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Worker-MTurk Qual Sorter fue reportado 1/9/2021 como una copia no autorizada de MTurk QualSorter

MTurk QualSorter no lleva asociado ninguna licencia, por lo que no es posible copiarlo si no tienes permiso expreso del autor.

Script Author License Created Updated
Reported Worker-MTurk Qual Sorter Eisen-Uchiha Desconocida 2018-02-28 18:06:58 UTC 2019-07-23 03:54:50 UTC
Original MTurk QualSorter DeliriumTremens Desconocida 2014-08-13 14:56:19 UTC 2014-08-15 19:49:32 UTC

This script has had 1 previous upheld or fixed report.

Eisen-Uchiha (el usuario denunciado) ha hecho:

Se ha confirmado tu denuncia y ha sido eliminado.

The original script doesn't have a license, which means you can't use parts of its code in your script. This is how open source works. Your options are: 1) remove or rewrite these parts, which you can find by using 2) get author's permission that we can verify, 3) suggest the author to add a license that allows modifications like MIT, GPLv3, BSD, CC-BY-4.0, then comply to the terms of this license per