Greasy Fork is available in English.


Lie back and watch the dumb bot play!

// ==UserScript==
// @name         2048bot
// @namespace
// @version      0.9415
// @description  Lie back and watch the dumb bot play!
// @author       boynextdesk
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// @license      GNU General Public License v3.0
// ==/UserScript==

* 128   64  32  16
* 64    32  16  8
* 32    16  8   4
* 16    8   4   2
* */

(function() {
    // todo: inspect whether game is over
    // todo: train strategy after game-over
    // todo: set speed and strategy through page
    // todo: beautify layout
    // todo: everlasting game - auto retry until winning
    // todo: bundle direction-ava functinos into an object to global users
    'use strict';
    const eventUp = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
        key: "w",
        keyCode: 87,
        which: 87,
        code: "KeyW",
        location: 0,
        description: "w"
    const eventLeft = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
        key: "a",
        keyCode: 65,
        which: 65,
        code: "KeyA",
        location: 0,
        description: "a"
    const eventRight = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
        key: "d",
        keyCode: 68,
        which: 68,
        code: "KeyD",
        location: 0,
        description: "d"
    const eventDown = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
        key: "s",
        keyCode: 83,
        which: 83,
        code: "KeyS",
        location: 0,
        description: "s"

    // thanks to
    function sleep (time) {
        return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time));
    function lose() {
        return document.getElementsByClassName("game-message game-over")[0] != null
    function win() {
        return document.getElementsByClassName("game-message game-win")[0] != null
    function over() {
        return lose() || win()
    function inspect() {
        const board = Array();
        for(let j = 1 ; j <= 4 ; j++) // row
            const unit4 = Array();
            for(let i = 1 ; i <= 4 ; i++) //column
                const className = "tile-position-"+i+"-"+j
                const tiles = document.getElementsByClassName(className)
                const len = tiles.length
                const tile = tiles[len - 1]
                /// console.log(className)
                let val = 0;
                if(tile != null){
                    val = tile.firstChild.lastChild.nodeValue
                    val = Number(val)
                    /// console.log(val)
                unit4[i] = val
            board[j] = unit4
        return board
    const aboveBox = document.getElementsByClassName("above-game")[0];
    const btnTemplate = document.getElementsByClassName("restart-button")[0];
    let speed = 10;
    let speedIndex = 0;
    let switchU = true;
    const btns = document.getElementsByClassName("restart-button");
    const btnStartAuto = btns[1];
    const startText = document.createTextNode("Start Auto");
    const btnStopAuto = btns[2];
    const stopText = document.createTextNode("Stop Auto");
    const btnSpeedAuto = btns[3];
    const speedText = document.createTextNode("Change Speed");
    let moveOn = false;
    let moveCnt = 0;
    let globalBoard = null;
    document.tagName = "not input"
    const strategy01 = function () {
        const num = Math.random();
        let dispatchee = null;
        moveCnt += 1
        const rate = 1 - Math.min(48 / moveCnt, 0.8)
        const downL = 0.02 * rate
        const rightL = downL + 0.02 * rate;
        if (num < downL) {
            dispatchee = eventDown;
        } else if (num < rightL) {
            dispatchee = eventRight;
        } else if (switchU) {
            dispatchee = eventLeft
            switchU = false
        } else {
            dispatchee = eventUp
            switchU = true
        return dispatchee
    const strategy02 = function () {
        const board = globalBoard
        if(board == null)
            return eventLeft
        const directionAvailable = function(offsetI, offsetJ){
            for(let i = 1 ; i <= 4 ; i++){
                for(let j = 1 ; j <= 4 ; j++){
                    const ni = i + offsetI
                    const nj = j + offsetJ
                    if(ni < 1 || ni > 4) continue
                    if(nj < 1 || nj > 4) continue
                    if(board[i][j] === 0) continue;
                    if(board[ni][nj] === board[i][j] || board[ni][nj] === 0)
                        return true
            return false
        const dir = [[0, -1], [-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]]
        const msg = ["left", "up", "down", "right"]
        const funcArr = [eventLeft, eventUp, eventDown, eventRight]
        for(let i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++){
            const con = directionAvailable(dir[i][0], dir[i][1])
                return funcArr[i]
            //console.log(msg[i] + " unavailable")
        return funcArr[0]
    const moveOneKey = function () {
        if (!moveOn) {
        const dispatchee = strategy02();

    const startListener = async function () {
        moveOn = true;
        while (moveOn) {
            await sleep(10 * speed).then(() => {
                    moveOn = false
                    console.log("Game over.")
                const board = inspect();
                globalBoard = board
            await sleep(70 * speed).then(moveOneKey)

    const stopListener = function () {
        moveOn = false;
        moveCnt = 0
    const speedListener = function () {
        const speeds = [10, 5, 1];
        const words = ["switch to low speed", "switch to fast speed", "switch to super fast speed"];
        const len = 3
        speedIndex = (speedIndex + 1) % len
        speed = speeds[speedIndex]

    btnStartAuto.addEventListener('click', startListener)
    btnStopAuto.addEventListener('click', stopListener)
    btnSpeedAuto.addEventListener('click', speedListener)
