Pixiv Plus

Focus on the immersive experience, 1. Block ads, hide the popular image mask layer of the search page, and directly access the popular images. 2. Search by means of users, and display high-quality works first. 3. Additional search pid and uid functions 4. Single The picture is replaced with the original image format. Append download button, download gif, gif frame compression package, multi-image 5. Display artist id, artist background in the artist page and the work page 6. Automatically load comments 7. On the artist page dynamic The picture in the tag marks the type of work. Github: https://github.com/Ahaochan/Tampermonkey, welcome to star and fork.

À partir de 2018-07-30. Voir la dernière version.

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B Hao 2023-09-17
yoiser 2022-11-20
Dernier: AhaochanAuteur 2023-09-07
OK 下载GIF 显示分辨率失效了
玖曦 2022-10-28
Dernier: AhaochanAuteur 2023-09-07
OK 热度作品貌似被遮挡了
Tosoju 2022-10-26
Dernier: AhaochanAuteur 2023-09-07
Mauvais Can no longer loads original image

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