Favoritos by HALCON DE ORO
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TW Friends JS - Friend Management for The West Events
The West - Selector de Buffs JS - Encontrar Buff rapidamente
WestForts.com Import Link JS - A new link to launch the WestForts import script
TWeaker JS - Some little tweaks for The-West!
Forenputze JS - Applies changes to the user interface of The-West's XenForo forum including design changes, addition of useful links like "Forum read"-buttons and other features.
The West Script Button JS - Chowa przycisk skryptów do opcji
TheWest - Tamagotchi PG JS - Power up your character with the Tamagothi menu
The West - Classic Pro JS - Script collection for TW Classic
The West - Sectors Name JS - Show name of the sectors during fort battle
The West - Change of interface JS - Change of interface to be able to have more scripts
The West Perseus Toolkit JS - Useful tools for The West.