FB: Full Timestamps 2018

Shows full timestamps on Facebook posts

Aquí están todas las versiones de este script. Mostrar únicamente las versiones en las que hubo cambios de código.

  • v3.00DEV 11/5/2019
  • v3.00DEV 18/10/2018
  • v3.00 18/10/2018 New Version will support saving posts.. In progress.
  • vDEVELOPER 18/8/2018
  • v3.75 10/8/2018
  • v3.75 10/8/2018
  • v3.65 16/5/2018 Current Version
  • v3.64 25/3/2018 Script not working, small update to ensure you're running the same code as I am. Working in this update.
  • v3.63 23/3/2018
  • v3.63 23/3/2018 Fixed a re-occurring bug where post information would sometimes display multiple times again. [Lines 69-72] ─ Issue completely resolved now.
  • v3.62 23/3/2018 Fixed a very minor format issue with the Post information being indented by a space. It's not indented by a zero width space. HTML Entity -> ..... Lines 69-72
  • v3.61 23/3/2018 Fixed a bug where post information would sometimes display multiple times. [Lines 69-72]
  • v3.6 23/3/2018 Fixed a bug where post information would sometimes display multiple times. [Lines 69-72]
  • v3.5 22/3/2018
  • v3.5 22/3/2018 Entire Script Reworked, Optimized ─ Now includes showing the post ID and other information.
  • v3.21B 18/3/2018 Minor Fix for 18th of the month not showing in proper format, a result of a missing str_replace for that specific date. Script is otherwise working perfectly.
  • v3.2B 6/3/2018
  • v3.2B 6/3/2018
  • v3.2B 6/3/2018 Adding seconds on to the end of each timestamp required the use of abbr.title.match('pm|am') in order for the am or pm at the end to show up with the correct time of day, the previous version had the issue described at the bottom portion of this post where it would show 3 hours ahead always, resulting in 10pm appearing as the next day (+3 hours) therefore showing up incorrectly as am. The previous method removed am or pm and replaced it with nothing, and then am or pm was added manually using mo
  • v3.05B 5/3/2018
  • v3.0B 5/3/2018
  • v3.0A 5/3/2018
  • v3.0B 5/3/2018
  • v2.61 5/3/2018
  • v2.6 5/3/2018
  • v2.5E2 5/3/2018 Experimental, Non-Working
  • v2.5E 5/3/2018 Experimental Version
  • v2.4 22/2/2018
  • v2.3 22/2/2018
  • v2.3 22/2/2018
  • v2.2 6/2/2018
  • v2.2 6/2/2018 Script Broken, Repair in progress. February 06 2018
  • v2.1 17/1/2018 Added some adjustments to solve an issue with the script not working correctly in Firefox during the first 9 days of each month
  • v2.00 28/12/2017 Official 2.0 Release ─ Format: 8:59:59am on Thursday, 12/12/2017 UTC-0X:00
  • v1.18 7/10/2017
  • v1.18 7/10/2017
  • v1.18 25/8/2017 Facebooks own .timestampContent showed up next to the full timestamp causing 2 separate times be show in some cases. This has been solved. Only 1 time shows now. There may be some issues with a random number showing up infront of the time, but most of these issues have been solved, and are being fixed over the course of time. No problems most of the time.
  • v1.17 19/8/2017 .replace('200','').replace('201','') added for extra numbers showing to the left of the time on some displays.
  • v1.16 17/8/2017
  • v1.15 17/8/2017
  • v1.15 17/8/2017 Time before Date with Seconds (1:12:12am on Sunday, 12/30/2088 UTC-0X:00)
  • v1.10 5/2/2017 Code reworked, works better now.
  • v1.05 BETA 28/1/2017
  • v1.04 28/1/2017
  • v1.02 22/1/2017
  • v1.01 21/1/2017
  • v1.00 21/1/2017