MyAnimeList Artist Entry Colored Highlighting

Highlights shows when accessing an artist entry on the database. The color is chosen based on how the user has marked the show (watching, watched, on-hold, dropped or planned to watch).

// ==UserScript==
// @name         MyAnimeList Artist Entry Colored Highlighting
// @namespace
// @version      2.1
// @description  Highlights shows when accessing an artist entry on the database. The color is chosen based on how the user has marked the show (watching, watched, on-hold, dropped or planned to watch).
// @icon
// @author       Sekii
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
	'use strict';
	// Colors to highlight each show
	const colors = [
		"", // Unused
		"#A5FA8E",  // Watching = Green
		"#C6CFF9",	// Watched  = Blue
		"#FAF38E",	// On-Hold  = Yellow
		"#FF847C",	// Dropped  = Red
		"",	// Unused
		"#CBCBCB"	// Plan to Watch = Gray

	const Type = {
		ANIME: 'anime',
		MANGA: 'manga'

	var animeStatus; // HashTable containing all anime the user has added to their list
	var mangaStatus; // HashTable containing all manga the user has added to their list

	var tables, userName;
	var hasVoice, hasAnime, hasManga;

	document.onload = init();
	function init() {
		// Get user name
		tables = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
		userName = document.getElementsByClassName("header-profile-link")[0].text;
		// Check what we need to highlight
		const allMedia = document.getElementsByTagName("td");
		const htmlString = allMedia[1].innerHTML;
		hasVoice = !htmlString.includes("No voice acting roles have been added to this person.");
		hasAnime = !htmlString.includes("No staff positions have been added to this person.");
		hasManga = !htmlString.includes("No published manga have been added to this person.");
		// Highlight anime
		if (hasVoice || hasAnime) {
			animeStatus = checkCache(Type.ANIME);
			if (animeStatus == null) {
			else {
				highlightTitlesByType(Type.ANIME, animeStatus);

		// Highlight manga
		if (hasManga) {
			mangaStatus = checkCache(Type.MANGA);
			if (mangaStatus == null) {
			else {
				highlightTitlesByType(Type.MANGA, mangaStatus);

	function checkCache(type) {
		const stringTime = type + 'Time';
		const stringStatus = type + 'Status';

		const lastTime = localStorage.getItem(stringTime);
		const timeLimit = ( - 2*60*1000);
		if (lastTime && lastTime > timeLimit) {
			console.log("Using " + type + " data from cache. Wait 2 minutes to update the list.");
			const result = localStorage.getItem(stringStatus);
			return JSON.parse(result);
		return null;

	function downloadList(type) {
		console.log("Downloading user's " + type + " list. This may take some time.");
		var status = {};

		const url = '' + type + 'list/' + userName + '/load.json?status=7&offset=';
		var offset = 0;
		var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
		request.onload = function() {
			var result = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
			for (var i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) {
				var title = result[i][type + "_title"];
				status[title] = result[i].status;
			var allParsed = (result.length < 300);
			if (allParsed) {
				localStorage.setItem(type + 'Time',;
				localStorage.setItem(type + 'Status', JSON.stringify(status));
				highlightTitlesByType(type, status);
			} else {
				offset = offset + 300;"GET", url + offset, true); // async == true
		request.onerror = function() {
			console.log("ERROR: Couldn't fetch user list.");
		};"GET", url + offset, true); // async == true

	function highlightTitlesByType(type, userList) {
		// Highlight titles
		var nTable = 1;
		if (type == Type.ANIME) {
			if (hasVoice) {
				highlightTitles(nTable, userList);
			if (hasAnime) {
				highlightTitles(nTable, userList);
		else { // type == Type.MANGA
			if (hasVoice) { ++nTable; }
			if (hasAnime) { ++nTable; }
			highlightTitles(nTable, userList);

	function highlightTitles(numberTable, userList) {
		var contents = tables[numberTable].getElementsByTagName("tr");
		if (contents.length === 0)
		for (var i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) {
			var td = contents[i].getElementsByTagName("td");
			if (td.length === 0)
			var nameShow = td[1].getElementsByTagName("a");
			var status = userList[nameShow[0].text]
			if (!status)
			var color = colors[status];
			contents[i].setAttribute("style", "background-color: " + color + ";");