Este script no debería instalarse directamente. Es una biblioteca que utilizan otros scripts mediante la meta-directiva de inclusión // @require
// ==UserScript==
// @name Itsnotlupus' I18N Support
// @namespace Itsnotlupus Industries
// @version 1.2.2
// @description no budget? no translators? no problem.
// @author Itsnotlupus
// @license MIT
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// ==/UserScript==
/*jshint esversion: 11 */
/* There are 2 kind of localized strings you'll find in userscripts:
* 1. strings found in the original web page.
* 2. strings used by the userscript itself.
* To get the former translated, you will need to hook into the web app and somehow get a hold of the proper localized strings.
* For the latter, you can rely on this library to ask Google Translate for some machine-translated strings.
* It's not going to be flawless, but it should generally be close enough.
* API results are cached locally to keep things friendly with Google.
* Pass an array for strings found in the original page, and an object mapping ids to strings for your userscript strings.
* Usage pattern:
* await i18n.init({
* stringsArray: [ <Array of english app strings> ],
* stringsObject: { <Object mapping ids to english script settings> },
* strings: <either of the above values>,
* lang: "<language code ('en','fr','es', etc.)>",
* callback: async (stringsArray) => return {<Object mapping english app strings to localized app strings>}
* });
* All of the object values are optional. `document.documentElement.lang` will be used as value for `lang` by default.
* The callback function can be asynchronous and will be awaited correctly.
* Only pass a callback if you pass an array of string, as it's useless otherwise.
* Note that the .init() method is asynchronous and must be awaited before you can start using t`string`.
* Afterward, you can use t`<english app string>` or t`<script id>` to get a localized string.
* ( setEnStrings, setLanguage and initLanguage are kept around for backward whateverability, but probably don't use them. )
* MISSING: templating, pluralization, or really anything difficult. this is just a cheap stop-gap.
class I18N {
constructor() {
this.translations = GM_getValue("translations", {});
setEnStrings(enStringsArray = [], enStringsObject = {}) {
this.enStringsArray = enStringsArray;
this.enStringsObject = enStringsObject;
this.i18n = { 'en': Object.assign(this.enStringsArray.reduce((o, v) => (o[v]=v,o), {}), this.enStringsObject) };
async setLanguage(lang = document.documentElement.lang, callback = ()=>{}) {
this.lang = lang;
if (lang !== 'en') {
this.i18n[lang] = await callback(this.enStringsArray) ?? {};
return Promise.all(Object.keys(this.i18n.en).filter(k=>!this.i18n[lang][k]).map(async id => {
this.i18n[lang][id] = await this.getTranslation(this.i18n.en[id], 'en', lang);
async initLanguage(lang, callback) { return this.setLanguage(lang, callback); }
// one shot setup rather than using the above methods
async init({ strings, stringsArray, stringsObject, lang = document.documentElement.lang, callback = ()=>{} }) {
stringsArray = Array.isArray(strings) ? strings : stringsArray ?? [];
stringsObject = !Array.isArray(strings) && Object(strings) === strings ? strings : stringsObject ?? {};
this.setEnStrings(stringsArray, stringsObject);
return this.setLanguage(lang, callback);
async getTranslation(text, from, to) {
const key = JSON.stringify({text,from,to});
let translated = this.translations[key];
if (!translated) {
const string = await this._getTranslation(text, from, to);
if (string) {
this.translations[key] = string;
GM_setValue("translations", this.translations);
translated = string;
} else {
translated = text;
return translated;
_getTranslation(text, from, to) {
return new Promise((r,e) =>
method: 'POST',
url: ``,
data: new URLSearchParams({
sl: from,
tl: to,
q: text
responseType: "json",
onload: v => r(v.response?>s.trans).join('') ?? text),
onerror: e
translate(s) {
return this.i18n[this.lang]?.[s] ?? s;
const i18n = new I18N();
const t = s => i18n.translate(s);