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Insanejournal Batch Icon Crediting

Update your icon credit lines in a batch.

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Insanejournal Batch Icon Crediting

Update your icon credit lines in a batch.


Automation is a time saver.


Insanejournal Batch Icon Crediting is a user-end script that runs on the Edit Userpics page and does the following:

  1. Builds a modal form and displays it on the Edit Userpics page
  2. Listens for button clicks (radio buttons and the buttons at the bottom of the form)
  3. When the Range radio button is clicked, it displays Start and End inputs
  4. When the Range radio button is not clicked, it hides Start and End inputs
  5. When the Update Credits button is clicked:
    • If the All radio button is selected, update all Comment spaces to reflect the string (even if empty) in the Credit Text input and show the success string in the output message
    • If the Blank Only radio button is selected, update blank Comment spaces to reflect the string (even if empty) in the Credit Text input and show the success string in the output message
    • If the Range radio button is selected
      1. Checks if the Start and End inputs are both numbers. If not, it stops and displays a warning in the output message. Otherwise, it keeps going.
      2. Update Comment spaces for sequential userpic count Start and sequential userpic count End to reflect the string (even if empty) in the Credit Text input and show the success string in the output message
  6. When the Clear Form button is clicked, resets form to starting state of nothing in the inputs, Blank Only radio button selected, and no output message
  7. When the Close Form is clicked, the form is hidden and will not be available until the page is reloaded


Step #1: Have a scripting extension installed on your browser

You must be using one of the following browsers and the supplied extension:

Note: Currently, these are the only known supported browsers.

Step #2: Install the script

Click the big green "Install Script" button above and then click the "Install" button that your scripting extension presents you.

Step #3: Refresh or navigate to the Edit Userpics page and start batch updating your icon credits!

Refresh or navigate to the Edit Userpics page, and the modal form should be displayed and be functional.


Code is written and maintained by Allyson Moisan, who is known as gracefulally on Greasyfork and wastintime on Insanejournal. License is MIT and copyright is to me.


The fastest way to contact me is via my Dropbox post on Insanejournal. Additionally, you may contact me via email or creating a comment in this sctipt's Feedback Forum which I check periodically.


When contacting me about a bug or problem, include the following information:

  • Browser: The browser you are using (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or Safari) [mandatory]
  • Extension: The browser scripting extension you are using (e.g. Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey) [mandatory]
  • Version: Version of Insanejournal Batch Icon Crediting that's installed, go to your script extension dashboard to find it [optional]
  • Bug Description: What's wrong? What steps did you take to create the problem? [mandatory]
  • Screenshot: Link(s) to screenshot(s) of the problem [optional]
  • Contact Info: How to get back to you specifically [optional]

Note: I will get back to you as soon as possible, but I'm not on at all hours, nor do I have a set schedule, so you may have to wait a few hours. Also, never say, "it doesn't work," because that tells me nothing.


If this script helped you and you wish to send me a donation, you can do so via PayPal. Any amount is welcome; you do not have to donate if you don't want to or don't have the means.