4chan [s4s] colored text JS - For funposting on [s4s]
Visible Password JS - try to take over the world!
Danbooru-Image-Adder JS - Add images to posts
Thread Rebuilder JS - try to take over the world!
Kita-Yen 4Chan JS - Add kita to your post with ctr+"k" and Yen with ctr+"\"
kita JS - try to take over the world!
Kita-Yen 4Chan JS - Add kita to your post with ctr+"k" and Yen with ctr+"\"
4Free-FSE [4chan X Enhancement] JS - 4Free - Free Stuff Enhancments. 7 additional features on top of 4chanX
Press "." and do Quoting things on 4chanX JS - Allows you to quote text without creating a quote link item in your post