Google search "old style"

Change style in google search results page to look like the old design

À partir de 2022-06-06. Voir la dernière version.

/* ==UserStyle==
@name:fr      Google page de résultats "classique"
@name         Google search "old style"
@version      1.2.9
@description:fr  Change le style dans la page de résultats de google pour ressembler à l'ancien design (2019, sans icône)
@description  Change style in google search results page to look like the old design
@author       Achernar
@license      CC BY-NC 4.0
@preprocessor stylus

@var checkbox hide-favicon 'Hide favicons' 1
@var checkbox invert-lines 'Invert lines' 1
@var checkbox font-size    'Reduce results font size' 1
@var range    font-sizeV   '  size' [0.9, 0.7, 1, 0.01]
@var checkbox get-ws       'Recover whitespace' 1
@var checkbox head-mg      '  Title margin' 1
@var range    line-h       "  Text's line height" [1.48, 1.0, 1.7, .01]
@var range    bottom-mg    '  Bottom margin' [15, 0, 30, 1, 'px']
@var checkbox set-font     'Change font' 0
@var text     font-f       '  Font family' 'arial,sans-serif'
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document regexp("^https:\\/\\/\\..*?\\/search\\?.*") {
/* version 20220606.1 v1.2.9 */
/* google real values are: (20210626) line-h 1.57/1.58 - bottom-mg 27/30 */

/* font family */
if set-font {
  .std, .g, .g h3 {
    font-family: font-f !important;
    letter-spacing: 0;

/* reduce result blocks font size */
if font-size {
  .g {
    --font-sizeV: font-sizeV;
    --sz-norm: 14px;
    --sz-gblk: 16px;
    --margin-b: 27px;
    zoom: font-sizeV;
  .g .g {
    zoom: unset;
  /* target firefox as an alternative to "zoom" */
  @supports (-moz-appearance: none) {
    .g {
      font-size: calc(var(--font-sizeV) * var(--sz-norm));
      margin-bottom: calc(var(--font-sizeV) * var(--margin-b)) !important;
    .g.g-blk span > span {
      font-size: calc(var(--font-sizeV) * var(--sz-gblk));
    .g cite {
      font-size: calc(var(--font-sizeV) * var(--sz-norm));
    .g h3 {
      font-size: calc(var(--font-sizeV) * 20px) !important;

/* hide result favicon */
if hide-favicon {
  .g img[height="16"][src*="data:image"][width="16"] {
    display: none;

/* invert the 2 lines */
if invert-lines {
  .g div.r > a > br:first-child ~ h3,
  .g .rc > div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child ~ h3,
  .g .tF2Cxc div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child ~ h3,
  .g .jtfYYd div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child ~ h3,
  .g > div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child ~ h3,
  .g > div.Y3iVZd g-link > a > br:first-child ~ h3,
  .g div.ct3b9e > a > br:first-child ~ h3 {
    display: block;
  .g div.r > a > br:first-child ~ h3 ~ div,
  .g .rc > div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child ~ h3 ~ div,
  .g .tF2Cxc div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child ~ h3 ~ div,
  .g .jtfYYd div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child ~ h3 ~ div,
  .g > div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child ~ h3 ~ div,
  .g > div.Y3iVZd g-link > a > br:first-child ~ h3 ~ div,
  .g div.ct3b9e > a > br:first-child ~ h3 ~ div {
    position: static;
    margin-top: -0.2em;
  .g div.r > a > br:first-child ~ h3 ~ div *,
  .g .rc > div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child ~ h3 ~ div *,
  .g .tF2Cxc div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child ~ h3 ~ div *,
  .g .jtfYYd div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child ~ h3 ~ div *,
  .g > div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child ~ h3 ~ div *,
  .g > div.Y3iVZd g-link > a > br:first-child ~ h3 ~ div *,
  .g div.ct3b9e > a > br:first-child ~ h3 ~ div * {
    color: green !important;
  .g div.r > a > br:first-child,
  .g .rc > div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child,
  .g .tF2Cxc div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child,
  .g .jtfYYd div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child,
  .g > div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child,
  .g > div.Y3iVZd g-link > a > br:first-child,
  .g div.ct3b9e > a > br:first-child {
    display: none;
  .g div.r > a ~ div,
  .g .rc > div.yuRUbf > a ~ div,
  .g .tF2Cxc div.yuRUbf > a ~ div,
  .g .jtfYYd div.yuRUbf > a ~ div,
  .g > div.yuRUbf > a ~ div,
  .g > div.Y3iVZd g-link > a ~ div {
    position: static;
    margin-top: -1.6em;
    margin-bottom: 1.6em;

  .g > div.Y3iVZd > div > .M42dy {
    margin-bottom: 0;

/* whitespace */
if get-ws {
  if head-mg {
    .g div.r > a > br:first-child ~ h3,
    .g .rc > div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child ~ h3,
    .g .tF2Cxc div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child ~ h3,
    .g .jtfYYd div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child ~ h3,
    .g > div.yuRUbf > a > br:first-child ~ h3,
    .g > div.Y3iVZd g-link > a > br:first-child ~ h3,
    .g div.ct3b9e > a > br:first-child ~ h3 {
      margin-bottom: -1px;
    if invert-lines {
  if line-h != 1.57 {
    .g .st, .g .s > div,
    .g .rc .aCOpRe, .g .rc .IsZvec > div,
    .g .tF2Cxc .aCOpRe, .g .tF2Cxc .IsZvec > div, .g.tF2Cxc .IsZvec > div,
    .g .jtfYYd > [data-content-feature],
    .g .dXiKIc > div * {
      line-height: line-h;
  if bottom-mg != 27px {
    .g {
      --margin-b: bottom-mg;
      margin-bottom: bottom-mg;


/* to prevent the userstyle from disappearing from stylus menu when all options are disabled */
.none {
