Greasy Fork is available in English.


Try to search DuckDuckGo, and if it fails, use Google instead.

// ==UserScript==
// @name DuckDuckGoogle
// @description Try to search DuckDuckGo, and if it fails, use Google instead.
// @author ForgottenUmbrella
// @namespace
// @version 1.0.5
// @match *://*
// ==/UserScript==
// Return a URL for searching Google.
function googleSearchUrl(query) {
    const base = "";
    return `${base}/search?q=${query}`;
// Return the search query on DuckDuckGo.
function ddgQuery(searchUrl) {
    const params = new URLSearchParams(searchUrl);
    return params.get("q");
// Return whether Firefox has encountered a proxy error.
function firefoxProxyError() {
    const errors = document.getElementsByClassName("error-message");
    return errors.length !== 0;
// Return whether Chrome has encountered a privacy error.
function chromePrivacyError() {
    const isNewTabPage = document.getElementById("one-google") !== null;
    // Chrome loads the new tab page when a privacy error occurs, so
    // detect whether the current page is the new tab page and return it.
    return isNewTabPage;
// Return whether the browser is Chrome.
function isChrome() {
    return !== undefined;
// Navigate to a URL.
function goto(url) {
    location.href = url;
(() => {
    const failed = isChrome() ? chromePrivacyError() : firefoxProxyError();
    if (failed) {