Simplify link jumping on pahe ad websites.
A continuación se muestran las versiones de este script en las que se actualizó el código. Ver todas las versiones.
Submitting form loops the link. Clicking instead. Teknoasian.
Added new domains.
Fix teknoasian.
Fixed blogmystt.
Updated support for teknoasian.
Fixed wp2hostt.
Fixed teknoasian and spacetica clone at old.pahe.
Works with some new links now.
Fixed a recaptcha issue.
Added support for several new sites.
Separated try blocks.
Clicks Pahe+ automatically when countdown ends.Countdown will not stop even if the tab is not in foreground.
Added and teknoasian.
Linegee and Interecelestial are mostly identical now. Spacetica serves has the final barrier. Script has been updated accordingly.As before, keep clicking the colored boxes as they appear.
Found out that uBlock Origin was disabling my custom elements as well. Added a script to fix that. If you see black/white flashing for a second or two, that's my script clashing with uBlock Origin. It's fine. Just take it as a light show.
Removed the delays on the 2nd and 3rd buttons as they don't negatively affect link generation.
The previous version of auto-clicks don't seem to be working with the recent changes. Intercelestial detects when clicks are made using JS instead of the mouse. So, I've mostly shifted to v0.59, which works again, and added an autoclick on Linegee only. Sorry for the trouble.
Some tabs will now try to self-close. This doesn't always work, so you may still see a "Close This Tab" notice.Also, new icon.
Intercelestial should redirect to Teknoasian for now. The former appears to be broken.
Completely rewrote the script to automate the clicks. Some pages may have a hidden countdown, so don't be in a hurry.
Reverted changes to v0.57. Gotta wait for the countdowns again.
I think Pahe is catching up to this script. Ids and tags changed a lot. Welp. This is working for now.
Added some delays to ensure that the buttons don't appear before the countdown has finished. Early clicks seemed to result in errors.
Removed the counter for now.
Shows the countdown that these sites introduced so you know how long you need to wait.Absolute visibility ensures that countdown continues even if you're not looking at the page.
Make all tabs think they're in focus.
Updated to make things work properly again.
The colored buttons now display differently if you're on a mobile device. I should've probably added text, but I don't care. I'll probably be using this alone, and this much is enough for my needs.Oh and the cookie notification won't appear anymore.