Zoom and crop YouTube videos to fill screen height

Removes letterboxing by cropping the left and right edges off of full-screen YouTube videos and zooming to fill the screen height.

A continuación se muestran las versiones de este script en las que se actualizó el código. Ver todas las versiones.

  • v0.6.4 21/03/2019 Added support for youtube-nocookie.com
  • v0.6.3 23/02/2019 Works with embedded videos now, and fixed bug where the zoom button wouldn't be added if delayed.
  • v0.6.1 06/02/2019 Bug fix for zoom toggle button not reflecting state if the player controls were slow to load.
  • v0.6 06/02/2019 Turned off debug logging. (It was accidentally left enabled in released version 0.6. Whoops.)
  • v0.6 06/02/2019 Added a zoom toggle function and the ability to enable zoom outside of full-screen.
  • v0.5.1 21/01/2019 Changed @namespace to a more unique value.
  • v0.5 20/01/2019 Redesigned to trigger on changes to the video element, to improve reliability and remove bugs.
  • v0.4 04/01/2019 Added configurable minimum aspect ratio and maximum crop proportion.
  • v0.2 18/12/2018
  • v0.1 18/12/2018
  • v0.1 18/12/2018
  • v0.1 18/12/2018