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MAL Profile Stats With Percentages + Hours

MAL Percentages + Hours

À partir de 2020-07-25. Voir la dernière version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name MAL Profile Stats With Percentages + Hours
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description MAL Percentages + Hours
// @author Only_Brad (& commented by hacker09)
// @match*
// @run-at document-end
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

// Functions to select the days txt and day numbers to convert then to txt hours and numbers in hours later
GM_addStyle(".profile .user-statistics .stats-status{width: 200px;}");
const days = document.querySelector(""),
hours = days.cloneNode(true),
hoursText = hours.querySelector("span"),
hoursValueNode = hoursText.nextSibling,
hoursValue = parseFloat(hoursValueNode.textContent.replace(/,/g,""));

// Add the symbol // on the beginning the 2 lines below "disable" the total hours,then you can have just the mal percentages feature
hoursText.textContent = "Hours: ";
hoursValueNode.textContent = (hoursValue * 24).toFixed(1);

// Functions to select all the animes stats and the Total stats
const total = parseInt(document.querySelector(".stats-data.fl-r span:nth-child(2)").textContent.replace(/,/g,""));
const [watching,completed,onHold,dropped,planToWatch] = document.querySelectorAll(".di-ib.fl-r.lh10");

// Functions to add the percentage after the total number of each watching,completed,onHold,dropped,planToWatch

// Functions that do the math
function getPercentage(node) {
const value = parseInt(node.textContent.replace(/,/g,""));
if(total === 0) return "0.00";
return (value*100/total).toFixed(2);

// Functions to show and append the scores after each watching,completed,onHold,dropped,planToWatch
function addPercentage(node) {
const percentage = getPercentage(node);
node.textContent = `${node.textContent} (${percentage}%)`;