Greasy Fork is available in English.



À partir de 2020-10-11. Voir la dernière version.

/* ==UserStyle==
@name:en Flat-Style Netease Music 网易云音乐扁平风格
@description:en A stylesheet for Netease Music website. 一个用于网易云音乐网站的样式表。
@name:zh-CN 网易云音乐扁平风格
@description:zh-CN 一个用于网易云音乐网站的样式表。
@name 网易云音乐扁平风格
@description 一个用于网易云音乐网站的样式表。
@namespace wTonyChen.flatnmusic
@version 0.7.12
@author wTonyChen (
@compatible chrome 83+
@compatible edge 83+
@compatible opera 67+
@compatible firefox 78+
@license Apache-2.0
@preprocessor uso
@var select font-1st "\u9996\u9009\u5b57\u4f53"["Segoe UI","Arial","Avenir Next","Bahnschrift","Calibri","Century Gothic","Comic Sans MS","Corbel","Lucida Sans","Noto Sans","Roboto","Tahoma","Trebuchet MS","Tw Cen MT","Ubuntu","Verdana","Cambria","Century","Times New Roman"]
@var select font-2nd "\u5907\u9009\u5b57\u4f53"{"\u5fae\u8f6f\u96c5\u9ed1":"local('Microsoft YaHei UI'),local('Microsoft YaHei'),","\u5fae\u8f6f\u6b63\u9ed1":"local('Microsoft JhengHei UI'),local('Microsoft JhengHei'),","\u7b49\u7ebf":"local('FZDengXian'),local('DengXian'),","\u9ed1\u4f53":"local('Heiti SC'),local('Heiti TC'),local('SimHei'),","\u5706\u4f53":"local('Yuanti SC'),local('Yuanti TC'),local('YouYuan'),","\u534e\u6587\u4eff\u5b8b":"local('STFangSong'),","\u534e\u6587\u6977\u4f53":"local('STKaiTi'),","\u534e\u6587\u96b6\u4e66":"local('STLiTi'),","\u534e\u6587\u5b8b\u4f53":"local('STSong'),","\u534e\u6587\u7ec6\u9ed1":"local('STXiHei'),","\u534e\u6587\u65b0\u9b4f":"local('STXinWei'),","\u534e\u6587\u4e2d\u5b8b":"local('STZhongSong'),","Hiragino Sans":"local('Hiragino Sans GB'),local('Hiragino Sans CNS'),local('Hiragino Sans'),","Noto Sans CJK":"local('Noto Sans CJK SC'),local('Noto Sans CJK TC'),","PingFang":"local('PingFang SC'),local('PingFang TC'),local('PingFang HK'),"}
@var range letter-spacing "\u5b57\u95f4\u8ddd"[0,-20,20,1]
@var select animation "\u8fc7\u6e21\u52a8\u753b"{"\u542f\u7528":" ","\u7981\u7528":"*,*::before,*::after{animation-timing-function:step-start !important;transition-timing-function:step-start !important;--alt-aa:all .1s step-start !important;scroll-behavior:initial !important}"}
@var color color "\u4e3b\u9898\u8272" #c20c0c
@var color bg-color "\u80cc\u666f\u8272" #fff
@var select app-download "\u9690\u85cf\u5ba2\u6237\u7aef\u4e0b\u8f7d"{"\u53ef\u89c1":" ","\u9690\u85cf":".n-ban .download,.m-multi{display:none !important}.n-ban .ban img{margin:0 auto !important}.n-ban .ban .btnl{left:10px !important}.n-ban .ban .btnr{right:10px !important}.n-ban .dots{width:100% !important}"}
@var select fixed-topbar "\u9876\u680f\u6eda\u52a8\u72b6\u6001"{"\u56fa\u5b9a\u4e8e\u9876\u90e8":".g-topbar{top:0 !important}","\u8ddf\u968f\u9875\u9762\u6eda\u52a8":" "}
@var select topbar-bg-style "\u9876\u680f\u80cc\u666f\u989c\u8272"{"\u4e3b\u9898\u8272":" ","\u754c\u9762\u80cc\u666f\u8272":"body{background:#fff}.m-top{background:#fff}.m-nav a{color:grey}.m-nav a:hover{color:#333}.m-nav a.z-slt{color:var(--gc-aa)}.m-srch .parent input{background:rgba(0,0,0,.1)}.m-srch .parent input:hover{background:rgba(0,0,0,.2)}.m-srch .parent input:focus{background:#fff;box-shadow:inset 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.1)}.m-topvd{border-color:grey;color:grey}.m-topvd:hover{border-color:#333;color:#333}.m-tlist{border-color:#ccc;background:#f2f2f2}.m-tlist a:hover{background:#dadada}.m-tlist a,.m-tlist a:hover,.m-tophead .link,.m-tophead .link:hover,.m-tophead:hover .link{color:#000}"}
@var select topbar-nav-style "\u9876\u680f\u5bfc\u822a\u98ce\u683c"{"\u5706\u89d2":" ","\u76f4\u89d2":".m-nav a.z-slt{border-radius:0}","\u5927\u5706\u89d2":".m-nav a,.m-nav a.z-slt{transform:scale(.8);border-radius:99vw}"}
@var select global-radius "\u754c\u9762\u5706\u89d2\u5143\u7d20"{"\u542f\u7528":" ","\u7981\u7528":"*,*::before,*::after{border-radius:0 !important}"}
@var select helper-integration "\u8f85\u52a9\u811a\u672c\u96c6\u6210"{"\u542f\u7528":".wk-fnm-hi-cfg{--wkhi-a:'0.7.12';--wkhi-b:1;--wkhi-c:'/6f/73/3d/70/63|/61/70/70/76/65/72/3d/32/2e/37/2e/31/2e/31/39/38/32/34/32';--wkhi-d:'/2f/77/65/61/70/69/2f/76/36/2f/70/6c/61/79/6c/69/73/74/2f/64/65/74/61/69/6c|/2f/70/6c/61/79/6c/69/73/74'}","\u7981\u7528":" "}
@var text custom-style "\u81ea\u5b9a\u4e49\u6837\u5f0f" " "
==/UserStyle== */

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	Flat-Style Netease Music by wTonyChen 0.7.12 (20201011)
	License: Apache License 2.0
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