ';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs9").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(searchspeedboost).attr("data-boostcalc", searchspeedboost);';
    code += '   			$(this).css(`color`, `red`);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		} else {';
    code += '			searchspeedboost = "";';
    code += '			$(".BoostCalcs9").each(function()';
    code += '			{';
    code += '   			$(this).text(searchspeedboost).attr("data-boostcalc", searchspeedboost);';
    code += '			});';
    code += '		}';
    code += '	}';
    code += '}';

    code += 'var target = prompt;';

    code += 'var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {';
    code += '	implantcalc();';
    code += '});';

    code += 'observer.observe(target, {';
    code += '	attributes: true,';
    code += '	childList: true,';
    code += '	characterData: true';
    code += '});';

    var script = document.createElement('script');
    script.innerText = code;

    document.addEventListener("load", CreateDisplay());
    document.addEventListener("load", implantcalc());
