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Редирект-кнопка для Шикимори, которая перенаправляет на Anime365

"use strict";
// ==UserScript==
// @name            ShikiLinker
// @description     Редирект-кнопка для Шикимори, которая перенаправляет на Anime365
// @description:en  Redirect button for Shikimori that redirects to Anime 365
// @namespace
// @match *
// @match *
// @connect
// @grant           GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @icon  
// @author          Jogeer
// @license         MIT
// @version         2.2.3
// @compatible      chrome, edge
// ==/UserScript==
const DEBUG = false;
const PAGEURL = new RegExp(/^https?:\/\/shikimori\.me\/animes\/[A-z]?(\d*)-(.*)$/);
const A365URL = '';
const A365API = `${A365URL}api/`;
const SHIKIAPI = '';
const NYAASI = '';
const DISTRIB = 'Erai-raws';
const PARENSSTYLES = "display:flex;flex-direction:row;flex-wrap:wrap;align-content:center;justify-content:center;align-items:center;margin-top:10px";
const CHILDSTYLES = "flex:1 1 auto;text-align:center;padding:5px;background:#18181b;color:white;margin: 0 10px";
const SPANSTYLES = "width:100%;text-align:center;";
const BASICLINKATTRS = [{ attribute: 'class', value: 'link-button' }, { attribute: 'target', value: '_balnk' }, { attribute: 'style', value: CHILDSTYLES }];
class ShikiLinker extends EventTarget {
    //#region Supports
    static BuildElement(element) {
        var _a;
        let attrs = '';
        (_a = element.attributes) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach((el) => {
            let _val = '';
            el.value ? _val = `=\"${el.value}\"` : null;
            attrs += `${el.attribute}${_val} `;
        return `<${element.tag} ${attrs}>${element.text}</${element.tag}>`;
    static ParseUserData() {
        return JSON.parse(document.querySelector('body').getAttribute('data-user'));
    //#region Key
    static async MakeRequest(url) {
        return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: { "Content-type": "application/json" },
                url: `${url}`,
                onload: async (data) => {
                    data = await JSON.parse(data.response);
                    DEBUG ? console.log(`Request to ${url}`, data) : null;
                onerror: async (data) => {
                    DEBUG ? console.error(`Request to ${url}`, data) : null;
    static async MakeApiRequests() {
        let matches = PAGEURL.exec(window.location.href);
        let userData = ShikiLinker.ParseUserData();
        DEBUG ? console.log('Parsing done:', matches, userData) : null;
        let first = await ShikiLinker.MakeRequest(`${A365API}series?myAnimeListId=${matches[1]}`);
        let second = await ShikiLinker.MakeRequest(`${SHIKIAPI}v2/user_rates?user_id=${}&target_id=${matches[1]}&target_type=Anime`);
        DEBUG ? console.log('Req done:', first, second) : null;
        return [first, second];
    static async AddParentContainer(toSelector) {
        if (document.querySelector('#shikilinker-inject')) {
            DEBUG ? console.log('Parent container already exist') : null;
            return false;
        let documentDom = document.querySelector(toSelector);
        documentDom.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ShikiLinker.BuildElement({
            tag: 'div',
            attributes: [
                { attribute: 'class', value: 'watch-online' },
                { attribute: 'id', value: 'shikilinker-inject' },
                { attribute: 'style', value: PARENSSTYLES }
            text: ''
        DEBUG ? console.log('Parent container has been added') : null;
        return true;
    static async AddElement(element) {
        let documentDom = document.querySelector('#shikilinker-inject');
        DEBUG ? console.log('Add:', element, ' to:', documentDom) : null;
        documentDom.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ShikiLinker.BuildElement(element));
    static async HaveNonWatchedEpisode(a365Data, shikiData) {
        DEBUG ? console.log("API data:", a365Data, shikiData) : null;
        if (!shikiData || !shikiData.episodes) {
            shikiData = JSON.parse('{"status": "none", "episodes": 0}');
        if (["completed", "dropped"].includes(shikiData.status) || shikiData.episodes >= a365Data.episodes.length) {
            return false;
        return true;
    static SetupEventListeners() {
        let target = document.querySelector('.rate-number > span.item-add');
        target === null || target === void 0 ? void 0 : target.addEventListener('click', () => {
            DEBUG ? console.log("Got refresh event, do refresh...") : null;
            setTimeout(() => {
            }, 100);
        DEBUG ? console.log("Setted events") : null;
    static async RefreshGoToEpisodeButton() {
        let button = document.querySelector('#shikilinker-a365-gtebtn');
        let datas = await ShikiLinker.MakeApiRequests();
        let _a365Data = datas[0];
        let _shikiData = datas[1];
        if (await ShikiLinker.HaveNonWatchedEpisode([0], _shikiData[0])) {
            button.innerHTML =
                    tag: 'a',
                    attributes: [
                        { attribute: 'href', value: `${A365URL}episodes/${[0].episodes[_shikiData[0].episodes].id}` },
                        { attribute: 'id', value: 'shikilinker-a365-gtebtn' }
                    text: `${_shikiData[0].episodes + 1} ep`
        else {
        DEBUG ? console.log("Refreshed") : null;
    static async Execute() {
        if (!await ShikiLinker.AddParentContainer('.c-info-right')) {
            DEBUG ? console.log('Block already exist') : null;
        let domObject = document.querySelector('#shikilinker-inject');
        let datas = await ShikiLinker.MakeApiRequests();
        let _a365Data = datas[0];
        let _shikiData = datas[1];
        let elements = [
            { tag: 'a', attributes: [{ attribute: 'href', value:[0].url }].concat(BASICLINKATTRS), text: 'Anime 365' },
        if (await ShikiLinker.HaveNonWatchedEpisode([0], _shikiData[0])) {
            DEBUG ? console.log('Have nonwatched ep') : null;
            try {
                    tag: 'a',
                    attributes: [
                        { attribute: 'href', value: `${A365URL}episodes/${[0].episodes[_shikiData[0].episodes].id}` },
                        { attribute: 'id', value: 'shikilinker-a365-gtebtn' }
                    text: `${_shikiData[0].episodes + 1} ep`
            catch (error) {
                DEBUG ? console.log('Have NWE, but:', error) : null;
        elements.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: [{ attribute: 'href', value: `${NYAASI}u=${DISTRIB}&q=${document.querySelector('meta[property="og:title"]').content}` }].concat(BASICLINKATTRS), text: '' });
        elements.push({ tag: 'span', attributes: [{ attribute: 'style', value: SPANSTYLES }], text: 'ShikiLinker' });
        elements.forEach((element) => {
function ready(func) {
    document.addEventListener('turbolinks:load', func);
    if (document.attachEvent ? document.readyState === "complete" : document.readyState !== "loading") {
    else {
        document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', func);