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Iwara Custom Sort

Automatically sort teaser images on /videos, /images, /subscriptions, /users, and sidebars using customizable sort function. Can load and sort multiple pages at once.

À partir de 2019-03-26. Voir la dernière version.

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Can load multiple pages at once, additional videos will be dynamically loaded to the page with the sorted order
, and the pagination links at the bottom of a page will change their URL and presentation accordingly.

Can be used together with "Iwara Extension Script", another userscript.

Spicify the custom sort value in the textbox next to the sort button, with following variables (and everything in javascript) available:
views (再生数)
ratio (likes/views)
image (If it's an image :1 or else :0)
gallery (If it's a gallery of multiple images :1 or else :0)
private (If it's privated :1 or else :0)

For example, the default value is '(ratio / (private * 2.5 + 1) + Math.sqrt(likes) / 3000) / (image + 3)'
Math.sqrt is the javascript built-in Square Root function

Click the "default" button to restore the default value.

The script will remember the setting you used before.

Require a userscript extension competible with Greasemonkey >= 4.0.

Multipage loading have tested on:

Tampermonkey and Greasemonkey on Firefox
Tampermonkey on Chrome

Images and galleries seems to have higher likes/views ratio, possibly due to their content being more in line with people's expectation from seeing their thumbnails.

Privated posts with less views seems to have higher likes/views ratio, possibly due to the fact that higher ratio of their views comes from the friended fanbase of the creator.

Likes/views ratio seems to decrease as the views of the posts goes up, possibly due to the fact that lower ratio of their views comes from the creator's followers, and that a wider audiance have seen the posts due to their thumbnail, title, previous statistics, access from ranking pages and direct access from google search results.

Older videos seems to have lower likes/views ratio.