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Wanikani Forums: Latest page's new replies alert autoclick

Hides and automatically click the alert for new threads and replies on the "latest" page so that the threads just pop up.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Wanikani Forums: Latest page's new replies alert autoclick
// @namespace    Wanikani Forums: Latest page's new replies alert autoclick
// @version      0.1.2
// @description  Hides and automatically click the alert for new threads and replies on the "latest" page so that the threads just pop up.
// @author       Kumirei
// @include*
// @require
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

;(function ($, wfs) {
    $('head').append('<style id="AutoClickLatestAlert">.show-more.has-topics {display: none;}</style>')
    wfs.wait('.show-more.has-topics', (e) => {
        $('.show-more.has-topics .alert').click()
})(window.jQuery, window.wfs)