

Versión del día 29/3/2016. Echa un vistazo a la versión más reciente.

A continuación se muestran las versiones de este script en las que se actualizó el código. Ver todas las versiones.

  • v1.1.2.5 2/11/2018 fix problems when passing songs to and loading songs from /fm/m page
  • v1.1.2.4 2/11/2018 adapt to the new mobile song page
  • v1.1.2.3 2/11/2018 adapt to the new /fm/m page, but autoplay cannot be prevented there any more
  • v1.1.2.2 5/8/2018 Revert non-callback invalid "autoplay after fixing url" This reverts commit 3910d6a920b7dfb73b4724a7baf855beb1cd7939.
  • v1.1.2.3 5/8/2018 autoplay after fixing url
  • v1.1.2.2 4/8/2018 fix the song src in song page
  • v1.1.2.1 25/6/2017 mend in js: change timeout value; add more notification
  • v1.1.2.1 25/6/2017 mend in js: change timeout value; add more notification
  • v1.1.2 20/6/2017 fix in js: revise the searching song mechanism in personal centre to adapt to the change of 5sing itself; modify the bottom CSS of prompted list of songs' downloading address.
  • v1.1.1.1 16/4/2017 fix in js: reset ended status after reload list; unlock when list end is reached in personal centre;
  • v1.1.1 14/4/2017 fix in py: enhance jsonp and xhr lock to prevent duplicate loading, fix in js: add a button to automatically fetch all accessible songs thoroughly.
  • v1.1.0 13/4/2017 fix in js: the response from 5sing server via certain API is now unordered, so new mechanism is needed to keep the original order.
  • v1.0.9.1 27/3/2017 Synced from GitHub - fix visible style
  • v1.0.9 9/3/2017 Imported from URL
  • v1.0.9 9/3/2017 Synced from GitHub - fix unblocked autoplaying in single song page; detail: a new playing mechanism in 5sing will detect the 'h5' capability by testing the presence of global variable Worker; if Worker present, it will create autoplaying audio element which is hard to stop by external script; if not, it shall roll back to elder mechanism. - adapt to the new mobile song page
  • v1.0.8 6/6/2016 Synced from GitHub - add a new pattern matching mobile song page - restore 5sing native notification function which had been intendedly forbidden for private usage
  • v1.0.7 15/5/2016 Synced from GitHub - fix in js: fix syntax mistake
  • v1.0.7 15/5/2016 Synced from GitHub - fix in js: display accurate error log while dealing with wma file; fix in py: eliminate redundant log.
  • v1.0.6 13/5/2016 Synced from GitHub - address endless loading problem caused by unreachable song url
  • v1.0.5 4/5/2016 Synced from GitHub - adapt to singer spaces with legacy theme, which use a different selector than other theme in subclass page /
  • v1.0.4 3/5/2016 Synced from GitHub - fix occasional http 404 error of song address; modify certain option format
  • v1.0.3 10/4/2016 Synced from GitHub - change the regexp matching singer space, and make tiny fix - adjust position of the main panel
  • v1.0.2 29/3/2016 Synced from GitHub - modify layout of checkbox to adjust mobile song page
  • v1.0.2 29/3/2016 Synced from GitHub - fine-tune the box model of song name and singer name in the information panel, for convenience of selecting - add status notification in the upper-left corner on the window. add mobile song page support.
  • v1.0.1 8/3/2016 Synced from GitHub - add a workaround to fix the possibe mistaken volume display in firefox
  • v1 5/3/2016 Synced from GitHub - modify format of explanation
  • v1 5/3/2016 Synced from GitHub - complete explanation
  • v1 5/3/2016 Imported from URL