Torn City - Extended Top Bar Search by Xiphias[187717]

This script adds useful search functions to the top bar.

À partir de 2014-12-06. Voir la dernière version.

Ceci est la version du script où le code a été mise à jour. Présenter toutes les versions.

  • v0.60.3 2014-12-06 Added a Forum Search.
  • v0.60.2 2014-08-07 Fixed a Chrome bug that caused the input field to bounce to the left on the first search
  • v0.60.1 2014-08-07 Small syntax fixes
  • v0.60.0 2014-08-07 Few new places added. Also added a new feature Name search. Name search now comes with autocomplete.
  • v0.55 2014-08-03 "Notebook" place added.
  • v0.54 2014-07-29 Fixed layout issue on Firefox.
  • v0.53 2014-07-28 "Your Gallery" place added.
  • v0.52 2014-07-28 Fixed Criminal Record location.
  • v0.51 2014-07-25
  • v0.51 2014-07-25
  • v0.5 2014-07-25