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GitHub Toc

Generate TOC(Table of Content) for Github readme and Github Wiki

// ==UserScript==
// @name        GitHub Toc
// @description Generate TOC(Table of Content) for Github readme and Github Wiki
// @author      wenLiangcan
// @version     0.1
// @namespace
// @homepage
// @license     MIT (
// @copyright   Copyright © 2014 wenLiangcan
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @include*
// @include*
// @run-at      document-end
// @require
// @require
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

GM_addStyle("#toc{margin-bottom:25px}#toc ul{margin:0;padding:0;list-style:disc;margin-left:15px}#toc li a{padding:5px 10px}#toc a{text-decoration:none;display:block}#toc a:hover{background:#F3F4F8}#toc .toc-h1{padding-left:0}#toc .toc-h2{padding-left:0}#toc .toc-h3{padding-left:10px;list-style:none}article.markdown-body h2,#wiki-body .markdown-body h2{padding-bottom:.3em;font-size:1.5em;line-height:1.225;border-bottom:2px solid #eee}article.markdown-body h3,#wiki-body .markdown-body h3{padding-bottom:.3em;font-size:1.3em;line-height:1.225;border-bottom:1px solid #eee}");

(function($) {
    $('#wiki-body .markdown-body').prepend("<div id='toc'><div>");
    $('#wiki-body .markdown-body').addClass('toc-mian-body')
    $('article.markdown-body').prepend("<div id='toc'><div>");
        'selectors': 'h1,h2,h3', //elements to use as headings
        'container': '.markdown-body.toc-mian-body', //element to find all selectors in
        'smoothScrolling': true, //enable or disable smooth scrolling on click
        'prefix': 'toc', //prefix for anchor tags and class names
        'onHighlight': function(el) {}, //called when a new section is highlighted
        'highlightOnScroll': true, //add class to heading that is currently in focus
        'highlightOffset': 100, //offset to trigger the next headline
        'anchorName': function(i, heading, prefix) { //custom function for anchor name
            return prefix + i;
        'headerText': function(i, heading, $heading) { //custom function building the header-item text
            var rank = $heading.prop("tagName").substr(1)
            if (rank > 2) {
                return '- ' + $heading.text();
            return $heading.text();
    $('.markdown-body.toc-mian-body').prepend("<h2>Table of Contents</h2>");