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YouTube - Disable Inline Playback ("Keep hovering to play")

Disable the Inline Playback feature ("keep hovering to play") on YouTube even when logged out

< Opiniones de YouTube - Disable Inline Playback ("Keep hovering to play")

Puntuación: Malo; el script no funciona

Publicado: 13/12/2024
Editado: 13/12/2024

Does not work on Firefox using Violentmonkey (according to another comment it's been broken for a bit) and sadly the website reverts the change whenever you clean the history. Looking for alternative now sadly :(

Publicado: 13/12/2024

Does not work on Firefox using Violentmonkey (according to another comment it's been broken for a bit, and they had instructions to fix, but script seems abandoned) Sadly the website reverts the change whenever you clean the history (you should be doing that often for security if nothing else). I have found an alternative tho that actually works if you have an ad blocker (tried to simply edit old post/review to add the alternative for others who view it but was not allowed). My solution blocks other annoyances, but you can probably filter out just the ones you need if you want.

Simply add those to the filter list and the problem will stop (working with uBlock Origin)

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