// ==UserScript==
// @name Meta Snitch
// @namespace https://github.com/appel/userscripts
// @version 0.2.1
// @description Print page meta data like title, meta keywords, meta description, canonical URL, hreflang tags, OG tags and twitter cards to the console. Also detects different versions of Google Analytics and prints the measurement ID if it can find it.
// @author Ap
// @match *://*/*
// @grant none
// @run-at document-end
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
"use strict";
const labelColor = "color: #00bcd4";
const labelColorError = "color: #f44336";
// Ensure that it's running in the top-level browsing context and not inside an iframe
if (window !== window.top) {
// Only check html docs
if (!document.contentType.startsWith("text/html")) {
function isDevToolsOpen() {
const devtools = function () { };
devtools.toString = function () {
this.opened = true;
return devtools.opened || false;
if (!isDevToolsOpen()) {
console.group("Meta Tags");
// Print title
console.log("%cPage Title%c " + document.title, labelColor, "");
// Print meta keywords
var metaKeywords = document.querySelector('meta[name="keywords"]');
if (metaKeywords) {
console.log("%cMeta Keywords%c " + metaKeywords.content, labelColor, "");
// Print meta description
var metaDescription = document.querySelector('meta[name="description"]');
if (metaDescription) {
var fullDescription = metaDescription.content;
var truncatedDescription = fullDescription.slice(0, 300);
var displayDescription = fullDescription.length > 300 ? truncatedDescription + "..." : truncatedDescription;
console.log("%cMeta Description%c " + displayDescription, labelColor, "");
} else {
console.log("%cNo meta description found.", labelColorError);
// Print canonical URL
var canonical = document.querySelector('link[rel="canonical"]');
if (canonical) {
console.log("%cCanonical%c " + canonical.href, labelColor, "");
} else {
console.log("%cNo canonical URL found.", labelColorError);
// Print hreflang tags
var hreflangTags = document.querySelectorAll('link[rel="alternate"][hreflang]');
if (hreflangTags.length > 0) {
hreflangTags.forEach(function (tag) {
console.log("%cHreflang (" + tag.hreflang + ")%c " + tag.href, labelColor, "");
function printOgTag(properties) {
let ogTagsFound = false;
properties.forEach((property) => {
const ogTag = document.querySelector(`meta[property="og:${property}"]`);
if (ogTag) {
ogTagsFound = true;
console.log(`%cog:${property}%c ${ogTag.content}`, labelColor, "");
function printTwitterTag(names) {
let twitterTagsFound = false;
names.forEach((name) => {
const twitterTag = document.querySelector(`meta[name="twitter:${name}"]`);
if (twitterTag) {
twitterTagsFound = true;
console.log(`%ctwitter:${name}%c ${twitterTag.content}`, labelColor, "");
console.groupCollapsed("Open Graph / Twitter");
// Print Open Graph (OG) tags
printOgTag(["title", "type", "image", "url", "description"]);
// Print Twitter tags
printTwitterTag(["card", "title", "description", "image"]);
console.groupEnd(); // Open Graph / Twitter
console.groupCollapsed("Structured data");
// Print Microdata
const microdataItems = document.querySelectorAll("[itemscope]");
if (microdataItems.length > 0) {
microdataItems.forEach((item, index) => {
console.groupCollapsed(`%cItem (${index + 1})%c ${item.getAttribute("itemtype")}`, labelColor, "");
const itemProps = item.querySelectorAll("[itemprop]");
itemProps.forEach((prop) => {
console.log(`%c${prop.getAttribute("itemprop")}%c ${prop.content || prop.textContent.trim()}`, labelColor, "");
// Find all ld+json script tags
const ldJsonScripts = document.querySelectorAll('script[type="application/ld+json"]');
if (ldJsonScripts.length > 0) {
ldJsonScripts.forEach((script, index) => {
console.group(`%cLD+JSON (${index + 1})%c`, labelColor, "");
try {
// Parse and then stringify the JSON with indentation
const json = JSON.parse(script.innerText);
const formattedJson = JSON.stringify(json, null, 2);
} catch (e) {
console.log("%cError parsing JSON%c" + e.message, labelColorError, "");
} else {
console.log("%cNo LD+JSON scripts found.", labelColorError);
console.groupEnd(); // Structured data
// Get all script tags
const scripts = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName("script"));
// Regular expressions for different versions of Google Analytics
const versions = [
key: "GASC",
name: "Google Analytics Synchronous Code (ga.js/2009)",
regex: /_gat\._getTracker\(["'](UA-[^"']+)["']\)/
key: "GAAC",
name: "Google Analytics Asynchronous Code (ga.js/2009)",
regex: /_gaq\.push\(\['_setAccount', ['"](UA-[^"']+)['"]\]\)/
key: "UAT",
name: "Universal Analytics Tag (analytics.js/2013)",
regex: /ga\('create', ['"](UA-[^"']+)['"],/
key: "GST",
name: "Global Site Tag (gtag.js/2017)",
regex: /gtag\('config', ['"](UA-[^"']+)['"]/
key: "GA4",
name: "Google Analytics 4 (GA4/2020)",
regex: /gtag\('config', ['"](G-[^"']+)['"]/
key: "GTM",
name: "Google Tag Manager",
regex: /(GTM-\w+)/
// Iterate over all script tags
scripts.forEach((script) => {
// Convert HTMLScriptElement to string
const scriptString = script.innerHTML;
// Iterate over all versions of Google Analytics
versions.forEach((version) => {
const match = scriptString.match(version.regex);
if (match) {
if (version.key === "GA4" || version.key === "GTM") {
console.log(`[GA] %c${version.name}%c ${match[1]}`, labelColor, "");
} else {
console.log(`[GA] %c${version.name} ${match[1]}`, labelColorError);