"Nonfren Radar"

"Warns you of unfrenly people on the internet"

A continuación se muestran las versiones de este script en las que se actualizó el código. Ver todas las versiones.

  • v1488.0.4 04/06/2024

    * Updated the list .json with a larger and more comprehensive list.
    * Names sorted alphabetically.
    * Replaced old script homepage link as the site is now dead (when visiting, give it time to load the images).

  • v1488.0.3 22/01/2024

    The script now uses a "trie" sort method instead of regex. As such it is a billion times faster and runs flawlessly now on mobile browsers.

  • v1488.0.2 22/01/2024

    Now covers Latin dialectics without impacting performance.

  • v1488.0.1 28/11/2023