Open/save images with RMB without prompt on Gelbooru/Danbooru/etc

interact with images using RMB and modifier keys

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Open images in a new tab with ctrl+RMB
Save images with alt+RMB
Open images in a new window with shift+RMB

For pages with only image (no other content, 'image in a new tab'), ctrl or shift with RMB will close the tab, alt will save the image


Interact with images using RMB (Right Mouse Button) and modifier keys.
Basically a shortcut to save images without 'Save as' window, or preview images fast.
Created to save time while browsing gelbooru, deviantart, sankakucomplex, etc. since I got tired of waiting for 'Save as' window forever on my potato laptop.

Use cases:
- Open a bunch of images in separate tabs without doing 'Right click > Open in a new tab' routine
- View every image separately, save them faster without 'Save as' window or just close the tab
- Preview image in a new window, admire the image then save it or just close the window

Controls (when clicking on the image):
alt + RMB: Download an image without prompt. If the image url is cross-origin AND no extension specified in the url, new tab will open instead. Example -- images in steam hub.
ctrl + RMB: Open an image in a new tab (not focused).
shift + RMB: Open an image in a new window (focused).

On the opened image tab (when clicking on the image):
alt + RMB: Download an image without prompt, then close the tab (won't close if opened by entering direct link in the address bar, since script can only close tabs when they were opened by script/context menu).
ctrl + RMB: Close the tab.
shift + RMB: Close the tab.