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A JavaScript library for linkification stuff. Used by linkify-plus-plus.

À partir de 2017-02-23. Voir la dernière version.

Ce script ne devrait pas être installé directement. C'est une librairie créée pour d'autres scripts. Elle doit être inclus avec la commande // @require

Mis à jour

Linkify Plus Plus Core

A JavaScript library for linkification stuff. Used by linkify-plus-plus.



This module exports 2 classes.

  • UrlMatcher - an URL matcher which can match almost all types of links from a string.
  • Linkifier - a promise-based service to run linkification on an element.


npm install -S linkify-plus-plus-core

There is also a browserified version in dist folder. Just add

<script src="path/to/linkify-plus-plus-core.js"></script>

and require() it as

var {UrlMatcher, Linkifier} = require("linkify-plus-plus-core");


// create a matcher
var matcher = new UrlMatcher();

for (var link of matcher.match(text)) {
    // matcher.match() returns a generator, yielding an object for each match result
    console.log(link.start, link.end, link.text, link.url);
// Linkifier needs a matcher to work
var linkifier = new Linkifier({matcher: matcher});

// Linkifier will walk through the DOM tree, match url against all text nodes, and replace them with anchor element.
linkifier.linkify(document.body).then(elapse => {
    console.log(`finished in ${elapse}ms`);
}, err => {
    console.log("failed with error:", err);

API references

This module exports

  • UrlMatcher - a class to find link from string
  • Linkifier - a class to linkify elements
  • INVALID_TAGS - a table of uppercase tag name, which are invalid ancestors for <a> element.


UrlMatcher.constructor([options: object])

The options object, all properties are optional:

  • options.fuzzyIp: boolean, default:true - match 4 digits IP, which often looks like version numbers.
  • options.ignoreMustache: boolean, default:false - ignore links inside mustache "{{", "}}". This is useful to work with other template library like Vue.js.
  • options.unicode: boolean, default:false - match unicode character.
  • options.customRules: array of string, default:[] - a list of regex pattern (in string). E.g. ["file:///\\S+", "magnet:\\?\\S+"]
  • options.standalone: boolean, default:false - the link must be surrounded by whitespace.
  • options.boundaryLeft: string - works with standalone option. Allow some characters to be placed between whitespace and link. Some common characters are {[("'.
  • options.boundaryRight: string - works with standalone option. Allow some characters to be placed between whitespace and link. Some common characters are '")]},.;?!.

UrlMatcher.match(text: string): generator

The generator yielding matched result. The result object:

  • result.start: integer - the start position of the url.
  • result.end: integer - the end position of the url.
  • result.text: string - the matched text.
  • result.url: string - the url of the link. .url doesn't always equal .text, that .text might lack of the protocol but .url is always a full URL.
  • result.custom: boolean - indicate if the result is matched by custom rules.

There are also some properties for each parts of the URL: .protocol, .auth, .domain, .port, .path.


Linkifier.constructor(options: object)

The options object:

  • options.matcher: any object with MatcherInterface, required.

A matcher is an object, having a .match method, which accepts a string and returns an iterable of matched result.

The match result must have .start, .end, .text, and .url properties described above.

  • options.validator: function, optional.

A function recieving an element and returning a boolean to decide if the element should be linkified. Note that the elements in INVALID_TAGS are already filtered out before the validator.

  • options.newTab: boolean, default:true - add target="_blank" to the link.
  • options.embedImage: boolean, default:true - create <img> for the link if the url looks like an image.
  • options.maxRunTime: number, default:100 - in milliseconds. The linkify process is splited into small chunks to avoid blocking. This is the max running time of each chunk.
  • options.timeout: number, default:10000 - in milliseconds. If linkification have processed over this value, an error is raised. Note that any heavy work between each chunks are counted as in timeout too.

Linkifier.linkify(element): promise

Linkify an element. The linkifier would walk through the DOM tree, collect text node and <wbr> tags, match link with matcher, and convert them into links.

When finished, the promise is resolved with elapsed time. When timeout, the promise is rejected with an error.

Other notes


In the very old days, the script is based on Linkify Plus. Although it has been rewritten multiple times, the original license can be found at LICENSE.

TLD list is grabbed from

TLD count is grabbed from


  • Version 0.1.0 (Feb 23, 2017):

    • First release